| // Copyright 2022 Google LLC |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "./fuzztest/internal/runtime.h" |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <atomic> |
| #include <cerrno> |
| #include <csignal> |
| #include <cstddef> |
| #include <cstdint> |
| #include <cstdio> |
| #include <cstdlib> |
| #include <cstring> |
| #include <deque> |
| #include <iterator> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <optional> |
| #include <random> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "absl/base/attributes.h" |
| #include "absl/functional/function_ref.h" |
| #include "absl/random/bit_gen_ref.h" |
| #include "absl/random/discrete_distribution.h" |
| #include "absl/random/random.h" |
| #include "absl/strings/numbers.h" |
| #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" |
| #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
| #include "absl/time/clock.h" |
| #include "absl/time/time.h" |
| #include "absl/types/span.h" |
| #include "./fuzztest/internal/coverage.h" |
| #include "./fuzztest/internal/domain.h" |
| #include "./fuzztest/internal/fixture_driver.h" |
| #include "./fuzztest/internal/io.h" |
| #include "./fuzztest/internal/logging.h" |
| #include "./fuzztest/internal/serialization.h" |
| #include "./fuzztest/internal/type_support.h" |
| |
| #include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifndef TRAP_PERF |
| inline constexpr int TRAP_PERF = 6; |
| #endif |
| |
| namespace fuzztest::internal { |
| |
| void (*crash_handler_hook)(); |
| |
| void Runtime::DumpReproducer(std::string_view outdir) const { |
| const std::string content = |
| current_args_->domain.UntypedSerializeCorpus(current_args_->corpus_value) |
| .ToString(current_args_->domain.IsDirectlySerializable()); |
| const std::string filename = WriteDataToDir(content, outdir); |
| |
| if (filename.empty()) { |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[!] Failed to write reproducer file.\n"); |
| } else { |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[*] Reproducer file written to: %s\n", |
| filename); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Runtime::PrintFinalStats(absl::FormatRawSink out) const { |
| const std::string separator = '\n' + std::string(65, '=') + '\n'; |
| absl::Format(out, "%s=== Fuzzing stats\n\n", separator); |
| |
| const absl::Duration fuzzing_time = clock_fn_() - stats_->start_time; |
| absl::Format(out, "Elapsed seconds (ns): %d\n", |
| absl::ToInt64Nanoseconds(fuzzing_time)); |
| absl::Format(out, "Total runs: %d\n", stats_->runs); |
| absl::Format(out, "Edges covered: %d\n", stats_->edges_covered); |
| absl::Format(out, "Total edges: %d\n", stats_->total_edges); |
| absl::Format(out, "Corpus size: %d\n", stats_->useful_inputs); |
| } |
| |
| void Runtime::PrintReport(absl::FormatRawSink out) const { |
| // We don't want to try and print a fuzz report when we are not running a fuzz |
| // test, even if we got a crash. |
| if (!reporter_enabled_) return; |
| |
| if (crash_handler_hook) crash_handler_hook(); |
| |
| // First, lets try to dump the reproducer if requested. |
| if (current_args_ != nullptr) { |
| const char* outdir = getenv("FUZZTEST_REPRODUCERS_OUT_DIR"); |
| if (outdir != nullptr && outdir[0]) { |
| DumpReproducer(outdir); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (run_mode() != RunMode::kUnitTest) { |
| PrintFinalStats(out); |
| } |
| |
| const std::string separator = '\n' + std::string(65, '=') + '\n'; |
| |
| if (current_args_ != nullptr) { |
| absl::Format(out, "%s=== BUG FOUND!\n\n", separator); |
| absl::Format(out, "%s:%d: Counterexample found for %s.%s.\n", |
| current_test_->file(), current_test_->line(), |
| current_test_->suite_name(), current_test_->test_name()); |
| absl::Format(out, "The test fails with input:\n"); |
| const int num_args = current_args_->domain.UntypedPrintCorpusValue( |
| current_args_->corpus_value, out, PrintMode::kHumanReadable, -1); |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) { |
| absl::Format(out, "argument %d: ", i); |
| current_args_->domain.UntypedPrintCorpusValue( |
| current_args_->corpus_value, out, PrintMode::kHumanReadable, i); |
| absl::Format(out, "\n"); |
| } |
| |
| // There doesn't seem to be a good way to generate a reproducer test when |
| // the test uses a fixture (see b/241271658). |
| if (!current_test_->uses_fixture()) { |
| absl::Format(out, "%s=== Reproducer test\n\n", separator); |
| absl::Format(out, "TEST(%1$s, %2$sRegression) {\n %2$s(\n", |
| current_test_->suite_name(), current_test_->test_name()); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) { |
| if (i != 0) absl::Format(out, ",\n"); |
| absl::Format(out, " "); |
| current_args_->domain.UntypedPrintCorpusValue( |
| current_args_->corpus_value, out, PrintMode::kSourceCode, i); |
| } |
| absl::Format(out, "\n );\n"); |
| absl::Format(out, "}\n"); |
| } |
| } else { |
| absl::Format(out, "%s=== SETUP FAILURE!\n\n", separator); |
| absl::Format(out, "%s:%d: There was a problem with %s.%s.", |
| current_test_->file(), current_test_->line(), |
| current_test_->suite_name(), current_test_->test_name()); |
| if (test_abort_message != nullptr) { |
| absl::Format(out, "%s", *test_abort_message); |
| } |
| } |
| absl::Format(out, "%s", separator); |
| } |
| |
| #if defined(__linux__) |
| |
| struct OldSignalHandler { |
| int signum; |
| struct sigaction action; |
| }; |
| |
| static FILE* signal_out; |
| struct FILESink { |
| friend void AbslFormatFlush(FILESink*, absl::string_view v) { |
| fprintf(signal_out, "%.*s", static_cast<int>(v.size()), v.data()); |
| fflush(signal_out); |
| } |
| }; |
| static FILESink signal_out_sink; |
| |
| static OldSignalHandler crash_handlers[] = {{SIGILL}, {SIGFPE}, {SIGSEGV}, |
| |
| static OldSignalHandler termination_handlers[] = { |
| |
| static void HandleCrash(int signum, siginfo_t* info, void* ucontext) { |
| // Find the old signal handler. |
| auto it = |
| std::find_if(std::begin(crash_handlers), std::end(crash_handlers), |
| [signum](const auto& h) { return h.signum == signum; }); |
| auto old_handler = |
| it != std::end(crash_handlers) ? it->action.sa_sigaction : nullptr; |
| // SIGTRAP generated by perf_event_open(sigtrap=1) may be used by |
| // debugging/analysis tools, so don't consider these as a crash. |
| if (!old_handler || signum != SIGTRAP || |
| (info->si_code != TRAP_PERF && info->si_code != SI_TIMER)) { |
| // Dump our info first. |
| Runtime::instance().PrintReport(&signal_out_sink); |
| // The old signal handler might print important messages (e.g., strack |
| // trace) to the original file descriptors, therefore we restore them before |
| // calling them. |
| if (IsSilenceTargetEnabled()) RestoreTargetStdoutAndStderr(); |
| } |
| // Call the old signal handler, if available. |
| if (old_handler != nullptr) { |
| old_handler(signum, info, ucontext); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void HandleTermination(int, siginfo_t*, void*) { |
| Runtime::instance().SetTerminationRequested(); |
| } |
| |
| static void SetNewSigAction(int signum, void (*handler)(int, siginfo_t*, void*), |
| struct sigaction* old_sigact) { |
| struct sigaction new_sigact = {}; |
| sigemptyset(&new_sigact.sa_mask); |
| new_sigact.sa_sigaction = handler; |
| |
| // We make use of the SA_ONSTACK flag so that signal handlers are executed on |
| // a separate stack. This is needed to properly handle cases where stack space |
| // is limited and the delivery of a signal needs to be properly handled. |
| new_sigact.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_ONSTACK; |
| |
| if (sigaction(signum, &new_sigact, old_sigact) == -1) { |
| fprintf(GetStderr(), "Error installing signal handler: %s\n", |
| strerror(errno)); |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void InstallSignalHandlers(FILE* out) { |
| if (signal_out != nullptr) { |
| // Already installed. Noop. |
| return; |
| } |
| signal_out = out; |
| |
| #if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) || defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER) |
| // An ASan failure might come without a signal. |
| // Eg a divide by zero is intercepted by ASan and it terminates the process |
| // after printing its output. This handler helps us print our output |
| // afterwards. |
| __sanitizer_set_death_callback( |
| [](auto...) { Runtime::instance().PrintReport(&signal_out_sink); }); |
| #endif |
| |
| for (OldSignalHandler& h : crash_handlers) { |
| SetNewSigAction(h.signum, &HandleCrash, &h.action); |
| } |
| |
| for (OldSignalHandler& h : termination_handlers) { |
| SetNewSigAction(h.signum, &HandleTermination, nullptr); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void Runtime::PrintFinalStatsOnDefaultSink() const { |
| PrintFinalStats(&signal_out_sink); |
| } |
| |
| void Runtime::PrintReportOnDefaultSink() const { |
| PrintReport(&signal_out_sink); |
| } |
| |
| #else // __linux__ |
| // TODO(sbenzaquen): We should still install signal handlers in other systems. |
| void InstallSignalHandlers(FILE* out) {} |
| |
| void Runtime::PrintFinalStatsOnDefaultSink() const {} |
| |
| void Runtime::PrintReportOnDefaultSink() const {} |
| #endif // __linux__ |
| |
| using corpus_type = GenericDomainCorpusType; |
| |
| FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::FuzzTestFuzzerImpl( |
| const FuzzTest& test, std::unique_ptr<UntypedFixtureDriver> fixture_driver) |
| : test_(test), |
| fixture_driver_(std::move(fixture_driver)), |
| params_domain_(fixture_driver_->GetDomains()), |
| execution_coverage_(internal::GetExecutionCoverage()), |
| corpus_coverage_(execution_coverage_ != nullptr |
| ? execution_coverage_->GetCounterMap().size() |
| : 0) { |
| FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK_PRECONDITION(fixture_driver_ != nullptr, |
| "Invalid fixture driver!"); |
| stats_.start_time = absl::Now(); |
| const char* corpus_out_dir_chars = getenv("FUZZTEST_TESTSUITE_OUT_DIR"); |
| if (corpus_out_dir_chars) corpus_out_dir_ = corpus_out_dir_chars; |
| |
| std::vector<double> weights = {100.}; |
| corpus_distribution_ = |
| absl::discrete_distribution<>(weights.begin(), weights.end()); |
| } |
| |
| FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::~FuzzTestFuzzerImpl() { |
| Runtime::instance().DisableReporter(); |
| } |
| |
| std::optional<corpus_type> FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::TryParse(std::string_view data) { |
| if (auto parsed = IRObject::FromString( |
| data, params_domain_->IsDirectlySerializable())) { |
| return params_domain_->UntypedParseCorpus(*parsed); |
| } |
| return std::nullopt; |
| } |
| |
| bool FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::ReplayInputsIfAvailable() { |
| runtime_.SetRunMode(RunMode::kFuzz); |
| |
| if (const auto replay_corpus = ReadReplayFile()) { |
| for (const auto& corpus_value : *replay_corpus) { |
| RunOneInput({corpus_value}); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| if (const auto to_minimize = ReadReproducerToMinimize()) { |
| PRNG prng(seed_sequence_); |
| |
| const auto original_serialized = |
| params_domain_->UntypedSerializeCorpus(*to_minimize) |
| .ToString(params_domain_->IsDirectlySerializable()); |
| |
| // In minimize mode we keep mutating the given reproducer value with |
| // `only_shrink=true` until we crash. We drop mutations that don't |
| // actually change the value. |
| // That way any crash is a smaller reproduction case. |
| // We start with a lot of mutations which can speed up minimization. |
| // We reduce the number of mutations if we can't find a crash, similar to |
| // simulated annealing. |
| int num_mutations = 20; |
| while (true) { |
| auto copy = *to_minimize; |
| for (int i = 0; i < num_mutations; ++i) { |
| params_domain_->UntypedMutate(copy, prng, true); |
| } |
| num_mutations = std::max(1, num_mutations - 1); |
| // We compare the serialized version. Not very efficient but works for |
| // now. |
| if (params_domain_->UntypedSerializeCorpus(copy).ToString( |
| params_domain_->IsDirectlySerializable()) == original_serialized) |
| continue; |
| RunOneInput({std::move(copy)}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| std::optional<std::vector<corpus_type>> FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::ReadReplayFile() { |
| auto file_or_dir = absl::NullSafeStringView(getenv("FUZZTEST_REPLAY")); |
| if (file_or_dir.empty()) return std::nullopt; |
| std::vector<corpus_type> result; |
| for (const auto& [path, data] : |
| ReadFileOrDirectory(std::string(file_or_dir))) { |
| if (auto corpus_value = TryParse(data)) { |
| result.push_back(*std::move(corpus_value)); |
| } else { |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[!] Invalid input file %s.\n===\n%s\n===\n", |
| path, data); |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| std::optional<corpus_type> FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::ReadReproducerToMinimize() { |
| auto file = absl::NullSafeStringView(getenv("FUZZTEST_MINIMIZE_REPRODUCER")); |
| if (file.empty()) return std::nullopt; |
| auto data = ReadFile(std::string(file)); |
| |
| if (!data) { |
| FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(false, "Failed to read minimizer file!"); |
| } |
| |
| auto res = TryParse(*data); |
| if (!res) { |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[!] Invalid input file %s.\n===\n%s\n===\n", |
| file, *data); |
| FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(false, "Failed to read minimizer file!"); |
| } |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| void FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::MutateValue(Input& input, absl::BitGenRef prng) { |
| // Do a random number of mutations on the value at once, skewed |
| // towards 1 and decreasing probability as we go up. |
| // Doing multiple smaller mutations at once allows reaching states that |
| // require larger mutations. |
| // The current implementation with a Poisson distribution has |
| // probabilities: |
| // - 1 mutation: 0.368 |
| // - 2 mutations: 0.368 |
| // - 3 mutations: 0.184 |
| // - 4 mutations: 0.061 |
| // - 5 mutations: 0.015 |
| // - 6 mutations: 0.003 |
| // ... |
| // The distribution and parameters have not been benchmarked or |
| // optimized in any significant way. |
| for (int mutations_at_once = absl::Poisson<int>(prng) + 1; |
| mutations_at_once > 0; --mutations_at_once) { |
| params_domain_->UntypedMutate(input.args, prng, /* only_shrink= */ false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::UpdateCorpusDistribution() { |
| std::vector<double> weights(corpus_.size()); |
| absl::Duration average_time = absl::ZeroDuration(); |
| for (const Input& i : corpus_) { |
| average_time += i.run_time; |
| } |
| average_time /= corpus_.size(); |
| // Prefer faster inputs than slower inputs, the maximum bias |
| // is 30x. These weights are dynamic and won't make slow-but-interesting |
| // inputs neglected: As more and more "slow but touched new coverage" |
| // inputs come in, the average execution time will be larger and slow input |
| // will get higher weights. |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < corpus_.size(); ++i) { |
| weights[i] = 100; |
| if (corpus_[i].run_time > average_time * 10) |
| weights[i] = 10; |
| else if (corpus_[i].run_time > average_time * 4) |
| weights[i] = 25; |
| else if (corpus_[i].run_time > average_time * 2) |
| weights[i] = 50; |
| else if (corpus_[i].run_time * 3 > average_time * 4) |
| weights[i] = 75; |
| else if (corpus_[i].run_time * 4 < average_time) |
| weights[i] = 300; |
| else if (corpus_[i].run_time * 3 < average_time) |
| weights[i] = 200; |
| else if (corpus_[i].run_time * 2 < average_time) |
| weights[i] = 150; |
| } |
| corpus_distribution_ = |
| absl::discrete_distribution<>(weights.begin(), weights.end()); |
| } |
| |
| FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::RunResult FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::TrySample( |
| const Input& sample, bool write_to_file) { |
| RunResult run_result = RunOneInput(sample); |
| if (runtime_.external_failure_detected()) { |
| // We detected a non fatal failure. Record it separately to minimize it |
| // locally. |
| minimal_non_fatal_counterexample_ = sample; |
| } |
| if (!run_result.new_coverage) return run_result; |
| |
| if (write_to_file) TryWriteCorpusFile(sample); |
| ++stats_.useful_inputs; |
| stats_.edges_covered = corpus_coverage_.GetNumberOfCoveredEdges(); |
| const absl::Duration fuzzing_time = absl::Now() - stats_.start_time; |
| const int64_t fuzzing_secs = absl::ToInt64Seconds(fuzzing_time); |
| const size_t runs_per_sec = |
| fuzzing_secs ? stats_.runs / fuzzing_secs : stats_.runs; |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), |
| "[*] Corpus size: %5d | Edges covered: %6d | " |
| "Fuzzing time: %12s | Total runs: %1.2e | Runs/secs: %5d\n", |
| stats_.useful_inputs, stats_.edges_covered, |
| absl::FormatDuration(fuzzing_time), stats_.runs, runs_per_sec); |
| return run_result; |
| } |
| |
| void FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::TrySampleAndUpdateInMemoryCorpus(Input sample, |
| bool write_to_file) { |
| auto [new_coverage, run_time] = TrySample(sample, write_to_file); |
| if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr && |
| (stats_.runs % 4096 == 0 || new_coverage)) { |
| params_domain_->UntypedUpdateMemoryDictionary(sample.args); |
| } |
| if (!new_coverage) return; |
| // New coverage, update corpus and weights. |
| sample.run_time = run_time; |
| corpus_.push_back(std::move(sample)); |
| UpdateCorpusDistribution(); |
| } |
| |
| void FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::ForEachInputFile( |
| absl::Span<const std::string> files, |
| absl::FunctionRef<void(Input&&)> consume) { |
| int parsed_input_counter = 0; |
| int invalid_input_counter = 0; |
| for (const auto& path : files) { |
| std::optional<std::string> data = ReadFile(path); |
| if (!data) continue; |
| if (auto corpus_value = TryParse(*data)) { |
| ++parsed_input_counter; |
| consume(Input{*std::move(corpus_value)}); |
| } else { |
| ++invalid_input_counter; |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[!] Invalid input file %s.\n", path); |
| } |
| } |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), |
| "[*] Parsed %d inputs and ignored %d inputs from the test " |
| "suite input dir.\n", |
| parsed_input_counter, invalid_input_counter); |
| } |
| |
| bool FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::MinimizeCorpusIfInMinimizationMode( |
| absl::BitGenRef prng) { |
| auto inputdir = |
| absl::NullSafeStringView(getenv("FUZZTEST_MINIMIZE_TESTSUITE_DIR")); |
| if (inputdir.empty()) return false; |
| std::vector<std::string> files = ListDirectory(std::string(inputdir)); |
| // Shuffle to potentially improve previously minimized corpus. |
| std::shuffle(files.begin(), files.end(), prng); |
| ForEachInputFile(files, [this](Input&& input) { |
| TrySample(input, /*write_to_file=*/true); |
| }); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::Input> |
| FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::TryReadCorpusFromFiles() { |
| std::vector<Input> inputs; |
| auto inputdir = absl::NullSafeStringView(getenv("FUZZTEST_TESTSUITE_IN_DIR")); |
| if (inputdir.empty()) return inputs; |
| std::vector<std::string> files = ListDirectory(std::string(inputdir)); |
| ForEachInputFile( |
| files, [&inputs](Input&& input) { inputs.push_back(std::move(input)); }); |
| return inputs; |
| } |
| |
| void FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::TryWriteCorpusFile(const Input& input) { |
| if (corpus_out_dir_.empty()) return; |
| if (WriteDataToDir(params_domain_->UntypedSerializeCorpus(input.args) |
| .ToString(params_domain_->IsDirectlySerializable()), |
| corpus_out_dir_) |
| .empty()) { |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[!] Failed to write corpus file.\n"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::InitializeCorpus(absl::BitGenRef prng) { |
| std::vector<Input> inputs = TryReadCorpusFromFiles(); |
| // Since inputs processed earlier have the adventage of increasing coverage |
| // and being kept in corpus, shuffle the input order to make it fair. |
| std::shuffle(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(), prng); |
| for (auto& input : inputs) { |
| TrySampleAndUpdateInMemoryCorpus(std::move(input), |
| /*write_to_file=*/false); |
| } |
| if (corpus_.empty()) { |
| TrySampleAndUpdateInMemoryCorpus(Input{params_domain_->UntypedInit(prng)}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::ShouldStop() { |
| if (runs_limit_.has_value() && stats_.runs >= *runs_limit_) return true; |
| if (time_limit_ != absl::InfiniteFuture() && absl::Now() > time_limit_) |
| return true; |
| return runtime_.termination_requested(); |
| } |
| |
| void FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::PopulateFromSeeds() { |
| for (const auto& seed : fixture_driver_->GetSeeds()) { |
| TrySampleAndUpdateInMemoryCorpus(Input{seed}, |
| /*write_to_file=*/false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::RunInUnitTestMode() { |
| fixture_driver_->SetUpFuzzTest(); |
| [&] { |
| runtime_.EnableReporter(&stats_, [] { return absl::Now(); }); |
| runtime_.SetCurrentTest(&test_); |
| |
| // TODO(sbenzaquen): Currently, some infrastructure code assumes that replay |
| // works in unit test mode, so we support it. However, we would like to |
| // limit replaying to fuzzing mode only, where we can guarantee that only |
| // a single FUZZ_TEST is selected to run. Once we make sure that no |
| // existing infra tries to replay in unit test mode, we can remove this. |
| if (ReplayInputsIfAvailable()) { |
| // If ReplayInputs returns, it means the replay didn't crash. |
| // In replay mode, we only replay. |
| runtime_.DisableReporter(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| runtime_.SetRunMode(RunMode::kUnitTest); |
| |
| PopulateFromSeeds(); |
| |
| const auto time_limit = stats_.start_time + absl::Seconds(1); |
| PRNG prng(seed_sequence_); |
| Input mutation{params_domain_->UntypedInit(prng)}; |
| constexpr size_t max_iterations = 10000; |
| for (int i = 0; i < max_iterations; ++i) { |
| runtime_.SetExternalFailureDetected(false); |
| RunOneInput(mutation); |
| if (runtime_.external_failure_detected()) { |
| break; |
| } |
| // We mutate the value, except that every num_mutations_per_value we |
| // generate a new one through Init. |
| constexpr size_t num_mutations_per_value = 100; |
| if (i % num_mutations_per_value < num_mutations_per_value - 1) { |
| MutateValue(mutation, prng); |
| } else { |
| mutation.args = params_domain_->UntypedInit(prng); |
| } |
| |
| if (absl::Now() > time_limit) { |
| // Break the test after 1 second of running to avoid time outs on |
| // unittests when the fuzz test is doing a lot of work in a single |
| // iteration. |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| runtime_.SetCurrentTest(nullptr); |
| }(); |
| fixture_driver_->TearDownFuzzTest(); |
| } |
| |
| FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::RunResult FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::RunOneInput( |
| const Input& input) { |
| ++stats_.runs; |
| auto untyped_args = params_domain_->UntypedGetValue(input.args); |
| Runtime::Args debug_args{input.args, *params_domain_}; |
| runtime_.SetCurrentArgs(&debug_args); |
| |
| // Reset and observe the coverage map and start tracing in |
| // the tightest scope possible. In particular, we can't include the call |
| // to GetValue in the scope as it will run user code. |
| if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr) { |
| execution_coverage_->ResetState(); |
| } |
| absl::Time start = absl::Now(); |
| // Set tracing after absl::Now(), otherwise it will make |
| // FuzzingModeTest.MinimizesDuplicatedCorpustest flaky because |
| // randomness in absl::Now() being traced by cmp coverage. |
| if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr) { |
| execution_coverage_->SetIsTracing(true); |
| } |
| fixture_driver_->SetUpIteration(); |
| fixture_driver_->Test(std::move(untyped_args)); |
| fixture_driver_->TearDownIteration(); |
| if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr) { |
| execution_coverage_->SetIsTracing(false); |
| } |
| const absl::Duration run_time = absl::Now() - start; |
| |
| bool new_coverage = false; |
| if (execution_coverage_ != nullptr) { |
| new_coverage = corpus_coverage_.Update(execution_coverage_); |
| } |
| runtime_.UnsetCurrentArgs(); |
| return {new_coverage, run_time}; |
| } |
| |
| void FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::MinimizeNonFatalFailureLocally(absl::BitGenRef prng) { |
| // We try to minimize the counterexample until we reach a point where no new |
| // failures are found. |
| // We stop when run kMaxTriedWithoutFailure consecutive runs without finding a |
| // smaller failure, but also add a time limit in case each iteration takes too |
| // long. |
| const absl::Time deadline = |
| std::min(absl::Now() + absl::Minutes(1), time_limit_); |
| int tries_without_failure = 0; |
| constexpr int kMaxTriedWithoutFailure = 10000; |
| while (tries_without_failure < kMaxTriedWithoutFailure && |
| absl::Now() < deadline) { |
| auto copy = *minimal_non_fatal_counterexample_; |
| // Mutate a random number of times, in case one is not enough to |
| // reach another failure, but prefer a low number of mutations (thus Zipf). |
| for (int num_mutations = absl::Zipf(prng, 10); num_mutations >= 0; |
| --num_mutations) { |
| params_domain_->UntypedMutate(copy.args, prng, /* only_shrink= */ true); |
| } |
| // Only run it if it actually is different. Random mutations might |
| // not actually change the value, or we have reached a minimum that can't be |
| // minimized anymore. |
| if (params_domain_ |
| ->UntypedSerializeCorpus(minimal_non_fatal_counterexample_->args) |
| .ToString(params_domain_->IsDirectlySerializable()) != |
| params_domain_->UntypedSerializeCorpus(copy.args).ToString( |
| params_domain_->IsDirectlySerializable())) { |
| runtime_.SetExternalFailureDetected(false); |
| RunOneInput(copy); |
| if (runtime_.external_failure_detected()) { |
| // Found a smaller one, record it and reset the counter. |
| minimal_non_fatal_counterexample_ = std::move(copy); |
| tries_without_failure = 0; |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| ++tries_without_failure; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int FuzzTestFuzzerImpl::RunInFuzzingMode(int* /*argc*/, char*** /*argv*/) { |
| fixture_driver_->SetUpFuzzTest(); |
| const int exit_code = [&] { |
| runtime_.SetRunMode(RunMode::kFuzz); |
| |
| if (IsSilenceTargetEnabled()) SilenceTargetStdoutAndStderr(); |
| |
| runtime_.EnableReporter(&stats_, [] { return absl::Now(); }); |
| runtime_.SetCurrentTest(&test_); |
| |
| if (ReplayInputsIfAvailable()) { |
| // If ReplayInputs returns, it means the replay didn't crash. |
| // We don't want to actually run the fuzzer so exit now. |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| if (execution_coverage_ == nullptr) { |
| absl::FPrintF( |
| GetStderr(), |
| "\n\n[!] To fuzz, please build with --config=fuzztest.\n\n\n"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| stats_.total_edges = execution_coverage_->GetCounterMap().size(); |
| |
| PRNG prng(seed_sequence_); |
| |
| if (MinimizeCorpusIfInMinimizationMode(prng)) { |
| absl::FPrintF( |
| GetStderr(), |
| "[*] Selected %d corpus inputs in minimization mode - exiting.\n", |
| stats_.useful_inputs); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| PopulateFromSeeds(); |
| InitializeCorpus(prng); |
| |
| FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(!corpus_.empty(), |
| "No seed input coverage registered. Test function " |
| "might be uninstrumented?"); |
| |
| constexpr size_t kRunsPerInit = 32000; |
| size_t next_init = kRunsPerInit; |
| if (const char* max_fuzzing_runs_env = |
| if (size_t max_fuzzing_runs; |
| absl::SimpleAtoi(max_fuzzing_runs_env, &max_fuzzing_runs)) { |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[.] Limiting to %d fuzzing runs.\n", |
| max_fuzzing_runs); |
| runs_limit_ = stats_.runs + max_fuzzing_runs; |
| } else { |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), |
| "[!] Failed to parse FUZZTEST_MAX_FUZZING_RUNS as " |
| "non-negative integer - will not limit fuzzing runs.\n"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (runtime_.fuzz_time_limit() != absl::InfiniteDuration()) { |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "[.] Fuzzing timeout set to: %s\n", |
| absl::FormatDuration(runtime_.fuzz_time_limit())); |
| time_limit_ = stats_.start_time + runtime_.fuzz_time_limit(); |
| } |
| |
| runtime_.SetShouldTerminateOnNonFatalFailure(false); |
| // Fuzz corpus elements in round robin fashion. |
| while (!ShouldStop()) { |
| Input input_to_mutate = [&]() -> Input { |
| // Try a brand new random element every now and then. |
| // Otherwise, go to next corpus element in queue. |
| if (stats_.runs > next_init) { |
| next_init = stats_.runs + kRunsPerInit; |
| return {params_domain_->UntypedInit(prng)}; |
| } else { |
| size_t idx = static_cast<size_t>(corpus_distribution_(prng)); |
| FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(0 <= idx && idx < corpus_.size(), |
| "Corpus input weights are outdated!\n"); |
| return corpus_[idx]; |
| } |
| }(); |
| constexpr int kMutationsPerInput = 32; |
| for (int i = 0; i < kMutationsPerInput; ++i) { |
| if (ShouldStop()) break; |
| Input mutation = input_to_mutate; |
| MutateValue(mutation, prng); |
| TrySampleAndUpdateInMemoryCorpus(std::move(mutation)); |
| |
| if (minimal_non_fatal_counterexample_.has_value()) { |
| // We found a failure, let's minimize it here. |
| MinimizeNonFatalFailureLocally(prng); |
| // Once we have minimized enough, let it crash with the best sample we |
| // got. |
| // TODO(sbenzaquen): Consider a different approach where we don't retry |
| // the failing sample to force a crash. Instead, we could store the |
| // information from the first failure and generate a report manually. |
| runtime_.SetShouldTerminateOnNonFatalFailure(true); |
| runtime_.SetExternalFailureDetected(false); |
| RunOneInput(*minimal_non_fatal_counterexample_); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "\n[.] Fuzzing was terminated.\n"); |
| runtime_.PrintFinalStatsOnDefaultSink(); |
| absl::FPrintF(GetStderr(), "\n"); |
| return 0; |
| }(); |
| fixture_driver_->TearDownFuzzTest(); |
| return exit_code; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace fuzztest::internal |