blob: cfb91644aac127e90bdf8ca1e6dd4b8c57706cdc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <filesystem> // NOLINT
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// TODO(ussuri): Move implementation-only functions to .cc.
namespace centipede::config {
// A set of overloads to cast argv between vector<string> and main()-compatible
// vector<char*> or argc/argv pair in both directions. The result can be used
// like this:
// AugmentedArgvWithCleanup new_argv{CastArgv(argc, argv), ...};
// std::vector<std::string> leftover_argv =
// CastArgv(absl::ParseCommandLine(
// new_argv.argc(), CastArgv(new_argv.argv()).data());
std::vector<std::string> CastArgv(int argc, char** argv);
std::vector<std::string> CastArgv(const std::vector<char*>& argv);
// WARNING: Beware of the lifetimes. The returned vector<char*> referenced the
// passed `argv`, so `argv` must outlive it.
std::vector<char*> CastArgv(const std::vector<std::string>& argv);
// Constructs an augmented copy of `argv` with any substrings appearing in the
// original elements replaced according to a list replacements.
// TODO(ussuri): Make more robust. What we really want is replace any possible
// form of --flag=value with an equivalent form of --new_flag=new_value.
// TODO(ussuri): Remove and just use the required bits of logic in .cc.
class AugmentedArgvWithCleanup final {
using Replacements = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
using BackingResourcesCleanup = std::function<void()>;
// Ctor. The `orig_argc` and `orig_argv` are compatible with those passed to a
// main(). The `replacements` map should map an old substring to a new one.
// Only simple, one-stage string replacement is performed: no regexes,
// placeholders, envvars or recursion. The `cleanup` callback should clean up
// any temporary resources backing the modified flags, such as temporary
// files.
AugmentedArgvWithCleanup(const std::vector<std::string>& orig_argv,
const Replacements& replacements,
BackingResourcesCleanup&& cleanup);
// Dtor. Invokes `cleanup_`.
// Movable by not copyable to prevent `cleanup_` from running twice.
AugmentedArgvWithCleanup(const AugmentedArgvWithCleanup&) = delete;
AugmentedArgvWithCleanup& operator=(const AugmentedArgvWithCleanup&) = delete;
AugmentedArgvWithCleanup(AugmentedArgvWithCleanup&&) noexcept;
AugmentedArgvWithCleanup& operator=(AugmentedArgvWithCleanup&&) noexcept;
// The new argc. Currently, will always match the original argc.
int argc() const { return static_cast<int>(argv_.size()); }
// The new, possibly augmented argv. Note that all its char* elements are
// backed by newly allocated std::strings, so they will all be different from
// their counterparts in the original argv.
const std::vector<std::string>& argv() const { return argv_; }
// Whether the original argv has been augmented from the original, i.e. if any
// of the requested string replacements actually occurred.
bool was_augmented() const { return was_augmented_; }
std::vector<std::string> argv_;
bool was_augmented_;
BackingResourcesCleanup cleanup_;
// Replaces any --config=<config_file> in `argv` (or any alternative form of
// that flag) with a --flagfile=<possibly_localized_config_file>, where
// localization means that a remote <config_file> is copied to a temporary local
// mirror. If <config_file> is already local, it is used as-is.
// The remote file contents is additionally checked for possible nested
// --config, --save_config and --flagfile: such usage is currently unsupported.
// The returned AugmentedArgvWithCleanup deletes the localized files (if any) in
// dtor.
AugmentedArgvWithCleanup LocalizeConfigFilesInArgv(
const std::vector<std::string>& argv);
// If --save_config=<path> was passed on the command line, saves _all_
// Centipede flags (i.e. those specified on the command line AND the defaulted
// ones) to <path> in the format compatible with --config (defined by
// Centipede), as well as --flagfile (defined by Abseil Flags), and returns
// <path>. Otherwise, returns an empty string. If the <path>'s extension is .sh,
// saves a runnable script instead.
std::filesystem::path MaybeSaveConfigToFile(
const std::vector<std::string>& leftover_argv);
// The main runtime initialization sequence of steps. Should parse the command
// line, e.g. by calling absl::ParseCommandLine(), and return the leftover
// positional arguments.
using MainRuntimeInit =
std::function<std::vector<std::string>(int argc, char** argv)>;
// Initializes Centipede:
// - Calls `main_runtime_init` at the right time to initialize the runtime
// subsystems and perform the initial flag parsing.
// - Handles config-related flags: loads the config from --config, if any,
// and saves it to --save_config (or --update_config), if any.
// - Logs the final resolved config.
// - Returns the leftover positional command line arguments in
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<std::string> InitCentipede(
int argc, char** argv, const MainRuntimeInit& main_runtime_init);
} // namespace centipede::config