blob: c97e947b07b65595da80e808ed865ff546101c68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex> //NOLINT
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "./centipede/defs.h"
#include "./centipede/logging.h"
#include "./centipede/pc_info.h"
namespace centipede {
class SymbolTable; // To avoid mutual inclusion with symbol_table.h.
// Reads the pc table from the binary file at `binary_path`. May create a file
// `tmp_path`, but will delete it afterwards. Currently works for:
// * binaries linked with :centipede_runner and built with
// -fsanitize-coverage=pc-table,
// * binaries built with -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc
// Sets `*uses_legacy_trace_pc_instrumentation` to true or false, depending
// on the type of instrumentation detected.
PCTable GetPcTableFromBinary(std::string_view binary_path,
std::string_view objdump_path,
std::string_view tmp_path,
bool *uses_legacy_trace_pc_instrumentation);
// Helper for GetPcTableFromBinary, for binaries linked with :centipede_runner
// and built with -fsanitize-coverage=pc-table. Returns the PCTable that the
// binary itself reported. May create a file `tmp_path`, but will delete it
// afterwards.
PCTable GetPcTableFromBinaryWithPcTable(std::string_view binary_path,
std::string_view tmp_path);
// Helper for GetPcTableFromBinary, for binaries built with
// -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc. Returns the PCTable reconstructed from
// `binary_path` with `<objdump_path> -d`. May create a file `tmp_path`, but
// will delete it afterwards.
PCTable GetPcTableFromBinaryWithTracePC(std::string_view binary_path,
std::string_view objdump_path,
std::string_view tmp_path);
// PCIndex: an index into the PCTable.
// We use 32-bit int for compactness since PCTable is never too large.
using PCIndex = uint32_t;
// A set of PCIndex-es, order is not important.
using PCIndexVec = std::vector<PCIndex>;
// Array of elements in __sancov_cfs section.
// CFTable is created by the compiler/linker in the instrumented binary.
using CFTable = std::vector<intptr_t>;
// Reads the control-flow table from the binary file at `binary_path`.
// May create a file `tmp_path`, but will delete it afterwards.
// Currently works for
// * binaries linked with :fuzz_target_runner
// and built with -fsanitize-coverage=control-flow.
CFTable GetCfTableFromBinary(std::string_view binary_path,
std::string_view tmp_path);
class ControlFlowGraph {
// Reads form __sancov_cfs section. On error it crashes, if the section is not
// there, the graph_ will be empty.
void InitializeControlFlowGraph(const CFTable &cf_table,
const PCTable &pc_table);
// Returns the vector of successor PCs for the given basic block PC.
const std::vector<uintptr_t> &GetSuccessors(uintptr_t basic_block) const;
// Returns the number of cfg entries.
size_t size() const { return graph_.size(); }
// Checks if basic_block is in cfg.
bool exists(const uintptr_t basic_block) const {
return graph_.contains(basic_block);
// Returns cyclomatic complexity of function PC. CHECK-fails if it is not a
// valid function PC.
uint32_t GetCyclomaticComplexity(uintptr_t pc) const {
auto it = function_complexities_.find(pc);
CHECK(it != function_complexities_.end());
return it->second;
// Returns true if the given basic block is function entry.
bool BlockIsFunctionEntry(PCIndex pc_index) const {
// TODO(ussuri): Change the following to use CHECK_LE(pc_index,
// func_entries_.size()) and have a death test.
return pc_index < func_entries_.size() ? func_entries_[pc_index] : false;
// Returns the idx in pc_table associated with the PC, CHECK-fails if the PC
// is not in the pc_table.
PCIndex GetPcIndex(uintptr_t pc) const {
auto it = pc_index_map_.find(pc);
CHECK(it != pc_index_map_.end()) << VV(pc) << " is not in pc_table.";
return it->second;
// Returns true if the PC is in PCTable.
bool IsInPcTable(uintptr_t pc) const { return pc_index_map_.contains(pc); }
// Returns a vector& containing all basic blocks (represented by their PCs)
// reachable from `pc`. The reachability is computed once, lazily.
// The method is const, under the hood it uses a mutable data member.
// Thread-safe: can be called concurrently from multiple threads
const std::vector<uintptr_t> &LazyGetReachabilityForPc(uintptr_t pc) const {
CHECK_EQ(reachability_.size(), pc_index_map_.size());
auto pc_index = GetPcIndex(pc);
std::call_once(*(reachability_[pc_index].once), [this, &pc, &pc_index]() {
reachability_[pc_index].reach = ComputeReachabilityForPc(pc);
return reachability_[pc_index].reach;
// Map from PC to the idx in pc_table.
absl::flat_hash_map<uintptr_t, PCIndex> pc_index_map_;
// A vector of size PCTable. func_entries[idx] is true iff means the PC at idx
// is a function entry.
std::vector<bool> func_entries_;
// A map with PC as the keys and vector of PCs as value.
absl::flat_hash_map<uintptr_t, std::vector<uintptr_t>> graph_;
// A map from function PC to its calculated cyclomatic complexity. It is
// to avoid unnecessary calls to ComputeFunctionCyclomaticComplexity.
absl::flat_hash_map<uintptr_t, uint32_t> function_complexities_;
// Returns a vector of PCs reachable from `pc`, not in any particular order.
// The result always includes `pc`, since any block is reachable from itself.
std::vector<uintptr_t> ComputeReachabilityForPc(uintptr_t pc) const;
FRIEND_TEST(ControlFlowGraph, ComputeReachabilityForPc);
// ReachInfo is a struct to store reachability information for each PC in
// pc_table. The once flag is used to make sure the reach vector is populated
// only once lazily in a thread-friendly manner.
struct ReachInfo {
mutable std::once_flag *once;
mutable std::vector<uintptr_t> reach;
ReachInfo() : once(new std::once_flag) {}
~ReachInfo() { delete once; }
// A vector of size PCTable. reachability_[idx] is reachability info for the
// `idx`th pc. Conceptually it is constant, but we compute it lazily, hence
// 'mutable'
std::vector<ReachInfo> reachability_;
// Computes the Cyclomatic Complexity for the given function,
uint32_t ComputeFunctionCyclomaticComplexity(uintptr_t pc,
const ControlFlowGraph &cfg);
} // namespace centipede