blob: c0344b9f4ebd2fddc23af440f048da9da3ed3037 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "./centipede/environment.h"
#include <charconv>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <filesystem> // NOLINT
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "./centipede/logging.h"
#include "./centipede/remote_file.h"
#include "./centipede/util.h"
// TODO(kcc): document usage of standalone binaries and how to use @@ wildcard.
// If the "binary" contains @@, it means the binary can only accept inputs
// from the command line, and only one input per process.
// @@ will be replaced with a path to file with the input.
// @@ is chosen to follow the AFL command line syntax.
// TODO(kcc): rename --binary to --command (same for --extra_binaries),
// while remaining backward compatible.
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, binary, "", "The target binary.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, coverage_binary, "",
"The actual binary from which coverage is collected - if different "
"from --binary.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, binary_hash, "",
"If not-empty, this hash string is used instead of the hash of the "
"contents of coverage_binary. Use this flag when the coverage_binary "
"is not available nor needed, e.g. when using --distill.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, clang_coverage_binary, "",
"A clang source-based code coverage binary used to produce "
"human-readable reports. Do not add this binary to extra_binaries. "
"You must have llvm-cov and llvm-profdata in your path to generate "
"the reports. --workdir in turn must be local in order for this "
"functionality to work. See "
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, extra_binaries, "",
"A comma-separated list of extra target binaries. These binaries are "
"fed the same inputs as the main binary, but the coverage feedback "
"from them is not collected. Use this e.g. to run the target under "
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, workdir, "", "The working directory.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, merge_from, "",
"Another working directory to merge the corpus from. Inputs from "
"--merge_from will be added to --workdir if the add new features.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, num_runs, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
"Number of inputs to run per shard (see --total_shards).");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, seed, 0,
"A seed for the random number generator. If 0, some other random "
"number is used as seed.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, total_shards, 1, "Number of shards.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, first_shard_index, 0,
"Index of the first shard, [0, --total_shards - --num_threads].");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, num_threads, 1,
"Number of threads to execute in one process. i-th thread, where i "
"is in [0, --num_threads), will work on shard "
"(--first_shard_index + i).");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, j, 0,
"If not 0, --j=N is a shorthand for "
"--num_threads=N --total_shards=N --first_shard_index=0. "
"Overrides values of these flags if they are also used.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, max_len, 4096, "Max length of mutants. Passed to mutator.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, batch_size, 1000,
"The number of inputs given to the target at one time. Batches of "
"more than 1 input are used to amortize the process start-up cost.")
.OnUpdate([]() {
QCHECK_GT(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_batch_size), 0)
<< "--" << FLAGS_batch_size.Name() << " must be non-zero";
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, mutate_batch_size, 2,
"Mutate this many inputs to produce batch_size mutants");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, use_legacy_default_mutator, false,
"When set, use the legacy ByteArrayMutator as the default mutator. "
"Otherwise, the FuzzTest domain based mutator will be used.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, load_other_shard_frequency, 10,
"Load a random other shard after processing this many batches. Use 0 "
"to disable loading other shards. For now, choose the value of this "
"flag so that shard loads happen at most once in a few minutes. In "
"future we may be able to find the suitable value automatically.");
// TODO(b/262798184): Remove once the bug is fixed.
ABSL_FLAG(bool, serialize_shard_loads, false,
"When this flag is on, shard loading is serialized. "
" Useful to avoid excessive RAM consumption when loading more"
" that one shard at a time. Currently, loading a single large shard"
" may create too many temporary heap allocations. "
" This means, if we load many large shards concurrently,"
" we may run out or RAM.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, prune_frequency, 100,
"Prune the corpus every time after this many inputs were added. If "
"zero, pruning is disabled. Pruning removes redundant inputs from "
"the corpus, e.g. inputs that have only \"frequent\", i.e. "
"uninteresting features. When the corpus gets larger than "
"--max_corpus_size, some random elements may also be removed.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, address_space_limit_mb, 8192,
"If not zero, instructs the target to set setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS) to "
"this number of megabytes. Some targets (e.g. if built with ASAN, "
"which can't run with RLIMIT_AS) may choose to ignore this flag. See "
"also --rss_limit_mb.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, rss_limit_mb, 4096,
"If not zero, instructs the target to fail if RSS goes over this "
"number of megabytes and report an OOM. See also "
"--address_space_limit_mb. These two flags have somewhat different "
"meaning. --address_space_limit_mb does not allow the process to "
"grow the used address space beyond the limit. --rss_limit_mb runs a "
"background thread that monitors max RSS and also checks max RSS "
"after executing every input, so it may detect OOM late. However "
"--rss_limit_mb allows Centipede to *report* an OOM condition in "
"most cases, while --address_space_limit_mb will cause a crash that "
"may be hard to attribute to OOM.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, timeout_per_input, 60,
"If not zero, the timeout in seconds for a single input. If an input "
"runs longer than this, the runner process will abort. Support may "
"vary depending on the runner.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, timeout, 60,
"An alias for --timeout_per_input. If both are passed, the last of "
"the two wins.")
.OnUpdate([]() {
absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_timeout_per_input, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_timeout));
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, timeout_per_batch, 0,
"If not zero, the collective timeout budget in seconds for a single "
"batch of inputs. Each input in a batch still has up to "
"--timeout_per_input seconds to finish, but the entire batch must "
"finish within --timeout_per_batch seconds. The default is computed "
"as a function of --timeout_per_input * --batch_size. Support may "
"vary depending on the runner.");
ABSL_FLAG(absl::Time, stop_at, absl::InfiniteFuture(),
"Stop fuzzing in all shards (--total_shards) at approximately this "
"time in ISO-8601/RFC-3339 format, e.g. 2023-04-06T23:35:02Z. "
"If a given shard is still running at that time, it will gracefully "
"wind down by letting the current batch of inputs to finish and then "
"exiting. A special value 'infinite-future' (the default) is "
"supported. Tip: `date` is useful for conversion of mostly free "
"format human readable date/time strings, e.g. "
"--stop_at=$(date --date='next Monday 6pm' --utc --iso-8601=seconds) "
". Also see --stop_after. If both are specified, the last one wins.");
ABSL_FLAG(absl::Duration, stop_after, absl::InfiniteDuration(),
"Equivalent to setting --stop_at to the current date/time + this "
"duration. If both flags are specified, the last one wins.")
.OnUpdate([]() {
absl::SetFlag( //
&FLAGS_stop_at, absl::Now() + absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_stop_after));
ABSL_FLAG(bool, fork_server, true,
"If true (default) tries to execute the target(s) via the fork "
"server, if supported by the target(s). Prepend the binary path with "
"'%f' to disable the fork server. --fork_server applies to binaries "
"passed via these flags: --binary, --extra_binaries, "
ABSL_FLAG(bool, full_sync, false,
"Perform a full corpus sync on startup. If true, feature sets and "
"corpora are read from all shards before fuzzing. This way fuzzing "
"starts with a full knowledge of the current state and will avoid "
"adding duplicating inputs. This however is very expensive when the "
"number of shards is very large.");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, use_corpus_weights, true,
"If true, use weighted distribution when choosing the corpus element "
"to mutate. This flag is mostly for Centipede developers.");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, use_coverage_frontier, false,
"If true, use coverage frontier when choosing the corpus element to "
"mutate. This flag is mostly for Centipede developers.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, max_corpus_size, 100000,
"Indicates the number of inputs in the in-memory corpus after which"
"more aggressive pruning will be applied.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, crossover_level, 50,
"Defines how much crossover is used during mutations. 0 means no "
"crossover, 100 means the most aggressive crossover. See "
ABSL_FLAG(bool, use_pc_features, true,
"When available from instrumentation, use features derived from "
ABSL_FLAG(bool, use_cmp_features, true,
"When available from instrumentation, use features derived from "
"instrumentation of CMP instructions.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, callstack_level, 0,
"When available from instrumentation, use features derived from "
"observing the function call stacks. 0 means no callstack features."
"Values between 1 and 100 define how aggressively to use the "
"callstacks. Level N roughly corresponds to N call frames.")
.OnUpdate([]() {
QCHECK_LE(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_callstack_level), 100)
<< "--" << FLAGS_callstack_level.Name() << " must be in [0,100]";
ABSL_FLAG(bool, use_auto_dictionary, true,
"If true, use automatically-generated dictionary derived from "
"intercepting comparison instructions, memcmp, and similar.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, path_level, 0, // Not ready for wide usage.
"When available from instrumentation, use features derived from "
"bounded execution paths. Be careful, may cause exponential feature "
"explosion. 0 means no path features. Values between 1 and 100 "
"define how aggressively to use the paths.")
.OnUpdate([]() {
QCHECK_LE(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_path_level), 100)
<< "--" << FLAGS_path_level.Name() << " must be in [0,100]";
ABSL_FLAG(bool, use_dataflow_features, true,
"When available from instrumentation, use features derived from "
"data flows.");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, use_counter_features, false,
"When available from instrumentation, use features derived from "
"counting the number of occurrences of a given PC. When enabled, "
"supersedes --use_pc_features.");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, use_pcpair_features, false,
"If true, PC pairs are used as additional synthetic features. "
"Experimental, use with care - it may explode the corpus.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, feature_frequency_threshold, 100,
"Internal flag. When a given feature is present in the corpus this "
"many times Centipede will stop recording it for future corpus "
"elements. Larger values will use more RAM but may improve corpus "
"weights. Valid values are 1 - 255.");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, require_pc_table, true,
"If true, Centipede will exit if the --pc_table is not found.");
ABSL_FLAG(int, telemetry_frequency, 0,
"Dumping frequency for intermediate telemetry files, i.e. coverage "
"report (workdir/coverage-report-BINARY.*.txt), corpus stats "
"(workdir/corpus-stats-*.json), etc. Positive value N means dump "
"every N batches. Negative N means start dumping after 2^N processed "
"batches with exponential 2x back-off (e.g. for "
"--telemetry_frequency=-5, dump on batches 32, 64, 128,...). Zero "
"means no telemetry. Note that the before-fuzzing and after-fuzzing "
"telemetry are always dumped.");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, print_runner_log, false,
"If true, runner logs are printed after every batch. Note that "
"crash logs are always printed regardless of this flag's value.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, knobs_file, "",
"If not empty, knobs will be read from this (possibly remote) file."
" The feature is experimental, not yet fully functional.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, save_corpus_to_local_dir, "",
"Save the remote corpus from working to the given directory, one "
"file per corpus.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, export_corpus_from_local_dir, "",
"Export a corpus from a local directory with one file per input into "
"the sharded remote corpus in workdir. Not recursive.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, corpus_dir, "",
"Comma-separated list of paths to local corpus dirs, with one file "
"per input. At startup, the files are exported into the corpus in "
"--workdir. While fuzzing, the new corpus elements are written to "
"the first dir. This makes it more convenient to interop with "
"libFuzzer corpora.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, symbolizer_path, "llvm-symbolizer",
"Path to the symbolizer tool. By default, we use llvm-symbolizer "
"and assume it is in PATH.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, objdump_path, "objdump",
"Path to the objdump tool. By default, we use the system objdump "
"and assume it is in PATH.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, runner_dl_path_suffix, "",
"If non-empty, this flag is passed to the Centipede runner. "
"It tells the runner that this dynamic library is instrumented "
"while the main binary is not. "
"The value could be the full path, like '/path/to/' "
"or a suffix, like '/' or ''."
"This flag is experimental and may be removed in future");
// TODO(kcc): --distill and several others better be sub-command, not flags.
// TODO(kcc): deprecate --distill_shards once --distill is ready.
ABSL_FLAG(bool, distill, false,
"Experimental reimplementation of distillation - not ready yet. "
"All `total_shards` shards of the corpus in `workdir` are loaded "
"together with features for `binary`. "
"`num_threads` independent distillation threads work concurrently "
"loading the shards in random order. "
"Each distillation thread writes a minimized (distilled) "
"corpus to workdir/distilled-BINARY.`my_shard_index`.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, distill_shards, 0,
"The first --distill_shards will write the distilled corpus to "
"workdir/distilled-BINARY.SHARD files. Also, if --corpus_dir is "
"specified, the distilled corpus shards will be duplicated to its "
"first element. Note that every shard will produce its own variant "
"of distilled corpus thanks to random loading order. Distillation "
"will work properly only if all shards already have their feature "
"files computed.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, log_features_shards, 0,
"The first --log_features_shards shards will log newly observed "
"features as symbols. In most cases you don't need this to be >= 2.");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, exit_on_crash, false,
"If true, Centipede will exit on the first crash of the target.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, num_crash_reports, 5, "report this many crashes per shard.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, minimize_crash, "",
"If non-empty, a path to an input file that triggers a crash."
" Centipede will run the minimization loop and store smaller crash-y"
" inputs in workdir/crashes/."
" --num_runs and --num_threads apply. "
" Assumes local workdir.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, input_filter, "",
"Path to a tool that filters bad inputs. The tool is invoked as "
"`input_filter INPUT_FILE` and should return 0 if the input is good "
"and non-0 otherwise. Ignored if empty. The --input_filter is "
"invoked only for inputs that are considered for addition to the "
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, for_each_blob, "",
"If non-empty, extracts individual blobs from the files given as "
"arguments, copies each blob to a temporary file, and applies this "
"command to that temporary file. %P is replaced with the temporary "
"file's path and %H is replaced with the blob's hash. Example:\n"
"$ centipede --for_each_blob='ls -l %P && echo %H' corpus.000000");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, experiment, "",
"A colon-separated list of values, each of which is a flag followed "
"by = and a comma-separated list of values. Example: "
"'foo=1,2,3:bar=10,20'. When non-empty, this flag is used to run an "
"A/B[/C/D...] experiment: different threads will set different "
"values of 'foo' and 'bar' and will run independent fuzzing "
"sessions. If more than one flag is given, all flag combinations are "
"tested. In example above: '--foo=1 --bar=10' ... "
"'--foo=3 --bar=20'. The number of threads should be multiple of the "
"number of flag combinations.");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, analyze, false,
"If set, Centipede will read the corpora from the work dirs provided"
" as argv and analyze differences between those corpora."
" Used by the Centipede developers to improve the engine. "
" TODO(kcc) implement. ");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, dictionary, "",
"A comma-separated list of paths to dictionary files. The dictionary "
"file is either in AFL/libFuzzer plain text format or in the binary "
"Centipede corpus file format. The flag is interpreted by "
"CentipedeCallbacks so its meaning may be different in custom "
"implementations of CentipedeCallbacks.");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, function_filter, "",
"A comma-separated list of functions that fuzzing needs to focus on. "
"If this list is non-empty, the fuzzer will mutate only those inputs "
"that trigger code in one of these functions.");
ABSL_FLAG(size_t, shmem_size_mb, 1024,
"Size of the shared memory regions used to communicate between the "
"ending and the runner.");
bool, use_posix_shmem, false,
"[INTERNAL] When true, uses shm_open/shm_unlink instead of memfd_create to "
"allocate shared memory. You may want this if your target doesn't have "
"access to /proc/<arbitrary_pid> subdirs or the memfd_create syscall is "
"not supported.");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, dry_run, false,
"Initializes as much of Centipede as possible without actually "
"running any fuzzing. Useful to validate the rest of the command "
"line, verify existence of all the input directories and files, "
"etc. Also useful in combination with --save_config or "
"--update_config to stop execution immediately after writing the "
"(updated) config file.");
namespace centipede {
namespace {
// If the passed `timeout_per_batch` is 0, computes its value as a function of
// `timeout_per_input` and `batch_size` and returns it. Otherwise, just returns
// the `timeout_per_batch`.
size_t ComputeTimeoutPerBatch( //
size_t timeout_per_batch, size_t timeout_per_input, size_t batch_size) {
if (timeout_per_batch == 0) {
CHECK_GT(batch_size, 0);
// NOTE: If `timeout_per_input` == 0, leave `timeout_per_batch` at 0 too:
// the implementation interprets both as "no limit".
if (timeout_per_input != 0) {
// TODO(ussuri): The formula here is an unscientific heuristic conjured
// up for CPU instruction fuzzing. `timeout_per_input` is interpreted as
// the long tail of the input runtime distribution of yet-unknown nature.
// It might be the exponential, log-normal distribution or similar, and
// the distribution of the total time per batch could be modeled by the
// gamma distribution. Work out the math later. Right now, this naive
// formula gives ~18 min per batch with the input flags' defaults (this
// has worked in test runs so far).
constexpr double kScale = 12;
const double estimated_mean_time_per_input =
std::max(timeout_per_input / kScale, 1.0);
timeout_per_batch =
std::ceil(std::log(estimated_mean_time_per_input + 1.0) * batch_size);
VLOG(1) << "--" << FLAGS_timeout_per_batch.Name()
<< " not set on command line: auto-computed " << timeout_per_batch
<< " sec (see --help for details)";
return timeout_per_batch;
} // namespace
Environment::Environment(const std::vector<std::string> &argv)
: binary(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_binary)),
? (binary.empty() ? "" : *absl::StrSplit(binary, ' ').begin())
: absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_coverage_binary)),
extra_binaries(absl::StrSplit(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_extra_binaries), ',',
timeout_per_batch(ComputeTimeoutPerBatch( //
absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_timeout_per_batch), //
absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_timeout_per_input), //
corpus_dir(absl::StrSplit(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_corpus_dir), ',',
dictionary(absl::StrSplit(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_dictionary), ',',
? HashOfFileContents(coverage_binary)
: absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_binary_hash)) {
if (size_t j = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_j)) {
total_shards = j;
num_threads = j;
my_shard_index = 0;
CHECK_GE(total_shards, 1);
CHECK_GE(batch_size, 1);
CHECK_GE(num_threads, 1);
CHECK_LE(num_threads, total_shards);
CHECK_LE(my_shard_index + num_threads, total_shards)
<< VV(my_shard_index) << VV(num_threads);
if (!argv.empty()) {
exec_name = argv[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < argv.size(); ++i) {
if (!clang_coverage_binary.empty())
if (absl::StrContains(binary, "@@")) {
LOG(INFO) << "@@ detected; running in standalone mode with batch_size=1";
has_input_wildcards = true;
batch_size = 1;
// TODO(kcc): do we need to check if extra_binaries have @@?
namespace {
// Max number of decimal digits in a shard index given `total_shards`. Used to
// pad indices with 0's in output file names so the names are sorted by index.
inline constexpr int kDigitsInShardIndex = 6;
// If `annotation` is empty, returns an empty string. Otherwise, verifies that
// it does not start with a dot and returns it with a dot prepended.
std::string NormalizeAnnotation(std::string_view annotation) {
std::string ret;
if (!annotation.empty()) {
CHECK_NE(annotation.front(), '.');
ret = absl::StrCat(".", annotation);
return ret;
} // namespace
std::string Environment::MakeCoverageDirPath() const {
return std::filesystem::path(workdir).append(
absl::StrCat(binary_name, "-", binary_hash));
std::string Environment::MakeCrashReproducerDirPath() const {
return std::filesystem::path(workdir).append("crashes");
std::string Environment::MakeCorpusPath(size_t shard_index) const {
return std::filesystem::path(workdir).append(
absl::StrFormat("corpus.%0*d", kDigitsInShardIndex, shard_index));
std::string Environment::MakeFeaturesPath(size_t shard_index) const {
return std::filesystem::path(MakeCoverageDirPath())
absl::StrFormat("features.%0*d", kDigitsInShardIndex, shard_index));
std::string Environment::MakeDistilledPath() const {
return std::filesystem::path(workdir).append(absl::StrFormat(
"distilled-%s.%0*d", binary_name, kDigitsInShardIndex, my_shard_index));
std::string Environment::MakeCoverageReportPath(
std::string_view annotation) const {
return std::filesystem::path(workdir).append(absl::StrFormat(
"coverage-report-%s.%0*d%s.txt", binary_name, kDigitsInShardIndex,
my_shard_index, NormalizeAnnotation(annotation)));
std::string Environment::MakeCorpusStatsPath(
std::string_view annotation) const {
return std::filesystem::path(workdir).append(absl::StrFormat(
"corpus-stats-%s.%0*d%s.json", binary_name, kDigitsInShardIndex,
my_shard_index, NormalizeAnnotation(annotation)));
std::string Environment::MakeFuzzingStatsPath(
std::string_view annotation) const {
return std::filesystem::path(workdir).append(absl::StrFormat(
"fuzzing-stats-%s.%0*d%s.csv", binary_name, kDigitsInShardIndex,
my_shard_index, NormalizeAnnotation(annotation)));
std::string Environment::MakeSourceBasedCoverageRawProfilePath() const {
// Pass %m to enable online merge mode: updates file in place instead of
// replacing it %m is replaced by lprofGetLoadModuleSignature(void) which
// should be consistent for a fixed binary
return std::filesystem::path(MakeCoverageDirPath())
kDigitsInShardIndex, my_shard_index, "%m"));
std::string Environment::MakeSourceBasedCoverageIndexedProfilePath() const {
return std::filesystem::path(MakeCoverageDirPath())
std::string Environment::MakeSourceBasedCoverageReportPath(
std::string_view annotation) const {
return std::filesystem::path(workdir).append(absl::StrFormat(
"source-coverage-report-%s.%0*d%s", binary_name, kDigitsInShardIndex,
my_shard_index, NormalizeAnnotation(annotation)));
std::vector<std::string> Environment::EnumerateRawCoverageProfiles() const {
// Unfortunately we have to enumerate the profiles from the filesystem since
// clang-coverage generates its own hash of the binary to avoid collisions
// between builds. We account for this in Centipede already with the
// per-binary coverage directory but LLVM coverage (perhaps smartly) doesn't
// trust the user to get this right. We could call __llvm_profile_get_filename
// in the runner and plumb it back to us but this is simpler.
const std::string dir_path = MakeCoverageDirPath();
std::error_code dir_error;
const auto dir_iter =
std::filesystem::directory_iterator(dir_path, dir_error);
if (dir_error) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to access coverage dir '" << dir_path
<< "': " << dir_error.message();
return {};
std::vector<std::string> raw_profiles;
for (const auto &entry : dir_iter) {
if (entry.is_regular_file() && entry.path().extension() == ".profraw")
return raw_profiles;
std::string Environment::MakeRUsageReportPath(
std::string_view annotation) const {
return std::filesystem::path(workdir).append(absl::StrFormat(
"rusage-report-%s.%0*d%s.txt", binary_name, kDigitsInShardIndex,
my_shard_index, NormalizeAnnotation(annotation)));
bool Environment::DumpCorpusTelemetryInThisShard() const {
// Corpus stats are global across all shards on all machines.
return my_shard_index == 0 && telemetry_frequency != 0;
bool Environment::DumpRUsageTelemetryInThisShard() const {
// Unlike the corpus stats, we want to measure/dump rusage stats for each
// Centipede process running on a separate machine: assign that to the first
// shard (i.e. thread) on the machine.
return my_shard_index % num_threads == 0;
bool Environment::DumpTelemetryForThisBatch(size_t batch_index) const {
// Always dump for batch 0 (i.e. at the beginning of execution).
if (telemetry_frequency != 0 && batch_index == 0) {
return true;
// Special mode for negative --telemetry_frequency: dump when batch_index
// is a power-of-two and is >= than 2^abs(--telemetry_frequency).
if (telemetry_frequency < 0 && batch_index >= (1 << -telemetry_frequency) &&
((batch_index - 1) & batch_index) == 0) {
return true;
// Normal mode: dump when requested number of batches get processed.
if (((telemetry_frequency > 0) && (batch_index % telemetry_frequency == 0))) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if `value` is one of "1", "true".
// Returns true if `value` is one of "0", "false".
// CHECK-fails otherwise.
static bool GetBoolFlag(std::string_view value) {
if (value == "0" || value == "false") return false;
CHECK(value == "1" || value == "true") << value;
return true;
// Returns `value` as a size_t, CHECK-fails on parse error.
static size_t GetIntFlag(std::string_view value) {
size_t result{};
CHECK(std::from_chars(value.begin(), value.end(), result).ec == std::errc())
<< value;
return result;
void Environment::SetFlagForExperiment(std::string_view name,
std::string_view value) {
// TODO(kcc): support more flags, as needed.
// Handle bool flags.
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, bool *> bool_flags{
{"use_cmp_features", &use_cmp_features},
{"use_auto_dictionary", &use_auto_dictionary},
{"use_dataflow_features", &use_dataflow_features},
{"use_counter_features", &use_counter_features},
{"use_pcpair_features", &use_pcpair_features},
{"use_coverage_frontier", &use_coverage_frontier},
{"use_legacy_default_mutator", &use_legacy_default_mutator},
auto bool_iter = bool_flags.find(name);
if (bool_iter != bool_flags.end()) {
*bool_iter->second = GetBoolFlag(value);
// Handle int flags.
absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, size_t *> int_flags{
{"path_level", &path_level},
{"callstack_level", &callstack_level},
{"max_corpus_size", &max_corpus_size},
{"max_len", &max_len},
{"crossover_level", &crossover_level},
{"mutate_batch_size", &mutate_batch_size},
auto int_iter = int_flags.find(name);
if (int_iter != int_flags.end()) {
*int_iter->second = GetIntFlag(value);
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown flag for experiment: " << name << "=" << value;
void Environment::UpdateForExperiment() {
if (experiment.empty()) return;
// Parse the --experiments flag.
struct Experiment {
std::string flag_name;
std::vector<std::string> flag_values;
std::vector<Experiment> experiments;
for (auto flag : absl::StrSplit(this->experiment, ':', absl::SkipEmpty())) {
std::vector<std::string> flag_and_value = absl::StrSplit(flag, '=');
CHECK_EQ(flag_and_value.size(), 2) << flag;
Experiment{flag_and_value[0], absl::StrSplit(flag_and_value[1], ',')});
// Count the number of flag combinations.
size_t num_combinations = 1;
for (const auto &exp : experiments) {
CHECK_NE(exp.flag_values.size(), 0) << exp.flag_name;
num_combinations *= exp.flag_values.size();
CHECK_GT(num_combinations, 0);
CHECK_EQ(num_threads % num_combinations, 0)
<< VV(num_threads) << VV(num_combinations);
// Update the flags for the current shard and compute experiment_name.
CHECK_LT(my_shard_index, num_threads);
size_t my_combination_num = my_shard_index % num_combinations;
// Reverse the flags.
// This way, the flag combinations will go in natural order.
// E.g. for --experiment='foo=1,2,3:bar=10,20' the order of combinations is
// foo=1 bar=10
// foo=1 bar=20
// foo=2 bar=10 ...
// Alternative would be to iterate in reverse order with rbegin()/rend().
std::reverse(experiments.begin(), experiments.end());
for (const auto &exp : experiments) {
size_t idx = my_combination_num % exp.flag_values.size();
SetFlagForExperiment(exp.flag_name, exp.flag_values[idx]);
my_combination_num /= exp.flag_values.size();
experiment_name = std::to_string(idx) + experiment_name;
experiment_flags =
exp.flag_name + "=" + exp.flag_values[idx] + ":" + experiment_flags;
experiment_name = "E" + experiment_name;
load_other_shard_frequency = 0; // The experiments should be independent.
void Environment::ReadKnobsFileIfSpecified() {
const std::string_view knobs_file_path = knobs_file;
if (knobs_file_path.empty()) return;
ByteArray knob_bytes;
auto *f = RemoteFileOpen(knobs_file, "r");
CHECK(f) << "Failed to open remote file " << knobs_file;
RemoteFileRead(f, knob_bytes);
VLOG(1) << "Knobs: " << knob_bytes.size() << " knobs read from "
<< knobs_file;
knobs.ForEachKnob([](std::string_view name, Knobs::value_type value) {
VLOG(1) << "knob " << name << ": " << static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
} // namespace centipede