blob: 05a2c7e7b91bdbfaa7abb9100792f9b81de21403 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <climits>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
// This library must not depend on anything other than libc,
// so that it does not introduce any dependencies to its users.
// Any such dependencies may get coverage-instrumented, introducing noise
// into coverage reporting.
// Small exceptions for header-only parts of STL may be possible.
namespace centipede {
// Simple TLV (tag-length-value) data structure.
// Blob does not own the memory in `data`, just references it.
// `size` is the number of bytes in `data`.
// A blob with zero tag is considered invalid.
// A blob with zero size and non-zero tag is valid but this contradicts
// the current use.
// TODO(kcc): [impl] replace uses of (blob.size == 0) with (!blob.IsValid()).
// TODO(kcc): [impl] consider making it a class.
struct Blob {
using SizeAndTagT = size_t;
Blob(SizeAndTagT tag, SizeAndTagT size, const uint8_t *data)
: tag(tag), size(size), data(data) {}
Blob() = default; // Construct an invalid Blob.
bool IsValid() const { return tag != 0; }
const SizeAndTagT tag = 0;
const SizeAndTagT size = 0;
const uint8_t *data = nullptr;
// The BlobSequence is a consecutive sequence of Blobs.
class BlobSequence {
// Creates a new blob sequence of arbitrary `data` with given `size` in bytes,
// must be >= 8. Aborts on any failure. The amount of actual data that can be
// written is slightly less.
explicit BlobSequence(uint8_t *data, size_t size);
// Writes the contents of `blob` to the blob sequence.
// Returns true on success.
// Returns false when the blob sequence is full.
// A failed Write does not change the internal state.
// Must not be called after Read() w/o first calling Reset().
bool Write(Blob blob);
// Writes `tag`/`value` as a blob. `T` should be a POD.
// Returns true on success.
template <typename T>
bool Write(Blob::SizeAndTagT tag, T value) {
static_assert(std::is_pod_v<T>, "T must be a POD");
return Write(
{tag, sizeof(value), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&value)});
// Reads the next blob from the sequence.
// If no more blobs are left, returns a blob with size = 0.
// Must not be called after Write() w/o first calling Reset().
Blob Read();
// Resets the internal state, allowing to read from or write to
// starting from the beginning of the blob sequence.
void Reset();
// The position after last Write (or last Read).
size_t offset() const { return offset_; }
// Default constructor to create an empty blob sequence. It is used by the
// constructors of child classes.
explicit BlobSequence() = default;
// data_ contains a sequence of {size, payload} pairs,
// where size is 8 bytes and payload is size bytes.
// After writing a blob, we also write 0 in place of the next blob's size,
// if there is space left so that to overwrite any stale data left there.
uint8_t *data_ = nullptr;
size_t size_ = 0;
// offset_ points to the position in data_ after last Write (or last Read).
size_t offset_ = 0;
bool had_reads_after_reset_ = false;
bool had_writes_after_reset_ = false;
// SharedMemoryBlobSequence:
// enables inter-process communication via shared memory.
// It allows one process to write some data, then another process to read it.
// SharedMemoryBlobSequence is thread-compatible.
// It does not perform any inter-process synchronization itself, but relies on
// external synchronization e.g. via process fork/join or semaphores.
// Typical usage is to create a SharedMemoryBlobSequence in one process and then
// open SharedMemoryBlobSequence with the same name in another process.
// But it can be done in the same process too.
// Usage example:
// void ParentProcess() {
// // Create a new blob sequence.
// SharedMemoryBlobSequence parent("/foo", 1000);
// // Parent process writes some data to the shared blob:
// parent.Write({some_data, some_data_size});
// parent.Write({some_other_data, some_other_data_size});
// // Run the child process.
// ExecuteChildProcessAndWaitUntilItIsDone();
// }
// void Child() {
// // Open an existing blob sequence.
// SharedMemoryBlobSequence child("/foo");
// // Read the data written by parent.
// while (true) {
// auto blob = parent.Read();
// if (!blob.size) break;
// Use({, blob.size});
// }
// }
class SharedMemoryBlobSequence : public BlobSequence {
// Creates a new shared blob sequence with `name` (for debugging only, not an
// actual path). Aborts on any failure. `size` is the size of the shared
// memory region in bytes, must be >= 8. The amount of actual data that can be
// written is slightly less.
// The `use_posix_shmem` argument specifies which API to use to allocate the
// shared memory. When true, shm_open(2) will be used, otherwise
// memfd_create(2).
SharedMemoryBlobSequence(const char *name, size_t size, bool use_posix_shmem);
// Opens an existing shared blob sequence with the file `path`.
// Aborts on any failure.
explicit SharedMemoryBlobSequence(const char *path);
// Releases all resources.
// Releases shared memory used by `this`.
void ReleaseSharedMemory();
// Returns the number of bytes used by the shared mapping.
// It will be zero just after creation and after the call to
// ReleaseSharedMemory().
size_t NumBytesUsed() const;
// Gets the file path that can be used to create new instances.
const char *path() const { return path_; }
// mmaps `size_` bytes from `fd_`, assigns to `data_`. Crashes if mmap failed.
void MmapData();
// Will be initialized as a generated internal path or a copy of `path`
// passed in.
char path_[PATH_MAX] = {0};
int fd_ = -1; // file descriptor used to mmap the shared memory region.
// Whether the file pointed to by path_ is owned by this and needs to be
// deallocated on destruction.
bool path_is_owned_ = false;
} // namespace centipede