blob: 6ecca82f24106b9811962d1020481a5026fe5f68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "./centipede/command.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <csignal>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem> // NOLINT
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <system_error> // NOLINT
#include "absl/log/check.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/numbers.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_replace.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "absl/time/clock.h"
#include "./centipede/logging.h"
#include "./centipede/util.h"
namespace centipede {
// See the definition of --fork_server flag.
inline constexpr std::string_view kCommandLineSeparator(" \\\n");
inline constexpr std::string_view kNoForkServerRequestPrefix("%f");
// TODO(ussuri): Encapsulate as much of the fork server functionality from
// this source as possible in this struct, and make it a class.
struct Command::ForkServerProps {
// The file paths of the comms pipes.
std::string fifo_path_[2];
// The file descriptors of the comms pipes.
int pipe_[2] = {-1, -1};
// The file path to write the PID of the fork server process to.
std::string pid_file_path_;
// The PID of the fork server process. Used to verify that the fork server is
// running and the pipes are ready for comms.
pid_t pid_ = -1;
// A `stat` of the fork server's binary right after it's started. Used to
// detect that the running process with `pid_` is still the original fork
// server, not a PID recycled by the OS.
struct stat exe_stat_ = {};
~ForkServerProps() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (pipe_[i] >= 0 && close(pipe_[i]) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to close fork server pipe for " << fifo_path_[i];
std::error_code ec;
if (!fifo_path_[i].empty() &&
!std::filesystem::remove(fifo_path_[i], ec)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove fork server pipe file " << fifo_path_[i]
<< ": " << ec;
// NOTE: Because std::unique_ptr<T> requires T to be a complete type wherever
// the deleter is instantiated, the special member functions must be defined
// out-of-line here, now that ForkServerProps is complete (that's by-the-book
// PIMPL).
Command::Command(Command &&other) noexcept = default;
Command::~Command() = default;
Command::Command(std::string_view path, std::vector<std::string> args,
std::vector<std::string> env, std::string_view out,
std::string_view err, absl::Duration timeout,
std::string_view temp_file_path)
: path_(path),
temp_file_path_(temp_file_path) {}
std::string Command::ToString() const {
std::vector<std::string> ss;
// env.
for (const auto &env : env_) {
// path.
std::string path = path_;
// Strip the % prefixes, if any.
if (absl::StartsWith(path, kNoForkServerRequestPrefix)) {
path = path.substr(kNoForkServerRequestPrefix.size());
// Replace @@ with temp_file_path_.
constexpr std::string_view kTempFileWildCard = "@@";
if (absl::StrContains(path, kTempFileWildCard)) {
path = absl::StrReplaceAll(path, {{kTempFileWildCard, temp_file_path_}});
// args.
for (const auto &arg : args_) {
// out/err.
if (!out_.empty()) {
ss.emplace_back(absl::StrCat("> ", out_));
if (!err_.empty()) {
if (out_ != err_) {
ss.emplace_back(absl::StrCat("2> ", err_));
} else {
// Trim trailing space and return.
return absl::StrJoin(ss, kCommandLineSeparator);
bool Command::StartForkServer(std::string_view temp_dir_path,
std::string_view prefix) {
if (absl::StartsWith(path_, kNoForkServerRequestPrefix)) {
VLOG(2) << "Fork server disabled for " << path();
return false;
VLOG(2) << "Starting fork server for " << path();
fork_server_.reset(new ForkServerProps);
fork_server_->fifo_path_[0] = std::filesystem::path(temp_dir_path)
.append(absl::StrCat(prefix, "_FIFO0"));
fork_server_->fifo_path_[1] = std::filesystem::path(temp_dir_path)
.append(absl::StrCat(prefix, "_FIFO1"));
const std::string pid_file_path =
(void)std::filesystem::create_directory(temp_dir_path); // it may not exist.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
PCHECK(mkfifo(fork_server_->fifo_path_[i].c_str(), 0600) == 0)
<< VV(i) << VV(fork_server_->fifo_path_[i]);
// NOTE: A background process does not return its exit status to the subshell,
// so failures will never propagate to the caller of `system()`. Instead, we
// save out the background process's PID to a file and use it later to assert
// that the process has started and is still running.
static constexpr std::string_view kForkServerCommandStub = R"sh(
} &
echo -n $! > "%s"
const std::string fork_server_command = absl::StrFormat(
kForkServerCommandStub, fork_server_->fifo_path_[0],
fork_server_->fifo_path_[1], command_line_, pid_file_path);
VLOG(2) << "Fork server command:" << fork_server_command;
const int exit_code = system(fork_server_command.c_str());
// Check if `system()` was able to parse and run the command at all.
if (exit_code != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
"Failed to parse or run command to launch fork server; will proceed "
"without it");
return false;
// The fork server is probably running now. However, one failure scenario is
// that it starts and exits early. Try opening the read/write comms pipes with
// it: if that fails, something is wrong.
// We use non-blocking I/O to open the pipes. That is good and safe, because:
// 1) This prevents the `open()` calls from hanging when the fork server fails
// to open the pipes on its side (note the use of O_RDWR, not O_WRONLY, to
// avoid ENXIO).
// 2) In `Command::Execute`, we wait for the return channel pipe with a
// `poll()`, so it should always have data when we attempt to `read()` from
// it.
// See more at
if ((fork_server_->pipe_[0] = open(fork_server_->fifo_path_[0].c_str(),
O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0 ||
(fork_server_->pipe_[1] = open(fork_server_->fifo_path_[1].c_str(),
"Failed to establish communication with fork server; will proceed "
"without it");
return false;
// The fork server has started and the comms pipes got opened successfully.
// Read the fork server's PID and the initial /proc/<PID>/exe symlink pointing
// at the fork server's binary, written to the provided files by `command`.
// `Execute()` uses these to monitor the fork server health.
std::string pid_str;
ReadFromLocalFile(pid_file_path, pid_str);
CHECK(absl::SimpleAtoi(pid_str, &fork_server_->pid_)) << VV(pid_str);
std::string proc_exe = absl::StrFormat("/proc/%d/exe", fork_server_->pid_);
if (stat(proc_exe.c_str(), &fork_server_->exe_stat_) != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
absl::StrCat("Fork server appears not running; will proceed without it "
"(failed to stat ",
proc_exe, ")"));
return false;
return true;
absl::Status Command::VerifyForkServerIsHealthy() {
// Preconditions: the callers (`Execute()`) should call us only when the fork
// server is presumed to be running (`fork_server_pid_` >= 0). If it is, the
// comms pipes are guaranteed to be opened by `StartForkServer()`.
CHECK(fork_server_ != nullptr) << "Fork server wasn't started";
CHECK(fork_server_->pid_ >= 0) << "Fork server process failed to start";
CHECK(fork_server_->pipe_[0] >= 0 && fork_server_->pipe_[1] >= 0)
<< "Failed to connect to fork server";
// A process with the fork server PID exists (_some_ process, possibly with a
// recycled PID)...
if (kill(fork_server_->pid_, 0) != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
return absl::UnknownError(absl::StrCat(
"Can't communicate with fork server, PID=", fork_server_->pid_));
// ...and it is a process with our expected binary, so it's practically
// guaranteed to be our original fork server process.
const std::string proc_exe =
absl::StrFormat("/proc/%d/exe", fork_server_->pid_);
struct stat proc_exe_stat = {};
if (stat(proc_exe.c_str(), &proc_exe_stat) != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
return absl::UnknownError(absl::StrCat(
"Failed to stat fork server's /proc/<PID>/exe symlink, PID=",
// TODO(b/281882892): Disable for now. Find a proper solution later.
if constexpr (false) {
if (proc_exe_stat.st_dev != fork_server_->exe_stat_.st_dev ||
proc_exe_stat.st_ino != fork_server_->exe_stat_.st_ino) {
return absl::UnknownError(absl::StrCat(
"Fork server's /proc/<PID>/exe symlink changed (new process?), PID=",
return absl::OkStatus();
int Command::Execute() {
VLOG(1) << "Executing command '" << command_line_ << "'...";
int exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (fork_server_ != nullptr) {
VLOG(1) << "Sending execution request to fork server: " << VV(timeout_);
if (const auto status = VerifyForkServerIsHealthy(); !status.ok()) {
LogProblemInfo(absl::StrCat("Fork server should be running, but isn't: ",
// Wake up the fork server.
char x = ' ';
CHECK_EQ(1, write(fork_server_->pipe_[0], &x, 1));
// The fork server forks, the child is running. Block until some readable
// data appears in the pipe (that is, after the fork server writes the
// execution result to it).
struct pollfd poll_fd = {};
int poll_ret = -1;
auto poll_deadline = absl::Now() + timeout_;
// The `poll()` syscall can get interrupted: it sets errno==EINTR in that
// case. We should tolerate that.
do {
// NOTE: `poll_fd` has to be reset every time.
poll_fd = {
.fd = fork_server_->pipe_[1], // The file descriptor to wait for.
.events = POLLIN, // Wait until `fd` gets readable data.
const int poll_timeout_ms = static_cast<int>(absl::ToInt64Milliseconds(
std::max(poll_deadline - absl::Now(), absl::Milliseconds(1))));
poll_ret = poll(&poll_fd, 1, poll_timeout_ms);
} while (poll_ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (poll_ret != 1 || (poll_fd.revents & POLLIN) == 0) {
// The fork server errored out or timed out, or some other error occurred,
// e.g. the syscall was interrupted.
if (poll_ret == 0) {
absl::StrCat("Timeout while waiting for fork server: timeout is ",
} else {
"Error while waiting for fork server: poll() returned ", poll_ret));
// The fork server wrote the execution result to the pipe: read it.
read(fork_server_->pipe_[1], &exit_code, sizeof(exit_code)));
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Fork server disabled - executing command directly";
// No fork server, use system().
exit_code = system(command_line_.c_str());
if (WIFEXITED(exit_code) && WEXITSTATUS(exit_code) != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
const auto exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(exit_code);
absl::StrCat("Command errored out: exit status=", exit_status),
exit_code = exit_status;
} else if (WIFSIGNALED(exit_code)) {
const auto signal = WTERMSIG(exit_code);
if (signal == SIGINT) {
// When the user kills Centipede via ^C, they are unlikely to be
// interested in any of the subprocesses' outputs. Also, ^C terminates all
// the subprocesses, including all the runners, so all their outputs would
// get printed simultaneously, flooding the log. Hence log at a high
// `vlog_level`.
VlogProblemInfo("Command killed: signal=SIGINT (likely Ctrl-C)",
} else {
// The fork server subprocess was killed by something other than ^C: log
// at a lower `vlog_level` to help diagnose problems.
VlogProblemInfo(absl::StrCat("Command killed: signal=", signal),
exit_code = signal;
return exit_code;
std::string Command::ReadRedirectedStdout() const {
std::string ret;
if (!out_.empty()) {
ReadFromLocalFile(out_, ret);
if (ret.empty()) ret = "<EMPTY>";
return ret;
std::string Command::ReadRedirectedStderr() const {
std::string ret;
if (!err_.empty()) {
if (err_ == "2>&1" || err_ == out_) {
ret = "<DUPED TO STDOUT>";
} else {
ReadFromLocalFile(err_, ret);
if (ret.empty()) ret = "<EMPTY>";
return ret;
void Command::LogProblemInfo(std::string_view message) const {
// Prevent confusing interlaced logs when multiple threads experience failures
// at the same time.
// TODO(ussuri): Non-failure related logs from other threads may still
// interlace with these. Improve further, if possible. Note the printiing
// line-by-line is unavoidable to overcome the single log line length limit.
static absl::Mutex mu{absl::kConstInit};
absl::MutexLock lock(&mu);
LOG(ERROR) << message;
LOG(ERROR).NoPrefix() << "=== COMMAND ===";
LOG(ERROR).NoPrefix() << command_line_;
LOG(ERROR).NoPrefix() << "=== STDOUT ===";
for (const auto &line : absl::StrSplit(ReadRedirectedStdout(), '\n')) {
LOG(ERROR).NoPrefix() << line;
LOG(ERROR).NoPrefix() << "=== STDERR ===";
for (const auto &line : absl::StrSplit(ReadRedirectedStderr(), '\n')) {
LOG(ERROR).NoPrefix() << line;
void Command::VlogProblemInfo(std::string_view message, int vlog_level) const {
if (VLOG_IS_ON(vlog_level)) LogProblemInfo(message);
} // namespace centipede