blob: 1a6f661fc0cd8387484e25bab3ece9cd62987afc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Fuzz target runner (engine) for Centipede.
// Reads the input files and feeds their contents to
// the fuzz target (LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput), then dumps the coverage data.
// If the input path is "/path/to/foo",
// the coverage features are dumped to "/path/to/foo-features"
// WARNING: please avoid any C++ libraries here, such as Absl and (most of) STL,
// in order to avoid creating new coverage edges in the binary.
#include "./centipede/runner.h"
#include <pthread.h> // NOLINT: use pthread to avoid extra dependencies.
#include <sys/auxv.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include "./centipede/byte_array_mutator.h"
#include "./centipede/defs.h"
#include "./centipede/execution_request.h"
#include "./centipede/execution_result.h"
#include "./centipede/feature.h"
#include "./centipede/foreach_nonzero.h"
#include "./centipede/pc_info.h"
#include "./centipede/runner_dl_info.h"
#include "./centipede/runner_interface.h"
#include "./centipede/runner_utils.h"
#include "./centipede/shared_memory_blob_sequence.h"
weak)) extern centipede::feature_t __start___centipede_extra_features;
weak)) extern centipede::feature_t __stop___centipede_extra_features;
namespace centipede {
// Use of the fixed init priority allows to call CentipedeRunnerMain
// from constructor functions (CentipedeRunnerMain needs to run after
// state constructor).
// Note: it must run after ForkServerCallMeVeryEarly, see comment there.
GlobalRunnerState state __attribute__((init_priority(200)));
// We use __thread instead of thread_local so that the compiler warns if
// the initializer for `tls` is not a constant expression.
// `tls` thus must not have a CTOR.
// This avoids calls to __tls_init() in hot functions that use `tls`.
__thread ThreadLocalRunnerState tls;
// Tries to write `description` to `state.failure_description_path`.
static void WriteFailureDescription(const char *description) {
// TODO(b/264715830): Remove I/O error logging once the bug is fixed?
if (state.failure_description_path == nullptr) return;
FILE *f = fopen(state.failure_description_path, "w");
if (f == nullptr) {
perror("FAILURE: fopen()");
const auto len = strlen(description);
if (fwrite(description, 1, len, f) != len) {
perror("FAILURE: fwrite()");
if (fflush(f) != 0) {
perror("FAILURE: fflush()");
if (fclose(f) != 0) {
perror("FAILURE: fclose()");
void ThreadLocalRunnerState::OnThreadStart() {
tls.lowest_sp = tls.top_frame_sp =
LockGuard lock(state.tls_list_mu);
// Add myself to state.tls_list.
auto *old_list = state.tls_list; = old_list;
state.tls_list = &tls;
if (old_list != nullptr) old_list->prev = &tls;
void ThreadLocalRunnerState::OnThreadStop() {
LockGuard lock(state.tls_list_mu);
// Remove myself from state.tls_list. The list never
// becomes empty because the main thread does not call OnThreadStop().
if (&tls == state.tls_list) {
state.tls_list =;
tls.prev = nullptr;
} else {
auto *prev_tls = tls.prev;
auto *next_tls =;
prev_tls->next = next_tls;
if (next_tls != nullptr) next_tls->prev = prev_tls;
static size_t GetPeakRSSMb() {
struct rusage usage = {};
if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage) != 0) return 0;
// On Linux, ru_maxrss is in KiB
return usage.ru_maxrss >> 10;
// Returns the current time in microseconds.
static uint64_t TimeInUsec() {
struct timeval tv = {};
constexpr size_t kUsecInSec = 1000000;
gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
return tv.tv_sec * kUsecInSec + tv.tv_usec;
static void CheckWatchdogLimits() {
const uint64_t curr_time = time(nullptr);
struct Resource {
const char *what;
const char *units;
uint64_t value;
uint64_t limit;
const char *failure;
const Resource resources[] = {
.what = "Per-input timeout",
.units = "sec",
.value = curr_time - state.input_start_time,
.limit = state.run_time_flags.timeout_per_input,
.failure =,
.what = "Per-batch timeout",
.units = "sec",
.value = curr_time - state.batch_start_time,
.limit = state.run_time_flags.timeout_per_batch,
.failure =,
.what = "RSS limit",
.units = "MB",
.value = GetPeakRSSMb(),
.limit = state.run_time_flags.rss_limit_mb,
.failure =,
for (const auto &resource : resources) {
if (resource.limit != 0 && resource.value > resource.limit) {
// Allow only one invocation to handle a failure: needed because we call
// this function periodically in `WatchdogThread()`, but also call it in
// `RunOneInput()` after all the work is done.
static std::atomic<bool> already_handling_failure = false;
if (! {
"========= %s exceeded: %" PRIu64 " > %" PRIu64
" (%s); exiting\n",
resource.what, resource.value, resource.limit, resource.units);
// Watchdog thread. Periodically checks if it's time to abort due to a
// timeout/OOM.
[[noreturn]] static void *WatchdogThread(void *unused) {
tls.ignore = true;
state.watchdog_thread_started = true;
while (true) {
// No calls to ResetInputTimer() yet: input execution hasn't started.
if (state.input_start_time == 0) continue;
void GlobalRunnerState::StartWatchdogThread() {
if (state.run_time_flags.timeout_per_input == 0 &&
state.run_time_flags.timeout_per_batch == 0 &&
state.run_time_flags.rss_limit_mb == 0) {
"Starting watchdog thread: timeout_per_input: %" PRIu64
" sec; timeout_per_batch: %" PRIu64 " sec; rss_limit_mb: %" PRIu64
" MB\n",
pthread_t watchdog_thread;
pthread_create(&watchdog_thread, nullptr, WatchdogThread, nullptr);
// Wait until the watchdog actually starts and initializes itself.
while (!state.watchdog_thread_started) {
void GlobalRunnerState::ResetTimers() {
const auto curr_time = time(nullptr);
input_start_time = curr_time;
// batch_start_time is set only once -- just before the first input of the
// batch is about to start running.
if (batch_start_time == 0) {
batch_start_time = curr_time;
// Byte array mutation fallback for a custom mutator, as defined here:
extern "C" size_t LLVMFuzzerMutate(uint8_t *data, size_t size,
size_t max_size) {
// TODO(kcc): [as-needed] fix the interface mismatch.
// LLVMFuzzerMutate is an array-based interface (for compatibility reasons)
// while ByteArray has a vector-based interface.
// This incompatibility causes us to do extra allocate/copy per mutation.
// It may not cause big problems in practice though.
if (max_size == 0) return 0; // just in case, not expected to happen.
if (size == 0) {
// Don't mutate empty data, just return a 1-byte result.
data[0] = 0;
return 1;
ByteArray array(data, data + size);
if (array.size() > max_size) {
memcpy(data,, array.size());
return array.size();
// An arbitrary large size for input data.
static const size_t kMaxDataSize = 1 << 20;
static void WriteFeaturesToFile(FILE *file, const feature_t *features,
size_t size) {
if (!size) return;
auto bytes_written = fwrite(features, 1, sizeof(features[0]) * size, file);
PrintErrorAndExitIf(bytes_written != size * sizeof(features[0]),
"wrong number of bytes written for coverage");
// Clears all coverage data.
// All bitsets, counter arrays and such need to be clear before every execution.
// However, clearing them is expensive because they are sparse.
// Instead, we rely on ForEachNonZeroByte() and
// ConcurrentBitSet::ForEachNonZeroBit to clear the bits/bytes after they
// finish iterating.
// We still need to clear all the thread-local data updated during execution.
// If `full_clear==true` clear all coverage anyway - useful to remove the
// coverage accumulated during startup.
__attribute__((noinline)) // so that we see it in profile.
static void
PrepareCoverage(bool full_clear) {
if (state.run_time_flags.path_level != 0) {
state.ForEachTls([](ThreadLocalRunnerState &tls) {
tls.lowest_sp = tls.top_frame_sp;
// TODO(kcc): do we need to clear tls.cmp_trace2 and others here?
if (!full_clear) return;
state.pc_counter_set.ForEachNonZeroByte([](size_t idx, uint8_t value) {});
if (state.run_time_flags.use_dataflow_features)
state.data_flow_feature_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {});
if (state.run_time_flags.use_cmp_features) {
state.cmp_feature_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {});
state.cmp_eq_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {});
state.cmp_moddiff_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {});
state.cmp_hamming_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {});
state.cmp_difflog_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {});
if (state.run_time_flags.path_level != 0)
state.path_feature_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {});
if (state.run_time_flags.callstack_level != 0)
state.callstack_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {});
for (auto *p = state.user_defined_begin; p != state.user_defined_end; ++p) {
*p = 0;
if (state.inline_8bit_counters_start != state.inline_8bit_counters_stop) {
memset(state.inline_8bit_counters_start, 0,
state.inline_8bit_counters_stop - state.inline_8bit_counters_start);
// Adds a kPCs and/or k8bitCounters feature to `g_features` based on arguments.
// `idx` is a pc_index.
// `counter_value` (non-zero) is a counter value associated with that PC.
static void AddPcIndxedAndCounterToFeatures(size_t idx, uint8_t counter_value) {
if (state.run_time_flags.use_pc_features) {
if (state.run_time_flags.use_counter_features) {
Convert8bitCounterToNumber(idx, counter_value)));
// Post-processes all coverage data, puts it all into `g_features`.
// `target_return_value` is the value returned by LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput.
// If `target_return_value == -1`, sets `g_features` to empty. This way,
// the engine will reject any input that causes the target to return -1.
// LibFuzzer supports this return value as of 2022-07:
__attribute__((noinline)) // so that we see it in profile.
static void
PostProcessCoverage(int target_return_value) {
if (target_return_value == -1) return;
// Convert counters to features.
[](size_t idx, uint8_t value) {
AddPcIndxedAndCounterToFeatures(idx, value);
0, state.actual_pc_counter_set_size_aligned);
// Convert data flow bit set to features.
if (state.run_time_flags.use_dataflow_features) {
state.data_flow_feature_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {
// Convert cmp bit set to features.
if (state.run_time_flags.use_cmp_features) {
// TODO(kcc): remove cmp_feature_set.
state.cmp_feature_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {
state.cmp_eq_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {
state.cmp_moddiff_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {
state.cmp_hamming_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {
state.cmp_difflog_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {
// Convert path bit set to features.
if (state.run_time_flags.path_level != 0) {
state.path_feature_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {
// Iterate all threads and get features from TLS data.
state.ForEachTls([](ThreadLocalRunnerState &tls) {
if (state.run_time_flags.callstack_level != 0) {
RunnerCheck(tls.top_frame_sp >= tls.lowest_sp,
"bad values of tls.top_frame_sp and tls.lowest_sp");
size_t sp_diff = tls.top_frame_sp - tls.lowest_sp;
if (state.run_time_flags.callstack_level != 0) {
state.callstack_set.ForEachNonZeroBit([](size_t idx) {
// Copy the features from __centipede_extra_features to g_features.
// Zero features are ignored - we treat them as default (unset) values.
for (auto *p = state.user_defined_begin; p != state.user_defined_end; ++p) {
if (auto user_feature = *p) {
// User domain ID is upper 32 bits
feature_t user_domain_id = user_feature >> 32;
// User feature ID is lower 32 bits.
feature_t user_feature_id = user_feature & ((1ULL << 32) - 1);
// There is no hard guarantee how many user domains are actually
// available. If a user domain ID is out of range, alias it to an existing
// domain. This is kinder than silently dropping the feature.
user_domain_id %= std::size(feature_domains::kUserDomains);
*p = 0; // cleanup for the next iteration.
// Iterates all non-zero inline 8-bit counters, if they are present.
// Calls AddPcIndxedAndCounterToFeatures on non-zero counters and zeroes them.
// TODO(kcc): for large binaries this is slow, and needs to be done
// in larger chunks (8 bytes or more). Either reinstate (the now deleted)
// ForEachNonZeroByte, or implement a new one.
if (state.run_time_flags.use_pc_features ||
state.run_time_flags.use_counter_features) {
state.inline_8bit_counters_stop - state.inline_8bit_counters_start,
[](size_t idx, uint8_t counter_value) {
AddPcIndxedAndCounterToFeatures(idx, counter_value);
static void RunOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size,
FuzzerTestOneInputCallback test_one_input_cb) {
state.stats = {};
size_t last_time_usec = 0;
auto UsecSinceLast = [&last_time_usec]() {
uint64_t t = TimeInUsec();
uint64_t ret_val = t - last_time_usec;
last_time_usec = t;
return ret_val;
state.stats.prep_time_usec = UsecSinceLast();
int target_return_value = test_one_input_cb(data, size);
state.stats.exec_time_usec = UsecSinceLast();
state.stats.post_time_usec = UsecSinceLast();
state.stats.peak_rss_mb = GetPeakRSSMb();
template <typename Type>
static std::vector<Type> ReadBytesFromFilePath(const char *input_path) {
FILE *input_file = fopen(input_path, "r");
RunnerCheck(input_file != nullptr, "can't open the input file");
struct stat statbuf = {};
RunnerCheck(fstat(fileno(input_file), &statbuf) == 0, "fstat failed");
size_t size_in_bytes = statbuf.st_size;
RunnerCheck(size_in_bytes != 0, "empty file");
RunnerCheck((size_in_bytes % sizeof(Type)) == 0,
"file size is not multiple of the type size");
std::vector<Type> data(size_in_bytes / sizeof(Type));
auto num_bytes_read = fread(, 1, size_in_bytes, input_file);
RunnerCheck(num_bytes_read == size_in_bytes, "read failed");
RunnerCheck(fclose(input_file) == 0, "fclose failed");
return data;
// Runs one input provided in file `input_path`.
// Produces coverage data in file `input_path`-features.
__attribute__((noinline)) // so that we see it in profile.
static void
const char *input_path, FuzzerTestOneInputCallback test_one_input_cb) {
// Read the input.
auto data = ReadBytesFromFilePath<uint8_t>(input_path);
RunOneInput(, data.size(), test_one_input_cb);
// Dump features to a file.
char features_file_path[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(features_file_path, sizeof(features_file_path), "%s-features",
FILE *features_file = fopen(features_file_path, "w");
PrintErrorAndExitIf(features_file == nullptr, "can't open coverage file");
// Calls ExecutionMetadata::AppendCmpEntry for every CMP arg pair
// found in `cmp_trace`.
// Returns true if all appending succeeded.
// "noinline" so that we see it in a profile, if it becomes hot.
template <typename CmpTrace>
__attribute__((noinline)) bool AppendCmpEntries(CmpTrace &cmp_trace,
ExecutionMetadata &metadata) {
bool append_failed = false;
[&](uint8_t size, const uint8_t *v0, const uint8_t *v1) {
if (!metadata.AppendCmpEntry({v0, size}, {v1, size}))
append_failed = true;
return !append_failed;
// Starts sending the outputs (coverage, etc.) to `outputs_blobseq`.
// Returns true on success.
static bool StartSendingOutputsToEngine(BlobSequence &outputs_blobseq) {
return BatchResult::WriteInputBegin(outputs_blobseq);
// Finishes sending the outputs (coverage, etc.) to `outputs_blobseq`.
// Returns true on success.
static bool FinishSendingOutputsToEngine(BlobSequence &outputs_blobseq) {
// Copy features to shared memory.
if (!BatchResult::WriteOneFeatureVec(, state.g_features.size(), outputs_blobseq)) {
return false;
ExecutionMetadata metadata;
// Copy the CMP traces to shared memory.
if (state.run_time_flags.use_auto_dictionary) {
bool append_failed = false;
state.ForEachTls([&metadata, &append_failed](ThreadLocalRunnerState &tls) {
if (!AppendCmpEntries(tls.cmp_trace2, metadata)) append_failed = true;
if (!AppendCmpEntries(tls.cmp_trace4, metadata)) append_failed = true;
if (!AppendCmpEntries(tls.cmp_trace8, metadata)) append_failed = true;
if (!AppendCmpEntries(tls.cmp_traceN, metadata)) append_failed = true;
if (append_failed) return false;
if (!BatchResult::WriteMetadata(metadata, outputs_blobseq)) return false;
// Write the stats.
if (!BatchResult::WriteStats(state.stats, outputs_blobseq)) return false;
// We are done with this input.
if (!BatchResult::WriteInputEnd(outputs_blobseq)) return false;
return true;
// Handles an ExecutionRequest, see RequestExecution(). Reads inputs from
// `inputs_blobseq`, runs them, saves coverage features to `outputs_blobseq`.
// Returns EXIT_SUCCESS on success and EXIT_FAILURE otherwise.
static int ExecuteInputsFromShmem(
BlobSequence &inputs_blobseq, BlobSequence &outputs_blobseq,
FuzzerTestOneInputCallback test_one_input_cb) {
size_t num_inputs = 0;
if (!execution_request::IsExecutionRequest(inputs_blobseq.Read()))
if (!execution_request::IsNumInputs(inputs_blobseq.Read(), num_inputs))
PrepareCoverage(/*full_clear=*/true); // Clear the startup coverage.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_inputs; i++) {
auto blob = inputs_blobseq.Read();
// TODO(kcc): distinguish bad input from end of stream.
if (!blob.IsValid()) return EXIT_SUCCESS; // no more blobs to read.
if (!execution_request::IsDataInput(blob)) return EXIT_FAILURE;
// TODO(kcc): [impl] handle sizes larger than kMaxDataSize.
size_t size = std::min(kMaxDataSize, blob.size);
// Copy from blob to data so that to not pass the shared memory further.
std::vector<uint8_t> data(, + size);
// Starting execution of one more input.
if (!StartSendingOutputsToEngine(outputs_blobseq)) break;
RunOneInput(, data.size(), test_one_input_cb);
if (!FinishSendingOutputsToEngine(outputs_blobseq)) break;
// Dumps the pc table to `output_path`.
// Requires that state.main_object is already computed.
static void DumpPcTable(const char *output_path) {
PrintErrorAndExitIf(!state.main_object.IsSet(), "main_object is not set");
FILE *output_file = fopen(output_path, "w");
PrintErrorAndExitIf(output_file == nullptr, "can't open output file");
// Make a local copy of the pc table, and subtract the ASLR base
// (i.e. main_object_start_address) from every PC before dumping the table.
// Otherwise, we need to pass this ASLR offset at the symbolization time,
// e.g. via `llvm-symbolizer --adjust-vma=<ASLR offset>`.
// Another alternative is to build the binary w/o -fPIE or with -static.
std::vector<PCInfo> modified_pcs(state.pcs_end - state.pcs_beg);
for (size_t i = 0; i < modified_pcs.size(); ++i) {
modified_pcs[i].pc = state.pcs_beg[i].pc - state.main_object.start_address;
modified_pcs[i].flags = state.pcs_beg[i].flags;
// Dump the modified pc table.
const auto data_size_in_bytes = modified_pcs.size() * sizeof(PCInfo);
auto num_bytes_written =
fwrite(, 1, data_size_in_bytes, output_file);
PrintErrorAndExitIf(num_bytes_written != data_size_in_bytes,
"wrong number of bytes written for pc table");
// Dumps the control-flow table to `output_path`.
// Requires that state.main_object is already computed.
static void DumpCfTable(const char *output_path) {
PrintErrorAndExitIf(!state.main_object.IsSet(), "main_object is not set");
FILE *output_file = fopen(output_path, "w");
PrintErrorAndExitIf(output_file == nullptr, "can't open output file");
// Make a local copy of the cf table, and subtract the ASLR base
// (i.e. main_object.start_address) from every PC before dumping the table.
// Otherwise, we need to pass this ASLR offset at the symbolization time,
// e.g. via `llvm-symbolizer --adjust-vma=<ASLR offset>`.
// Another alternative is to build the binary w/o -fPIE or with -static.
const uintptr_t *data = state.cfs_beg;
const size_t data_size_in_words = state.cfs_end - state.cfs_beg;
PrintErrorAndExitIf(data_size_in_words == 0, "No data in control-flow table");
const size_t data_size_in_bytes = data_size_in_words * sizeof(*state.cfs_beg);
std::vector<intptr_t> data_copy(data_size_in_words);
for (size_t i = 0; i < data_size_in_words; ++i) {
// data_copy is an array of PCs, except for delimiter (Null) and indirect
// call indicator (-1).
if (data[i] != 0 && data[i] != -1ULL)
data_copy[i] = data[i] - state.main_object.start_address;
data_copy[i] = data[i];
// Dump the modified table.
auto num_bytes_written =
fwrite(, 1, data_size_in_bytes, output_file);
PrintErrorAndExitIf(num_bytes_written != data_size_in_bytes,
"wrong number of bytes written for cf table");
// Returns a random seed. No need for a more sophisticated seed.
// TODO(kcc): [as-needed] optionally pass an external seed.
static unsigned GetRandomSeed() { return time(nullptr); }
// Handles a Mutation Request, see RequestMutation().
// Mutates inputs read from `inputs_blobseq`,
// writes the mutants to `outputs_blobseq`
// Returns EXIT_SUCCESS on success and EXIT_FAILURE on failure
// so that main() can return its result.
// If both `custom_mutator_cb` and `custom_crossover_cb` are nullptr,
// returns EXIT_FAILURE.
// TODO(kcc): [impl] make use of custom_crossover_cb, if available.
static int MutateInputsFromShmem(
BlobSequence &inputs_blobseq, BlobSequence &outputs_blobseq,
FuzzerCustomMutatorCallback custom_mutator_cb,
FuzzerCustomCrossOverCallback custom_crossover_cb) {
if (custom_mutator_cb == nullptr) return EXIT_FAILURE;
unsigned int seed = GetRandomSeed();
// Read max_num_mutants.
size_t num_mutants = 0;
size_t num_inputs = 0;
if (!execution_request::IsMutationRequest(inputs_blobseq.Read()))
if (!execution_request::IsNumMutants(inputs_blobseq.Read(), num_mutants))
if (!execution_request::IsNumInputs(inputs_blobseq.Read(), num_inputs))
// Mutation input with ownership.
struct MutationInput {
ByteArray data;
ExecutionMetadata metadata;
// TODO(kcc): unclear if we can continue using std::vector (or other STL)
// in the runner. But for now use std::vector.
// Collect the inputs into a vector. We copy them instead of using pointers
// into shared memory so that the user code doesn't touch the shared memory.
std::vector<MutationInput> inputs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_inputs; ++i) {
// If inputs_blobseq have overflown in the engine, we still want to
// handle the first few inputs.
ExecutionMetadata metadata;
if (!execution_request::IsExecutionMetadata(inputs_blobseq.Read(),
metadata)) {
auto blob = inputs_blobseq.Read();
if (!execution_request::IsDataInput(blob)) break;
inputs.push_back({.data = {, + blob.size},
.metadata = std::move(metadata)});
// Use a fixed-sized vector as a scratch.
constexpr size_t kMaxMutantSize = kMaxDataSize;
ByteArray mutant(kMaxMutantSize);
constexpr size_t kAverageMutationAttempts = 2;
// Produce mutants.
for (size_t attempt = 0, num_outputs = 0;
attempt < num_mutants * kAverageMutationAttempts &&
num_outputs < num_mutants;
++attempt) {
const auto &input_data = inputs[rand_r(&seed) % num_inputs].data;
size_t size = std::min(input_data.size(), kMaxMutantSize);
std::copy(input_data.cbegin(), input_data.cbegin() + size, mutant.begin());
size_t new_size = 0;
if ((custom_crossover_cb != nullptr) &&
rand_r(&seed) % 100 < state.run_time_flags.crossover_level) {
// Perform crossover `crossover_level`% of the time.
const auto &other_data = inputs[rand_r(&seed) % num_inputs].data;
new_size = custom_crossover_cb(, input_data.size(),,
other_data.size(),, kMaxMutantSize, rand_r(&seed));
} else {
new_size =
custom_mutator_cb(, size, kMaxMutantSize, rand_r(&seed));
if (new_size == 0) continue;
if (!outputs_blobseq.Write({1 /*unused tag*/, new_size,}))
// Returns the current process VmSize, in bytes.
static size_t GetVmSizeInBytes() {
FILE *f = fopen("/proc/self/statm", "r"); // man proc
if (!f) return 0;
size_t vm_size = 0;
// NOTE: Ignore any (unlikely) failures to suppress a compiler warning.
(void)fscanf(f, "%zd", &vm_size);
return vm_size * getauxval(AT_PAGESZ); // proc gives VmSize in pages.
static void SetLimits() {
// no core files anywhere.
prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0);
// ASAN/TSAN/MSAN can not be used with RLIMIT_AS.
// We get the current VmSize, if it is greater than 1Tb, we assume we
// are running under one of ASAN/TSAN/MSAN and thus cannot use RLIMIT_AS.
constexpr size_t one_tb = 1ULL << 40;
size_t vm_size_in_bytes = GetVmSizeInBytes();
// Set the address-space limit (RLIMIT_AS).
// No-op under ASAN/TSAN/MSAN - those may still rely on rss_limit_mb.
if (vm_size_in_bytes < one_tb) {
size_t address_space_limit_mb =
state.HasIntFlag(":address_space_limit_mb=", 0);
if (address_space_limit_mb > 0) {
size_t limit_in_bytes = address_space_limit_mb << 20;
struct rlimit rlimit_as = {limit_in_bytes, limit_in_bytes};
setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &rlimit_as);
} else {
"Not using RLIMIT_AS; "
"VmSize is %zdGb, suspecting ASAN/MSAN/TSAN\n",
vm_size_in_bytes >> 30);
static void MaybePopulateReversePcTable() {
const char *pcs_file_path = state.GetStringFlag(":pcs_file_path=");
if (!pcs_file_path) return;
const auto pc_table = ReadBytesFromFilePath<PCInfo>(pcs_file_path);
// Create a fake reference to ForkServerCallMeVeryEarly() here so that the
// fork server module is not dropped during linking.
// Alternatives are
// * Use -Wl,--whole-archive when linking with the runner archive.
// * Use -Wl,-u,ForkServerCallMeVeryEarly when linking with the runner archive.
// (requires ForkServerCallMeVeryEarly to be extern "C").
// These alternatives require extra flags and are thus more fragile.
// We declare ForkServerCallMeVeryEarly() here instead of doing it in some
// header file, because we want to keep the fork server header-free.
extern void ForkServerCallMeVeryEarly();
[[maybe_unused]] auto fake_reference_for_fork_server =
// Same for Avoids the following situation:
// * weak implementations of sancov callbacks are given in the command line
// before centipede.a.
// * linker sees them and decides to drop runner_sancov.o.
extern void RunnerSancov();
[[maybe_unused]] auto fake_reference_for_runner_sancov = &RunnerSancov;
GlobalRunnerState::GlobalRunnerState() {
// TODO(kcc): move some code from CentipedeRunnerMain() here so that it works
// even if CentipedeRunnerMain() is not called.
// Compute main_object.
main_object = GetDlInfo(state.GetStringFlag(":dl_path_suffix="));
if (!main_object.IsSet()) {
"Failed to compute main_object. This may happen"
" e.g. when instrumented code is in a DSO opened later by dlopen()\n");
// Dump the pc table, if instructed.
if (state.HasFlag(":dump_pc_table:")) {
if (!state.arg1) _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
// Dump the control-flow table, if instructed.
if (state.HasFlag(":dump_cf_table:")) {
if (!state.arg1) _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
// initialize the user defined section.
user_defined_begin = &__start___centipede_extra_features;
user_defined_end = &__stop___centipede_extra_features;
if (user_defined_begin && user_defined_end) {
"section(\"__centipede_extra_features\") detected with %zd elements\n",
user_defined_end - user_defined_begin);
GlobalRunnerState::~GlobalRunnerState() {
// The process is winding down, but CentipedeRunnerMain did not run.
// This means, the binary is standalone with its own main(), and we need to
// report the coverage now.
if (!state.centipede_runner_main_executed && state.HasFlag(":shmem:")) {
int exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS; // TODO(kcc): do we know our exit status?
SharedMemoryBlobSequence outputs_blobseq(state.arg2);
// If HasFlag(:dump_pc_table:), dump the pc table to state.arg1.
// Used to import the pc table into the caller process.
// If HasFlag(:shmem:), state.arg1 and state.arg2 are the names
// of in/out shared memory locations.
// Read inputs and write outputs via shared memory.
// Default: Execute ReadOneInputExecuteItAndDumpCoverage() for all inputs.//
// Note: argc/argv are used only for two things:
// * ReadOneInputExecuteItAndDumpCoverage()
// * LLVMFuzzerInitialize()
extern "C" int CentipedeRunnerMain(
int argc, char **argv, FuzzerTestOneInputCallback test_one_input_cb,
FuzzerInitializeCallback initialize_cb,
FuzzerCustomMutatorCallback custom_mutator_cb,
FuzzerCustomCrossOverCallback custom_crossover_cb) {
state.centipede_runner_main_executed = true;
fprintf(stderr, "Centipede fuzz target runner; argv[0]: %s flags: %s\n",
argv[0], state.centipede_runner_flags);
// All further actions will execute code in the target,
// so we need to call LLVMFuzzerInitialize.
if (initialize_cb) {
initialize_cb(&argc, &argv);
// Inputs / outputs from shmem.
if (state.HasFlag(":shmem:")) {
if (!state.arg1 || !state.arg2) return EXIT_FAILURE;
SharedMemoryBlobSequence inputs_blobseq(state.arg1);
SharedMemoryBlobSequence outputs_blobseq(state.arg2);
// Read the first blob. It indicates what further actions to take.
auto request_type_blob = inputs_blobseq.Read();
if (execution_request::IsMutationRequest(request_type_blob)) {
// Since we are mutating, no need to spend time collecting the coverage.
// We still pay for executing the coverage callbacks, but those will
// return immediately.
// TODO(kcc): do this more consistently, for all coverage types.
state.run_time_flags.use_cmp_features = false;
state.run_time_flags.use_pc_features = false;
state.run_time_flags.use_dataflow_features = false;
state.run_time_flags.use_counter_features = false;
// Mutation request.
state.byte_array_mutator =
new ByteArrayMutator(state.knobs, GetRandomSeed());
return MutateInputsFromShmem(inputs_blobseq, outputs_blobseq,
custom_mutator_cb, custom_crossover_cb);
if (execution_request::IsExecutionRequest(request_type_blob)) {
// Execution request.
return ExecuteInputsFromShmem(inputs_blobseq, outputs_blobseq,
// By default, run every input file one-by-one.
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
ReadOneInputExecuteItAndDumpCoverage(argv[i], test_one_input_cb);
} // namespace centipede
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerRunDriver(
int *argc, char ***argv, FuzzerTestOneInputCallback test_one_input_cb) {
return CentipedeRunnerMain(*argc, *argv, test_one_input_cb,
LLVMFuzzerInitialize, LLVMFuzzerCustomMutator,
extern "C" __attribute__((used)) void CentipedeIsPresent() {}
extern "C" __attribute__((used)) void __libfuzzer_is_present() {}
extern "C" void CentipedeClearExecutionResult() {
// TODO: full_clear=true is expensive - performance may suffer.
extern "C" size_t CentipedeGetExecutionResult(uint8_t *data, size_t capacity) {
centipede::BlobSequence outputs_blobseq(data, capacity);
if (!centipede::StartSendingOutputsToEngine(outputs_blobseq)) return 0;
if (!centipede::FinishSendingOutputsToEngine(outputs_blobseq)) return 0;
return outputs_blobseq.offset();