Initial open-source commit of Emboss.
diff --git a/front_end/ b/front_end/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a1fa7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front_end/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Checks for dependency cycles in Emboss IR."""
+from public import ir_pb2
+from util import error
+from util import ir_util
+from util import traverse_ir
+def _add_reference_to_dependencies(reference, dependencies, name):
+ dependencies[name] |= {ir_util.hashable_form_of_reference(reference)}
+def _add_field_reference_to_dependencies(reference, dependencies, name):
+ dependencies[name] |= {ir_util.hashable_form_of_reference(reference.path[0])}
+def _add_name_to_dependencies(proto, dependencies):
+ name = ir_util.hashable_form_of_reference(
+ dependencies.setdefault(name, set())
+ return {"name": name}
+def _find_dependencies(ir):
+ """Constructs a dependency graph for the entire IR."""
+ dependencies = {}
+ traverse_ir.fast_traverse_ir_top_down(
+ ir, [ir_pb2.Reference], _add_reference_to_dependencies,
+ # TODO(bolms): Add handling for references inside of attributes, once
+ # there are attributes with non-constant values.
+ skip_descendants_of={
+ ir_pb2.AtomicType, ir_pb2.Attribute, ir_pb2.FieldReference
+ },
+ incidental_actions={
+ ir_pb2.Field: _add_name_to_dependencies,
+ ir_pb2.EnumValue: _add_name_to_dependencies,
+ ir_pb2.RuntimeParameter: _add_name_to_dependencies,
+ },
+ parameters={"dependencies": dependencies})
+ traverse_ir.fast_traverse_ir_top_down(
+ ir, [ir_pb2.FieldReference], _add_field_reference_to_dependencies,
+ skip_descendants_of={ir_pb2.Attribute},
+ incidental_actions={
+ ir_pb2.Field: _add_name_to_dependencies,
+ ir_pb2.EnumValue: _add_name_to_dependencies,
+ ir_pb2.RuntimeParameter: _add_name_to_dependencies,
+ },
+ parameters={"dependencies": dependencies})
+ return dependencies
+def _find_dependency_ordering_for_fields_in_structure(
+ structure, type_definition, dependencies):
+ """Populates structure.fields_in_dependency_order."""
+ # For fields which appear before their dependencies in the original source
+ # text, this algorithm moves them to immediately after their dependencies.
+ #
+ # This is one of many possible schemes for constructing a dependency ordering;
+ # it has the advantage that all of the generated fields (e.g., $size_in_bytes)
+ # stay at the end of the ordering, which makes testing easier.
+ order = []
+ added = set()
+ for parameter in type_definition.runtime_parameter:
+ added.add(ir_util.hashable_form_of_reference(
+ needed = list(range(len(structure.field)))
+ while True:
+ for i in range(len(needed)):
+ field_number = needed[i]
+ field = ir_util.hashable_form_of_reference(
+ structure.field[field_number].name)
+ assert field in dependencies, "dependencies = {}".format(dependencies)
+ if all(dependency in added for dependency in dependencies[field]):
+ order.append(field_number)
+ added.add(field)
+ del needed[i]
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ # If a non-local-field dependency were in dependencies[field], then not all
+ # fields would be added to the dependency ordering. This shouldn't happen.
+ assert len(order) == len(structure.field), (
+ "order: {}\nlen(structure.field: {})".format(order, len(structure.field)))
+ del structure.fields_in_dependency_order[:]
+ structure.fields_in_dependency_order.extend(order)
+def _find_dependency_ordering_for_fields(ir):
+ """Populates the fields_in_dependency_order fields throughout ir."""
+ dependencies = {}
+ # TODO(bolms): This duplicates work in _find_dependencies that could be
+ # shared.
+ traverse_ir.fast_traverse_ir_top_down(
+ ir, [ir_pb2.FieldReference], _add_field_reference_to_dependencies,
+ skip_descendants_of={ir_pb2.Attribute},
+ incidental_actions={
+ ir_pb2.Field: _add_name_to_dependencies,
+ ir_pb2.EnumValue: _add_name_to_dependencies,
+ ir_pb2.RuntimeParameter: _add_name_to_dependencies,
+ },
+ parameters={"dependencies": dependencies})
+ traverse_ir.fast_traverse_ir_top_down(
+ ir, [ir_pb2.Structure],
+ _find_dependency_ordering_for_fields_in_structure,
+ parameters={"dependencies": dependencies})
+def _find_module_import_dependencies(ir):
+ """Constructs a dependency graph of module imports."""
+ dependencies = {}
+ for module in ir.module:
+ foreign_imports = set()
+ for foreign_import in module.foreign_import:
+ # The prelude gets an automatic self-import that shouldn't cause any
+ # problems. No other self-imports are allowed, however.
+ if foreign_import.file_name.text or module.source_file_name:
+ foreign_imports |= {(foreign_import.file_name.text,)}
+ dependencies[module.source_file_name,] = foreign_imports
+ return dependencies
+def _find_cycles(graph):
+ """Finds cycles in graph.
+ The graph does not need to be fully connected.
+ Arguments:
+ graph: A dictionary whose keys are node labels. Values are sets of node
+ labels, representing edges from the key node to the value nodes.
+ Returns:
+ A set of sets of nodes which form strongly-connected components (subgraphs
+ where every node is directly or indirectly reachable from every other node).
+ No node will be included in more than one strongly-connected component, by
+ definition. Strongly-connected components of size 1, where the node in the
+ component does not have a self-edge, are not included in the result.
+ Note that a strongly-connected component may have a more complex structure
+ than a single loop. For example:
+ +-- A <-+ +-> B --+
+ | | | |
+ v C v
+ D ^ ^ E
+ | | | |
+ +-> F --+ +-- G <-+
+ """
+ # This uses Tarjan's strongly-connected components algorithm, as described by
+ # Wikipedia. This is a depth-first traversal of the graph with a node stack
+ # that is independent of the call stack; nodes are added to the stack when
+ # they are first encountered, but not removed until all nodes they can reach
+ # have been checked.
+ next_index = [0]
+ node_indices = {}
+ node_lowlinks = {}
+ nodes_on_stack = set()
+ stack = []
+ nontrivial_components = set()
+ def strong_connect(node):
+ """Implements the STRONGCONNECT routine of Tarjan's algorithm."""
+ node_indices[node] = next_index[0]
+ node_lowlinks[node] = next_index[0]
+ next_index[0] += 1
+ stack.append(node)
+ nodes_on_stack.add(node)
+ for destination_node in graph[node]:
+ if destination_node not in node_indices:
+ strong_connect(destination_node)
+ node_lowlinks[node] = min(node_lowlinks[node],
+ node_lowlinks[destination_node])
+ elif destination_node in nodes_on_stack:
+ node_lowlinks[node] = min(node_lowlinks[node],
+ node_indices[destination_node])
+ strongly_connected_component = []
+ if node_lowlinks[node] == node_indices[node]:
+ while True:
+ popped_node = stack.pop()
+ nodes_on_stack.remove(popped_node)
+ strongly_connected_component.append(popped_node)
+ if popped_node == node:
+ break
+ if (len(strongly_connected_component) > 1 or
+ strongly_connected_component[0] in
+ graph[strongly_connected_component[0]]):
+ nontrivial_components.add(frozenset(strongly_connected_component))
+ for node in graph:
+ if node not in node_indices:
+ strong_connect(node)
+ return nontrivial_components
+def _find_object_dependency_cycles(ir):
+ """Finds dependency cycles in types in the ir."""
+ dependencies = _find_dependencies(ir)
+ cycles = _find_cycles(dict(dependencies))
+ errors = []
+ for cycle in cycles:
+ # TODO(bolms): This lists the entire strongly-connected component in a
+ # fairly arbitrary order. This is simple, and handles components that
+ # aren't simple cycles, but may not be the most user-friendly way to
+ # present this information.
+ cycle_list = sorted(list(cycle))
+ node_object = ir_util.find_object(cycle_list[0], ir)
+ error_group = [
+ error.error(cycle_list[0][0], node_object.source_location,
+ "Dependency cycle\n" +
+ ]
+ for node in cycle_list[1:]:
+ node_object = ir_util.find_object(node, ir)
+ error_group.append(error.note(node[0], node_object.source_location,
+ errors.append(error_group)
+ return errors
+def _find_module_dependency_cycles(ir):
+ """Finds dependency cycles in modules in the ir."""
+ dependencies = _find_module_import_dependencies(ir)
+ cycles = _find_cycles(dict(dependencies))
+ errors = []
+ for cycle in cycles:
+ cycle_list = sorted(list(cycle))
+ module = ir_util.find_object(cycle_list[0], ir)
+ error_group = [
+ error.error(cycle_list[0][0], module.source_location,
+ "Import dependency cycle\n" + module.source_file_name)
+ ]
+ for module_name in cycle_list[1:]:
+ module = ir_util.find_object(module_name, ir)
+ error_group.append(error.note(module_name[0], module.source_location,
+ module.source_file_name))
+ errors.append(error_group)
+ return errors
+def find_dependency_cycles(ir):
+ """Finds any dependency cycles in the ir."""
+ errors = _find_module_dependency_cycles(ir)
+ return errors + _find_object_dependency_cycles(ir)
+def set_dependency_order(ir):
+ """Sets the fields_in_dependency_order member of Structures."""
+ _find_dependency_ordering_for_fields(ir)
+ return []