blob: 8d2d72443587d1f8fee6f741452b716176e8c160 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "./centipede/pc_info.h"
namespace centipede {
// Maps PCs to PCGuard objects.
class ReversePCTable {
ReversePCTable() = default;
// Non copyable, non-movable.
ReversePCTable(const ReversePCTable &) = delete;
ReversePCTable &operator=(const ReversePCTable &) = delete;
ReversePCTable(ReversePCTable &&) = default;
ReversePCTable &operator=(ReversePCTable &&) = default;
// Constructs the reverse PC table from `pc_table`.
// The assumption is that all PCs are relatively small, such that the
// implementation is allowed to create an array indexed by a PC.
void SetFromPCs(const PCTable& pc_table) {
num_pcs_ = pc_table.size();
if (table_ != nullptr) delete[] table_;
if (num_pcs_ == 0) {
size_ = 0;
table_ = nullptr;
// Compute max_pc.
uintptr_t max_pc = 0;
for (const auto& pc_info : pc_table) {
max_pc = std::max(max_pc, pc_info.pc);
// Create an array of max_pc + 1 elements such that we can directly
// index this array with any valid PC.
size_ = max_pc + 1;
table_ = new PCGuard[size_];
std::fill(table_, table_ + size_, kInvalidPCGuard);
// Make sure all PC indices fit into PCGuard::kMaxNumPCs.
if (pc_table.size() >= PCGuard::kMaxNumPCs)
__builtin_trap(); // no logging in runner. TODO(kcc): use RunnerCheck.
// Fill in the table.
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < pc_table.size(); ++idx) {
const auto &pc_info = pc_table[idx];
if (pc_info.pc >= size_) __builtin_trap(); // TODO(kcc): use RunnerCheck.
table_[pc_info.pc] = {
.is_function_entry = pc_info.has_flag(PCInfo::kFuncEntry),
.pc_index = static_cast<uint32_t>(idx)};
// Returns PCGuard that corresponds to `pc`. If `pc` was not present in
// `pc_table` passed to SetFromPCs, returns kInvalidPCGuard. This is a hot
// function and needs to be as simple and fast as possible.
PCGuard GetPCGuard(uintptr_t pc) const {
if (pc >= size_) return kInvalidPCGuard;
return table_[pc];
// Returns the number of PCs that was passed to SetFromPCs().
size_t NumPcs() const { return num_pcs_; }
// A PCGuard object, such that IsValid() will return false.
static constexpr PCGuard kInvalidPCGuard = {
.is_function_entry = 0, .pc_index = PCGuard::kInvalidPcIndex};
// We use size_ and table_ pointer instead of std::vector<> because
// (1) we need ReversePCTable object to be accessible even after the
// destruction (in static storage duration); (2) size_ is cheaper to
// compute inside GetPCIndex(). This would cause leakage if not
// declared as static - one can explicitly call SetFromPCs({}) to
// free the table.
size_t size_ = 0;
size_t num_pcs_ = 0;
PCGuard *table_ = nullptr;
} // namespace centipede