blob: 9c04e7daa386ac26a8d30bf16069c2fed8d75dd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "./centipede/control_flow.h"
#include "./centipede/feature.h"
#include "./centipede/logging.h"
namespace centipede {
class SymbolTable; // To avoid mutual inclusion with symbol_table.h.
// Reads and visualizes the code coverage produced by SanitizerCoverage.
// Thread-compatible.
class Coverage {
// PCTable is a property of the binary.
// PCIndexVec is the coverage obtained from specific execution(s).
Coverage(const PCTable &pc_table,
const PCIndexVec &pci_vec);
// Prints in human-readable form to `out` using `symbols`.
void Print(const SymbolTable &symbols, std::ostream &out);
// Returns true if the function is fully covered. pc_index is for a function
// entry.
bool FunctionIsFullyCovered(PCIndex pc_index) const {
return fully_covered_funcs_vec_[pc_index];
// Returns true if the given basic block is covered. pc_index is for any BB.
bool BlockIsCovered(PCIndex pc_index) const {
return covered_pcs_vec_[pc_index];
// A vector of size PCTable. func_entries[idx] is true iff means the PC at idx
// is a function entry.
std::vector<bool> func_entries_;
// Vector of fully covered functions i.e. functions with all edges covered.
// A Function is represented by its entry block's PCIndex.
// TODO(kcc): fix private variables' name to match the code style.
PCIndexVec fully_covered_funcs;
// A vector of size PCTable. fully_covered_funcs_vec[idx] is true iff the PC
// at idx is an entry block of a fully covered function.
std::vector<bool> fully_covered_funcs_vec_;
// A vector of size PCTable. covered_pcs_vec[idx] is true iff the PC at idx is
// covered.
std::vector<bool> covered_pcs_vec_;
// Same as `fully_covered_funcs`, but for functions with no edges covered.
PCIndexVec uncovered_funcs;
// Partially covered function: function with some, but not all, edges covered.
// Thus we can represent it as two vectors of PCIndex: covered and uncovered.
struct PartiallyCoveredFunction {
covered; // Non-empty, covered[0] is function entry.
PCIndexVec uncovered; // Non-empty.
std::vector<PartiallyCoveredFunction> partially_covered_funcs;
// Iterates `pc_table`, calls `callback` on every pair {beg, end}, such that
// pc_table[beg] is PCInfo::kFuncEntry, and pc_table[beg + 1 : end] are not.
template <typename Callback>
void IteratePcTableFunctions(const PCTable &pc_table,
Callback callback) {
for (size_t beg = 0, n = pc_table.size(); beg < n;) {
if (pc_table[beg].has_flag(PCInfo::kFuncEntry)) {
size_t end = beg + 1;
while (end < n &&
!pc_table[end].has_flag(PCInfo::kFuncEntry)) {
callback(beg, end);
beg = end;
// CoverageLogger helps to log coverage locations once for each location.
// CoverageLogger is thread-safe.
class CoverageLogger {
// CTOR.
// Lifetimes of `pc_table` and `symbols` should be longer than for `this`.
CoverageLogger(const PCTable &pc_table,
const SymbolTable &symbols)
: pc_table_(pc_table), symbols_(symbols) {}
// Checks if `pc_index` or its symbolized description was observed before.
// If yes, returns empty string.
// If this is the first observation, returns a symbolized description.
// If symbolization is not available, returns a non-symbolized description.
std::string ObserveAndDescribeIfNew(PCIndex pc_index);
const PCTable &pc_table_;
const SymbolTable &symbols_;
absl::Mutex mu_;
absl::flat_hash_set<PCIndex> observed_indices_
absl::flat_hash_set<std::string> observed_descriptions_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
// FunctionFilter maps a set of function names to a set of features.
class FunctionFilter {
// Initialize the filter.
// `functions_to_filter` is a comma-separated list of function names.
// If a function name is found in `symbols`, the PCs from that function
// will be filtered.
FunctionFilter(std::string_view functions_to_filter,
const SymbolTable &symbols);
// Returns true if
// * some of the `features` are from feature_domains::kPC
// and belong to a filtered function.
// * either `functions_to_filter` or `symbols` passed to CTOR was empty.
bool filter(const FeatureVec &features) const;
// Counts PCs that belong to filtered functions. Test-only.
size_t count() const { return std::count(pcs_.begin(), pcs_.end(), 1); }
// pcs_[idx]==1 means that the PC at idx belongs to the filtered function.
// We don't use vector<bool> for performance.
// We don't use a hash set, because CPU is more important here than RAM.
std::vector<uint8_t> pcs_;
// Computes the frontier weight. The weight is calculated based on the functions
// called in the non-covered side of the frontier. For each such callee, the
// cyclomatic complexity (CC) of the callee is multiplied by a factor (MF)
// where MF is determined based on the coverage type of callee:
// frontier_weight = 0
// for f in callees_of_non_covered_successor_bb:
// frontier_weight += CC(f) * MF(f)
// The breakdown for MF based on the coverage type of callee is as follows
// (subject to change):
// - Non-covered: %60
// - Partially-covered: %30
// - Fully-covered: %10
// Non-covered callee gets the highest MF as it is very interesting to
// get it covered. That said, going to partially or even fully covered callee
// still have some value as it may trigger new state there.
uint32_t ComputeFrontierWeight(const Coverage &coverage,
const ControlFlowGraph &cfg,
const std::vector<uintptr_t> &callees);
} // namespace centipede