blob: e8a47df8042f1e3bd031ca435b8ab051f3add3b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cctype>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <variant>
#include "absl/debugging/symbolize.h"
#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/strings/strip.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/meta.h"
namespace fuzztest::internal {
template <typename Domain, typename = void>
struct DomainTraitsImpl {
using corpus_type = typename Domain::value_type;
template <typename Domain>
struct DomainTraitsImpl<
Domain, std::enable_if_t<Domain::has_custom_corpus_type,
std::void_t<typename Domain::corpus_type>>> {
using corpus_type = typename Domain::corpus_type;
// If `has_custom_corpus_type_v<Domain>`, `Domain::corpus_type`.
// Otherwise `Domain::value_type`.
template <typename Domain>
using corpus_type_t = typename DomainTraitsImpl<Domain>::corpus_type;
// Return a best effort printer for type `T`.
// This is useful for cases where the domain can't figure out how to print the
// value.
// It implements a good printer for common known types and fallbacks to an
// "unknown" printer to prevent compile time errors.
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) AutodetectTypePrinter();
// Returns true iff type `T` has a known printer that isn't UnknownPrinter.
template <typename T>
constexpr bool HasKnownPrinter();
// If `needle` is present in `haystack`, consume everything until `needle` and
// return true. Otherwise, return false.
inline bool ConsumePrefixUntil(absl::string_view& haystack,
absl::string_view needle) {
size_t pos = haystack.find(needle);
if (pos == haystack.npos) return false;
haystack.remove_prefix(pos + needle.size());
return true;
inline void SkipAnonymous(absl::string_view& in) {
while (ConsumePrefixUntil(in, "(anonymous namespace)::")) {
template <typename T>
absl::string_view GetTypeName() {
#if defined(__clang__)
// Format "std::string_view GetTypeName() [T = int]"
absl::string_view v = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
ConsumePrefixUntil(v, "[T = ");
absl::ConsumeSuffix(&v, "]");
return v;
return "<TYPE>";
using RawSink = absl::FormatRawSink;
enum class PrintMode { kHumanReadable, kSourceCode };
// Invokes PrintCorpusValue or PrintUserValue from the domain's type printer,
// depending on what's available.
// It will automatically call GetValue if needed for the PrintUserValue call. It
// simplifies as few of the Print implementations.
template <typename Domain>
void PrintValue(const Domain& domain, const corpus_type_t<Domain>& corpus_value,
RawSink out, PrintMode mode) {
auto printer = domain.GetPrinter();
if constexpr (Requires<decltype(printer)>(
[&](auto t) -> decltype(t.PrintCorpusValue(
corpus_value, out, mode)) {})) {
printer.PrintCorpusValue(corpus_value, out, mode);
} else {
printer.PrintUserValue(domain.GetValue(corpus_value), out, mode);
struct IntegralPrinter {
template <typename T>
void PrintUserValue(T v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const {
if constexpr (std::is_enum_v<T>) {
// TODO(sbenzaquen): Try to use enum labels where possible.
// Use static_cast<> when printing source code to avoid init conversion.
switch (mode) {
case PrintMode::kHumanReadable:
absl::Format(out, "%s{", GetTypeName<T>());
case PrintMode::kSourceCode:
absl::Format(out, "static_cast<%s>(", GetTypeName<T>());
PrintUserValue(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>>(v), out, mode);
switch (mode) {
case PrintMode::kHumanReadable:
absl::Format(out, "}");
case PrintMode::kSourceCode:
absl::Format(out, ")");
} else if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<T>) {
PrintUserValue(static_cast<int64_t>(v), out, mode);
} else {
PrintUserValue(static_cast<uint64_t>(v), out, mode);
void PrintUserValue(bool v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const;
void PrintUserValue(char v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const;
void PrintUserValue(uint64_t v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const;
void PrintUserValue(int64_t v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const;
struct FloatingPrinter {
void PrintUserValue(float v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const;
void PrintUserValue(double v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const;
void PrintUserValue(long double v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const;
struct StringPrinter {
template <typename T>
void PrintUserValue(const T& v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const {
switch (mode) {
case PrintMode::kHumanReadable:
absl::Format(out, "\"");
for (char c : v) {
if (std::isprint(c)) {
absl::Format(out, "%c", c);
} else {
absl::Format(out, "\\%03o", c);
absl::Format(out, "\"");
case PrintMode::kSourceCode: {
// Make sure to properly C-escape strings when printing source code, and
// explicitly construct a std::string of the right length if there is an
// embedded NULL character.
const absl::string_view input(, v.size());
const std::string escaped = absl::CEscape(input);
if (absl::StrContains(input, '\0')) {
absl::Format(out, "std::string(\"%s\", %d)", escaped, v.size());
} else {
absl::Format(out, "\"%s\"", escaped);
template <typename... Inner>
struct AggregatePrinter {
const std::tuple<Inner...>& inner;
template <typename T>
void PrintCorpusValue(const T& v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const {
auto bound = internal::BindAggregate(
v, std::integral_constant<int, sizeof...(Inner)>{});
const auto print_one = [&](auto I) {
if (I > 0) absl::Format(out, ", ");
PrintValue(std::get<I>(inner), std::get<I>(bound), out, mode);
absl::Format(out, "{");
ApplyIndex<sizeof...(Inner)>([&](auto... Is) { (print_one(Is), ...); });
absl::Format(out, "}");
template <typename... Inner>
struct VariantPrinter {
const std::tuple<Inner...>& inner;
template <typename T>
void PrintCorpusValue(const T& v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const {
if (mode == PrintMode::kHumanReadable) {
absl::Format(out, "(index=%d, value=", v.index());
// The source code version will work as long as the types are unambiguous.
// Printing the whole variant type to call the explicit constructor might be
// an issue.
Switch<sizeof...(Inner)>(v.index(), [&](auto I) {
PrintValue(std::get<I>(inner), std::get<I>(v), out, mode);
if (mode == PrintMode::kHumanReadable) {
absl::Format(out, ")");
template <typename... Inner>
struct OneOfPrinter {
const std::tuple<Inner...>& inner;
template <typename T>
void PrintCorpusValue(const T& v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const {
Switch<sizeof...(Inner)>(v.index(), [&](auto I) {
PrintValue(std::get<I>(inner), std::get<I>(v), out, mode);
template <typename Domain, typename Inner>
struct OptionalPrinter {
const Domain& domain;
const Inner& inner_domain;
void PrintCorpusValue(const corpus_type_t<Domain>& v, RawSink out,
PrintMode mode) const {
using value_type = typename Domain::value_type;
constexpr bool is_pointer = Requires<value_type>(
[](auto probe)
-> std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer_v<decltype(probe.get())>> {});
if (v.index() == 1) {
switch (mode) {
case PrintMode::kHumanReadable:
absl::Format(out, "(");
PrintValue(inner_domain, std::get<1>(v), out, mode);
absl::Format(out, ")");
case PrintMode::kSourceCode: {
// The source code version will work as long as the expression is
// unambiguous.
if constexpr (is_pointer) {
std::string_view maker =
is_unique_ptr_v<value_type> ? "std::make_unique"
: is_shared_ptr_v<value_type> ? "std::make_shared"
absl::Format(out, "%s<%s>(", maker,
GetTypeName<typename value_type::element_type>());
PrintValue(inner_domain, std::get<1>(v), out, mode);
if (is_pointer) absl::Format(out, ")");
} else {
if (is_pointer) {
absl::Format(out, "%s", "nullptr");
} else {
auto type_name = GetTypeName<value_type>();
size_t pos = type_name.find("::");
if (pos != type_name.npos) {
type_name = type_name.substr(0, pos + 2);
if (type_name == "std::" || type_name == "absl::") {
absl::Format(out, "%s", type_name);
absl::Format(out, "%s", "nullopt");
struct ProtobufPrinter {
template <typename T>
void PrintUserValue(const T& val, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const {
if constexpr (Requires<T>([](auto v) -> decltype(*v) {})) {
// Deref if necessary.
return PrintUserValue(*val, out, mode);
} else {
switch (mode) {
case PrintMode::kHumanReadable:
absl::Format(out, "(%s)", val.ShortDebugString());
case PrintMode::kSourceCode:
absl::Format(out, "ParseTestProto(R\"pb(%s)pb\")",
template <typename D>
struct ProtobufEnumPrinter {
D descriptor;
template <typename T>
void PrintUserValue(const T& v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) const {
if (auto vd = descriptor->FindValueByNumber(v); vd != nullptr) {
// For enums nested inside a message, protoc generates an enum named
// `<MessageName>_<EnumName>` and aliases for each label of the form
// `<MessageName>::<LabelN>`, so we can strip the trailing `_<EnumName>`
// and append `::<Label>`.
// For top-level enums in C++11, the enumerators are local to the enum,
// so leave the name untouched to print `<Enum>::<Label>`.
absl::string_view type_name = GetTypeName<T>();
const std::string& enum_name = descriptor->name();
if (absl::EndsWith(type_name, "_" + enum_name)) {
type_name.remove_suffix(enum_name.size() + 1);
absl::Format(out, "%s::%s", type_name, vd->name());
if (mode == PrintMode::kHumanReadable) {
absl::Format(out, " (");
IntegralPrinter{}.PrintUserValue(static_cast<int64_t>(v), out, mode);
absl::Format(out, ")");
// Fall back on regular enum printer.
IntegralPrinter{}.PrintUserValue(v, out, mode);
struct MonostatePrinter {
template <typename T>
void PrintUserValue(const T&, RawSink out, PrintMode) const {
absl::Format(out, "{}");
template <typename Domain, typename Inner>
struct ContainerPrinter {
const Inner& inner_domain;
void PrintCorpusValue(const corpus_type_t<Domain>& val, RawSink out,
PrintMode mode) const {
absl::Format(out, "{");
bool first = true;
for (const auto& v : val) {
if (!first) absl::Format(out, ", ");
first = false;
PrintValue(inner_domain, v, out, mode);
absl::Format(out, "}");
template <typename F>
constexpr bool HasFunctionName() {
return std::is_function_v<std::remove_pointer_t<F>>;
template <typename F>
std::string GetFunctionName(const F& f, absl::string_view default_name) {
if constexpr (HasFunctionName<F>()) {
char buffer[1024];
if (absl::Symbolize(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(f), buffer,
sizeof(buffer))) {
absl::string_view v = buffer;
absl::ConsumeSuffix(&v, "()");
return std::string(v);
return std::string(default_name);
template <typename Mapper, typename... Inner>
struct MappedPrinter {
const Mapper& mapper;
const std::tuple<Inner...>& inner;
absl::string_view map_fn_name;
template <typename CorpusT>
void PrintCorpusValue(const CorpusT& corpus_value, RawSink out,
PrintMode mode) const {
auto value = ApplyIndex<sizeof...(Inner)>([&](auto... I) {
return mapper(std::get<I>(inner).GetValue(std::get<I>(corpus_value))...);
switch (mode) {
case PrintMode::kHumanReadable: {
// In human readable mode we try and print the user value.
AutodetectTypePrinter<decltype(value)>().PrintUserValue(value, out,
case PrintMode::kSourceCode:
if constexpr (!HasFunctionName<Mapper>() &&
HasKnownPrinter<decltype(value)>()) {
if (map_fn_name.empty()) {
// Fall back on printing the user value if the mapping function is
// unknown (e.g. a lambda) and the value has a useful printer.
AutodetectTypePrinter<decltype(value)>().PrintUserValue(value, out,
// In source code mode we print the mapping expression.
// This should give a better chance of valid code, given that the result
// of the mapping function can easily be a user defined type we can't
// generate otherwise.
absl::string_view default_name =
map_fn_name.empty() ? "<MAPPING_FUNCTION>" : map_fn_name;
absl::Format(out, "%s(", GetFunctionName(mapper, default_name));
const auto print_one = [&](auto I) {
if (I != 0) absl::Format(out, ", ");
PrintValue(std::get<I>(inner), std::get<I>(corpus_value), out, mode);
ApplyIndex<sizeof...(Inner)>([&](auto... Is) { (print_one(Is), ...); });
absl::Format(out, ")");
template <typename FlatMapper, typename... Inner>
struct FlatMappedPrinter {
const FlatMapper& mapper;
const std::tuple<Inner...>& inner;
template <typename CorpusT>
void PrintCorpusValue(const CorpusT& corpus_value, RawSink out,
PrintMode mode) const {
auto output_domain = ApplyIndex<sizeof...(Inner)>([&](auto... I) {
return mapper(
// the first field of `corpus_value` is the output value, so skip it
std::get<I>(inner).GetValue(std::get<I + 1>(corpus_value))...);
auto value = output_domain.GetValue(std::get<0>(corpus_value));
switch (mode) {
case PrintMode::kHumanReadable: {
// In human readable mode we try and print the user value.
AutodetectTypePrinter<decltype(value)>().PrintUserValue(value, out,
case PrintMode::kSourceCode:
if constexpr (!HasFunctionName<FlatMapper>() &&
HasKnownPrinter<decltype(value)>()) {
AutodetectTypePrinter<decltype(value)>().PrintUserValue(value, out,
// In source code mode we print the mapping expression.
// This should give a better chance of valid code, given that the result
// of the mapping function can easily be a user defined type we can't
// generate otherwise.
absl::Format(out, "%s(",
GetFunctionName(mapper, "<FLAT_MAP_FUNCTION>"));
const auto print_one = [&](auto I) {
if (I != 0) absl::Format(out, ", ");
PrintValue(std::get<I>(inner), std::get<I + 1>(corpus_value), out,
ApplyIndex<sizeof...(Inner)>([&](auto... Is) { (print_one(Is), ...); });
absl::Format(out, ")");
struct AutodetectAggregatePrinter {
template <typename T>
void PrintUserValue(const T& v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) {
if (mode == PrintMode::kHumanReadable) {
// In human-readable mode, prefer streaming if available.
if constexpr (is_ostreamable_v<const T&>) {
absl::Format(out, "%s", absl::FormatStreamed(v));
std::tuple bound = DetectBindAggregate(v);
const auto print_one = [&](auto I) {
if (I > 0) absl::Format(out, ", ");
std::remove_reference_t<std::tuple_element_t<I, decltype(bound)>>>()
.PrintUserValue(std::get<I>(bound), out, mode);
absl::Format(out, "{");
[&](auto... Is) { (print_one(Is), ...); });
absl::Format(out, "}");
struct DurationPrinter {
void PrintUserValue(const absl::Duration duration, RawSink out,
PrintMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case PrintMode::kHumanReadable:
absl::Format(out, "%s", absl::FormatDuration(duration));
case PrintMode::kSourceCode:
if (duration == absl::InfiniteDuration()) {
absl::Format(out, "absl::InfiniteDuration()");
} else if (duration == -absl::InfiniteDuration()) {
absl::Format(out, "-absl::InfiniteDuration()");
} else if (duration == absl::ZeroDuration()) {
absl::Format(out, "absl::ZeroDuration()");
} else {
uint32_t rep_lo = absl::time_internal::GetRepLo(duration);
int64_t rep_hi = absl::time_internal::GetRepHi(duration);
if (rep_lo == 0) {
absl::Format(out, "absl::Seconds(%d)", rep_hi);
} else if (rep_lo % 4 == 0) {
absl::Format(out, "absl::Seconds(%d) + absl::Nanoseconds(%u)",
rep_hi, rep_lo / 4);
} else {
"absl::Seconds(%d) + (absl::Nanoseconds(1) / 4) * %u",
rep_hi, rep_lo);
struct TimePrinter {
void PrintUserValue(const absl::Time time, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case PrintMode::kHumanReadable:
absl::Format(out, "%s", absl::FormatTime(time, absl::UTCTimeZone()));
case PrintMode::kSourceCode:
if (time == absl::InfinitePast()) {
absl::Format(out, "absl::InfinitePast()");
} else if (time == absl::InfiniteFuture()) {
absl::Format(out, "absl::InfiniteFuture()");
} else if (time == absl::UnixEpoch()) {
absl::Format(out, "absl::UnixEpoch()");
} else {
absl::Format(out, "absl::UnixEpoch() + ");
DurationPrinter{}.PrintUserValue(time - absl::UnixEpoch(), out, mode);
struct UnknownPrinter {
template <typename T>
void PrintUserValue(const T& v, RawSink out, PrintMode mode) {
if (mode == PrintMode::kHumanReadable) {
// Try streaming the object. We can't guarantee a good source code result,
// but it should be ok for human readable.
if constexpr (is_ostreamable_v<const T&>) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << v;
absl::Format(out, "%s", ss.str());
absl::Format(out, "<unprintable value>");
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) AutodetectTypePrinter() {
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer || std::is_enum_v<T>) {
return IntegralPrinter{};
} else if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
return FloatingPrinter{};
} else if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<T, absl::string_view> ||
std::is_convertible_v<T, std::string_view>) {
return StringPrinter{};
} else if constexpr (is_monostate_v<T>) {
return MonostatePrinter{};
} else if constexpr (is_protocol_buffer_v<T>) {
return ProtobufPrinter{};
} else if constexpr (is_bindable_aggregate_v<T>) {
return AutodetectAggregatePrinter{};
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, absl::Duration>) {
return DurationPrinter{};
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, absl::Time>) {
return TimePrinter{};
} else {
return UnknownPrinter{};
template <typename T>
constexpr bool HasKnownPrinter() {
return !std::is_convertible_v<decltype(AutodetectTypePrinter<T>()),
} // namespace fuzztest::internal