blob: 6d81369aca04fb905d358831f38de6844246b2ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "./centipede/binary_info.h"
#include "./centipede/control_flow.h"
#include "./centipede/defs.h"
#include "./centipede/execution_metadata.h"
#include "./centipede/feature.h"
#include "./centipede/feature_set.h"
#include "./centipede/util.h"
namespace centipede {
// WeightedDistribution maintains an array of integer weights.
// It allows to compute a random number in range [0,size()) such that
// the probability of each number is proportional to its weight.
class WeightedDistribution {
// Adds one more weight.
void AddWeight(uint64_t weight);
// Removes the last weight and returns it.
// Precondition: size() > 0.
uint64_t PopBack();
// Changes the existing idx-th weight to new_weight.
void ChangeWeight(size_t idx, uint64_t new_weight);
// Returns a random number in [0,size()), using a random number `random`.
// For proper randomness, `random` should come from a 64-bit RNG.
// RandomIndex() must not be called after ChangeWeight() without first
// calling RecomputeInternalState().
size_t RandomIndex(size_t random) const;
// Returns the number of weights.
size_t size() const { return weights_.size(); }
// Removes all weights.
void clear() {
// Fixes the internal state that could become stale after call(s) to
// ChangeWeight().
void RecomputeInternalState();
// Computes a random weighted subset of elements to remove.
// Removes this subset from `this`.
// Returns the subset as a sorted array of indices.
std::vector<size_t> RemoveRandomWeightedSubset(size_t target_size, Rng &rng) {
auto subset_to_remove = RandomWeightedSubset(weights_, target_size, rng);
RemoveSubset(subset_to_remove, weights_);
RemoveSubset(subset_to_remove, cumulative_weights_);
return subset_to_remove;
// The array of weights. The probability of choosing the index Idx
// is weights_[Idx] / SumOfAllWeights.
std::vector<uint64_t> weights_;
// i-th element is the sum of the first i elements of weights_.
std::vector<uint64_t> cumulative_weights_;
// If false, cumulative_weights_ needs to be recomputed.
bool cumulative_weights_valid_ = true;
class CoverageFrontier; // Forward decl, used in Corpus.
// Input data and metadata.
struct CorpusRecord {
ByteArray data;
FeatureVec features;
ExecutionMetadata metadata;
// Maintains the corpus of inputs.
// Allows to prune (forget) inputs that become uninteresting.
class Corpus {
Corpus() = default;
Corpus(const Corpus &) = default;
Corpus(Corpus &&) noexcept = default;
Corpus &operator=(const Corpus &) = default;
Corpus &operator=(Corpus &&) noexcept = default;
// Mutators.
// Adds a corpus element, consisting of 'data' (the input bytes, non-empty),
// 'fv' (the features associated with this input), and execution `metadata`.
// `fs` is used to compute weights of `fv`.
void Add(const ByteArray &data, const FeatureVec &fv,
const ExecutionMetadata &metadata, const FeatureSet &fs,
const CoverageFrontier &coverage_frontier);
// Removes elements that contain only frequent features, according to 'fs'.
// Also, randomly removes elements to reduce the size to <= `max_corpus_size`.
// `max_corpus_size` should be positive.
// Returns the number of removed elements.
size_t Prune(const FeatureSet &fs, const CoverageFrontier &coverage_frontier,
size_t max_corpus_size, Rng &rng);
// Accessors.
// Returns the inputs.
const std::vector<CorpusRecord> &Records() const { return records_; }
// Returns the total number of inputs added.
size_t NumTotal() const { return num_pruned_ + NumActive(); }
// Return the number of currently active inputs, i.e. inputs that we want to
// keep mutating.
size_t NumActive() const { return records_.size(); }
// Returns the max and avg sizes of the inputs.
std::pair<size_t, size_t> MaxAndAvgSize() const;
// Returns a random active corpus record using weighted distribution.
// See WeightedDistribution.
const CorpusRecord &WeightedRandom(size_t random) const;
// Returns a random active corpus record using uniform distribution.
const CorpusRecord &UniformRandom(size_t random) const;
// Returns the element with index 'idx', where `idx` < NumActive().
const ByteArray &Get(size_t idx) const { return records_[idx].data; }
// Returns the execution metadata for the element `idx`, `idx` < NumActive().
const ExecutionMetadata &GetMetadata(size_t idx) const {
return records_[idx].metadata;
// Logging.
// Prints corpus stats in JSON format to `out` using `fs` for frequencies.
void PrintStats(std::ostream &out, const FeatureSet &fs);
// Returns a string used for logging the corpus memory usage.
std::string MemoryUsageString() const;
std::vector<CorpusRecord> records_;
// Maintains weights for elements of records_.
WeightedDistribution weighted_distribution_;
size_t num_pruned_ = 0;
// Coverage frontier is a set of PCs that are themselves covered, but some of
// adjacent PCs in the same function are not.
// This class identifies precise frontiers. Each frontier is assigned a weight.
// Frontier weight is a representation of how much code is behind the
// frontier. Therefore, it should be used to prioritize which frontier to focus
// first.
class CoverageFrontier {
explicit CoverageFrontier(const BinaryInfo &binary_info)
: binary_info_(binary_info),
frontier_weight_(binary_info.pc_table.size()) {}
// Computes the coverage frontier of `corpus`.
// Returns the number of functions in the frontier.
size_t Compute(const Corpus &corpus);
// Same as above.
size_t Compute(const std::vector<CorpusRecord> &corpus_records);
// Returns the number of functions in the frontier.
size_t NumFunctionsInFrontier() const { return num_functions_in_frontier_; }
// Returns true iff `idx` belongs to the frontier.
bool PcIndexIsFrontier(size_t idx) const {
CHECK_LT(idx, MaxPcIndex());
return frontier_[idx];
// Returns the size of the pc_table used to create `this`.
size_t MaxPcIndex() const { return binary_info_.pc_table.size(); }
// Returns the frontier weight of pc at `idx`, weight of a non-frontier is 0.
uint64_t FrontierWeight(size_t idx) const {
CHECK_LT(idx, MaxPcIndex());
return frontier_weight_[idx];
const BinaryInfo &binary_info_;
// frontier_[idx] is true iff pc_table_[i] is part of the coverage frontier.
std::vector<bool> frontier_;
// Stores the weight associated with frontier_[idx].
std::vector<uint64_t> frontier_weight_;
// The number of functions in the frontier.
size_t num_functions_in_frontier_ = 0;
} // namespace centipede