blob: 30930a968176c20e7142cee8886fdf75b1750505 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "./centipede/byte_array_mutator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "./centipede/defs.h"
#include "./centipede/knobs.h"
namespace centipede {
//============= CmpDictionary ===============
bool CmpDictionary::SetFromMetadata(const ExecutionMetadata &metadata) {
if (!metadata.ForEachCmpEntry([&](ByteSpan a, ByteSpan b) {
auto size = a.size();
if (size > DictEntry::kMaxEntrySize) return;
if (size < kMinEntrySize) return;
// TODO(kcc): disregard boring CMP pairs, such as e.g. `1 CMP 0`.
dictionary_.emplace_back(a, b);
dictionary_.emplace_back(b, a);
return false;
std::sort(dictionary_.begin(), dictionary_.end());
return true;
void CmpDictionary::SuggestReplacement(
ByteSpan bytes, std::vector<ByteSpan> &suggestions) const {
if (!suggestions.capacity()) return;
if (bytes.size() < kMinEntrySize) return;
// Use binary search to find the first entry that starts with the
// same kMinEntrySize bytes as `bytes`.
// This is not supper efficient.
// We need to see the real usage before optimizing.
// TODO(kcc): investigate using absl/container/btree_map.h instead.
DictEntry prefix({bytes.begin(), kMinEntrySize});
auto iter = std::lower_bound(
dictionary_.begin(), dictionary_.end(), Pair{prefix, prefix},
[](const Pair &a, const Pair &b) { return a.first < b.first; });
// Iterate from the first entry that has the same first bytes as `bytes`
// to the last such entry.
for (; iter != dictionary_.end(); ++iter) {
const auto &a = iter->first;
const auto &b = iter->second;
// Check if `suggestions` is out of capacity.
if (suggestions.size() == suggestions.capacity()) break;
// Check if the first kMinEntrySize bytes are still the same.
if (!std::equal(bytes.begin(), bytes.begin() + kMinEntrySize, a.begin()))
// Check if we have enough bytes to compare with `a`.
if (bytes.size() < a.size()) continue;
// If all bytes are the same as `a`, suggest `b`.
if (std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), bytes.begin()))
suggestions.emplace_back(b.begin(), b.size());
//============= ByteArrayMutator ===============
size_t ByteArrayMutator::RoundUpToAdd(size_t curr_size, size_t to_add) {
if (curr_size >= max_len_) return 0;
const size_t remainder = (curr_size + to_add) % size_alignment_;
if (remainder != 0) {
to_add = to_add + size_alignment_ - remainder;
if (curr_size + to_add > max_len_) return max_len_ - curr_size;
return to_add;
size_t ByteArrayMutator::RoundDownToRemove(size_t curr_size, size_t to_remove) {
if (curr_size <= size_alignment_) return 0;
if (to_remove >= curr_size) return curr_size - size_alignment_;
size_t result_size = curr_size - to_remove;
result_size -= (result_size % size_alignment_);
to_remove = curr_size - result_size;
if (result_size == 0) {
to_remove -= size_alignment_;
if (result_size > max_len_) {
return curr_size - max_len_;
return to_remove;
static const KnobId knob_mutate[3] = {Knobs::NewId("mutate_same_size"),
bool ByteArrayMutator::Mutate(ByteArray &data) {
// Individual mutator may fail to mutate and return false.
// So we iterate a few times and expect one of the mutations will succeed.
for (int iter = 0; iter < 15; iter++) {
Fn mutator = nullptr;
if (data.size() > max_len_) {
mutator = &ByteArrayMutator::MutateDecreaseSize;
} else if (data.size() == max_len_) {
mutator = knobs_.Choose<Fn>({knob_mutate[0], knob_mutate[1]},
} else {
mutator = knobs_.Choose<Fn>(knob_mutate,
if ((this->*mutator)(data)) return true;
return false;
static const KnobId knob_mutate_same_size[5] = {
Knobs::NewId("mutate_same_size_0"), Knobs::NewId("mutate_same_size_1"),
Knobs::NewId("mutate_same_size_2"), Knobs::NewId("mutate_same_size_3"),
bool ByteArrayMutator::MutateSameSize(ByteArray &data) {
auto mutator = knobs_.Choose<Fn>(
{&ByteArrayMutator::FlipBit, &ByteArrayMutator::SwapBytes,
return (this->*mutator)(data);
static const KnobId knob_mutate_increase_size[2] = {
bool ByteArrayMutator::MutateIncreaseSize(ByteArray &data) {
auto mutator = knobs_.Choose<Fn>(
{&ByteArrayMutator::InsertBytes, &ByteArrayMutator::InsertFromDictionary},
return (this->*mutator)(data);
bool ByteArrayMutator::MutateDecreaseSize(ByteArray &data) {
auto mutator = &ByteArrayMutator::EraseBytes;
return (this->*mutator)(data);
bool ByteArrayMutator::FlipBit(ByteArray &data) {
uintptr_t random = rng_();
size_t bit_idx = random % (data.size() * 8);
size_t byte_idx = bit_idx / 8;
bit_idx %= 8;
uint8_t mask = 1 << bit_idx;
data[byte_idx] ^= mask;
return true;
bool ByteArrayMutator::SwapBytes(ByteArray &data) {
size_t idx1 = rng_() % data.size();
size_t idx2 = rng_() % data.size();
std::swap(data[idx1], data[idx2]);
return true;
bool ByteArrayMutator::ChangeByte(ByteArray &data) {
size_t idx = rng_() % data.size();
data[idx] = rng_();
return true;
bool ByteArrayMutator::InsertBytes(ByteArray &data) {
// Don't insert too many bytes at once.
const size_t kMaxInsertSize = 20;
size_t num_new_bytes = rng_() % kMaxInsertSize + 1;
num_new_bytes = RoundUpToAdd(data.size(), num_new_bytes);
if (num_new_bytes > kMaxInsertSize) {
num_new_bytes -= size_alignment_;
// There are N+1 positions to insert something into an array of N.
size_t pos = rng_() % (data.size() + 1);
// Fixed array to avoid memory allocation.
std::array<uint8_t, kMaxInsertSize> new_bytes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_new_bytes; i++) new_bytes[i] = rng_();
data.insert(data.begin() + pos, new_bytes.begin(),
new_bytes.begin() + num_new_bytes);
return true;
bool ByteArrayMutator::EraseBytes(ByteArray &data) {
if (data.size() <= size_alignment_) return false;
// Ok to erase a sizable chunk since small inputs are good (if they
// produce good features).
size_t num_bytes_to_erase = rng_() % (data.size() / 2) + 1;
num_bytes_to_erase = RoundDownToRemove(data.size(), num_bytes_to_erase);
if (num_bytes_to_erase == 0) return false;
size_t pos = rng_() % (data.size() - num_bytes_to_erase + 1);
data.erase(data.begin() + pos, data.begin() + pos + num_bytes_to_erase);
return true;
void ByteArrayMutator::AddToDictionary(
const std::vector<ByteArray> &dict_entries) {
for (const ByteArray &entry : dict_entries) {
if (entry.size() > DictEntry::kMaxEntrySize) continue;
bool ByteArrayMutator::OverwriteFromDictionary(ByteArray &data) {
if (dictionary_.empty()) return false;
size_t dict_entry_idx = rng_() % dictionary_.size();
const auto &dic_entry = dictionary_[dict_entry_idx];
if (dic_entry.size() > data.size()) return false;
size_t overwrite_pos = rng_() % (data.size() - dic_entry.size() + 1);
std::copy(dic_entry.begin(), dic_entry.end(), data.begin() + overwrite_pos);
return true;
bool ByteArrayMutator::OverwriteFromCmpDictionary(ByteArray &data) {
if (cmp_dictionary_.size() == 0) return false;
if (data.size() < CmpDictionary::kMinEntrySize) return false;
// Start with a random position in `data`, search though the entire `data`
// until some suggestion is found.
size_t search_start_idx = rng_() % data.size();
constexpr size_t kMaxNumSuggestions = 100;
std::vector<ByteSpan> suggestions;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
size_t idx = (search_start_idx + i) % data.size();
if (idx + CmpDictionary::kMinEntrySize >= data.size()) continue;
ByteSpan tail{&data[idx], data.size() - idx};
cmp_dictionary_.SuggestReplacement(tail, suggestions);
if (suggestions.empty()) continue;
auto suggestion = suggestions[rng_() % suggestions.size()];
if (idx + suggestion.size() <= data.size()) {
std::copy(suggestion.begin(), suggestion.end(), data.begin() + idx);
return true;
return false;
bool ByteArrayMutator::InsertFromDictionary(ByteArray &data) {
if (dictionary_.empty()) return false;
size_t dict_entry_idx = rng_() % dictionary_.size();
const auto &dict_entry = dictionary_[dict_entry_idx];
// There are N+1 positions to insert something into an array of N.
size_t pos = rng_() % (data.size() + 1);
data.insert(data.begin() + pos, dict_entry.begin(), dict_entry.end());
return true;
void ByteArrayMutator::CrossOverInsert(ByteArray &data,
const ByteArray &other) {
if ((data.size() % size_alignment_) + other.size() < size_alignment_) return;
// insert other[first:first+size] at data[pos]
size_t size = 1 + rng_() % other.size();
size = RoundUpToAdd(data.size(), size);
if (size > other.size()) {
size -= size_alignment_;
size_t first = rng_() % (other.size() - size + 1);
size_t pos = rng_() % (data.size() + 1);
data.insert(data.begin() + pos, other.begin() + first,
other.begin() + first + size);
void ByteArrayMutator::CrossOverOverwrite(ByteArray &data,
const ByteArray &other) {
// Overwrite data[pos:pos+size] with other[first:first+size].
// Overwrite no more than half of data.
size_t max_size = std::max(1UL, data.size() / 2);
size_t first = rng_() % other.size();
max_size = std::min(max_size, other.size() - first);
size_t size = 1 + rng_() % max_size;
size_t max_pos = data.size() - size;
size_t pos = rng_() % (max_pos + 1);
std::copy(other.begin() + first, other.begin() + first + size,
data.begin() + pos);
static const KnobId knob_cross_over_insert_or_overwrite =
void ByteArrayMutator::CrossOver(ByteArray &data, const ByteArray &other) {
if (data.size() >= max_len_) {
CrossOverOverwrite(data, other);
} else {
if (knobs_.GenerateBool(knob_cross_over_insert_or_overwrite, rng_())) {
CrossOverInsert(data, other);
} else {
CrossOverOverwrite(data, other);
// Controls how much crossover is used during mutations.
// TODO(kcc): add tests with different values of knobs.
static const KnobId knob_mutate_or_crossover =
void ByteArrayMutator::MutateMany(const std::vector<MutationInputRef> &inputs,
size_t num_mutants,
std::vector<ByteArray> &mutants) {
if (inputs.empty()) abort();
// TODO(xinhaoyuan): Consider metadata in other inputs instead of always the
// first one.
SetMetadata(inputs[0].metadata != nullptr ? *inputs[0].metadata
: ExecutionMetadata());
size_t num_inputs = inputs.size();
for (auto &mutant : mutants) {
mutant = inputs[rng_() % num_inputs].data;
if (mutant.size() <= max_len_ &&
knobs_.GenerateBool(knob_mutate_or_crossover, rng_())) {
// Do crossover only if the mutant is not over the max_len_.
// Perform crossover with some other input. It may be the same input.
const auto &other_input = inputs[rng_() % num_inputs].data;
CrossOver(mutant, other_input);
} else {
// Perform mutation.
} // namespace centipede