blob: 889d6f6413a9940b213b29af6d37a712df9919ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Centipede: an experimental distributed fuzzing engine.
// Very simple / naive so far.
// Main use case: large out-of-process fuzz targets with relatively slow
// execution (< 100 exec/s).
// Basic approach (subject to change):
// * All state is stored in a local or remote directory `workdir`.
// * State consists of a corpus (inputs) and feature sets (see feature_t).
// * Feature sets are associated with a binary, so that two binaries
// have independent feature sets stored in different subdirs in `workdir`,
// like binaryA-sha1-of-A and binaryB-sha1-of-B.
// If the binary is recompiled at different revision or with different
// compiler options, it is a different binary and feature sets will need to be
// recomputed for the new binary in its separate dir.
// * The corpus is not tied to the binary. It is stored in `workdir`/.
// * The fuzzer runs in `total_shards` independent processes.
// * Each shard appends data to its own files in `workdir`: corpus and features;
// no other process writes to those files.
// * Each shard may periodically read some other shard's corpus and features.
// Since all files are append-only (no renames, no deletions) we may only
// have partial reads, and the algorithm is expected to tolerate those.
// * Fuzzing can be run locally in multiple processes, with a local `workdir`
// or on a cluster, which supports `workdir` on a remote file system.
// * The intent is to scale to an arbitrary number of shards,
// currently tested with total_shards = 10000.
// Differential fuzzing is not yet properly implemented.
// Currently, one can run target A in a given workdir, then target B, and so
// on, and the corpus will grow over time benefiting from all targets.
#include "./centipede/centipede.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "./centipede/blob_file.h"
#include "./centipede/control_flow.h"
#include "./centipede/coverage.h"
#include "./centipede/defs.h"
#include "./centipede/environment.h"
#include "./centipede/execution_result.h"
#include "./centipede/feature.h"
#include "./centipede/feature_set.h"
#include "./centipede/logging.h"
#include "./centipede/remote_file.h"
#include "./centipede/rusage_profiler.h"
#include "./centipede/rusage_stats.h"
#include "./centipede/shard_reader.h"
#include "./centipede/util.h"
namespace centipede {
using perf::RUsageProfiler;
Centipede::Centipede(const Environment &env, CentipedeCallbacks &user_callbacks,
const BinaryInfo &binary_info,
CoverageLogger &coverage_logger, Stats &stats)
: env_(env),
// TODO(kcc): [impl] find a better way to compute frequency_threshold.
function_filter_(env_.function_filter, symbols_),
input_filter_cmd_(env_.input_filter, {input_filter_path_}, {/*env*/},
"/dev/null", "/dev/null"),
? RUsageProfiler::kAllMetrics
: RUsageProfiler::kMetricsOff,
/*location=*/{__FILE__, __LINE__},
/*description=*/"Engine") {
CHECK(env_.seed) << "env_.seed must not be zero";
if (!env_.input_filter.empty() && env_.fork_server)
input_filter_cmd_.StartForkServer(TemporaryLocalDirPath(), "input_filter");
void Centipede::SaveCorpusToLocalDir(
const Environment &env, std::string_view save_corpus_to_local_dir) {
for (size_t shard = 0; shard < env.total_shards; shard++) {
auto reader = DefaultBlobFileReaderFactory();
reader->Open(env.MakeCorpusPath(shard)).IgnoreError(); // may not exist.
absl::Span<uint8_t> blob;
size_t num_read = 0;
while (reader->Read(blob).ok()) {
WriteToLocalHashedFileInDir(save_corpus_to_local_dir, blob);
LOG(INFO) << "Read " << num_read << " from " << env.MakeCorpusPath(shard);
void Centipede::ExportCorpusFromLocalDir(const Environment &env,
std::string_view local_dir) {
// Shard the file paths in `local_dir` based on hashes of filenames.
// Such partition is stable: a given file always goes to a specific shard.
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> sharded_paths(env.total_shards);
size_t total_paths = 0;
for (const auto &entry :
std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(local_dir)) {
if (entry.is_regular_file()) {
size_t filename_hash = std::hash<std::string>{}(entry.path().filename());
sharded_paths[filename_hash % env.total_shards].push_back(entry.path());
// Iterate over all shards.
size_t inputs_added = 0;
size_t inputs_ignored = 0;
for (size_t shard = 0; shard < env.total_shards; shard++) {
size_t num_shard_bytes = 0;
// Read the shard (if it exists), collect input hashes from it.
absl::flat_hash_set<std::string> existing_hashes;
auto reader = DefaultBlobFileReaderFactory();
// May fail to open if file doesn't exist.
absl::Span<uint8_t> blob;
while (reader->Read(blob).ok()) {
// Add inputs to the current shard, if the shard doesn't have them already.
auto appender = DefaultBlobFileWriterFactory();
std::string corpus_path = env.MakeCorpusPath(shard);
CHECK_OK(appender->Open(corpus_path, "a"))
<< "Failed to open corpus file: " << corpus_path;
ByteArray shard_data;
for (const auto &path : sharded_paths[shard]) {
ByteArray input;
ReadFromLocalFile(path, input);
if (input.empty() || existing_hashes.contains(Hash(input))) {
LOG(INFO) << VV(shard) << VV(inputs_added) << VV(inputs_ignored)
<< VV(num_shard_bytes) << VV(shard_data.size());
CHECK_EQ(total_paths, inputs_added + inputs_ignored);
void Centipede::UpdateAndMaybeLogStats(std::string_view log_type,
size_t min_log_level) {
auto [max_corpus_size, avg_corpus_size] = corpus_.MaxAndAvgSize();
stats_.unix_micros = absl::ToUnixMicros(absl::Now());
stats_.corpus_size = corpus_.NumActive();
stats_.num_covered_pcs = fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kPCs);
stats_.max_corpus_element_size = max_corpus_size;
stats_.avg_corpus_element_size = avg_corpus_size;
stats_.num_executions = num_runs_;
if (env_.log_level < min_log_level) return;
const double fuzz_time_secs =
absl::ToDoubleSeconds(absl::Now() - fuzz_start_time_);
// NOTE: By construction, if `fuzz_time_secs` <= 0, then the actual fuzzing
// hasn't started yet.
double execs_per_sec =
fuzz_time_secs > 0 ? static_cast<double>(num_runs_) / fuzz_time_secs : 0;
if (execs_per_sec > 1.) execs_per_sec = std::round(execs_per_sec);
static const auto rusage_scope = perf::RUsageScope::ThisProcess();
auto num_cmp_features = fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kCMP) +
fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kCMPEq) +
fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kCMPModDiff) +
fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kCMPHamming) +
std::ostringstream os;
auto LogIfNotZero = [&os](size_t value, std::string_view name) {
if (!value) return;
os << " " << name << ": " << value;
if (!env_.experiment_name.empty()) os << env_.experiment_name << " ";
os << "[S" << env_.my_shard_index << "." << num_runs_ << "] " << log_type
<< ": ft: " << fs_.size();
LogIfNotZero(fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kPCs), "cov");
LogIfNotZero(fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::k8bitCounters), "cnt");
LogIfNotZero(fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kDataFlow), "df");
LogIfNotZero(num_cmp_features, "cmp");
LogIfNotZero(fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kBoundedPath), "path");
LogIfNotZero(fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kPCPair), "pair");
LogIfNotZero(fs_.CountFeatures(feature_domains::kCallStack), "stk");
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(feature_domains::kUserDomains); ++i) {
absl::StrCat("usr", i));
os << " corp: " << corpus_.NumActive() << "/" << corpus_.NumTotal();
LogIfNotZero(coverage_frontier_.NumFunctionsInFrontier(), "fr");
LogIfNotZero(num_crashes_, "crash");
os << " max/avg: " << max_corpus_size << "/" << avg_corpus_size << " "
<< corpus_.MemoryUsageString();
os << " exec/s: " << execs_per_sec;
os << " mb: " << (perf::RUsageMemory::Snapshot(rusage_scope).mem_rss >> 20);
LOG(INFO) << os.str();
void Centipede::LogFeaturesAsSymbols(const FeatureVec &fv) {
if (!env_.LogFeaturesInThisShard()) return;
for (auto feature : fv) {
if (!feature_domains::kPCs.Contains(feature)) continue;
PCIndex pc_index = ConvertPCFeatureToPcIndex(feature);
auto description = coverage_logger_.ObserveAndDescribeIfNew(pc_index);
if (description.empty()) continue;
LOG(INFO) << description;
bool Centipede::InputPassesFilter(const ByteArray &input) {
if (env_.input_filter.empty()) return true;
WriteToLocalFile(input_filter_path_, input);
bool result = input_filter_cmd_.Execute() == EXIT_SUCCESS;
return result;
bool Centipede::ExecuteAndReportCrash(std::string_view binary,
const std::vector<ByteArray> &input_vec,
BatchResult &batch_result) {
bool success = user_callbacks_.Execute(binary, input_vec, batch_result);
if (!success) ReportCrash(binary, input_vec, batch_result);
return success;
// *** Highly experimental and risky. May not scale well for large targets. ***
// The idea: an unordered pair of two features {a, b} is by itself a feature.
// In the worst case, the number of such synthetic features is a square of
// the number of regular features, which may not scale.
// For now, we only treat pairs of PCs as features, which is still quadratic
// by the number of PCs. But in moderate-sized programs this may be tolerable.
// Rationale: if two different parts of the target are exercised simultaneously,
// this may create interesting behaviour that is hard to capture with regular
// control flow (or other) features.
size_t Centipede::AddPcPairFeatures(FeatureVec &fv) {
// Using a scratch vector to avoid allocations.
auto &pcs = add_pc_pair_scratch_;
size_t num_pcs = pc_table_.size();
size_t num_added_pairs = 0;
// Collect PCs from fv.
for (auto feature : fv) {
if (feature_domains::kPCs.Contains(feature))
// The quadratic loop: iterate all PC pairs (!!).
for (size_t i = 0, n = pcs.size(); i < n; ++i) {
size_t pc1 = pcs[i];
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) {
size_t pc2 = pcs[j];
feature_t f = feature_domains::kPCPair.ConvertToMe(
ConvertPcPairToNumber(pc1, pc2, num_pcs));
// If we have seen this pair at least once, ignore it.
if (fs_.Frequency(f) != 0) continue;
return num_added_pairs;
bool Centipede::RunBatch(const std::vector<ByteArray> &input_vec,
BlobFileWriter *corpus_file,
BlobFileWriter *features_file,
BlobFileWriter *unconditional_features_file) {
BatchResult batch_result;
bool success = ExecuteAndReportCrash(env_.binary, input_vec, batch_result);
CHECK_EQ(input_vec.size(), batch_result.results().size());
for (const auto &extra_binary : env_.extra_binaries) {
BatchResult extra_batch_result;
success =
ExecuteAndReportCrash(extra_binary, input_vec, extra_batch_result) &&
if (!success && env_.exit_on_crash) {
LOG(INFO) << "--exit_on_crash is enabled; exiting soon";
return false;
CHECK_EQ(batch_result.results().size(), input_vec.size());
num_runs_ += input_vec.size();
bool batch_gained_new_coverage = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_vec.size(); i++) {
if (EarlyExitRequested()) break;
FeatureVec &fv = batch_result.results()[i].mutable_features();
bool function_filter_passed = function_filter_.filter(fv);
bool input_gained_new_coverage =
fs_.CountUnseenAndPruneFrequentFeatures(fv) != 0;
if (env_.use_pcpair_features && AddPcPairFeatures(fv) != 0)
input_gained_new_coverage = true;
if (unconditional_features_file != nullptr) {
PackFeaturesAndHash(input_vec[i], fv)));
if (input_gained_new_coverage) {
// TODO(kcc): [impl] add stats for filtered-out inputs.
if (!InputPassesFilter(input_vec[i])) continue;
batch_gained_new_coverage = true;
CHECK_GT(fv.size(), 0UL);
if (function_filter_passed) {
corpus_.Add(input_vec[i], fv, batch_result.results()[i].metadata(), fs_,
if (corpus_file != nullptr) {
if (!env_.corpus_dir.empty()) {
WriteToLocalHashedFileInDir(env_.corpus_dir[0], input_vec[i]);
if (features_file != nullptr) {
CHECK_OK(features_file->Write(PackFeaturesAndHash(input_vec[i], fv)));
return batch_gained_new_coverage;
// TODO(kcc): [impl] don't reread the same corpus twice.
void Centipede::LoadShard(const Environment &load_env, size_t shard_index,
bool rerun) {
VLOG(1) << "Loading shard " << shard_index
<< (rerun ? " with rerunning" : " without rerunning");
size_t num_added_inputs = 0;
size_t num_skipped_inputs = 0;
std::vector<ByteArray> inputs_to_rerun;
auto input_features_callback = [&](const ByteArray &input,
FeatureVec &input_features) {
if (EarlyExitRequested()) return;
if (input_features.empty()) {
if (rerun) {
} else {
const auto num_new_features =
if (num_new_features != 0) {
VLOG(10) << "Adding input " << Hash(input)
<< "; new features: " << num_new_features;
// TODO(kcc): cmp_args are currently not saved to disk and not reloaded.
corpus_.Add(input, input_features, {}, fs_, coverage_frontier_);
} else {
VLOG(10) << "Skipping input: " << Hash(input);
// See serialize_shard_loads on why we may want to serialize shard loads.
// TODO(kcc): remove serialize_shard_loads when LoadShards() uses less RAM.
if (env_.serialize_shard_loads) {
ABSL_CONST_INIT static absl::Mutex load_shard_mu{absl::kConstInit};
absl::MutexLock lock(&load_shard_mu);
load_env.MakeFeaturesPath(shard_index), input_features_callback);
} else {
load_env.MakeFeaturesPath(shard_index), input_features_callback);
VLOG(1) << "Loaded shard " << shard_index << ": added " << num_added_inputs
<< " / skipped " << num_skipped_inputs << " inputs";
if (num_added_inputs > 0) UpdateAndMaybeLogStats("load-shard", 1);
if (!inputs_to_rerun.empty()) Rerun(inputs_to_rerun);
void Centipede::LoadAllShardsInRandomOrder(const Environment &load_env,
bool rerun_my_shard) {
// TODO(ussuri): It seems logical to reset `corpus_` before this, but
// that broke `ShardsAndDistillTest` in testing/
// Investigate.
std::vector<size_t> shard_idxs(env_.total_shards);
std::iota(shard_idxs.begin(), shard_idxs.end(), 0);
std::shuffle(shard_idxs.begin(), shard_idxs.end(), rng_);
size_t num_shards_loaded = 0;
for (size_t shard_idx : shard_idxs) {
const bool rerun = rerun_my_shard && shard_idx == env_.my_shard_index;
LoadShard(load_env, shard_idx, rerun);
LOG_IF(INFO, (++num_shards_loaded % 100) == 0) << VV(num_shards_loaded);
void Centipede::Rerun(std::vector<ByteArray> &to_rerun) {
if (to_rerun.empty()) return;
auto features_file = DefaultBlobFileWriterFactory();
features_file->Open(env_.MakeFeaturesPath(env_.my_shard_index), "a"));
LOG(INFO) << to_rerun.size() << " inputs to rerun";
// Re-run all inputs for which we don't know their features.
// Run in batches of at most env_.batch_size inputs each.
while (!to_rerun.empty()) {
if (EarlyExitRequested()) break;
size_t batch_size = std::min(to_rerun.size(), env_.batch_size);
std::vector<ByteArray> batch(to_rerun.end() - batch_size, to_rerun.end());
to_rerun.resize(to_rerun.size() - batch_size);
if (RunBatch(batch, nullptr, nullptr, features_file.get())) {
UpdateAndMaybeLogStats("rerun-old", 1);
void Centipede::GenerateCoverageReport(std::string_view filename_annotation,
std::string_view description) {
if (pc_table_.empty()) return;
auto coverage_path = env_.MakeCoverageReportPath(filename_annotation);
LOG(INFO) << "Generate coverage report: " << description << " "
<< VV(coverage_path);
auto pci_vec = fs_.ToCoveragePCs();
Coverage coverage(pc_table_, pci_vec);
std::stringstream out;
out << "# " << description << ":\n\n";
coverage.Print(symbols_, out);
RemoteFileSetContents(coverage_path, out.str());
void Centipede::GenerateCorpusStats(std::string_view filename_annotation,
std::string_view description) {
auto stats_path = env_.MakeCorpusStatsPath(filename_annotation);
LOG(INFO) << "Generate corpus stats: " << description << " "
<< VV(stats_path);
std::ostringstream os;
os << "# " << description << ":\n\n";
corpus_.PrintStats(os, fs_);
RemoteFileSetContents(stats_path, os.str());
// TODO(nedwill): add integration test once tests are refactored per b/255660879
void Centipede::GenerateSourceBasedCoverageReport(
std::string_view filename_annotation, std::string_view description) {
if (env_.clang_coverage_binary.empty()) return;
auto report_path =
LOG(INFO) << "Generate source based coverage report: " << description << " "
<< VV(report_path);
std::vector<std::string> raw_profiles = env_.EnumerateRawCoverageProfiles();
if (raw_profiles.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No raw profiles found for coverage report";
std::string indexed_profile_path =
std::vector<std::string> merge_arguments = {"merge", "-o",
indexed_profile_path, "-sparse"};
for (const std::string &raw_profile : raw_profiles) {
Command merge_command("llvm-profdata", merge_arguments);
if (merge_command.Execute() != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to run command " << merge_command.ToString();
Command generate_report_command(
{"show", "-format=html", absl::StrCat("-output-dir=", report_path),
absl::StrCat("-instr-profile=", indexed_profile_path),
if (generate_report_command.Execute() != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to run command "
<< generate_report_command.ToString();
void Centipede::GenerateRUsageReport(std::string_view filename_annotation,
std::string_view description) {
class ReportDumper : public RUsageProfiler::ReportSink {
explicit ReportDumper(std::string_view path)
: file_{RemoteFileOpen(path, "w")} {
CHECK(file_ != nullptr) << VV(path);
~ReportDumper() override { RemoteFileClose(file_); }
ReportDumper &operator<<(const std::string &fragment) override {
RemoteFileAppend(file_, ByteArray{fragment.cbegin(), fragment.cend()});
return *this;
RemoteFile *file_;
const auto &snapshot = rusage_profiler_.TakeSnapshot(
{__FILE__, __LINE__}, std::string{description});
VLOG(1) << "Rusage @ " << description << ": " << snapshot.ShortMetricsStr();
auto path = env_.MakeRUsageReportPath(filename_annotation);
LOG(INFO) << "Generate rusage report: " << VV(env_.my_shard_index)
<< description << " " << VV(path);
ReportDumper dumper{path};
void Centipede::MaybeGenerateTelemetry(std::string_view filename_annotation,
std::string_view description) {
if (env_.DumpCorpusTelemetryInThisShard()) {
GenerateCoverageReport(filename_annotation, description);
GenerateCorpusStats(filename_annotation, description);
GenerateSourceBasedCoverageReport(filename_annotation, description);
if (env_.DumpRUsageTelemetryInThisShard()) {
GenerateRUsageReport(filename_annotation, description);
void Centipede::MaybeGenerateTelemetryAfterBatch(
std::string_view filename_annotation, size_t batch_index) {
if (env_.DumpTelemetryForThisBatch(batch_index)) {
MaybeGenerateTelemetry( //
filename_annotation, absl::StrCat("After batch ", batch_index));
void Centipede::MergeFromOtherCorpus(std::string_view merge_from_dir,
size_t shard_index_to_merge) {
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": " << merge_from_dir;
Environment merge_from_env = env_;
merge_from_env.workdir = merge_from_dir;
size_t initial_corpus_size = corpus_.NumActive();
LoadShard(merge_from_env, shard_index_to_merge, /*rerun=*/true);
size_t new_corpus_size = corpus_.NumActive();
CHECK_GE(new_corpus_size, initial_corpus_size); // Corpus can't shrink here.
if (new_corpus_size > initial_corpus_size) {
auto appender = DefaultBlobFileWriterFactory();
CHECK_OK(appender->Open(env_.MakeCorpusPath(env_.my_shard_index), "a"));
for (size_t idx = initial_corpus_size; idx < new_corpus_size; ++idx) {
LOG(INFO) << "Merge: " << (new_corpus_size - initial_corpus_size)
<< " new inputs added";
void Centipede::ReloadAllShardsAndWriteDistilledCorpus() {
// Reload the shards. This automatically distills the corpus by discarding
// inputs with duplicate feature sets as they are being added. Reloading
// randomly leaves random winners from such sets of duplicates in the
// distilled output: so multiple distilling shards will produce different
// outputs from the same inputs (the property that we want).
LoadAllShardsInRandomOrder(env_, /*rerun_my_shard=*/false);
// Save the distilled corpus to a file in workdir and possibly to a hashed
// file in the first corpus dir passed in `--corpus_dir`.
const auto distill_to_path = env_.MakeDistilledPath();
LOG(INFO) << "Distilling: shard: " << env_.my_shard_index
<< " output: " << distill_to_path << " "
<< " distilled size: " << corpus_.NumActive();
const auto appender = DefaultBlobFileWriterFactory();
// NOTE: Always overwrite distilled corpus files -- never append, unlike
// "regular", per-shard corpus files.
CHECK_OK(appender->Open(distill_to_path, "w"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < corpus_.NumActive(); ++i) {
const ByteArray &input = corpus_.Get(i);
if (!env_.corpus_dir.empty()) {
WriteToLocalHashedFileInDir(env_.corpus_dir[0], input);
void Centipede::FuzzingLoop() {
LOG(INFO) << "Shard: " << env_.my_shard_index << "/" << env_.total_shards
<< " " << TemporaryLocalDirPath() << " "
<< "seed: " << env_.seed << "\n\n\n";
// Execute a dummy input.
BatchResult batch_result;
user_callbacks_.Execute(env_.binary, {user_callbacks_.DummyValidInput()},
UpdateAndMaybeLogStats("begin-fuzz", 0);
if (env_.full_sync) {
LoadAllShardsInRandomOrder(env_, /*rerun_my_shard=*/true);
} else {
LoadShard(env_, env_.my_shard_index, /*rerun=*/true);
if (!env_.merge_from.empty()) {
// Merge a shard with the same index from another corpus.
MergeFromOtherCorpus(env_.merge_from, env_.my_shard_index);
auto corpus_file = DefaultBlobFileWriterFactory();
auto features_file = DefaultBlobFileWriterFactory();
CHECK_OK(corpus_file->Open(env_.MakeCorpusPath(env_.my_shard_index), "a"));
features_file->Open(env_.MakeFeaturesPath(env_.my_shard_index), "a"));
if (corpus_.NumTotal() == 0) {
corpus_.Add(user_callbacks_.DummyValidInput(), {}, {}, fs_,
UpdateAndMaybeLogStats("init-done", 0);
// Clear fuzz_start_time_ and num_runs_, so that the pre-init work doesn't
// affect them.
fuzz_start_time_ = absl::Now();
num_runs_ = 0;
// If we're going to fuzz, dump the initial telemetry files. For a brand-new
// run, these will be functionally empty, e.g. the coverage report will list
// all target functions as not covered (NONE). For a bootstrapped run (the
// workdir already has data), these may or may not coincide with the final
// "latest" report of the previous run, depending on how the runs are
// configured (the same number of shards, for example).
if (env_.num_runs != 0) MaybeGenerateTelemetry("initial", "Before fuzzing");
// num_runs / batch_size, rounded up.
size_t number_of_batches = env_.num_runs / env_.batch_size;
if (env_.num_runs % env_.batch_size != 0) ++number_of_batches;
size_t new_runs = 0;
size_t corpus_size_at_last_prune = corpus_.NumActive();
for (size_t batch_index = 0; batch_index < number_of_batches; batch_index++) {
if (EarlyExitRequested()) break;
CHECK_LT(new_runs, env_.num_runs);
auto remaining_runs = env_.num_runs - new_runs;
auto batch_size = std::min(env_.batch_size, remaining_runs);
std::vector<MutationInputRef> mutation_inputs;
std::vector<ByteArray> mutants;
for (size_t i = 0; i < env_.mutate_batch_size; i++) {
const auto &corpus_record = env_.use_corpus_weights
? corpus_.WeightedRandom(rng_())
: corpus_.UniformRandom(rng_());
{.data =, .metadata = &corpus_record.metadata});
user_callbacks_.Mutate(mutation_inputs, batch_size, mutants);
bool gained_new_coverage =
RunBatch(mutants, corpus_file.get(), features_file.get(), nullptr);
new_runs += mutants.size();
if (gained_new_coverage) {
UpdateAndMaybeLogStats("new-feature", 1);
} else if (((batch_index - 1) & batch_index) == 0) {
// Log if batch_index is a power of two.
UpdateAndMaybeLogStats("pulse", 1);
// Dump the intermediate telemetry files.
MaybeGenerateTelemetryAfterBatch("latest", batch_index);
if (env_.load_other_shard_frequency != 0 && batch_index != 0 &&
(batch_index % env_.load_other_shard_frequency) == 0 &&
env_.total_shards > 1) {
size_t rand = rng_() % (env_.total_shards - 1);
size_t other_shard_index =
(env_.my_shard_index + 1 + rand) % env_.total_shards;
CHECK_NE(other_shard_index, env_.my_shard_index);
LoadShard(env_, other_shard_index, /*rerun=*/false);
// Prune if we added enough new elements since last prune.
if (env_.prune_frequency != 0 &&
corpus_.NumActive() >
corpus_size_at_last_prune + env_.prune_frequency) {
if (env_.use_coverage_frontier) coverage_frontier_.Compute(corpus_);
corpus_.Prune(fs_, coverage_frontier_, env_.max_corpus_size, rng_);
corpus_size_at_last_prune = corpus_.NumActive();
// The tests rely on this stat being logged last.
UpdateAndMaybeLogStats("end-fuzz", 0);
// If we've fuzzed anything, dump the final telemetry files, possibly
// overwriting the last intermediate version dumped inside the loop.
if (env_.num_runs != 0) MaybeGenerateTelemetry("latest", "After fuzzing");
// If requested, distill the corpus. Note that with `--num_runs` == 0, this
// will essentially be the single action this run will carry out, with the
// fuzzing loop being a no-op.
if (env_.DistillingInThisShard()) {
// Dump the distillation telemetry so the post-distillation vs. post-fuzzing
// stats can be compared.
MaybeGenerateTelemetry("distilled", "After distillation");
void Centipede::ReportCrash(std::string_view binary,
const std::vector<ByteArray> &input_vec,
const BatchResult &batch_result) {
CHECK_EQ(input_vec.size(), batch_result.results().size());
if (EarlyExitRequested()) return;
if (++num_crashes_ > env_.max_num_crash_reports) return;
const size_t suspect_input_idx = std::clamp<size_t>(
batch_result.num_outputs_read(), 0, input_vec.size() - 1);
const std::string log_prefix =
absl::StrCat("ReportCrash[", num_crashes_, "]: ");
LOG(INFO) << log_prefix << "Batch execution failed:"
<< "\nBinary : " << binary
<< "\nExit code : " << batch_result.exit_code()
<< "\nFailure : " << batch_result.failure_description()
<< "\nNumber of inputs : " << input_vec.size()
<< "\nNumber of inputs read: " << batch_result.num_outputs_read()
<< "\nSuspect input index : " << suspect_input_idx
<< "\nCrash log :\n\n";
for (const auto &log_line :
absl::StrSplit(absl::StripAsciiWhitespace(batch_result.log()), '\n')) {
LOG(INFO).NoPrefix() << "CRASH LOG: " << log_line;
LOG(INFO).NoPrefix() << "\n";
LOG_IF(INFO, num_crashes_ == env_.max_num_crash_reports)
<< log_prefix
<< "Reached --max_num_crash_reports: further reports will be suppressed";
// Determine the optimal order of the inputs to try to maximize the chances of
// finding the reproducer fast.
// TODO(b/274705740): When the bug is fixed, set `input_idxs_to_try`'s size to
// `suspect_input_idx + 1`.
std::vector<size_t> input_idxs_to_try(input_vec.size() + 1);
input_idxs_to_try.front() = suspect_input_idx;
std::iota(input_idxs_to_try.begin() + 1, input_idxs_to_try.end(), 0);
// Prioritize the presumed crasher by inserting it in front of everything
// else. However, do keep it at the old location, too, in case the target was
// primed for a crash by the sequence of inputs that preceded the crasher.
if (batch_result.failure_description() == kExecutionFailurePerBatchTimeout) {
LOG(INFO) << log_prefix
<< "Failure applies to entire batch: not executing inputs "
"one-by-one, trying to find the reproducer";
// Try inputs one-by-one in the determined order.
LOG(INFO) << log_prefix
<< "Executing inputs one-by-one, trying to find the reproducer";
for (auto input_idx : input_idxs_to_try) {
if (EarlyExitRequested()) return;
const auto &one_input = input_vec[input_idx];
BatchResult one_input_batch_result;
if (!user_callbacks_.Execute(binary, {one_input}, one_input_batch_result)) {
auto hash = Hash(one_input);
auto crash_dir = env_.MakeCrashReproducerDirPath();
std::string file_path = std::filesystem::path(crash_dir).append(hash);
LOG(INFO) << log_prefix << "Detected crash-reproducing input:"
<< "\nInput index : " << input_idx
<< "\nInput bytes : " << AsString(one_input, /*max_len=*/32)
<< "\nExit code : " << one_input_batch_result.exit_code()
<< "\nFailure : "
<< one_input_batch_result.failure_description()
<< "\nSaving input to: " << file_path;
auto *file = RemoteFileOpen(file_path, "w"); // overwrites existing file.
CHECK(file != nullptr) << log_prefix << "Failed to open " << file_path;
RemoteFileAppend(file, one_input);
LOG(INFO) << log_prefix
<< "Crash was not observed when running inputs one-by-one";
// There will be cases when several inputs collectively cause a crash, but no
// single input does. Handle this by writing out all inputs from the batch.
// TODO(bookholt): Check for repro by re-running the whole batch.
// TODO(ussuri): Consolidate logic for test case reproduction.
const auto &suspect_input = input_vec[suspect_input_idx];
// Save inputs to <--workdir>/crash/unreliable_batch-<HASH_OF_SUSPECT_INPUT>.
auto suspect_hash = Hash(suspect_input);
auto crash_dir = env_.MakeCrashReproducerDirPath();
std::string save_dir = std::filesystem::path(crash_dir)
LOG(INFO) << log_prefix << "Saving used inputs from batch to: " << save_dir;
for (int i = 0; i <= suspect_input_idx; ++i) {
const auto &one_input = input_vec[i];
auto hash = Hash(one_input);
std::string file_path = std::filesystem::path(save_dir).append(
absl::StrFormat("input-%010d-%s", i, hash));
auto *file = RemoteFileOpen(file_path, "w");
CHECK(file != nullptr) << log_prefix << "Failed to open " << file_path;
RemoteFileAppend(file, one_input);
} // namespace centipede