blob: b715d1a760989c432e4aa8315d13ecbf94fe8b15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "./centipede/rusage_stats.h"
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <thread> // NOLINT
#include "absl/log/check.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/time/clock.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
namespace centipede::perf {
// ProcessTimer
ProcessTimer::ProcessTimer() : start_time_{absl::Now()}, start_rusage_{} {
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start_rusage_);
void ProcessTimer::Get(double& user, double& sys, double& wall) const {
struct rusage curr_rusage = {};
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &curr_rusage);
// clang-format off
user = absl::ToDoubleSeconds(
absl::DurationFromTimeval(curr_rusage.ru_utime) -
sys = absl::ToDoubleSeconds(
absl::DurationFromTimeval(curr_rusage.ru_stime) -
wall = absl::ToDoubleSeconds(absl::Now() - start_time_);
// clang-format on
// RUsageScope
RUsageScope RUsageScope::ThisProcess() { //
return RUsageScope{getpid()};
RUsageScope RUsageScope::Process(pid_t pid) { //
return RUsageScope{pid};
RUsageScope RUsageScope::ThisThread() {
return RUsageScope{getpid(), static_cast<pid_t>(syscall(__NR_gettid))};
RUsageScope RUsageScope::ThisProcessThread(pid_t tid) {
return RUsageScope{getpid(), tid};
RUsageScope RUsageScope::Thread(pid_t pid, pid_t tid) {
return RUsageScope{pid, tid};
RUsageScope::RUsageScope(pid_t pid)
: description_{absl::StrFormat("PID=%d", pid)},
absl::StrFormat("/proc/%d/sched", pid),
absl::StrFormat("/proc/%d/statm", pid),
absl::StrFormat("/proc/%d/status", pid),
} {}
RUsageScope::RUsageScope(pid_t pid, pid_t tid)
: description_{absl::StrFormat("PID=%d TID=%d", pid, tid)},
absl::StrFormat("/proc/%d/task/%d/sched", pid, tid),
absl::StrFormat("/proc/%d/task/%d/statm", pid, tid),
absl::StrFormat("/proc/%d/task/%d/status", pid, tid),
} {}
const std::string& RUsageScope::GetProcFilePath(ProcFile file) const {
return proc_file_paths_[file];
namespace detail {
namespace {
// A global static is fine: this object depends on getrusage() syscall ONLY, and
// absolutely no other globals in the program.
const ProcessTimer global_process_timer;
// Read values from /proc/* files
bool ReadProcFileFields(const std::string& path, const char* format, ...) {
bool success = false;
va_list value_list;
va_start(value_list, format);
std::ifstream file{path};
// TODO(b/265461840): Silently ignoring missing /proc/ files. The current
// callers ignore the returned status too. Improve.
if (file.good()) {
std::stringstream contents;
contents << file.rdbuf();
if (contents.good()) {
if (vsscanf(contents.str().c_str(), format, value_list) != EOF) {
success = true;
return success;
template <typename T>
bool ReadProcFileKeyword( //
const std::string& path, const char* format, T* value) {
std::ifstream file{path};
// TODO(b/265461840): Silently ignoring missing /proc/ files. The current
// callers ignore the returned status too. Improve.
if (file.good()) {
constexpr std::streamsize kMaxLineLen = 1024;
char line[kMaxLineLen] = {0};
while (file.good()) {
file.getline(line, kMaxLineLen);
if (sscanf(line, format, value) == 1) {
return true;
return false;
// Comparison overloads
template <typename T>
std::string NormalizeSign(T* value, bool always_signed) {
if (*value < T{}) {
*value = -(*value);
return "-";
} else if (always_signed) {
return "+";
} else {
return "";
template <template <typename T> typename Op>
RUsageTiming RUsageTimingOp( //
const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2, bool is_delta) {
const Op<absl::Duration> time_op;
const Op<double> cpu_op;
// clang-format off
return RUsageTiming{
.wall_time = time_op(t1.wall_time, t2.wall_time),
.user_time = time_op(t1.user_time, t2.user_time),
.sys_time = time_op(t1.sys_time, t2.sys_time),
.cpu_utilization = cpu_op(t1.cpu_utilization, t2.cpu_utilization),
.cpu_hyper_cores = cpu_op(t1.cpu_hyper_cores, t2.cpu_hyper_cores),
.is_delta = is_delta,
// clang-format on
template <template <typename T> typename Cmp>
bool RUsageTimingCmp(const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
Cmp<absl::Duration> time_cmp;
Cmp<double> cpu_cmp;
// clang-format off
time_cmp(t1.wall_time, t2.wall_time) &&
time_cmp(t1.user_time, t2.user_time) &&
time_cmp(t1.sys_time, t2.sys_time) &&
cpu_cmp(t1.cpu_utilization, t2.cpu_utilization) &&
cpu_cmp(t1.cpu_hyper_cores, t2.cpu_hyper_cores);
// clang-format on
template <template <typename T> typename Op>
RUsageMemory RUsageMemoryOp( //
const RUsageMemory& t1, const RUsageMemory& t2, bool is_delta) {
const Op<MemSize> mem_op;
// clang-format off
return RUsageMemory{
.mem_vsize = mem_op(t1.mem_vsize, t2.mem_vsize),
.mem_vpeak = mem_op(t1.mem_vpeak, t2.mem_vpeak),
.mem_rss = mem_op(t1.mem_rss, t2.mem_rss),
.mem_data = mem_op(t1.mem_data, t2.mem_data),
.mem_shared = mem_op(t1.mem_shared, t2.mem_shared),
.is_delta = is_delta,
// clang-format on
template <template <typename T> typename Cmp>
bool RUsageMemoryCmp(const RUsageMemory& t1, const RUsageMemory& t2) {
Cmp<MemSize> mem_cmp;
// clang-format off
mem_cmp(t1.mem_vsize, t2.mem_vsize) &&
mem_cmp(t1.mem_vpeak, t2.mem_vpeak) &&
mem_cmp(t1.mem_rss, t2.mem_rss) &&
mem_cmp(t1.mem_data, t2.mem_data) &&
mem_cmp(t1.mem_shared, t2.mem_shared);
// clang-format on
template <typename T>
struct Min {
constexpr T operator()(T lhs, T rhs) const { return std::min(lhs, rhs); }
template <typename T>
struct Max {
constexpr T operator()(T lhs, T rhs) const { return std::max(lhs, rhs); }
} // namespace
} // namespace detail
// FormatInOptimalUnits() overloads
std::string FormatInOptimalUnits(absl::Duration duration, bool always_signed) {
std::string sign = detail::NormalizeSign(&duration, always_signed);
if (duration == absl::InfiniteDuration()) {
return absl::StrCat(sign, "inf");
} else {
// clang-format off
struct Fmt { absl::Duration unit; std::string abbrev; int decimals; } fmt =
duration < absl::Microseconds(1) ? Fmt{absl::Nanoseconds(1), "ns", 0} :
duration < absl::Milliseconds(1) ? Fmt{absl::Microseconds(1), "us", 0} :
duration < absl::Seconds(1) ? Fmt{absl::Milliseconds(1), "ms", 0} :
Fmt{absl::Seconds(1), "s", 2};
return absl::StrFormat(
sign, fmt.decimals, absl::FDivDuration(duration, fmt.unit), fmt.abbrev);
// clang-format on
std::string FormatInOptimalUnits(MemSize bytes, bool always_signed) {
constexpr MemSize kB = {1};
constexpr MemSize kKB = {kB * 1024};
constexpr MemSize kMB = {kKB * 1024};
constexpr MemSize kGB = {kMB * 1024};
constexpr MemSize kTB = {kGB * 1024};
constexpr MemSize kPB = {kTB * 1024};
std::string sign = detail::NormalizeSign(&bytes, always_signed);
// clang-format off
struct Fmt { long double unit; std::string abbrev; int decimals; } fmt =
bytes < kKB ? Fmt{kB, "B", 0} :
bytes < kMB ? Fmt{kKB, "K", 1} :
bytes < kGB ? Fmt{kMB, "M", 2} :
bytes < kTB ? Fmt{kGB, "G", 2} :
bytes < kPB ? Fmt{kTB, "T", 2} :
Fmt{kPB, "P", 2};
return absl::StrFormat(
"%s%.*Lf%s", sign, fmt.decimals, bytes / fmt.unit, fmt.abbrev);
// clang-format on
std::string FormatInOptimalUnits(CpuUtilization util, bool always_signed) {
std::string sign = detail::NormalizeSign(&util, always_signed);
return absl::StrFormat("%s%.2f%%", sign, util * 100.0 /*%*/);
std::string FormatInOptimalUnits(CpuHyperCores cores, bool always_signed) {
std::string sign = detail::NormalizeSign(&cores, always_signed);
return absl::StrFormat("%s%.2f", sign, cores);
// RUsageTiming
RUsageTiming RUsageTiming::Zero() { return {}; }
RUsageTiming RUsageTiming::Min() {
// clang-format off
return RUsageTiming{
.wall_time = -absl::InfiniteDuration(),
.user_time = -absl::InfiniteDuration(),
.sys_time = -absl::InfiniteDuration(),
.cpu_utilization = 0.0,
.cpu_hyper_cores = 0.0,
.is_delta = false,
// clang-format on
RUsageTiming RUsageTiming::Max() {
// clang-format off
return RUsageTiming{
.wall_time = absl::InfiniteDuration(),
.user_time = absl::InfiniteDuration(),
.sys_time = absl::InfiniteDuration(),
// Theoretical max CPU utilization is 100%, but real-life numbers can go
// just a little higher (the OS scheduler's rounding errors?).
.cpu_utilization = 1.0,
// hardware_concurrency() returns the number of hyperthreaded contexts.
.cpu_hyper_cores =
.is_delta = false,
// clang-format on
RUsageTiming RUsageTiming::Snapshot(const RUsageScope& scope) {
return Snapshot(scope, detail::global_process_timer);
RUsageTiming RUsageTiming::Snapshot( //
const RUsageScope& scope, const ProcessTimer& timer) {
double user_time = 0, sys_time = 0, wall_time = 0;
// TODO(b/265480321): This does not honor `scope`.
timer.Get(user_time, sys_time, wall_time);
// Get the CPU utilization in 1/1024th units of the maximum from
// /proc/self/sched. The maximum se.avg.util_avg field == SCHED_CAPACITY_SCALE
// == 1024, as defined by the Linux scheduler code.
double cpu_utilization = 0;
// TODO(b/265461840): Handle reading errors.
(void)detail::ReadProcFileKeyword( // ignore errors (which are unlikely)
scope.GetProcFilePath(RUsageScope::ProcFile::kSched), //
"se.avg.util_avg : %lf", //
constexpr double kLinuxSchedCapacityScale = 1024;
return RUsageTiming{
.wall_time = absl::Seconds(wall_time),
.user_time = absl::Seconds(user_time),
.sys_time = absl::Seconds(sys_time),
.cpu_utilization = cpu_utilization / kLinuxSchedCapacityScale,
.cpu_hyper_cores = (user_time + sys_time) / wall_time,
.is_delta = false,
std::string RUsageTiming::ShortStr() const {
return absl::StrFormat( //
"Wall: %s | User: %s | Sys: %s | CpuUtil: %s | CpuCores: %s",
FormatInOptimalUnits(wall_time, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(user_time, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(sys_time, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(cpu_utilization, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(cpu_hyper_cores, /*always_signed=*/is_delta));
std::string RUsageTiming::FormattedStr() const {
return absl::StrFormat( //
"Wall: %12s | User: %12s | Sys: %12s | CpuUtil: %9s | CpuCores: %9s",
FormatInOptimalUnits(wall_time, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(user_time, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(sys_time, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(cpu_utilization, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(cpu_hyper_cores, /*always_signed=*/is_delta));
RUsageTiming operator+(const RUsageTiming& t) {
// Subtraction sets `is_delta` to true.
return t - RUsageTiming::Zero();
RUsageTiming operator-(const RUsageTiming& t) {
// Subtraction negates the value and sets `is_delta` to true.
return RUsageTiming::Zero() - t;
RUsageTiming operator-(const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingOp<std::minus>(t1, t2, true);
RUsageTiming operator+(const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingOp<std::plus>(t1, t2, t1.is_delta || t2.is_delta);
RUsageTiming operator/(const RUsageTiming& t, int64_t div) {
CHECK_NE(div, 0);
// NOTE: Can't use RUsageTimingOp() as this operation is asymmetrical.
// clang-format off
return RUsageTiming{
.wall_time = t.wall_time / div,
.user_time = t.user_time / div,
.sys_time = t.sys_time / div,
.cpu_utilization = t.cpu_utilization / div,
.cpu_hyper_cores = t.cpu_hyper_cores / div,
.is_delta = t.is_delta,
// clang-format on
bool operator==(const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingCmp<std::equal_to>(t1, t2);
bool operator!=(const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingCmp<std::not_equal_to>(t1, t2);
bool operator<(const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingCmp<std::less>(t1, t2);
bool operator<=(const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingCmp<std::less_equal>(t1, t2);
bool operator>(const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingCmp<std::greater>(t1, t2);
bool operator>=(const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingCmp<std::greater_equal>(t1, t2);
RUsageTiming RUsageTiming::LowWater( //
const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingOp<detail::Min>(t1, t2, false);
RUsageTiming RUsageTiming::HighWater( //
const RUsageTiming& t1, const RUsageTiming& t2) {
return detail::RUsageTimingOp<detail::Max>(t1, t2, false);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RUsageTiming& t) {
return os << t.ShortStr();
// RUsageMemory
RUsageMemory RUsageMemory::Zero() { return {}; }
RUsageMemory RUsageMemory::Min() {
// clang-format off
return RUsageMemory{
.mem_vsize = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
.mem_vpeak = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
.mem_rss = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
.mem_data = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
.mem_shared = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
.is_delta = false,
// clang-format on
RUsageMemory RUsageMemory::Max() {
// clang-format off
return RUsageMemory{
.mem_vsize = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
.mem_vpeak = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
.mem_rss = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
.mem_data = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
.mem_shared = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
.is_delta = false,
// clang-format on
RUsageMemory RUsageMemory::Snapshot(const RUsageScope& scope) {
// Get memory stats except the VM peak from /proc/self/statm (see `man proc`).
MemSize vsize = 0, rss = 0, shared = 0, code = 0, unused = 0, data = 0;
// TODO(b/265461840): Handle reading errors.
(void)detail::ReadProcFileFields( // ignore errors
scope.GetProcFilePath(RUsageScope::ProcFile::kStatm), //
"%lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld", //
&vsize, &rss, &shared, &code, &unused, &data);
// Get the VM peak from /proc/self/status (see `man proc`).
MemSize vpeak = 0;
// TODO(b/265461840): Handle reading errors.
(void)detail::ReadProcFileKeyword( // ignore errors
scope.GetProcFilePath(RUsageScope::ProcFile::kStatus), //
"VmPeak : %" SCNd64 " kB", //
static const int page_size = getpagesize();
// NOTE: The units are specified in the file itself, but they are always kB.
static constexpr int kVPeakUnits = 1024;
// clang-format off
return RUsageMemory{
.mem_vsize = vsize * page_size,
.mem_vpeak = vpeak * kVPeakUnits,
.mem_rss = rss * page_size,
.mem_data = data * page_size,
.mem_shared = shared * page_size,
.is_delta = false,
// clang-format on
std::string RUsageMemory::ShortStr() const {
return absl::StrFormat( //
"RSS: %s | VSize: %s | VPeak: %s | Data: %s | ShMem: %s",
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_rss, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_vsize, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_vpeak, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_data, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_shared, /*always_signed=*/is_delta));
std::string RUsageMemory::FormattedStr() const {
return absl::StrFormat( //
"RSS: %12s | VSize: %12s | VPeak: %12s | Data: %12s | ShMem: %12s",
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_rss, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_vsize, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_vpeak, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_data, /*always_signed=*/is_delta),
FormatInOptimalUnits(mem_shared, /*always_signed=*/is_delta));
RUsageMemory operator+(const RUsageMemory& m) {
// Subtraction sets `is_delta` to true.
return m - RUsageMemory::Zero();
RUsageMemory operator-(const RUsageMemory& m) {
// Subtraction negates the value and sets `is_delta` to true.
return RUsageMemory::Zero() - m;
RUsageMemory operator-(const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryOp<std::minus>(m1, m2, true);
RUsageMemory operator+(const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryOp<std::plus>(m1, m2, m1.is_delta || m2.is_delta);
RUsageMemory operator/(const RUsageMemory& m, int64_t div) {
CHECK_NE(div, 0);
// NOTE: Can't use RUsageMemoryOp() as this operation is asymmetrical.
// clang-format off
return RUsageMemory{
.mem_vsize = m.mem_vsize / div,
.mem_vpeak = m.mem_vpeak / div,
.mem_rss = m.mem_rss / div,
.mem_data = m.mem_data / div,
.mem_shared = m.mem_shared / div,
.is_delta = m.is_delta,
// clang-format on
RUsageMemory RUsageMemory::LowWater( //
const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryOp<detail::Min>(m1, m2, true);
RUsageMemory RUsageMemory::HighWater( //
const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryOp<detail::Max>(m1, m2, true);
bool operator==(const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryCmp<std::equal_to>(m1, m2);
bool operator!=(const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryCmp<std::not_equal_to>(m1, m2);
bool operator<(const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryCmp<std::less>(m1, m2);
bool operator<=(const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryCmp<std::less_equal>(m1, m2);
bool operator>(const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryCmp<std::greater>(m1, m2);
bool operator>=(const RUsageMemory& m1, const RUsageMemory& m2) {
return detail::RUsageMemoryCmp<std::greater_equal>(m1, m2);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RUsageMemory& m) {
return os << m.ShortStr();
} // namespace centipede::perf