blob: 8aacd0b54750e092f61fb8d21f1820d40722f312 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <pthread.h> // NOLINT: use pthread to avoid extra dependencies.
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "absl/base/const_init.h"
#include "./centipede/byte_array_mutator.h"
#include "./centipede/callstack.h"
#include "./centipede/concurrent_bitset.h"
#include "./centipede/concurrent_byteset.h"
#include "./centipede/execution_result.h"
#include "./centipede/feature.h"
#include "./centipede/hashed_ring_buffer.h"
#include "./centipede/knobs.h"
#include "./centipede/pc_info.h"
#include "./centipede/reverse_pc_table.h"
#include "./centipede/runner_cmp_trace.h"
#include "./centipede/runner_dl_info.h"
namespace centipede {
// Like std::lock_guard, but for pthread_mutex_t.
class LockGuard {
explicit LockGuard(pthread_mutex_t &mu) : mu_(mu) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mu); }
~LockGuard() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mu_); }
pthread_mutex_t &mu_;
// Flags derived from CENTIPEDE_RUNNER_FLAGS.
// Flags used in instrumentation callbacks are bit-packed for efficiency.
struct RunTimeFlags {
uint64_t path_level : 8;
uint64_t use_pc_features : 1;
uint64_t use_dataflow_features : 1;
uint64_t use_cmp_features : 1;
uint64_t callstack_level : 8;
uint64_t use_counter_features : 1;
uint64_t use_auto_dictionary : 1;
uint64_t timeout_per_input;
uint64_t timeout_per_batch;
uint64_t rss_limit_mb;
uint64_t crossover_level;
// One such object is created in runner's TLS.
// There is no CTOR, since we don't want to use the brittle and lazy TLS CTORs.
// All data members are zero-initialized during thread creation.
struct ThreadLocalRunnerState {
// Intrusive doubly-linked list of TLS objects.
// Guarded by state.tls_list_mu.
ThreadLocalRunnerState *next, *prev;
// The pthread_create() interceptor calls OnThreadStart()/OnThreadStop()
// before/after the thread callback.
// The main thread calls OnThreadStart().
void OnThreadStart();
void OnThreadStop();
// Paths are thread-local, so we maintain the current bounded path here.
// We allow paths of up to 100, controlled at run-time via the "path_level".
static constexpr size_t kBoundedPathLength = 100;
HashedRingBuffer<kBoundedPathLength> path_ring_buffer;
// Value of SP in the top call frame of the thread, computed in OnThreadStart.
uintptr_t top_frame_sp;
// Lowest observed value of SP.
uintptr_t lowest_sp;
// The (imprecise) call stack is updated by the PC callback.
CallStack<> call_stack;
// Cmp traces capture the arguments of CMP instructions, memcmp, etc.
// We have dedicated traces for 2-, 4-, and 8-byte comparison, and
// a catch-all `cmp_traceN` trace for memcmp, etc.
CmpTrace<2, 64> cmp_trace2;
CmpTrace<4, 64> cmp_trace4;
CmpTrace<8, 64> cmp_trace8;
CmpTrace<0, 64> cmp_traceN;
// Set this to true if the thread needs to be ignored in ForEachTLS.
bool ignore;
// One global object of this type is created by the runner at start up.
// All data members will be initialized to zero, unless they have initializers.
// Accesses to the subobjects should be fast, so we are trying to avoid
// extra memory references where possible.
// TODO(kcc): use a CTOR with absl::kConstInit (will require refactoring).
struct GlobalRunnerState {
// Used by LLVMFuzzerMutate and initialized in main().
ByteArrayMutator *byte_array_mutator = nullptr;
Knobs knobs;
// Runner reads flags from a dedicated env var, CENTIPEDE_RUNNER_FLAGS.
// We don't use flags passed via argv so that argv flags can be passed
// directly to LLVMFuzzerInitialize, w/o filtering. The flags passed in
// CENTIPEDE_RUNNER_FLAGS are separated with ':' on both sides, i.e. like
// this: CENTIPEDE_RUNNER_FLAGS=":flag1:flag2:". We do it this way to make the
// flag parsing code extremely simple. The interface is private between
// Centipede and the runner and may change.
const char *centipede_runner_flags = getenv("CENTIPEDE_RUNNER_FLAGS");
const char *arg1 = GetStringFlag(":arg1=");
const char *arg2 = GetStringFlag(":arg2=");
// The path to a file where the runner may write the description of failure.
const char *failure_description_path =
// Flags.
RunTimeFlags run_time_flags = {
.path_level = std::min(ThreadLocalRunnerState::kBoundedPathLength,
HasIntFlag(":path_level=", 0)),
.use_pc_features = HasFlag(":use_pc_features:"),
.use_dataflow_features = HasFlag(":use_dataflow_features:"),
.use_cmp_features = HasFlag(":use_cmp_features:"),
.callstack_level = HasIntFlag(":callstack_level=", 0),
.use_counter_features = HasFlag(":use_counter_features:"),
.use_auto_dictionary = HasFlag(":use_auto_dictionary:"),
.timeout_per_input = HasIntFlag(":timeout_per_input=", 0),
.timeout_per_batch = HasIntFlag(":timeout_per_batch=", 0),
.rss_limit_mb = HasIntFlag(":rss_limit_mb=", 0),
.crossover_level = HasIntFlag(":crossover_level=", 50)};
// Returns true iff `flag` is present.
// Typical usage: pass ":some_flag:", i.e. the flag name surrounded with ':'.
bool HasFlag(const char *flag) const {
if (!centipede_runner_flags) return false;
return strstr(centipede_runner_flags, flag) != nullptr;
// If a flag=value pair is present, returns value,
// otherwise returns `default_value`.
// Typical usage: pass ":some_flag=".
uint64_t HasIntFlag(const char *flag, uint64_t default_value) const {
if (!centipede_runner_flags) return default_value;
const char *beg = strstr(centipede_runner_flags, flag);
if (!beg) return default_value;
return atoll(beg + strlen(flag)); // NOLINT: can't use strto64, etc.
// If a :flag=value: pair is present returns value, otherwise returns nullptr.
// The result is obtained by calling strndup, so make sure to save
// it in `this` to avoid a leak.
// Typical usage: pass ":some_flag=".
const char *GetStringFlag(const char *flag) const {
if (!centipede_runner_flags) return nullptr;
// Extract "value" from ":flag=value:" inside centipede_runner_flags.
const char *beg = strstr(centipede_runner_flags, flag);
if (!beg) return nullptr;
const char *value_beg = beg + strlen(flag);
const char *end = strstr(value_beg, ":");
if (!end) return nullptr;
return strndup(value_beg, end - value_beg);
// Doubly linked list of TLSs of all live threads.
ThreadLocalRunnerState *tls_list;
pthread_mutex_t tls_list_mu; // Guards tls_list.
// Iterates all TLS objects under tls_list_mu, except those with `ignore` set.
// Calls `callback()` on every TLS.
template <typename Callback>
void ForEachTls(Callback callback) {
LockGuard lock(tls_list_mu);
for (auto *it = tls_list; it; it = it->next) {
if (!it->ignore) callback(*it);
// Computed by DlInfo().
// Usually, the main object is the executable binary containing main()
// and most of the executable code (we assume that the target is
// built in mostly-static mode, i.e. -dynamic_mode=off).
// When the `dl_path_suffix` runner flag is provided, the main_object refers
// to the dynamic library (DSO) pointed to by this flag.
// Note: this runner currently does not support more than one instrumented
// DSO in the process, i.e. you either instrument the main binary, or one DSO.
// Supporting more than one DSO will require major changes,
// major added complexity, and potentially cause slowdown.
// There is currently no motivation for such a change.
DlInfo main_object;
// State for SanitizerCoverage.
// See
const PCInfo *pcs_beg, *pcs_end;
const uintptr_t *cfs_beg, *cfs_end;
static const size_t kBitSetSize = 1 << 18; // Arbitrary large size.
ConcurrentBitSet<kBitSetSize> data_flow_feature_set{absl::kConstInit};
// Tracing CMP instructions, capture events from these domains:
// kCMPEq, kCMPModDiff, kCMPHamming, kCMPModDiffLog, kCMPMsbEq.
// See
static const size_t kCmpFeatureSetSize = 1 << 18; // Arbitrary large size.
// TODO(kcc): remove cmp_feature_set.
ConcurrentBitSet<kCmpFeatureSetSize> cmp_feature_set{absl::kConstInit};
ConcurrentBitSet<kCmpFeatureSetSize> cmp_eq_set{absl::kConstInit};
ConcurrentBitSet<kCmpFeatureSetSize> cmp_moddiff_set{absl::kConstInit};
ConcurrentBitSet<kCmpFeatureSetSize> cmp_hamming_set{absl::kConstInit};
ConcurrentBitSet<kCmpFeatureSetSize> cmp_difflog_set{absl::kConstInit};
// We think that call stack produces rich signal, so we give a few bits to it.
static const size_t kCallStackFeatureSetSize = 1 << 24;
ConcurrentBitSet<kCallStackFeatureSetSize> callstack_set{absl::kConstInit};
// trace-pc-guard callbacks (edge instrumentation).
// We use edge instrumentation w/ callbacks to implement bounded-path
// coverage.
// * The current PC is converted to an offset (a PC index).
// * The offset is pushed to a HashedRingBuffer, producing a hash.
// * The resulting hash represents N most recent PCs, we use it as a feature.
// WARNING: this is highly experimental.
// This is far from perfect and may be not sensitive enough in some cases
// and create exponential number of features in other cases.
// Some areas to experiment with:
// * Handle only function-entry PCs, i.e. use call paths, not branch paths.
// * Play with the length of the path (kBoundedPathLength)
// * Use call stacks instead of paths (via unwinding or other
// instrumentation).
// These fields must not be initialized in CTOR.
// The global state object will have them initialized to zero anyway.
// The actual initialization may happen before the CTOR is called.
PCGuard *pc_guard_start; // from __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard_init.
PCGuard *pc_guard_stop; // from __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard_init.
// These two fields are initialized in __sanitizer_cov_8bit_counters_init
// if the corresponding instrumentation is present in the binary.
uint8_t *inline_8bit_counters_start;
uint8_t *inline_8bit_counters_stop;
// kMaxNumPcs is the maximum number of instrumented PCs in the binary.
// We can be generous here since the unused memory will not cost anything.
// `pc_counter_set` is a static byte set supporting up to kMaxNumPcs PCs.
static constexpr size_t kMaxNumPcs = 1 << 28;
TwoLayerConcurrentByteSet<kMaxNumPcs> pc_counter_set{absl::kConstInit};
// This is the actual number of PCs, aligned up to
// pc_counter_set::kSizeMultiple, computed at startup.
size_t actual_pc_counter_set_size_aligned;
// Initialized in CTOR from the __centipede_extra_features section.
feature_t *user_defined_begin;
feature_t *user_defined_end;
static const size_t kPathBitSetSize = 1 << 25; // Arbitrary very large size.
// Observed paths. The total number of observed paths for --path_level=N
// can be up to NumPCs**N.
// So, we make the bitset very large, but it may still saturate.
ConcurrentBitSet<kPathBitSetSize> path_feature_set{absl::kConstInit};
// Execution stats for the currently executed input.
ExecutionResult::Stats stats;
// Used by trace_pc instrumentation. Populated if `pcs_file_path` flag is set.
ReversePCTable reverse_pc_table;
// CentipedeRunnerMain() sets this to true.
bool centipede_runner_main_executed = false;
// Timeout-related machinery.
// If the timeout_per_input and/or rss_limit_mb flags are passed, initializes
// the watchdog thread that terminates the runner if either of those limits
// are exceeded.
void StartWatchdogThread();
// Resets the per-input timer. Call this before executing every input.
void ResetTimers();
// Per-input timer. Initially, zero. ResetInputTimer() sets it to the current
// time.
std::atomic<time_t> input_start_time;
// Per-batch timer. Initially, zero. ResetInputTimer() sets it to the current
// time before the first input and never resets it.
std::atomic<time_t> batch_start_time;
// The Watchdog thread sets this to true.
std::atomic<bool> watchdog_thread_started;
// An arbitrary large size.
static const size_t kMaxFeatures = 1 << 20;
// FeatureArray used to accumulate features from all sources.
FeatureArray<kMaxFeatures> g_features;
extern GlobalRunnerState state;
extern __thread ThreadLocalRunnerState tls;
} // namespace centipede