blob: 717af1242213dea897714baa9cae06b87e9566d4 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cose/cose.h"
#include "cose/cose_configure.h"
#include "cose_int.h"
#include "cose_crypto.h"
COSE_KEY *KeysRoot = nullptr;
/*! \private
* @brief Test if a HCOSE_ENVELOPED handle is valid
* Internal function to test if a enveloped message handle is valid.
* This will start returning invalid results and cause the code to
* crash if handles are not released before the memory that underlies them
* is deallocated. This is an issue of a block allocator is used since
* in that case it is common to allocate memory but never to de-allocate it
* and just do that in a single big block.
* @param h handle to be validated
* @returns result of check
bool IsValidKeyHandle(HCOSE_KEY h)
COSE_KEY *p = (COSE_KEY *)h;
if (KeysRoot == nullptr) {
return false;
if (p == nullptr) {
return false;
for (const COSE_KEY *walk = KeysRoot; walk != nullptr;
walk = walk->m_nextKey) {
if (walk == p) {
return true;
return false;
HCOSE_KEY COSE_KEY_FromCbor(cn_cbor *pcborKey,
CBOR_CONTEXT_COMMA cose_errback *perror)
COSE_KEY *pkey = nullptr;
pkey = (COSE_KEY *)COSE_CALLOC(1, sizeof(COSE_KEY), context);
if (pkey == nullptr) {
if (perror != nullptr) {
perror->err = COSE_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
return nullptr;
if (context != nullptr) {
pkey->m_allocContext = *context;
pkey->m_refCount = 1;
pkey->m_cborKey = pcborKey;
pkey->m_nextKey = KeysRoot;
KeysRoot = pkey;
return (HCOSE_KEY)pkey;
COSE_KEY *p = (COSE_KEY *)h;
if (!IsValidKeyHandle(h)) {
return false;
if (p->m_refCount > 1) {
return true;
if (KeysRoot == p) {
KeysRoot = p->m_nextKey;
p->m_nextKey = nullptr;
else {
for (COSE_KEY *walk = KeysRoot; walk->m_nextKey != nullptr;
walk = walk->m_nextKey) {
if (walk->m_nextKey == p) {
walk->m_nextKey = p->m_nextKey;
p->m_nextKey = nullptr;
if (p->m_cborKey != nullptr && p->m_cborKey->parent == nullptr) {
CN_CBOR_FREE(p->m_cborKey, &p->m_allocContext);
COSE_FREE(p, &p->m_allocContext);
return true;
#if defined(COSE_C_USE_OPENSSL) && (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x10100000L)
cn_cbor *pcborKey,
CBOR_CONTEXT_COMMA cose_errback *perror)
COSE_KEY *pkey = nullptr;
pkey = (COSE_KEY *)COSE_CALLOC(1, sizeof(COSE_KEY), context);
if (pkey == nullptr) {
perror->err = COSE_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
return nullptr;
if (context != nullptr) {
pkey->m_allocContext = *context;
pkey->m_refCount = 1;
pkey->m_cborKey = pcborKey;
pkey->m_opensslKey = opensslKey;
pkey->m_nextKey = KeysRoot;
KeysRoot = pkey;
return (HCOSE_KEY)pkey;