blob: ccf3b5f5a13746a0f5e64eb947581e103bb3f2fb [file] [log] [blame]
# Script for generating fuzztest.bazelrc.
set -euf -o pipefail
echo "### DO NOT EDIT. Generated file.
# To regenerate, run the following from your project's workspace:
# bazel run @com_google_fuzztest//bazel:setup_configs > fuzztest.bazelrc
# And don't forget to add the following to your project's .bazelrc:
# try-import %workspace%/fuzztest.bazelrc
echo "
### Common options.
# Do not use directly.
# Link with Address Sanitizer (ASAN).
build:fuzztest-common --linkopt=-fsanitize=address
# Standard define for \"ifdef-ing\" any fuzz test specific code.
# In fuzz tests, we want to catch assertion violations even in optimized builds.
build:fuzztest-common --copt=-UNDEBUG
echo "
### FuzzTest build configuration.
# Use with: --config=fuzztest
build:fuzztest --config=fuzztest-common
# Link statically.
build:fuzztest --dynamic_mode=off
# We rely on the following flag instead of the compiler provided
# __has_feature(address_sanitizer) to know that we have an ASAN build even in
# the uninstrumented runtime.
build:fuzztest --copt=-DADDRESS_SANITIZER
# When used in the fuzztest repo itself.
if [ ${REPO_NAME} == "@" ]; then
# When used in client repo.
elif [ ${REPO_NAME} == "@com_google_fuzztest" ]; then
echo "Unexpected repo name: ${REPO_NAME}"
exit 1
echo "# We apply coverage tracking and ASAN instrumentation to everything but the
# FuzzTest framework itself (including GoogleTest and GoogleMock).
build:fuzztest --per_file_copt=+//,-${FUZZTEST_FILTER},-googletest/.*,-googlemock/.*@-fsanitize=address,-fsanitize-coverage=inline-8bit-counters,-fsanitize-coverage=trace-cmp
# Do not use the extra configurations below, unless you know what you're doing.
if [[ ${EXTRA_CONFIGS} == *"libfuzzer"* ]]; then
# Find llvm-config.
LLVM_CONFIG=$(command -v llvm-config ||
command -v llvm-config-15 ||
command -v llvm-config-14 ||
command -v llvm-config-13 ||
command -v llvm-config-12 ||
echo "")
if [[ -z "${LLVM_CONFIG}" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Couldn't generate config, because cannot find llvm-config."
echo ""
echo "Please install clang and llvm, e.g.:"
echo ""
echo " sudo apt install clang llvm"
exit 1
echo "
### libFuzzer compatibility mode.
# Use with: --config=libfuzzer
build:libfuzzer --config=fuzztest-common
build:libfuzzer --copt=-DFUZZTEST_COMPATIBILITY_MODE
build:libfuzzer --copt=-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link
build:libfuzzer --per_file_copt=+//,-${FUZZTEST_FILTER},-googletest/.*,-googlemock/.*@-fsanitize=address
build:libfuzzer --linkopt=$(find $(${LLVM_CONFIG} --libdir) -name libclang_rt.fuzzer_no_main-x86_64.a | head -1)
fi # libFuzzer