blob: 19b4389fdcafd1982e6242bcf9ffc61279190b99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Capturing arguments of CMP instructions, memcmp, and similar.
// WARNING: this code needs to have minimal dependencies.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
namespace centipede {
// Captures up to `kNumItems` different CMP argument pairs.
// Every argument is `kFixedSize` bytes.
// If `kFixedSize` == 0, the argument size is variable.
// Only the first `kNumBytesPerValue` bytes of every argument are captured.
// This is used to capture arguments of memcmp() and similar.
// Every new captured pair may overwrite a pair stored previously.
// Outside of tests, objects of this class will be created in TLS, thus no CTOR.
template <uint8_t kFixedSize, size_t kNumItems>
class CmpTrace {
// kMaxNumBytesPerValue does not depend on kFixedSize.
static constexpr size_t kMaxNumBytesPerValue = 16;
static constexpr size_t kNumBytesPerValue =
kFixedSize ? kFixedSize : kMaxNumBytesPerValue;
// No CTOR - objects will be created in TLS.
// Clears `this`.
void Clear() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
// Captures one CMP argument pair, as two byte arrays, `size` bytes each.
void Capture(uint8_t size, const uint8_t *value0, const uint8_t *value1) {
if (size > kNumBytesPerValue) size = kNumBytesPerValue;
// We choose a pseudo-random slot each time.
// This way after capturing many pairs we end up with up to `kNumItems`
// pairs which are typically, but not always, the most recent.
rand_seed_ = rand_seed_ * 1103515245 + 12345;
Item &item = items_[rand_seed_ % kNumItems];
__builtin_memcpy(item.value0, value0, size);
__builtin_memcpy(item.value1, value1, size);
// Captures one CMP argument pair, as two integers of kFixedSize bytes each.
template <typename T>
void Capture(T value0, T value1) {
// If both values are small, ignore them as not very useful.
if (value0 < 256 && value1 < 256) return;
static_assert(sizeof(T) == kFixedSize);
Capture(sizeof(T), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&value0),
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&value1));
// Iterates non-zero CMP pairs.
template <typename Callback>
void ForEachNonZero(Callback callback) {
for (const auto &item : items_) {
if (IsZero(item.value0, item.size.get()) &&
IsZero(item.value1, item.size.get()))
callback(item.size.get(), item.value0, item.value1);
// SizeField<kFixedSize> returns kFixedSize as the size, for kFixedSize != 0.
template <uint8_t kSize>
class SizeField {
void set(uint8_t size) {}
size_t get() const { return kSize; }
// SizeField<0> actually stores the size.
template <>
class SizeField<0> {
void set(uint8_t size) { size_ = size; }
uint8_t get() const { return size_; }
uint8_t size_;
template <typename T>
static bool IsZero(const uint8_t *value) {
T x = {};
__builtin_memcpy(&x, value, sizeof(T));
return x == T{};
// Returns true if all value[0:size] are zero.
static bool IsZero(const uint8_t *value, size_t size) {
if constexpr (kFixedSize == 8) return IsZero<uint64_t>(value);
if constexpr (kFixedSize == 4) return IsZero<uint32_t>(value);
if constexpr (kFixedSize == 2) return IsZero<uint16_t>(value);
// The code iterates over bytes, but we expect the compiler to optimize it.
uint64_t ored_bytes = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
ored_bytes |= value[i];
return ored_bytes == 0;
// One CMP argument pair.
struct Item {
SizeField<kFixedSize> size;
uint8_t value0[kNumBytesPerValue];
uint8_t value1[kNumBytesPerValue];
// All argument pairs.
Item items_[kNumItems];
// Pseudo-random seed.
size_t rand_seed_;
} // namespace centipede