blob: 9b0ba201d605ebae0c2d9d3be9770cfbcb99e1e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "./centipede/rusage_profiler.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/log/log.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
ABSL_FLAG(bool, verbose, false, "Print extra info for debugging");
// clang-format off
#define EXPECT_TIME_NEAR(x, y, e) \
EXPECT_NEAR(absl::ToDoubleSeconds(x), absl::ToDoubleSeconds(y), e)
#define EXPECT_SYS_TIMING_NEAR(x, y) \
EXPECT_TIME_NEAR((x).wall_time, (y).wall_time, 0.1); \
EXPECT_TIME_NEAR((x).user_time, (y).user_time, 0.01); \
EXPECT_TIME_NEAR((x).sys_time, (y).sys_time, 0.01); \
EXPECT_NEAR((x).cpu_utilization, (y).cpu_utilization, 0.5); \
EXPECT_NEAR((x).cpu_hyper_cores, (y).cpu_hyper_cores, 0.5)
#define EXPECT_MEM_NEAR(x, y, e) \
EXPECT_NEAR(static_cast<double>(x), static_cast<double>(y), \
std::fabs(((x) + (y)) / 2.0 * e))
#define EXPECT_SYS_MEMORY_NEAR(x, y) \
EXPECT_MEM_NEAR((x).mem_vsize, (y).mem_vsize, 0.1); \
EXPECT_MEM_NEAR((x).mem_vpeak, (y).mem_vpeak, 0.1); \
EXPECT_MEM_NEAR((x).mem_rss, (y).mem_rss, 0.2); \
EXPECT_MEM_NEAR((x).mem_data, (y).mem_data, 0.2);
// clang-format on
namespace centipede::perf {
namespace {
struct BigSlowThing {
// NOTE: The order -- first gobble bytes, then waste time -- is important:
// it gives the system memory a chance to settle (finish paging etc.) before
// the returning, so the measurement results are more stable.
BigSlowThing(int64_t gobble_bytes, absl::Duration waste_time) {
const absl::Time start = absl::Now();
// Touch the memory to cause it to actually materialize.
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < big_mem.size(); i += 1000) {
big_mem[i] = '$';
double cpu_waster = 1.23;
while (absl::Now() - start < waste_time) {
cpu_waster = std::cos(cpu_waster);
sleep(1 /*second*/);
std::string big_mem;
void WasteTimeAndGobbleBytes() {
BigSlowThing big_slow_1{50'000'000, absl::Seconds(1)};
BigSlowThing big_slow_2{20'000'000, absl::Seconds(1)};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
BigSlowThing big_slow_3{10'000'000, absl::Seconds(1)};
} // namespace
TEST(RUsageProfilerTest, TimelapseSnapshots) {
RPROF_START_TIMELAPSE(absl::Seconds(1), /*also_log=*/true, "Timelapse");
// NOTE: Exclude this test from MSAN: 1) MSAN messes with the system memory
// and skews the test's memory measurements. 2) The test allocates large
// memory blocks to fight small number volatility of the system allocator, but
// MSAN's custom allocator can't cope and intermittently OOMs.
#if !defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER)
// Compare RUsageProfiler's manually taken snapshots against raw RUsageTiming
// and RUsageMemory numbers acquired approximately at the same time.
// "Approximately the same" is still not *the same*, so some discrepancies are
// fully expected.
TEST(RUsageProfilerTest, ValidateManualSnapshots) {
// Allocate A LOT of memory to fight the small numbers volatility, in
// particular in the virtual memory size and peak, which grow in page
// increments.
constexpr int64_t kGobbleBytes = 10'000'000'000;
constexpr absl::Duration kWasteTime = absl::Seconds(2);
const auto rusage_scope = RUsageScope::ThisProcess();
RUsageProfiler rprof{rusage_scope,
{__FILE__, __LINE__}};
const RUsageProfiler::Snapshot& before_snapshot =
rprof.TakeSnapshot({__FILE__, __LINE__});
// NOTE: Use RUsageProfiler's internal timer rather than RUsageTiming's
// default global one (which starts when the process starts) to measure the
// times on the same timeline.
const RUsageTiming before_timing =
RUsageTiming::Snapshot(rusage_scope, rprof.timer_);
const RUsageMemory before_memory = RUsageMemory::Snapshot(rusage_scope);
const BigSlowThing big_slow_thing{kGobbleBytes, kWasteTime};
const RUsageProfiler::Snapshot& after_snapshot =
rprof.TakeSnapshot({__FILE__, __LINE__});
const RUsageTiming after_timing =
RUsageTiming::Snapshot(rusage_scope, rprof.timer_);
const RUsageMemory after_memory = RUsageMemory::Snapshot(rusage_scope);
const RUsageTiming delta_timing = after_timing - before_timing;
const RUsageMemory delta_memory = after_memory - before_memory;
if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_verbose)) {
LOG(INFO) << "before_snapshot:\n" << before_snapshot.FormattedMetricsStr();
LOG(INFO) << "after_snapshot:\n" << after_snapshot.FormattedMetricsStr();
LOG(INFO) << "";
LOG(INFO) << "before_timing: " << before_timing.FormattedStr();
LOG(INFO) << "after_timing: " << after_timing.FormattedStr();
LOG(INFO) << "delta_timing: " << delta_timing.FormattedStr();
LOG(INFO) << "";
LOG(INFO) << "before_memory: " << before_memory.FormattedStr();
LOG(INFO) << "after_memory: " << after_memory.FormattedStr();
LOG(INFO) << "delta_memory: " << delta_memory.FormattedStr();
after_snapshot.timing - before_snapshot.timing);
after_snapshot.memory - before_snapshot.memory);
// NOTES: 1) The "before" timing numbers are close to 0 and extremely
// volatile, especially for the CPU utilization. Therefore, exclude it, as
// well as the delta timing partially determined by it, from validation.
// 2) All *SANs slow down execution, so skip timing checks under them.
// However, still run RUsageProfiler under them to catch any respective bugs.
#if !defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER) && !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && \
// EXPECT_SYS_TIMING_NEAR(before_snapshot.timing, before_timing);
EXPECT_SYS_TIMING_NEAR(after_snapshot.timing, after_timing);
// EXPECT_SYS_TIMING_NEAR(after_snapshot.delta_timing, delta_timing);
LOG(WARNING) << "Validation of some test results omitted under *SANs";
EXPECT_SYS_MEMORY_NEAR(before_snapshot.memory, before_memory);
EXPECT_SYS_MEMORY_NEAR(after_snapshot.memory, after_memory);
EXPECT_SYS_MEMORY_NEAR(after_snapshot.delta_memory, delta_memory);
#endif // MSAN is now back on.
TEST(RUsageProfilerTest, ValidateTimelapseSnapshots) {
constexpr absl::Duration kWasteTime = absl::Seconds(2);
constexpr absl::Duration kInterval = absl::Milliseconds(500);
constexpr int kGobbleBytes = 100'000'000;
const bool kAlsoLog = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_verbose);
RUsageProfiler rprof{RUsageScope::ThisProcess(),
{__FILE__, __LINE__}};
const BigSlowThing big_slow_thing{kGobbleBytes, kWasteTime};
// NOTE: The sanitizers heavily instrument the code and skew any time
// measurements.
#if !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER) && \
const auto& snapshots = rprof.GetSnapshots();
ASSERT_NEAR(snapshots.size(), absl::FDivDuration(kWasteTime, kInterval), 1);
for (int i = 1; i < snapshots.size(); ++i) {
EXPECT_TIME_NEAR(snapshots[i].time - snapshots[i - 1].time, kInterval, .05);
LOG(WARNING) << "Validation of some test results omitted under *SANs";
TEST(RUsageProfilerTest, ValidateReport) {
constexpr int kGobbleBytes = 100'000'000;
constexpr absl::Duration kWasteTime = absl::Seconds(3);
RUsageProfiler rprof{RUsageScope::ThisProcess(),
{__FILE__, __LINE__}};
rprof.TakeSnapshot({__FILE__, __LINE__});
const BigSlowThing big_slow_thing_1{kGobbleBytes, kWasteTime};
rprof.TakeSnapshot({__FILE__, __LINE__});
const BigSlowThing big_slow_thing_2{kGobbleBytes, kWasteTime};
rprof.TakeSnapshot({__FILE__, __LINE__});
} // BigSlowThings release their memory.
rprof.TakeSnapshot({__FILE__, __LINE__});
class ReportCapture : public RUsageProfiler::ReportSink {
~ReportCapture() override = default;
ReportCapture& operator<<(const std::string& fragment) override {
LOG(INFO).NoPrefix() << fragment;
return *this;
ReportCapture report_capture{};
} // namespace centipede::perf