blob: 0a9fe67874c7df30c370e87b3bb5eaa36905575d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/random/random.h"
#include "absl/random/seed_sequences.h"
#include "absl/strings/numbers.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/time/clock.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "./fuzztest/domain.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/coverage.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/domain.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/fixture_driver.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/io.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/logging.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/meta.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/polymorphic_value.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/registration.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/serialization.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/type_support.h"
namespace fuzztest {
// The mode in which we are running the fuzz tests.
enum class RunMode {
// Run without instrumentation and coverage-guidance for a short time.
// Run coverage-guided fuzzing until a failure is detected or the test is
// manually terminated.
namespace internal {
class FuzzTestFuzzer {
virtual ~FuzzTestFuzzer() = default;
virtual void RunInUnitTestMode() = 0;
// Returns fuzzing mode's exit code. Zero indicates success.
virtual int RunInFuzzingMode(int* argc, char*** argv) = 0;
class FuzzTest;
using FuzzTestFuzzerFactory =
std::function<std::unique_ptr<FuzzTestFuzzer>(const FuzzTest&)>;
class FuzzTest {
FuzzTest(BasicTestInfo test_info, FuzzTestFuzzerFactory factory)
: test_info_(test_info), make_(std::move(factory)) {}
FuzzTest(const FuzzTest&) = delete;
FuzzTest& operator=(const FuzzTest&) = delete;
const char* suite_name() const { return test_info_.suite_name; }
const char* test_name() const { return test_info_.test_name; }
std::string full_name() const {
return suite_name() + std::string(".") + test_name();
const std::vector<std::string_view>& param_names() const {
return param_names_;
const char* file() const { return test_info_.file; }
int line() const { return test_info_.line; }
bool uses_fixture() const { return test_info_.uses_fixture; }
auto make() const { return make_(*this); }
BasicTestInfo test_info_;
std::vector<std::string_view> param_names_;
FuzzTestFuzzerFactory make_;
struct RuntimeStats {
absl::Time start_time;
size_t runs;
size_t edges_covered;
size_t total_edges;
size_t corpus_size;
void InstallSignalHandlers(FILE* report_out);
// Some failures are not necessarily detected by signal handlers or by
// sanitizers. For example, we could have test framework failures like
// `EXPECT_EQ` failures from GoogleTest.
// If such a failure is detected, the external system can set
// `external_failure_was_detected` to true to bubble it up.
// Note: Even though failures should happen within the code under test, they
// could be set from other threads at any moment. We make it an atomic to avoid
// a race condition.
extern std::atomic<bool> external_failure_was_detected;
// If true, fuzzing should terminate as soon as possible.
// Atomic because it is set from signal handlers.
extern std::atomic<bool> termination_requested;
extern RunMode run_mode;
class OnFailure {
void Enable(const RuntimeStats* stats, absl::Time (*clock_fn)()) {
enabled_ = true;
stats_ = stats;
clock_fn_ = clock_fn;
// In case we have not installed them yet, do so now.
void Disable() { enabled_ = false; }
template <typename Domain>
struct Args {
const corpus_type_t<Domain>& corpus_value;
Domain& domain;
static constexpr size_t kNumArgs =
std::tuple_size_v<typename Domain::value_type>;
void SetCurrentTest(const FuzzTest* test) { test_ = test; }
template <typename Domain>
void SetCurrentArgs(Args<Domain>* args) {
current_args_ = CurrentArgs(std::in_place, args);
num_args_ = args->kNumArgs;
void UnsetCurrentArgs() { current_args_ = {}; }
void PrintFinalStats(absl::FormatRawSink out) const;
void PrintFinalStatsOnDefaultSink() const;
void PrintReport(absl::FormatRawSink out) const;
void PrintReportOnDefaultSink() const;
void DumpReproducer(std::string_view outdir) const;
struct ArgumentPrintVisitor {
template <typename ArgWithDomain>
void operator()(const ArgWithDomain& arg, absl::FormatRawSink out,
size_t index, PrintMode mode) {
Switch<ArgWithDomain::kNumArgs>(index, [&](auto I) {
std::get<I>(arg.corpus_value), out, mode);
struct ArgumentSerializeVisitor {
template <typename ArgWithDomain, typename DependentTest = FuzzTest>
std::string operator()(const ArgWithDomain& arg) {
return arg.domain.SerializeCorpus(arg.corpus_value).ToString();
using CurrentArgs =
VisitableValue<ArgumentPrintVisitor, ArgumentSerializeVisitor>;
bool enabled_ = false;
CurrentArgs current_args_;
size_t num_args_;
const FuzzTest* test_;
const RuntimeStats* stats_;
absl::Time (*clock_fn_)() = nullptr;
extern OnFailure on_failure;
extern void (*crash_handler_hook)();
template <typename Arg, size_t I, typename Tuple>
decltype(auto) GetDomainOrArbitrary(const Tuple& t) {
if constexpr (I < std::tuple_size_v<Tuple>) {
return std::get<I>(t);
} else {
return Arbitrary<std::decay_t<Arg>>();
// Used to capture buffer overflows more reliably. See more at use site.
// TODO(b/194687521): Remove this when we (or ASAN) detect overflows
// in strings.
struct ForceVector {
operator std::string_view() const { return {, value.size()}; }
std::vector<char> value;
template <typename Dest, typename Src>
decltype(auto) ForceVectorForStringView(Src&& src) {
// We only do this when Src is a std::string. If it's a string view it is
// handled by the string view domain itself.
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<void(std::decay_t<Dest>, std::decay_t<Src>),
void(std::string_view, std::string)>) {
return ForceVector{std::vector<char>(src.begin(), src.end())};
} else {
return std::forward<Src>(src);
template <typename RegBase, typename Fixture, typename TargetFunction,
typename = void>
class FuzzTestExternalEngineAdaptor;
template <typename RegBase, typename Fixture, typename TargetFunction,
typename = void>
class FuzzTestFuzzerImpl;
template <typename RegBase, typename Fixture, typename BaseFixture,
typename... Args>
class FuzzTestFuzzerImpl<
RegBase, Fixture, void (BaseFixture::*)(Args...),
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<BaseFixture, Fixture>>>
: public FuzzTestFuzzer {
using TargetFunction = void (BaseFixture::*)(Args...);
const FuzzTest& test,
std::unique_ptr<FixtureDriver<RegBase, Fixture, TargetFunction>>
: test_(test),
corpus_coverage_(execution_coverage_ != nullptr
? execution_coverage_->GetCounterMap().size()
: 0) {
"Invalid fixture driver!");
stats_.start_time = absl::Now();
const char* corpus_out_dir_chars = getenv("FUZZTEST_TESTSUITE_OUT_DIR");
if (corpus_out_dir_chars) corpus_out_dir_ = corpus_out_dir_chars;
std::vector<double> weights = {100.};
corpus_distribution_ =
absl::discrete_distribution<>(weights.begin(), weights.end());
~FuzzTestFuzzerImpl() { on_failure.Disable(); }
// TODO(fniksic): Refactor to reduce code complexity and improve readability.
void RunInUnitTestMode() override {
[&] {
on_failure.Enable(&stats_, [] { return absl::Now(); });
// TODO(sbenzaquen): Currently, some infrastructure code assumes that replay
// works in unit test mode, so we support it. However, we would like to
// limit replaying to fuzzing mode only, where we can guarantee that only
// a single FUZZ_TEST is selected to run. Once we make sure that no
// existing infra tries to replay in unit test mode, we can remove this.
if (ReplayInputsIfAvailable()) {
// If ReplayInputs returns, it means the replay didn't crash.
// In replay mode, we only replay.
run_mode = RunMode::kUnitTest;
const auto time_limit = stats_.start_time + absl::Seconds(1);
// TODO(b/242206122): Use seed_sequence() if a env_var is set.
// We use a fixed random seed in unit-test mode to minimize
// non-determinism on CI systems (continuous integration), which might
// categorize the test as "flaky", and in order to avoid confusing users.
// While this reduces the effectiveness of unit-test mode, this should be
// mitigated by running this tests continuously in fuzzing mode as well.
std::seed_seq golden_sequence{3, 8, 9, 9, 8, 3, 7, 8};
PRNG prng(golden_sequence);
Input mutation{params_domain_.Init(prng)};
constexpr size_t max_iterations = 10000;
for (int i = 0; i < max_iterations; ++i) {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (external_failure_was_detected.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
// We mutate the value, except that every num_mutations_per_value we
// generate a new one through Init.
constexpr size_t num_mutations_per_value = 100;
if (i % num_mutations_per_value < num_mutations_per_value - 1) {
MutateValue(mutation, prng);
} else {
mutation.args = params_domain_.Init(prng);
if (absl::Now() > time_limit) {
// Break the test after 1 second of running to avoid time outs on
// unittests when the fuzz test is doing a lot of work in a single
// iteration.
// TODO(fniksic): Refactor to reduce code complexity and improve readability.
int RunInFuzzingMode(int* argc, char*** argv) override {
const int exit_code = [&] {
run_mode = RunMode::kFuzz;
if (IsSilenceTargetEnabled()) SilenceTargetStdoutAndStderr();
on_failure.Enable(&stats_, [] { return absl::Now(); });
if (ReplayInputsIfAvailable()) {
// If ReplayInputs returns, it means the replay didn't crash.
// We don't want to actually run the fuzzer so exit now.
return 0;
if (execution_coverage_ == nullptr) {
"\n\n[!] To fuzz, please build with --config=fuzztest.\n\n\n");
return 1;
stats_.total_edges = execution_coverage_->GetCounterMap().size();
PRNG prng(seed_sequence());
if (InitializeCorpusAndCheckIfInMinimizationMode(prng)) {
"[*] Selected %d corpus inputs in minimization mode - exiting.\n",
return 0;
"No seed input coverage registered. Test function "
"might be uninstrumented?");
constexpr size_t kRunsPerInit = 32000;
size_t next_init = kRunsPerInit;
if (const char* max_fuzzing_runs_env =
if (size_t max_fuzzing_runs;
absl::SimpleAtoi(max_fuzzing_runs_env, &max_fuzzing_runs)) {
absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[.] Limiting to %d fuzzing runs.\n",
runs_limit_ = stats_.runs + max_fuzzing_runs;
} else {
"[!] Failed to parse FUZZTEST_MAX_FUZZING_RUNS as "
"non-negative integer - will not limit fuzzing runs.\n");
// Fuzz corpus elements in round robin fashion.
while (!ShouldStop()) {
Input input_to_mutate = [&]() -> Input {
// Try a brand new random element every now and then.
// Otherwise, go to next corpus element in queue.
if (stats_.runs > next_init) {
next_init = stats_.runs + kRunsPerInit;
return {params_domain_.Init(prng)};
} else {
size_t idx = static_cast<size_t>(corpus_distribution_(prng));
FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(0 <= idx && idx < corpus_.size(),
"Corpus input weights are outdated!\n");
return corpus_[idx];
constexpr int kMutationsPerInput = 32;
for (int i = 0; i < kMutationsPerInput; ++i) {
if (ShouldStop()) break;
Input mutation = input_to_mutate;
MutateValue(mutation, prng);
absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "\n[.] Fuzzing was terminated.\n");
absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "\n");
return 0;
return exit_code;
using PRNG = std::mt19937;
using ParamsDomain =
decltype(std::declval<FixtureDriver<RegBase, Fixture, TargetFunction>>()
using corpus_type = typename ParamsDomain::corpus_type;
struct Input {
corpus_type args;
size_t depth = 0;
absl::Duration run_time = absl::ZeroDuration();
struct RunResult {
bool new_coverage;
absl::Duration run_time;
void PopulateFromSeeds() {
for (auto& seed : fixture_driver_->GetSeeds()) {
TrySample({seed}, /*save_corpus=*/false);
bool ReplayInputsIfAvailable() {
run_mode = RunMode::kFuzz;
if (const auto replay_corpus = ReadReplayFile()) {
for (const auto& corpus_value : *replay_corpus) {
return true;
if (const auto to_minimize = ReadReproducerToMinimize()) {
PRNG prng(seed_sequence());
const auto original_serialized =
// In minimize mode we keep mutating the given reproducer value with
// `only_shrink=true` until we crash. We drop mutations that don't
// actually change the value.
// That way any crash is a smaller reproduction case.
// We start with a lot of mutations which can speed up minimization.
// We reduce the number of mutations if we can't find a crash, similar to
// simulated annealing.
int num_mutations = 20;
while (true) {
auto copy = *to_minimize;
for (int i = 0; i < num_mutations; ++i) {
params_domain_.Mutate(copy, prng, true);
num_mutations = std::max(1, num_mutations - 1);
// We compare the serialized version. Not very efficient but works for
// now.
if (params_domain_.SerializeCorpus(copy).ToString() ==
return false;
std::optional<std::vector<corpus_type>> ReadReplayFile() {
auto file_or_dir = absl::NullSafeStringView(getenv("FUZZTEST_REPLAY"));
if (file_or_dir.empty()) return std::nullopt;
std::vector<corpus_type> result;
for (const auto& [path, data] :
ReadFileOrDirectory(std::string(file_or_dir))) {
if (auto corpus_value = TryParse(data)) {
} else {
absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[!] Invalid input file %s.\n===\n%s\n===\n",
path, data);
return result;
std::optional<corpus_type> ReadReproducerToMinimize() {
auto file =
if (file.empty()) return std::nullopt;
auto data = ReadFile(std::string(file));
if (!data) {
FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(false, "Failed to read minimizer file!");
auto res = TryParse(*data);
if (!res) {
absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[!] Invalid input file %s.\n===\n%s\n===\n",
file, *data);
FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(false, "Failed to read minimizer file!");
return res;
std::optional<corpus_type> TryParse(std::string_view data) {
if (auto parsed = IRObject::FromString(data)) {
return params_domain_.ParseCorpus(*parsed);
return std::nullopt;
void MutateValue(Input& input, PRNG& prng) {
// Do a random number of mutations on the value at once, skewed
// towards 1 and decreasing probability as we go up.
// Doing multiple smaller mutations at once allows reaching states that
// require larger mutations.
// The current implementation with a Poisson distribution has
// probabilities:
// - 1 mutation: 0.368
// - 2 mutations: 0.368
// - 3 mutations: 0.184
// - 4 mutations: 0.061
// - 5 mutations: 0.015
// - 6 mutations: 0.003
// ...
// The distribution and parameters have not been benchmarked or
// optimized in any significant way.
for (int mutations_at_once = absl::Poisson<int>(prng) + 1;
mutations_at_once > 0; --mutations_at_once) {
params_domain_.Mutate(input.args, prng, /* only_shrink= */ false);
void UpdateCorpusDistribution() {
std::vector<double> weights(corpus_.size());
absl::Duration average_time = absl::ZeroDuration();
for (const Input& i : corpus_) {
average_time += i.run_time;
average_time /= corpus_.size();
// Prefer faster inputs than slower inputs, the maximum bias
// is 30x. These weights are dynamic and won't make slow-but-interesting
// inputs neglected: As more and more "slow but touched new coverage"
// inputs come in, the average execution time will be larger and slow input
// will get higher weights.
for (size_t i = 0; i < corpus_.size(); ++i) {
weights[i] = 100;
if (corpus_[i].run_time > average_time * 10)
weights[i] = 10;
else if (corpus_[i].run_time > average_time * 4)
weights[i] = 25;
else if (corpus_[i].run_time > average_time * 2)
weights[i] = 50;
else if (corpus_[i].run_time * 3 > average_time * 4)
weights[i] = 75;
else if (corpus_[i].run_time * 4 < average_time)
weights[i] = 300;
else if (corpus_[i].run_time * 3 < average_time)
weights[i] = 200;
else if (corpus_[i].run_time * 2 < average_time)
weights[i] = 150;
corpus_distribution_ =
absl::discrete_distribution<>(weights.begin(), weights.end());
// Runs on `sample` and records it into the corpus if it finds new coverage.
// If `save_corpus` is set, tries to save the corpus data to a file when
// recording it. Updates the memory dictionary on new coverage, and
// occasionally even if there is no new coverage.
void TrySample(const Input& sample, bool save_corpus = true) {
auto [new_coverage, run_time] = RunOneInput(sample);
if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr &&
(stats_.runs % 4096 == 0 || new_coverage)) {
if (!new_coverage) return;
// New coverage, update corpus and weights.
Input sample_with_run_time = sample;
sample_with_run_time.run_time = run_time;
if (save_corpus) TryWriteCorpusFile(sample);
stats_.corpus_size = corpus_.size();
stats_.edges_covered = corpus_coverage_.GetNumberOfCoveredEdges();
const absl::Duration fuzzing_time = absl::Now() - stats_.start_time;
const int64_t fuzzing_secs = absl::ToInt64Seconds(fuzzing_time);
const int runs_per_sec =
fuzzing_secs ? stats_.runs / fuzzing_secs : stats_.runs;
"[*] Corpus size: %5d | Edges covered: %6d | "
"Fuzzing time: %12s | Total runs: %1.2e | Runs/secs: %5d\n",
stats_.corpus_size, stats_.edges_covered,
absl::FormatDuration(fuzzing_time), stats_.runs,
struct ReadCorpusResult {
std::vector<Input> inputs;
bool to_minimize = false;
ReadCorpusResult TryReadCorpusFromFiles() {
ReadCorpusResult result;
auto inputdir =
if (!inputdir.empty()) {
result.to_minimize = true;
} else {
inputdir = absl::NullSafeStringView(getenv("FUZZTEST_TESTSUITE_IN_DIR"));
if (inputdir.empty()) return result;
int parsed_input_counter = 0;
int invalid_input_counter = 0;
for (const auto& [path, data] :
ReadFileOrDirectory(std::string(inputdir))) {
if (auto corpus_value = TryParse(data)) {
} else {
absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[!] Invalid input file %s.\n", path);
"[*] Parsed %d inputs and ignored %d inputs from the test "
"suite input dir.\n",
parsed_input_counter, invalid_input_counter);
return result;
void TryWriteCorpusFile(const Input& input) {
if (corpus_out_dir_.empty()) return;
if (WriteDataToDir(params_domain_.SerializeCorpus(input.args).ToString(),
.empty()) {
absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[!] Failed to write corpus file.\n");
// Returns true if we're in minimization mode.
bool InitializeCorpusAndCheckIfInMinimizationMode(PRNG& prng) {
auto read_corpus_result = TryReadCorpusFromFiles();
// Since inputs processed earlier have the adventage of increasing coverage
// and being kept in corpus, shuffle the input order to make it fair.
read_corpus_result.inputs.end(), prng);
for (const auto& input : read_corpus_result.inputs) {
TrySample(input, /*save_corpus=*/read_corpus_result.to_minimize);
if (read_corpus_result.to_minimize) {
return true;
if (corpus_.empty()) {
return false;
RunResult RunOneInput(const Input& input) {
bool new_coverage = false;
absl::Duration run_time;
ApplyIndex<sizeof...(Args)>([&](auto... I) {
auto args = params_domain_.GetValue(input.args);
OnFailure::Args<ParamsDomain> debug_args{input.args, params_domain_};
// Reset and observe the coverage map and start tracing in
// the tightest scope possible. In particular, we can't include the call
// to GetValue in the scope as it will run user code.
if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr) {
absl::Time start = absl::Now();
// Set tracing after absl::Now(), otherwise it will make
// FuzzingModeTest.MinimizesDuplicatedCorpustest flaky because
// randomness in absl::Now() being traced by cmp coverage.
if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr) {
// ForceVectorForStringView is a temporary hack for realiably finding
// buffer overflows. ASAN cannot detect small overflows in
// std::string-s. See related bug at
// As a temporary
// workaround, we enable finding overflows by copying the contents
// of the original string into a separate temporary heap buffer.
// TODO(b/194687521): Remove this when we (or ASAN) detect overflows
// in strings.
if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr) {
run_time = absl::Now() - start;
if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr) {
new_coverage = corpus_coverage_.Update(execution_coverage_);
return {new_coverage, run_time};
bool ShouldStop() {
if (runs_limit_.has_value() && stats_.runs >= *runs_limit_) return true;
return termination_requested.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
absl::SeedSeq& seed_sequence() {
if (seed_sequence_.size() == 0) {
seed_sequence_ = absl::MakeSeedSeq();
return seed_sequence_;
const FuzzTest& test_;
std::unique_ptr<FixtureDriver<RegBase, Fixture, TargetFunction>>
ParamsDomain params_domain_ = fixture_driver_->GetDomains();
absl::SeedSeq seed_sequence_;
ExecutionCoverage* execution_coverage_;
CorpusCoverage corpus_coverage_;
std::deque<Input> corpus_;
// Corpus distribution is only used in Fuzzing mode.
absl::discrete_distribution<> corpus_distribution_;
std::string_view corpus_out_dir_;
RuntimeStats stats_{};
std::optional<size_t> runs_limit_;
friend class FuzzTestExternalEngineAdaptor<RegBase, Fixture, TargetFunction>;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fuzztest