Auto-generate documentation for all fuzzing rules. (#76)

This documentation will be referenced in the README file, once it is cleaned up and revamped.
7 files changed
tree: ee245688c8580bb6b00b259c3d4581be8013498d
  1. .github/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. fuzzing/
  5. .bazelrc
  6. .gitignore
  7. BUILD
  9. honggfuzz.BUILD

Bazel Rules for Fuzz Tests

This repository contains Bazel Starlark extensions for defining fuzz tests in Bazel projects.

This is not an officially supported Google product.


To use the Bazel rules for fuzzing, your C++ toolchain should be Clang-based and configured to build the fuzz tests under several compiler instrumentation modes.

The most convenient way to set up your toolchain is by editing the .bazelrc file of your project and grouping the build configuration options into --config groups. We recommend using this setup, which you can copy and paste in your own .bazelrc file. The setup defines the following build modes:

The rest of the documentation assumes the build configuration options are accessible through these names.

Getting started

To import the fuzzing rules in your project, you first need to add the snippet below to your WORKSPACE file:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
        name = "rules_fuzzing",
        sha256 = "8901c2438fb94b55b160e82dd14a8fc3c208f948497822946319c60939c34c4f",
        strip_prefix = "bazel-rules-fuzzing-bc4b3afc59a56cec8c61f964efa93fa81e3eb6a8",
        urls = [""],
load("@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing:repositories.bzl", "rules_fuzzing_dependencies")

load("@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing:dependency_imports.bzl", "fuzzing_dependency_imports")

load("@fuzzing_py_deps//:requirements.bzl", fuzzing_py_install = "pip_install")

Our project is under active development, to use the latest feature, change the urls and sha256 value above to the latest commit.

Rule reference


Tiny example:

Assume that you have a file to do the fuzzing test and corpus files corpus_1.txt and corpus_dir/*.

You can create a fuzz test target in the BUILD like below:

load("@rules_fuzzing//fuzzing:cc_deps.bzl", "cc_fuzz_test")

    name = "fuzz_test",
    srcs = [""],
    corpus = ["corpus_1.txt"] + glob(["corpus_dir/**"],

To run the fuzz target, use the following command:

$ bazel run fuzz_test_run --config=asan-libfuzzer

You can also control the fuzzing test running time by passing --timeout_secs like

$ bazel run fuzz_test_run --config=asan-libfuzzer -- --timeout_secs=20

If you only want to run the regression test on the corpus, set --regression:

$ bazel run fuzz_test_run --config=asan-libfuzzer -- --regression=True

See the examples directory for more examples.

Defining fuzzing engines

TODO: Fill in the missing documentation here.

A fuzzing engine launcher script receives configuration through the following environment variables:

FUZZER_BINARYThe path to the fuzz target executable.
FUZZER_TIMEOUT_SECSIf set, a positive integer representing the timeout in seconds for the entire fuzzer run.
FUZZER_IS_REGRESSIONSet to 1 if the fuzzer should run in regression mode (just execute the input tests), or 0 if this is a continuous fuzzer run.
FUZZER_DICTIONARY_PATHIf set, provides a path to a fuzzing dictionary file.
FUZZER_SEED_CORPUS_DIRIf set, provides a directory path to a seed corpus.
FUZZER_OUTPUT_ROOTA writable path that can be used by the fuzzer during its execution (e.g., as a workspace or for generated artifacts). See the variables below for specific categories of output.
FUZZER_OUTPUT_CORPUS_DIRA path under FUZZER_OUTPUT_ROOT where the new generated tests should be stored.
FUZZER_ARTIFACTS_DIRA path under FUZZER_OUTPUT_ROOT where generated crashes and other relevant artifacts should be stored.