blob: 27696d699fbaf8129a2ee0caae5bec6f4f8a8ed7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "./centipede/execution_metadata.h"
#include "./centipede/feature.h"
#include "./centipede/shared_memory_blob_sequence.h"
namespace centipede {
inline constexpr std::string_view kExecutionFailurePerInputTimeout =
inline constexpr std::string_view kExecutionFailurePerBatchTimeout =
inline constexpr std::string_view kExecutionFailureRssLimitExceeded =
// It represents the results of the execution of one input by the runner.
class ExecutionResult {
// Movable, not Copyable.
ExecutionResult(ExecutionResult&& other) = default;
ExecutionResult& operator=(ExecutionResult&& other) = default;
ExecutionResult() = default;
explicit ExecutionResult(FeatureVec features)
: features_(std::move(features)) {}
// Execution statistics.
struct Stats {
uint64_t prep_time_usec = 0; // Time taken to prepare for execution.
uint64_t exec_time_usec = 0; // Time taken to execute the input.
uint64_t post_time_usec = 0; // Time taken to post-process the coverage.
uint64_t peak_rss_mb = 0; // Peak RSS in Mb after executing the input.
// For tests.
bool operator==(const Stats& other) const { // = default in C++20.
return prep_time_usec == other.prep_time_usec &&
exec_time_usec == other.exec_time_usec &&
peak_rss_mb == other.peak_rss_mb &&
post_time_usec == other.post_time_usec;
// Accessors.
const FeatureVec& features() const { return features_; }
FeatureVec& mutable_features() { return features_; }
const Stats& stats() const { return stats_; }
Stats& stats() { return stats_; }
const ExecutionMetadata& metadata() const { return metadata_; }
ExecutionMetadata& metadata() { return metadata_; }
// Clears the data, but doesn't deallocate the heap storage.
void clear() {
metadata_ = {};
stats_ = {};
FeatureVec features_; // Features produced by the target on one input.
ExecutionMetadata metadata_; // Metadata from executing one input.
Stats stats_; // Stats from executing one input.
// BatchResult is the communication API between Centipede and its runner.
// In consists of a vector of ExecutionResult objects, one per executed input,
// and optionally some other details about the execution of the input batch.
// The runner uses static methods Write*() to write to a blobseq.
// Centipede uses Read() to get all the data from blobseq.
class BatchResult {
// If BatchResult is used in a hot loop, define it outside the loop and
// use ClearAndResize() on every iteration.
// This will reduce the number of mallocs.
BatchResult() = default;
// Not movable.
BatchResult(BatchResult&& other) = delete;
BatchResult& operator=(BatchResult&& other) = delete;
// Clears all data, but usually does not deallocate heap storage.
void ClearAndResize(size_t new_size) {
for (auto& result : results_) result.clear();
exit_code_ = EXIT_SUCCESS;
num_outputs_read_ = 0;
// Writes one FeatureVec (from `vec` and `size`) to `blobseq`.
// Returns true iff successful.
// Called by the runner.
// When executing N inputs, the runner will call this at most N times.
static bool WriteOneFeatureVec(const feature_t* vec, size_t size,
BlobSequence& blobseq);
// Writes a special Begin marker before executing an input.
static bool WriteInputBegin(BlobSequence& blobseq);
// Writes a special End marker after executing an input.
static bool WriteInputEnd(BlobSequence& blobseq);
// Writes unit execution stats.
static bool WriteStats(const ExecutionResult::Stats& stats,
BlobSequence& blobseq);
// Writes the execution `metadata` to `blobseq`.
// Returns true iff successful.
static bool WriteMetadata(const ExecutionMetadata& metadata,
BlobSequence& blobseq);
// Reads everything written by the runner to `blobseq` into `this`.
// Returns true iff successful.
// When running N inputs, ClearAndResize(N) must be called before Read().
bool Read(BlobSequence& blobseq);
// Accessors.
std::vector<ExecutionResult>& results() { return results_; }
const std::vector<ExecutionResult>& results() const { return results_; }
std::string& log() { return log_; }
const std::string& log() const { return log_; }
int& exit_code() { return exit_code_; }
int exit_code() const { return exit_code_; }
size_t num_outputs_read() const { return num_outputs_read_; }
size_t& num_outputs_read() { return num_outputs_read_; }
std::string& failure_description() { return failure_description_; }
const std::string& failure_description() const {
return failure_description_;
friend class MultiInputMock;
std::vector<ExecutionResult> results_;
std::string log_; // log_ is populated optionally, e.g. if there was a crash.
int exit_code_ = EXIT_SUCCESS; // Process exit code.
std::string failure_description_;
size_t num_outputs_read_ = 0;
} // namespace centipede