blob: 76f2b73af2292ffd156ce435f35abf1524dfcc58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "./centipede/rusage_profiler.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <deque>
#include <filesystem> // NOLINT
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/log/check.h"
#include "absl/log/log.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/notification.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
namespace centipede::perf {
// RUsageProfiler::Snapshot
std::string RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::WhereStr() const {
return absl::StrFormat("%s:%d", location.file, location.line);
std::string RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::ShortWhereStr() const {
return absl::StrFormat( //
"%s:%d", std::filesystem::path(location.file).filename(), location.line);
std::string RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::WhenStr() const {
return absl::FormatTime("%E4Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%E2S", time, absl::LocalTimeZone());
std::string RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::ShortWhenStr() const {
return absl::FormatTime("%H:%M:%E2S", time, absl::LocalTimeZone());
std::string RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::FormattedMetricsStr() const {
std::string s;
absl::StrAppendFormat( //
&s, " [P.%d:S.%d] TIMING | %s |\n", //
profiler_id, id, timing.FormattedStr());
if (delta_timing != RUsageTiming::Zero()) {
absl::StrAppendFormat( //
&s, " [P.%d:S.%d] TIMING Δ | %s |\n", //
profiler_id, id, delta_timing.FormattedStr());
absl::StrAppendFormat( //
&s, " [P.%d:S.%d] MEMORY | %s |\n", //
profiler_id, id, memory.FormattedStr());
if (delta_memory != RUsageMemory::Zero()) {
absl::StrAppendFormat( //
&s, " [P.%d:S.%d] MEMORY Δ | %s |\n", //
profiler_id, id, delta_memory.FormattedStr());
return s;
std::string RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::ShortMetricsStr() const {
std::string s;
absl::StrAppendFormat( //
&s, "TIMING { %s } ", timing.ShortStr());
if (delta_timing != RUsageTiming::Zero()) {
absl::StrAppendFormat( //
&s, "TIMING Δ { %s } ", delta_timing.ShortStr());
absl::StrAppendFormat( //
&s, "MEMORY { %s } ", memory.ShortStr());
if (delta_memory != RUsageMemory::Zero()) {
absl::StrAppendFormat( //
&s, "MEMORY Δ { %s } ", delta_memory.ShortStr());
return s;
const RUsageProfiler::Snapshot& RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::Log() const {
if (id >= 0) {
LOG(INFO).AtLocation(location.file, location.line)
<< "PROFILER [P." << profiler_id << (profiler_desc.empty() ? "" : " ")
<< profiler_desc << "] SNAPSHOT [S." << id << (title.empty() ? "" : " ")
<< title << "]:\n"
<< FormattedMetricsStr();
return *this;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RUsageProfiler::Snapshot& ss) {
return os << ss.title << ": " << ss.ShortWhereStr() << " @ "
<< ss.ShortWhenStr() << ": " << ss.ShortMetricsStr();
// TimelapseThread
// Starts a new thread that periodically takes a profiling snapshot using the
// passed parent profiler. The thread is auto-started at construction and
// terminated at destruction.
class RUsageProfiler::TimelapseThread {
TimelapseThread( //
RUsageProfiler* parent, //
SourceLocation loc, //
absl::Duration interval, //
bool also_log, //
std::string title)
: parent_{parent},
loop_thread_{[this]() { RunLoop(); }} {}
~TimelapseThread() { StopLoop(); }
void RunLoop() {
while (!stop_loop_.HasBeenNotified()) {
const auto& s = parent_->TakeSnapshot(loc_, title_);
if (also_log_) s.Log();
void StopLoop() {
RUsageProfiler* parent_;
const SourceLocation loc_;
const absl::Duration interval_;
const bool also_log_;
const std::string title_;
// NOTE: The order is important.
absl::Notification stop_loop_;
std::thread loop_thread_;
namespace {
// ProfileReportGenerator
// A helper for RUsageProfiler::GenerateReport(): generates individual
// chronological charts of the tracked metrics and streams them to an ostream.
class ProfileReportGenerator {
ProfileReportGenerator( //
const std::deque<RUsageProfiler::Snapshot>& snapshots, //
RUsageProfiler::ReportSink* report_sink)
: snapshots_{snapshots}, report_sink_{report_sink} {
for (const auto& snapshot : snapshots_) {
timing_low_ = RUsageTiming::LowWater( //
timing_low_, snapshot.timing);
timing_high_ = RUsageTiming::HighWater( //
timing_high_, snapshot.timing);
delta_timing_low_ = RUsageTiming::LowWater( //
delta_timing_low_, snapshot.delta_timing);
delta_timing_high_ = RUsageTiming::HighWater( //
delta_timing_high_, snapshot.delta_timing);
memory_low_ = RUsageMemory::LowWater( //
memory_low_, snapshot.memory);
memory_high_ = RUsageMemory::HighWater( //
memory_high_, snapshot.memory);
delta_memory_low_ = RUsageMemory::LowWater( //
delta_memory_low_, snapshot.delta_memory);
delta_memory_high_ = RUsageMemory::HighWater( //
delta_memory_high_, snapshot.delta_memory);
max_where_len_ = //
std::max<int>(max_where_len_, snapshot.ShortWhereStr().length());
max_when_len_ = //
std::max<int>(max_when_len_, snapshot.ShortWhenStr().length());
max_title_len_ = //
std::max<int>(max_title_len_, snapshot.title.length());
// GenChartImpl() wrappers for the 2 available "snap" metrics.
template <typename MetricT>
void GenChart(const MetricT RUsageTiming::*metric_field) {
GenChartImpl( //
&RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::timing, metric_field, //
timing_low_, timing_high_, /*is_delta=*/false);
template <typename MetricT>
void GenChart(const MetricT RUsageMemory::*metric_field) const {
GenChartImpl( //
&RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::memory, metric_field, //
memory_low_, memory_high_, /*is_delta=*/false);
// GenChartImpl() wrappers for the 2 available delta metrics.
template <typename MetricT>
void GenDeltaChart(const MetricT RUsageTiming::*metric_field) {
GenChartImpl( //
&RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::delta_timing, metric_field, //
delta_timing_low_, delta_timing_high_, /*is_delta=*/true);
template <typename MetricT>
void GenDeltaChart(const MetricT RUsageMemory::*metric_field) const {
GenChartImpl( //
&RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::delta_memory, metric_field, //
delta_memory_low_, delta_memory_high_, /*is_delta=*/true);
// The actual chart generator. For better understanding of the code: an
// example of `metric_field` is `&RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::delta_timing`
// which has type `RUsageTiming`; an example of a matching `submetric_field`
// for that is `&RUsageTiming::wall_time`.
template <typename MetricT, typename SubmetricT>
void GenChartImpl( //
const MetricT RUsageProfiler::Snapshot::*metric_field, //
const SubmetricT MetricT::*submetric_field, //
MetricT metric_low_water, //
MetricT metric_high_water, //
bool is_delta) const {
constexpr SubmetricT kZero{}; // works for both ints and absl::Duration
const SubmetricT low_water = metric_low_water.*submetric_field;
const SubmetricT high_water = metric_high_water.*submetric_field;
// SubmetricT can be int64 or Duration: calculate a notch_size that is a
// double or an unrounded Duration, respectively, so the below calculations
// are exact.
const auto notch_size =
(high_water - low_water) / static_cast<double>(kBarNotches);
// The position of the notch indicating 0 (used for delta metrics only).
// clang-format off
const int notch_zero =
notch_size == kZero ? kBarNotches :
low_water >= kZero ? 0 :
std::floor(std::abs(low_water / notch_size));
// clang-format on
CHECK_GE(kBarNotches, notch_zero);
// Print a zero mark only if a delta metric goes negative.
std::string zero_mark = low_water < kZero ? "|" : "";
for (const auto& snapshot : snapshots_) {
const SubmetricT current = snapshot.*metric_field.*submetric_field;
// Generate a bar of #'s as a graphical representation of the current
// value of the metric relative to its full range [low_water, high_water]:
// low_water is no #'s and all -'s, high_water is kBarNotches of #'s.
const std::string metric_str = FormatInOptimalUnits(current, is_delta);
std::string metric_bar;
// clang-format off
const int notches =
notch_size == kZero
? kBarNotches : std::floor((current - low_water) / notch_size);
// clang-format on
CHECK_GE(kBarNotches, notches);
if (!is_delta) {
// Non-delta metrics can't go negative, so the bar always looks like
// this:
// ###############--------------------------
const std::string filled(notches, '#');
const std::string unfilled(kBarNotches - notches, '-');
metric_bar = absl::StrCat(filled, unfilled);
} else {
// Delta metrics can go negative, so this become more complicated. In
// general, print a zero mark '|' at the proper fixed position of every
// bar for this metric's history, and grow the #'s away from the zero
// mark, to the left for negative and to the right for positive deltas:
// +Delta: --------|#######---------
// -Delta: ########|----------------
std::string pad_minus, minus, plus, pad_plus;
// Notches range from 0 (for low_water) to kBarNotches (for high_water).
if (notches < notch_zero) {
pad_minus = std::string(notches, '-');
minus = std::string(notch_zero - notches, '#');
pad_plus = std::string(kBarNotches - notch_zero, '-');
} else if (notches > notch_zero) {
pad_minus = std::string(notch_zero, '-');
plus = std::string(notches - notch_zero, '#');
pad_plus = std::string(kBarNotches - notches, '-');
} else {
pad_minus = std::string(notch_zero, '-');
pad_plus = std::string(kBarNotches - notch_zero, '-');
metric_bar = absl::StrCat(pad_minus, minus, zero_mark, plus, pad_plus);
// Finally print a full line for the current snapshot/metric, like on of:
// @ 21:08:27.61 [P.1:S.1 Snap ] 493.78M [############---]
// @ 21:08:27.61 [P.1:S.2 +Delta] +138.15M [-----|#####----]
// @ 21:08:27.61 [P.1:S.3 -Delta] -82.69M [--###|---------]
*report_sink_ << absl::StrFormat( //
" %*s @ %*s [P.%d:S.%-2d %*s] %10s [%s]\n", // '*' is custom width
-max_where_len_, snapshot.ShortWhereStr(), // ...passed here.
-max_when_len_, snapshot.ShortWhenStr(), // '-' left-justifies
snapshot.profiler_id,, //
-max_title_len_, snapshot.title, //
metric_str, metric_bar);
static constexpr int kBarNotches = 50;
const std::deque<RUsageProfiler::Snapshot>& snapshots_;
RUsageProfiler::ReportSink* report_sink_;
RUsageMemory memory_low_ = RUsageMemory::Max();
RUsageMemory memory_high_ = RUsageMemory::Min();
RUsageMemory delta_memory_low_ = RUsageMemory::Max();
RUsageMemory delta_memory_high_ = RUsageMemory::Min();
RUsageTiming timing_low_ = RUsageTiming::Max();
RUsageTiming timing_high_ = RUsageTiming::Min();
RUsageTiming delta_timing_low_ = RUsageTiming::Max();
RUsageTiming delta_timing_high_ = RUsageTiming::Min();
// NOTE: The values are negated, so have to be signed.
int max_where_len_ = 0;
int max_when_len_ = 0;
int max_title_len_ = 0;
} // namespace
// RUsageProfiler
std::atomic<int> RUsageProfiler::next_id_;
RUsageProfiler::RUsageProfiler( //
RUsageScope scope, //
MetricsMask metrics, //
RaiiActionsMask raii_actions, //
SourceLocation location, //
std::string description)
: scope_{std::move(scope)},
id_{next_id_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)} {
if (metrics_ == kMetricsOff) return;
if (raii_actions_ & kCtorSnapshot) {
TakeSnapshot(ctor_loc_, "INITIAL").Log();
RUsageProfiler::RUsageProfiler( //
RUsageScope scope, //
MetricsMask metrics, //
absl::Duration timelapse_interval, //
bool also_log_timelapses, //
SourceLocation location, //
std::string description)
: scope_{std::move(scope)},
raii_actions_{kDtorSnapshot | kDtorReport},
id_{next_id_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)} {
if (metrics_ == kMetricsOff) return;
if (timelapse_interval != absl::ZeroDuration() &&
timelapse_interval != absl::InfiniteDuration()) {
StartTimelapse( //
ctor_loc_, timelapse_interval, also_log_timelapses, "Timelapse");
RUsageProfiler::~RUsageProfiler() {
if (metrics_ == kMetricsOff) return;
// In case the caller hasn't done this.
if (timelapse_thread_) {
if (raii_actions_ & kDtorSnapshot) {
// NOTE: Can't pass the real location from callers, so use next best thing.
TakeSnapshot(ctor_loc_, "FINAL").Log();
// If requested, also print a final report.
if (raii_actions_ & kDtorReport) {
const std::string title =
absl::StrFormat("PROFILER [P.%d %s] FINAL REPORT:", id_, description_);
PrintReport(ctor_loc_, title);
const RUsageProfiler::Snapshot& RUsageProfiler::TakeSnapshot( //
SourceLocation loc, std::string title) {
if (metrics_ == kMetricsOff) {
static const Snapshot kEmpty{};
return kEmpty;
absl::WriterMutexLock lock{&mutex_};
RUsageTiming snap_timing = RUsageTiming::Zero();
RUsageTiming delta_timing = RUsageTiming::Zero();
RUsageMemory snap_memory = RUsageMemory::Zero();
RUsageMemory delta_memory = RUsageMemory::Zero();
if (metrics_ & kTiming) {
const auto current = RUsageTiming::Snapshot(scope_, timer_);
if (metrics_ & kSnapTiming) {
snap_timing = current;
if (metrics_ & kDeltaTiming && !snapshots_.empty()) {
const auto& previous = snapshots_.back().timing;
delta_timing = current - previous;
if (metrics_ & kMemory) {
const auto current = RUsageMemory::Snapshot(scope_);
if (metrics_ & kSnapMemory) {
snap_memory = current;
if (metrics_ & kDeltaMemory && !snapshots_.empty()) {
const auto& previous = snapshots_.back().memory;
delta_memory = current - previous;
Snapshot snapshot{
.id = static_cast<int64_t>(snapshots_.size()),
.title = std::move(title),
.location = loc,
.time = absl::Now(),
.profiler_id = id_,
.profiler_desc = description_,
.timing = snap_timing,
.delta_timing = delta_timing,
.memory = snap_memory,
.delta_memory = delta_memory,
return snapshots_.emplace_back(std::move(snapshot));
void RUsageProfiler::StartTimelapse( //
SourceLocation loc, //
absl::Duration interval, //
bool also_log, //
std::string title) {
absl::WriterMutexLock lock{&mutex_};
CHECK(!timelapse_thread_) << "StopTimelapse() wasn't called";
timelapse_thread_ = std::make_unique<TimelapseThread>(
this, loc, interval, also_log, std::move(title));
void RUsageProfiler::StopTimelapse() {
absl::WriterMutexLock lock{&mutex_};
CHECK(timelapse_thread_) << "StartTimelapse() wasn't called";
timelapse_thread_.reset(); // ~TimelapseThread() runs
void RUsageProfiler::PrintReport( //
SourceLocation loc, const std::string& title) {
if (metrics_ == kMetricsOff) return;
// Logs streamed-in text to LOG(INFO), while dropping the usual log prefix
// (date/time/thread/source). LOG()'s limit on the size of a single message
// applies to one streamed text fragment only (if needed, this can be reduced
// even further to a single line of text in a fragment): this is the main
// purpose of this class, as profiling reports can get very long. especially
// with automatic timelapse snapshotting.
class ReportLogger final : public ReportSink {
~ReportLogger() override {
if (!buffer_.empty()) {
LOG(INFO).NoPrefix() << buffer_;
ReportLogger& operator<<(const std::string& fragment) override {
const auto last_newline = fragment.rfind('\n');
if (last_newline == std::string::npos) {
// Accumulate no-'\n' fragments: LOG() always wraps around.
buffer_ += fragment;
} else {
// Now we can log, but save the last bit of text
LOG(INFO).NoPrefix() << buffer_ << fragment.substr(0, last_newline);
buffer_ = fragment.substr(last_newline + 1);
return *this;
std::string buffer_;
LOG(INFO).AtLocation(loc.file, loc.line) << title << "\n";
ReportLogger report_logger;
void RUsageProfiler::GenerateReport(ReportSink* report_sink) const {
absl::ReaderMutexLock lock{&mutex_};
// Prevent interleaved reports from multiple concurrent RUsageProfilers.
ABSL_CONST_INIT static absl::Mutex report_generation_mutex_{absl::kConstInit};
absl::WriterMutexLock logging_lock{&report_generation_mutex_};
ProfileReportGenerator gen{snapshots_, report_sink};
const std::string desc = absl::StrFormat("[P.%d %s]", id_, description_);
*report_sink << "SCOPE: " << scope_ << "\n";
if (metrics_ & kSnapTiming) {
*report_sink << "\n=== TIMING " << desc << " ===\n";
*report_sink << "\nWALL TIME " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nUSER TIME " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nSYSTEM TIME " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nCPU UTILIZATION " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nAVERAGE CORES " << desc << ":\n";
if (metrics_ & kDeltaTiming) {
*report_sink << "\n=== Δ TIMING " << desc << " ===\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ WALL TIME " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ USER TIME " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ SYSTEM TIME " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ CPU UTILIZATION " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ AVERAGE CORES " << desc << ":\n";
if (metrics_ & kSnapMemory) {
*report_sink << "\n=== MEMORY USAGE " << desc << " ===\n";
*report_sink << "\nRESIDENT SET SIZE " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nVIRTUAL SIZE " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nVIRTUAL PEAK " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nDATA SEGMENT " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nSHARED MEMORY " << desc << ":\n";
if (metrics_ & kDeltaMemory) {
*report_sink << "\n=== Δ MEMORY USAGE " << desc << " ===\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ RESIDENT SET SIZE " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ VIRTUAL SIZE " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ VIRTUAL PEAK " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ DATA SEGMENT " << desc << ":\n";
*report_sink << "\nΔ SHARED MEMORY " << desc << ":\n";
} // namespace centipede::perf