blob: be98c12d76319997e2dea5bb548e5d2bb8e5d129 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <string_view>
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "./centipede/defs.h"
namespace centipede {
// Opaque ID object to be used by Knobs.
// Supported usage:
// * Create a new KnobId global object via Knobs::New().
// * Compare two KnobIds for equality.
// * Pass to Knobs' member functions.
class KnobId {
bool operator==(const KnobId& other) const { return id_ == other.id_; }
friend class Knobs;
FRIEND_TEST(Knobs, Choose);
KnobId(size_t id) : id_(id) {}
KnobId() = default;
size_t id() const { return id_; }
size_t id_ = {};
// Knobs (will) control all randomized choices made by the fuzzing engine.
// The intent is to find optimal values for knobs using machine learning.
// Examples of the choices that the engine can make using knobs:
// * Choosing whether to add a given element to the corpus based on what
// features it has, its size, its resource consumption, etc.
// * Choosing a corpus element to mutate, or an element pair to cross-over.
// E.g. make the choice depending on the features associated with elements,
// their sizes, etc.
// * Choosing how to mutate.
// E.g. whether to insert, overwrite, swap, etc., or whether to cross-over.
// `Knobs` is effectively a fixed-size array of bytes with named elements.
// The engine loads this array at startup or uses a default value zero.
// The engine may also pass Knobs to a custom mutator that supports it.
// Each knob has its own interpretation.
// Some knobs are probability weights, with `0` meaning "never" or "rare"
// and 255 meaning "frequently".
// Some knobs have a meaning in combination with other knobs, e.g.
// when choosing one of N strategies, N knobs will be used as weights.
// Some knobs may mean the number of repetitions of a certain process.
// A knob value is accessed via a KnobId.
// KnobIds are created by Knobs::New() as file-scope globals.
// The allocation of KnobIds is stable between the executions of the engine,
// but will change when the engine changes in some significant way
// (e.g. new knobs are added/removed or linking order changes).
// I.e. the optimal knob values will need to be re-learned after major changes
// in the engine.
// This way knobs can be created locally in every source file, w/o having a
// centralized knob repository.
// A KnobId can be used to access a knob value: Knobs::Value().
// A set of KnobIds can be used to choose from several choices: Knobs::Choose().
// One KnobID can be used to choose from two choices: Knobs::GenerateBool().
// TODO(kcc): figure out how to share knobs with other processes/binaries,
// such as custom mutators.
class Knobs {
// Total number of knobs. Keep it small-ish for now.
static constexpr size_t kNumKnobs = 32;
using value_type = uint8_t;
using signed_value_type = int8_t;
// Creates and returns a new KnobId and associates a `knob_name` with it.
// Must be called at the process startup (assign the result to a global):
// static const KnobId knob_weight_of_foo = Knobs::NewId("weight_of_foo");
// Will trap if runs out of IDs.
static KnobId NewId(std::string_view knob_name);
// Returns the name associated with `knob_id`.
static std::string_view Name(KnobId knob_id) {
return knob_names_[];
// Sets all knobs to the same value `value`.
void Set(value_type value) {
for (auto& knob : knobs_) {
knob = value;
// Sets the knobs to values from `values`. If `values.size() < kNumKnobs`,
// only the first `values.size()` values will be set.
void Set(absl::Span<const value_type> values) {
size_t n = std::min(kNumKnobs, values.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
knobs_[i] = values[i];
// Returns the value associated with `knob_id`.
value_type Value(KnobId knob_id) const {
if ( >= kNumKnobs) __builtin_trap();
return knobs_[];
// Returns the signed value associated with `knob_id`.
signed_value_type SignedValue(KnobId knob_id) const { return Value(knob_id); }
// Calls `callback(Name, Value)` for every KnobId created by NewId().
void ForEachKnob(
const std::function<void(std::string_view, Knobs::value_type)>& callback)
const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < next_id_; ++i) {
callback(Name(i), Value(i));
// Returns one of the `choices`.
// `knob_ids` and `choices` must have the same size and be non-empty.
// Uses knob values associated with knob_ids as probability weights for
// respective choices.
// E.g. if knobs.Value(knobA) == 100 and knobs.Value(knobB) == 10, then
// Choose<...>({knobA, knobB}, {A, B}, rng()) is approximately 10x more likely
// to return A than B.
// If all knob values are zero, behaves as if they were all 1.
// `random` is a random number derived from an RNG.
// TODO(kcc): consider making this more similar to GenerateBool() and
// requiring 1 knob fewer than choices.size().
template <typename T>
T Choose(absl::Span<const KnobId> knob_ids, absl::Span<const T> choices,
uint64_t random) const {
if (choices.empty()) __builtin_trap();
if (knob_ids.size() != choices.size()) __builtin_trap();
size_t sum = 0;
for (auto knob_id : knob_ids) {
sum += Value(knob_id);
if (sum == 0) return choices[random % choices.size()];
random %= sum;
size_t partial_sum = 0;
size_t idx = 0;
for (auto knob_id : knob_ids) {
partial_sum += Value(knob_id);
if (partial_sum > random) return choices[idx];
// Chooses between two strategies, i.e. returns true or false.
// Treats the value of the knob associated with `knob_id` as signed integer.
// If knob == -128, returns false. If knob == 127 returns true.
// For other values, returns randomly true of false, with higher probability
// of true for higher values of knob.
// If knob == 0, returns true with a ~ 50% chance.
// `random` is a random number used to produce random choice.
bool GenerateBool(KnobId knob_id, uint64_t random) const {
signed_value_type signed_value = SignedValue(knob_id); // in [-128,127]
signed_value_type rand = random % 255 - 127; // in [-127,127]
// signed_value == 127 => always true.
// signed_value == -128 => always false.
// signed_value == 0 => true ~ half the time.
return signed_value >= rand;
// Variant of Choose() where the choices are KnobIds themselves.
// Returns one of the `choices` based on the respective knobs.
KnobId Choose(absl::Span<const KnobId> choices, uint64_t random) const {
return Choose<KnobId>(choices, choices, random);
static size_t next_id_;
static std::string_view knob_names_[kNumKnobs];
value_type knobs_[kNumKnobs] = {};
} // namespace centipede