blob: c5fd983d8f3b3c322549e1c988b1291a5d53a3c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// limitations under the License.
// Tests of Arbitrary<T> domains.
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/random/random.h"
#include "./fuzztest/domain.h"
#include "./domain_tests/domain_testing.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/domain.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/serialization.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/test_protobuf.pb.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/type_support.h"
namespace fuzztest {
namespace {
using ::testing::Each;
using ::testing::ElementsAre;
using ::testing::SizeIs;
using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
TEST(BoolTest, Arbitrary) {
absl::BitGen bitgen;
Domain<bool> domain = Arbitrary<bool>();
bool found[2]{};
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
found[Value(domain, bitgen).user_value] = true;
ASSERT_THAT(found, Each(true));
Value b(domain, bitgen);
bool copy = b.user_value;
b.Mutate(domain, bitgen, false);
EXPECT_NE(b.user_value, copy);
b.Mutate(domain, bitgen, false);
EXPECT_EQ(b.user_value, copy);
struct MyStruct {
int a;
std::string s;
// These are for the tests below that try to get N distinct values.
friend bool operator==(const MyStruct& lhs, const MyStruct& rhs) {
return std::tie(lhs.a, lhs.s) == std::tie(rhs.a, rhs.s);
friend bool operator!=(const MyStruct& lhs, const MyStruct& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
template <typename H>
friend H AbslHashValue(H state, const MyStruct& v) {
return H::combine(std::move(state), v.a, v.s);
template <typename T>
class CompoundTypeTest : public testing::Test {};
// TODO(sbenzaquen): Consider supporting Abseil types directly on Arbitrary<>.
using CompoundTypeTypes =
testing::Types<std::pair<int, std::string>, std::tuple<int>,
std::tuple<bool, int, std::string>, std::array<int, 1>,
std::array<int, 100>, std::variant<int, bool>,
std::optional<int>, std::unique_ptr<std::string>, MyStruct,
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(CompoundTypeTest, CompoundTypeTypes);
TYPED_TEST(CompoundTypeTest, Arbitrary) {
Domain<TypeParam> domain = Arbitrary<TypeParam>();
auto values = MutateUntilFoundN(domain, 100);
VerifyRoundTripThroughConversion(values, domain);
// Just make sure we can find 100 different objects.
// No need to look into their actual values.
EXPECT_EQ(values.size(), 100);
template <typename T>
class MonostateTypeTest : public testing::Test {};
using MonostateTypeTypes = testing::Types<std::true_type, std::false_type,
std::array<int, 0>, std::tuple<>>;
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(MonostateTypeTest, MonostateTypeTypes);
TYPED_TEST(MonostateTypeTest, Arbitrary) {
absl::BitGen bitgen;
// Minimal check that Arbitrary<T> works for monostate types.
Domain<TypeParam> domain = Arbitrary<TypeParam>();
// Init returns a value.
auto v = domain.Init(bitgen);
// Mutate "works". That is, it returns.
// We don't expect it to do anything else since the value can't be changed.
domain.Mutate(v, bitgen, false);
struct BinaryTree {
int i;
std::unique_ptr<BinaryTree> lhs;
std::unique_ptr<BinaryTree> rhs;
int count_nodes() const {
return 1 + (lhs ? lhs->count_nodes() : 0) + (rhs ? rhs->count_nodes() : 0);
TEST(UserDefinedAggregate, NestedArbitrary) {
auto domain = Arbitrary<BinaryTree>();
absl::BitGen bitgen;
Value v(domain, bitgen);
Set<int> s;
while (s.size() < 10) {
v.Mutate(domain, bitgen, false);
struct StatefulIncrementDomain
: public internal::DomainBase<StatefulIncrementDomain> {
using value_type = int;
// Just to make sure we don't mix value_type with corpus_type
using corpus_type = std::tuple<int>;
static constexpr bool has_custom_corpus_type = true;
template <typename PRNG>
corpus_type Init(PRNG& prng) {
// Minimal code to exercise prng.
corpus_type result = {absl::Uniform<value_type>(prng, i, i + 1)};
return result;
template <typename PRNG>
void Mutate(corpus_type& val, PRNG& prng, bool only_shrink) {
std::get<0>(val) += absl::Uniform<value_type>(prng, 5, 6) +
value_type GetValue(corpus_type v) const { return std::get<0>(v); }
std::optional<corpus_type> FromValue(value_type v) const {
return std::tuple{v};
std::optional<corpus_type> ParseCorpus(const internal::IRObject& obj) const {
return obj.ToCorpus<corpus_type>();
internal::IRObject SerializeCorpus(const corpus_type& v) const {
return internal::IRObject::FromCorpus(v);
auto GetPrinter() const { return internal::IntegralPrinter{}; }
value_type i = 0;
TEST(Domain, Constructability) {
(std::is_constructible_v<Domain<int>, internal::ArbitraryImpl<int>>));
// Wrong type
(std::is_constructible_v<Domain<int>, internal::ArbitraryImpl<char>>));
struct NoBase {};
EXPECT_FALSE((std::is_constructible_v<Domain<int>, NoBase>));
TEST(Domain, BasicVerify) {
Domain<int> domain = StatefulIncrementDomain{};
absl::BitGen bitgen;
EXPECT_EQ(Value(domain, bitgen), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(Value(domain, bitgen), 1);
Domain<int> copy = domain;
EXPECT_EQ(Value(domain, bitgen), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(Value(domain, bitgen), 3);
// `copy` has its own state.
EXPECT_EQ(Value(copy, bitgen), 2);
domain = copy;
EXPECT_EQ(Value(domain, bitgen), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(Value(copy, bitgen), 3);
Value i(domain, bitgen);
Value j = i;
i.Mutate(domain, bitgen, false);
EXPECT_THAT(i.user_value, j.user_value + 5);
i.Mutate(domain, bitgen, true);
EXPECT_THAT(i.user_value, j.user_value + 11);
// TODO(b/246448769): Rewrite the test to decrease the chance of failure.
RepeatedMutationEventuallyMutatesAllFieldsOfArbitraryProtobuf) {
Domain<internal::TestProtobuf> domain = Arbitrary<internal::TestProtobuf>();
absl::BitGen bitgen;
Value val(domain, bitgen);
const auto verify_field_changes = [&](std::string_view name, auto has,
auto get) {
const auto optional_get = [&]() {
return has(val.user_value) ? std::optional(get(val.user_value))
: std::nullopt;
using OptionalV = decltype(optional_get());
Set<OptionalV> values;
int iterations = 10'000;
while (--iterations > 0 && values.size() < 2) {
val.Mutate(domain, bitgen, false);
EXPECT_GT(iterations, 0)
<< "Field: " << name << " -- " << testing::PrintToString(values);
const auto verify_repeated_field_changes = [&](std::string_view name,
auto get) {
Set<int> sizes;
Set<std::decay_t<decltype(get(val.user_value)[0])>> elem0;
int iterations = 10'000;
while (--iterations > 0 && (elem0.size() < 2 || sizes.size() < 2)) {
auto field = get(val.user_value);
if (field.size() > 0) {
val.Mutate(domain, bitgen, false);
EXPECT_GT(iterations, 0)
<< "Field: " << name << " -- " << testing::PrintToString(sizes)
<< " ++ " << testing::PrintToString(elem0);
VisitTestProtobuf(verify_field_changes, verify_repeated_field_changes);
VerifyRoundTripThroughConversion(val, domain);
// TODO(b/246652379): Re-enable after b/231212420 is fixed.
DISABLED_ShrinkingEventuallyUnsetsAndEmptiesAllFieldsOfArbitraryProtobuf) {
Domain<internal::TestProtobuf> domain = Arbitrary<internal::TestProtobuf>();
absl::BitGen bitgen;
Value val(domain, bitgen);
for (int i = 0; i < 10'000; ++i) {
val.Mutate(domain, bitgen, /*only_shrink=*/false);
// We verify that the object actually has things in it. This can technically
// fail if the very last operation done above was to unset the very last set
// field, but it is very unlikely.
ASSERT_NE(val.user_value.ByteSizeLong(), 0);
// ByteSizeLong() == 0 is a simple way to determine that all fields are unset.
for (int iteration = 0;
val.user_value.ByteSizeLong() > 0 && iteration < 50'000; ++iteration) {
const auto prev = val;
val.Mutate(domain, bitgen, /*only_shrink=*/true);
ASSERT_TRUE(TowardsZero(prev.user_value, val.user_value))
<< prev << " -vs- " << val;
EXPECT_EQ(val.user_value.ByteSizeLong(), 0);
// TODO(JunyangShao): Consider split this test into:
// - OptionalFieldIsEventuallySet
// - OptionalFieldIsEventuallyUnset
// - OptionalFieldInSubprotoIsEventuallySet
// - OptionalFieldInSubprotoIsEventuallyUnset
// - MinimizationEventuallyProducesMinimalProto
TEST(ProtocolBuffer, ArbitraryWithRequiredHasAllMutations) {
auto domain = Arbitrary<internal::TestProtobufWithRequired>();
absl::BitGen bitgen;
Value val(domain, bitgen);
ASSERT_TRUE(val.user_value.IsInitialized()) << val.user_value.DebugString();
// Verify that some changes happen
enum ThingsToFind {
absl::flat_hash_set<ThingsToFind> to_find;
int i = 0;
while (to_find.size() < 5 && ++i < 1000) {
ASSERT_TRUE(val.user_value.IsInitialized()) << val.user_value.DebugString();
using ValueType = decltype(val.user_value);
const ValueType* v = &val.user_value;
int depth = 1000;
while (--depth > 0) {
to_find.insert(v->has_i32() ? kOptionalFull : kOptionalEmpty);
if (v->has_req_sub()) {
? kRequiredSubWithOptionalFull
: kRequiredSubWithOptionalEmpty);
if (v->has_sub_req()) {
v = &v->sub_req();
} else {
val.Mutate(domain, bitgen, false);
EXPECT_THAT(to_find, UnorderedElementsAre(kOptionalEmpty, kOptionalFull,
// Test shrinking.
// Required fields should never be removed.
const auto is_minimal = [&] {
auto& v = val.user_value;
return !v.has_i32() && v.req_i32() == 0 && v.req_e() == 0 &&
!v.req_sub().has_subproto_i32() && !v.has_sub_req();
while (!is_minimal()) {
const auto prev = val;
val.Mutate(domain, bitgen, true);
ASSERT_TRUE(val.user_value.IsInitialized()) << val.user_value.DebugString();
ASSERT_TRUE(val.user_value.IsInitialized()) << val.user_value.DebugString();
TEST(ProtocolBuffer, CanUsePerFieldDomains) {
using internal::TestProtobuf;
Domain<TestProtobuf> domain =
.WithInt32Field("i32", InRange(1, 4))
.WithStringField("str", PrintableAsciiString().WithSize(4))
"e", ElementOf<int>({TestProtobuf::Label2, TestProtobuf::Label4}))
.WithRepeatedBoolField("rep_b", VectorOf(Just(true)).WithSize(2))
"subproto", Arbitrary<internal::TestSubProtobuf>().WithInt32Field(
"subproto_i32", Just(-1)));
absl::BitGen bitgen;
Value val(domain, bitgen);
Set<int32_t> i32_values;
Set<std::string> str_values;
Set<TestProtobuf::Enum> e_values;
Set<std::vector<bool>> rep_b_values;
Set<int> subproto_i32_values;
// InRange(1, 4) -> 4 values.
static constexpr int i32_count = 4;
// There are way too many possible strings, so check we find a handful.
static constexpr int str_count = 10;
// Only two enums in the ElementOf.
static constexpr int e_count = 2;
// Only one possible value: `{true, true}`.
static constexpr int rep_p_count = 1;
// Only one possible value: `-1`
static constexpr int subproto_i32_count = 1;
while (i32_values.size() < i32_count || str_values.size() < str_count ||
e_values.size() < e_count || rep_b_values.size() < rep_p_count ||
subproto_i32_values.size() < subproto_i32_count) {
val.Mutate(domain, bitgen, false);
if (val.user_value.has_i32()) i32_values.insert(val.user_value.i32());
if (val.user_value.has_str()) str_values.insert(val.user_value.str());
if (val.user_value.has_e()) e_values.insert(val.user_value.e());
if (!val.user_value.rep_b().empty()) {
if (val.user_value.subproto().has_subproto_i32()) {
// Let's make sure the custom corpus information can be serialized properly.
auto parsed = domain.ParseCorpus(domain.SerializeCorpus(val.corpus_value));
auto value_copy = domain.GetValue(*parsed);
EXPECT_TRUE(Eq{}(val.user_value, value_copy));
EXPECT_THAT(i32_values, UnorderedElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4));
EXPECT_THAT(str_values, Each(SizeIs(4)));
UnorderedElementsAre(TestProtobuf::Label2, TestProtobuf::Label4));
EXPECT_THAT(rep_b_values, UnorderedElementsAre(ElementsAre(true, true)));
EXPECT_THAT(subproto_i32_values, ElementsAre(-1));
TEST(ProtocolBuffer, InvalidInputReportsError) {
"i32", Arbitrary<std::string>()),
"Failed precondition.*"
"does not match field `fuzztest.internal.TestProtobuf.i32`");
TEST(ProtocolBuffer, SerializeAndParseCanHandleExtensions) {
auto domain = Arbitrary<internal::TestProtobufWithExtension>();
internal::TestProtobufWithExtension user_value;
user_value.SetExtension(internal::ProtoExtender::ext, "Hello?!?!");
auto corpus_value = domain.FromValue(user_value);
EXPECT_TRUE(corpus_value != std::nullopt);
auto serialized = domain.SerializeCorpus(corpus_value.value());
auto parsed = domain.ParseCorpus(serialized);
EXPECT_TRUE(parsed != std::nullopt);
auto user_value_after_serialize_parse = domain.GetValue(parsed.value());
EXPECT_EQ("Hello?!?!", user_value_after_serialize_parse.GetExtension(
TEST(ProtocolBufferEnum, Arbitrary) {
auto domain = Arbitrary<internal::TestProtobuf_Enum>();
absl::BitGen bitgen;
Value val(domain, bitgen);
Set<internal::TestProtobuf_Enum> s;
while (s.size() < internal::TestProtobuf_Enum_descriptor()->value_count()) {
val.Mutate(domain, bitgen, false);
val.Mutate(domain, bitgen, true);
TEST(ProtocolBuffer, CountNumberOfFieldsCorrect) {
using T = internal::TestProtobuf;
using SubT = internal::TestSubProtobuf;
auto domain = Arbitrary<T>();
T v;
auto corpus_v_uninitialized = domain.FromValue(v);
EXPECT_TRUE(corpus_v_uninitialized != std::nullopt);
EXPECT_EQ(domain.CountNumberOfFields(corpus_v_uninitialized.value()), 25);
v.set_allocated_subproto(new SubT());
auto corpus_v_initizalize_one_optional_proto = domain.FromValue(v);
EXPECT_TRUE(corpus_v_initizalize_one_optional_proto != std::nullopt);
auto corpus_v_initizalize_one_repeated_proto_1 = domain.FromValue(v);
EXPECT_TRUE(corpus_v_initizalize_one_repeated_proto_1 != std::nullopt);
auto corpus_v_initizalize_one_repeated_proto_2 = domain.FromValue(v);
EXPECT_TRUE(corpus_v_initizalize_one_repeated_proto_2 != std::nullopt);
TEST(SequenceContainerMutation, CopyPartRejects) {
std::string to_initial = "abcd";
std::string to;
std::string from = "efgh";
// Rejects zero size of from.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::CopyPart<false>(from, to, 0, 0, 4, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
// Rejects invalid starting offset of from.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::CopyPart<false>(from, to, 4, 1, 4, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
// Rejects invalid starting offset of to.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::CopyPart<false>(from, to, 3, 1, 5, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
// Rejects invalid size of from.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::CopyPart<false>(from, to, 0, 5, 4, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
// Rejects larger than max copy.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::CopyPart<false>(from, to, 0, 4, 4, 7));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
// Rejects no mutation.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::CopyPart<false>(to_initial, to, 0, 3, 0, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
TEST(SequenceContainerMutation, CopyPartAccepts) {
std::string to_initial = "abcd";
std::string to;
std::string from = "efgh";
// Accepts and mutates.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::CopyPart<false>(from, to, 0, 3, 0, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, "efgd");
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::CopyPart<false>(from, to, 0, 4, 4, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, "abcdefgh");
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::CopyPart<false>(from, to, 0, 4, 2, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, "abefgh");
// Accepts self-copy.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::CopyPart<true>(to, to, 0, 3, 1, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, "aabc");
TEST(SequenceContainerMutation, InsertPartRejects) {
std::string to_initial = "abcd";
std::string to;
std::string from = "efgh";
// Rejects zero size of from.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::InsertPart<false>(from, to, 0, 0, 4, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
// Rejects invalid starting offset of from.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::InsertPart<false>(from, to, 4, 1, 4, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
// Rejects invalid starting offset of to.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::InsertPart<false>(from, to, 3, 1, 5, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
// Rejects invalid size of from.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::InsertPart<false>(from, to, 0, 5, 4, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
// Rejects larger than max insertion.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_FALSE(internal::InsertPart<false>(from, to, 0, 4, 4, 7));
EXPECT_EQ(to, to_initial);
TEST(SequenceContainerMutation, InsertPartAccepts) {
std::string to_initial = "abcd";
std::string to;
std::string from = "efgh";
// Accepts and mutates.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::InsertPart<false>(from, to, 0, 4, 0, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, "efghabcd");
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::InsertPart<false>(from, to, 0, 4, 4, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, "abcdefgh");
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::InsertPart<false>(from, to, 0, 4, 2, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, "abefghcd");
// Accepts self-copy.
to = to_initial;
EXPECT_TRUE(internal::InsertPart<true>(to, to, 0, 3, 1, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(to, "aabcbcd");
} // namespace
} // namespace fuzztest