blob: 1b9083f0d61912005f02703c88c7f8aae645454a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// TODO(ussuri): This module has become a catch-all for all sorts of utils.
// Split it by category.
#include "./centipede/util.h"
#include <linux/limits.h> // NOLINT(PATH_MAX)
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio> // NOLINT(popen)
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <filesystem> // NOLINT
#include <fstream>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <thread> // NOLINT(build/c++11)
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/const_init.h"
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_replace.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "./centipede/defs.h"
#include "./centipede/feature.h"
#include "./centipede/logging.h"
namespace centipede {
size_t GetRandomSeed(size_t seed) {
if (seed != 0) return seed;
return time(nullptr) + getpid() +
std::string AsString(const ByteArray &data, size_t max_len) {
std::ostringstream out;
size_t len = std::min(max_len, data.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const auto ch = data[i];
if (std::isprint(ch)) {
out << ch;
} else {
out << "\\x" << std::uppercase << std::hex << static_cast<uint32_t>(ch);
return out.str();
template <typename Container>
void ReadFromLocalFile(std::string_view file_path, Container &data) {
std::ifstream f(std::string{file_path});
if (!f) return;
f.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
auto size = f.tellg();
f.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg);
CHECK_EQ(size % sizeof(data[0]), 0);
data.resize(size / sizeof(data[0]));<char *>(, size);
CHECK(f) << "Failed to read from local file: " << file_path;
void ReadFromLocalFile(std::string_view file_path, std::string &data) {
return ReadFromLocalFile<std::string>(file_path, data);
void ReadFromLocalFile(std::string_view file_path, ByteArray &data) {
return ReadFromLocalFile<ByteArray>(file_path, data);
void ReadFromLocalFile(std::string_view file_path, FeatureVec &data) {
return ReadFromLocalFile<FeatureVec>(file_path, data);
void ReadFromLocalFile(std::string_view file_path,
std::vector<uint32_t> &data) {
return ReadFromLocalFile<std::vector<uint32_t> &>(file_path, data);
void WriteToLocalFile(std::string_view file_path,
absl::Span<const uint8_t> data) {
std::ofstream f(std::string{});
CHECK(f) << "Failed to open local file: " << file_path;
f.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(,
CHECK(f) << "Failed to write to local file: " << file_path;
void WriteToLocalFile(std::string_view file_path, std::string_view data) {
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(data)::value_type) == sizeof(uint8_t));
absl::Span<const uint8_t>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(,
void WriteToLocalFile(std::string_view file_path, const FeatureVec &data) {
absl::Span<const uint8_t>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(,
sizeof(data[0]) * data.size()));
void WriteToLocalHashedFileInDir(std::string_view dir_path,
absl::Span<const uint8_t> data) {
if (dir_path.empty()) return;
std::string file_path = std::filesystem::path(dir_path).append(Hash(data));
WriteToLocalFile(file_path, data);
std::string HashOfFileContents(std::string_view file_path) {
ByteArray ba;
ReadFromLocalFile(file_path, ba);
return Hash(ba);
std::string ProcessAndThreadUniqueID(std::string_view prefix) {
// operator << is the only way to serialize std::this_thread::get_id().
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << prefix << getpid() << "-" << std::this_thread::get_id();
return oss.str();
std::string TemporaryLocalDirPath() {
const char *TMPDIR = getenv("TMPDIR");
std::string tmp = TMPDIR ? TMPDIR : "/tmp";
return std::filesystem::path(tmp).append(
// We need to maintain a global set of dirs that CreateLocalDirRemovedAtExit()
// was called with, so that we can remove all these dirs at exit.
ABSL_CONST_INIT static absl::Mutex dirs_to_delete_at_exit_mutex{
static std::vector<std::string> *dirs_to_delete_at_exit
// Atexit handler added by CreateLocalDirRemovedAtExit().
// Deletes all dirs in dirs_to_delete_at_exit.
static void RemoveDirsAtExit() {
absl::MutexLock lock(&dirs_to_delete_at_exit_mutex);
for (auto &dir : *dirs_to_delete_at_exit) {
void CreateLocalDirRemovedAtExit(std::string_view path) {
// Safeguard against removing dirs not created by TemporaryLocalDirPath().
CHECK_NE(path.find("/centipede-"), std::string::npos);
// Create the dir.
// Add to dirs_to_delete_at_exit.
absl::MutexLock lock(&dirs_to_delete_at_exit_mutex);
if (!dirs_to_delete_at_exit) {
dirs_to_delete_at_exit = new std::vector<std::string>();
static const size_t kMagicLen = 11;
static const uint8_t kPackBegMagic[] = "-Centipede-";
static const uint8_t kPackEndMagic[] = "-edepitneC-";
static_assert(sizeof(kPackBegMagic) == kMagicLen + 1);
static_assert(sizeof(kPackEndMagic) == kMagicLen + 1);
// Pack 'data' such that it can be appended to a file and later extracted:
// * kPackBegMagic
// * hash(data)
// * data.size() (8 bytes)
// * data itself
// * kPackEndMagic
// Storing the magics and the hash is a precaution against partial writes.
// UnpackBytesFromAppendFile looks for the kPackBegMagic and so
// it will ignore any partially-written data.
// This is simple and efficient, but I wonder if there is a ready-to-use
// standard open-source alternative. Or should we just use tar?
ByteArray PackBytesForAppendFile(const ByteArray &data) {
ByteArray res;
auto hash = Hash(data);
CHECK_EQ(hash.size(), kHashLen);
size_t size = data.size();
uint8_t size_bytes[sizeof(size)];
memcpy(size_bytes, &size, sizeof(size));
res.insert(res.end(), &kPackBegMagic[0], &kPackBegMagic[kMagicLen]);
res.insert(res.end(), hash.begin(), hash.end());
res.insert(res.end(), &size_bytes[0], &size_bytes[sizeof(size_bytes)]);
res.insert(res.end(), data.begin(), data.end());
res.insert(res.end(), &kPackEndMagic[0], &kPackEndMagic[kMagicLen]);
return res;
// Reverse to a sequence of PackBytesForAppendFile() appended to each other.
void UnpackBytesFromAppendFile(const ByteArray &packed_data,
std::vector<ByteArray> *unpacked,
std::vector<std::string> *hashes) {
auto pos = packed_data.cbegin();
while (true) {
pos = std::search(pos, packed_data.end(), &kPackBegMagic[0],
if (pos == packed_data.end()) return;
pos += kMagicLen;
if (packed_data.end() - pos < kHashLen) return;
std::string hash(pos, pos + kHashLen);
pos += kHashLen;
size_t size = 0;
if (packed_data.end() - pos < sizeof(size)) return;
memcpy(&size, &*pos, sizeof(size));
pos += sizeof(size);
if (packed_data.end() - pos < size) return;
ByteArray ba(pos, pos + size);
pos += size;
if (packed_data.end() - pos < kMagicLen) return;
if (memcmp(&*pos, kPackEndMagic, kMagicLen) != 0) continue;
pos += kMagicLen;
if (hash != Hash(ba)) continue;
if (unpacked) unpacked->push_back(std::move(ba));
if (hashes) hashes->push_back(std::move(hash));
void AppendHashToArray(ByteArray &ba, std::string_view hash) {
CHECK_EQ(hash.size(), kHashLen);
ba.insert(ba.end(), hash.begin(), hash.end());
std::string ExtractHashFromArray(ByteArray &ba) {
CHECK_GE(ba.size(), kHashLen);
std::string res;
res.insert(res.end(), ba.end() - kHashLen, ba.end());
ba.resize(ba.size() - kHashLen);
return res;
ByteArray PackFeaturesAndHash(const ByteArray &data,
const FeatureVec &features) {
size_t features_len_in_bytes = features.size() * sizeof(feature_t);
ByteArray feature_bytes_with_hash(features_len_in_bytes + kHashLen);
auto hash = Hash(data);
CHECK_EQ(hash.size(), kHashLen);
memcpy( + features_len_in_bytes,,
return feature_bytes_with_hash;
// Returns a vector of string pairs that are used to replace special characters
// and hex values in ParseAFLDictionary.
static std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>
AFLDictionaryStringReplacements() {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> replacements;
replacements.emplace_back("\\\\", "\\");
replacements.emplace_back("\\r", "\r");
replacements.emplace_back("\\n", "\n");
replacements.emplace_back("\\t", "\t");
replacements.emplace_back("\\\"", "\"");
// Hex string replacements, lower and upper case.
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
replacements.emplace_back(absl::StrFormat("\\x%02x", i), std::string(1, i));
replacements.emplace_back(absl::StrFormat("\\x%02X", i), std::string(1, i));
return replacements;
bool ParseAFLDictionary(std::string_view dictionary_text,
std::vector<ByteArray> &dictionary_entries) {
auto replacements = AFLDictionaryStringReplacements();
// Check if the contents is ASCII.
for (char ch : dictionary_text) {
if (!std::isprint(ch) && !std::isspace(ch)) return false;
// Iterate over all lines.
for (auto line : absl::StrSplit(dictionary_text, '\n')) {
// [start, stop) are the offsets of the dictionary entry.
size_t start = 0;
// Skip leading spaces.
while (start < line.size() && isspace(line[start])) ++start;
// Skip empty line.
if (start == line.size()) continue;
// Skip comment line.
if (line[start] == '#') continue;
// Find the first "
while (start < line.size() && line[start] != '"') ++start;
if (start == line.size()) return false; // no opening "
++start; // skip the first "
size_t stop = line.size() - 1;
// Find the last "
while (stop > start && line[stop] != '"') --stop;
if (stop == start) return false; // no closing "
// Replace special characters and hex values.
std::string replaced = absl::StrReplaceAll(
std::string_view(line.begin() + start, stop - start), replacements);
dictionary_entries.emplace_back(replaced.begin(), replaced.end());
return true;
std::vector<size_t> RandomWeightedSubset(absl::Span<const uint64_t> set,
size_t target_size, Rng &rng) {
std::vector<size_t> res;
// Collect indices of all zeros.
for (size_t i = 0, n = set.size(); i < n; ++i) {
if (set[i] == 0) res.push_back(i);
// Check how many more elements need to be removed to reach `target_size`.
if (set.size() - res.size() <= target_size) return res;
size_t to_remove = set.size() - res.size() - target_size;
// Pairs of index and floating point weight, ordered by weight.
struct index_and_weight {
size_t index;
double weight;
bool operator<(const index_and_weight &other) const {
return weight < other.weight;
// Similar to
// except that we pick elements to remove from the set.
// Invariant: queue contains up to `to_remove` smallest weights observed.
std::priority_queue<index_and_weight> queue;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> unif(0, 1); // values in [0, 1).
for (size_t i = 0; i < set.size(); ++i) {
auto w = set[i];
if (w == 0) continue;
// The idea of using rand(0,1)^(1./w) is described in the link above.
index_and_weight iw{i, pow(unif(rng), 1. / w)};
if (queue.size() < to_remove) {
// queue is not full, add iw unconditionally.
} else {
// queue is full. Swap the top of queue with iw if iw is smaller.
if (iw < {
// Move elements from queue to res, and sort res.
while (!queue.empty()) {
std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
return res;
namespace {
std::atomic<int> requested_exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
std::atomic<bool> early_exit_requested = false;
} // namespace
void RequestEarlyExit(int exit_code) {
requested_exit_code = exit_code;
early_exit_requested = true;
bool EarlyExitRequested() { return early_exit_requested; }
int ExitCode() { return requested_exit_code; }
uint8_t *MmapNoReserve(size_t size) {
auto result = mmap(0, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
CHECK(result != MAP_FAILED);
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(result);
void Munmap(uint8_t *ptr, size_t size) {
auto result = munmap(ptr, size);
CHECK_EQ(result, 0);
} // namespace centipede