blob: 3ab5571fe7609e60352466220be4825a645196b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This library defines the concepts "fuzzing feature" and "feature domain".
// It is used by Centipede, and it can be used by fuzz runners to
// define their features in a way most friendly to Centipede.
// Fuzz runners do not have to use this file nor to obey the rules defined here.
// But using this file and following its rules is the simplest way if you want
// Centipede to understand the details about the features generated by the
// runner.
// This library must not depend on anything other than libc so that fuzz targets
// using it doesn't gain redundant coverage. For the same reason this library
// uses raw __builtin_trap instead of CHECKs.
// We make an exception for <algorithm> for std::sort/std::unique,
// since <algorithm> is very lightweight.
// This library is also header-only, with all functions defined as inline.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
// WARNING!!!: Be very careful with what STL headers or other dependencies you
// add here. This header needs to remain mostly bare-bones so that we can
// include it into runner.
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include "absl/base/const_init.h"
#include "./centipede/concurrent_byteset.h"
namespace centipede {
// A fixed-size bitset with a lossy concurrent set() function.
// kSize (in bits) must be a multiple of 2**16.
// Should only be constructed with static storage duration.
template <size_t kSizeInBits>
class ConcurrentBitSet {
static_assert((kSizeInBits % (1<<16)) == 0);
// Creates a ConcurrentBitSet with static storage duration.
explicit constexpr ConcurrentBitSet(absl::ConstInitType)
: lines_{absl::kConstInit} {}
// Clears the bit set.
void clear() {
memset(words_, 0, sizeof(words_));
// Sets the bit `idx % kSizeInBits`.
// set() can be called concurrently with another set().
// If several threads race to update adjacent bits,
// the update may be lost (i.e. set() is lossy).
// We could use atomic set-bit instructions to make it non-lossy,
// but it is going to be too expensive.
void set(size_t idx) {
idx %= kSizeInBits;
size_t word_idx = idx / kBitsInWord;
size_t bit_idx = idx % kBitsInWord;
size_t line_idx = word_idx / kWordsInLine;
lines_.Set(line_idx, 1);
word_t mask = 1ULL << bit_idx;
word_t word = __atomic_load_n(&words_[word_idx], __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
if (!(word & mask)) {
word |= mask;
__atomic_store_n(&words_[word_idx], word, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
// Calls `action(index)` for every index of a non-zero bit in the set,
// then sets all those bits to zero.
__attribute__((noinline)) void ForEachNonZeroBit(
const std::function<void(size_t idx)> &action) {
// Iterates over all non-empty lines.
lines_.ForEachNonZeroByte([&](size_t idx, uint8_t value) {
size_t word_idx_beg = idx * kWordsInLine;
size_t word_idx_end = word_idx_beg + kWordsInLine;
ForEachNonZeroBit(action, word_idx_beg, word_idx_end);
// Iterates over the range of words [`word_idx_beg`, `word_idx_end`).
void ForEachNonZeroBit(const std::function<void(size_t idx)> &action,
size_t word_idx_beg, size_t word_idx_end) {
for (size_t word_idx = word_idx_beg; word_idx < word_idx_end; ++word_idx) {
if (word_t word = words_[word_idx]) {
words_[word_idx] = 0;
do {
size_t bit_idx = __builtin_ctzll(word);
action(word_idx * kBitsInWord + bit_idx);
word_t mask = 1ULL << bit_idx;
word &= ~mask;
} while (word);
// A word is the largest integer type convenient for bit-wise operations.
using word_t = uintptr_t;
static const size_t kBytesInWord = sizeof(word_t);
static const size_t kBitsInWord = CHAR_BIT * kBytesInWord;
static const size_t kSizeInWords = kSizeInBits / kBitsInWord;
// All words are logically split into lines.
// When Set() is called, we set the corresponding element of lines_ to 1, so
// that we now know that at least 1 bit in that line is set. Then, in
// ForEachNonZeroBit, we iterate only those lines that have non-zero bits.
static const size_t kBytesInLine = 64 * 8;
static const size_t kWordsInLine = kBytesInLine / kBytesInWord;
static const size_t kSizeInLines = kSizeInWords / kWordsInLine;
ConcurrentByteSet<kSizeInLines> lines_;
word_t words_[kSizeInWords]; // No initializer.
} // namespace centipede