blob: 0a30c64127dc944dbf879aaa3a6c163ae3e1f3a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Centipede Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "./centipede/rusage_stats.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <thread> // NOLINT
#include <vector>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/functional/any_invocable.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/barrier.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/notification.h"
#include "absl/time/clock.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "./centipede/logging.h"
ABSL_FLAG(bool, verbose, false, "Print extra info for debugging");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, enable_system_load_sensitive_tests, false,
"Enable tests that are sensitive to the overall execution "
"environment on the current machine, e.g. the wall time accuracy or "
"average CPU load");
namespace centipede::perf {
namespace {
class BigThing {
explicit BigThing(MemSize gobble_bytes) : big_mem_(gobble_bytes, '#') {
// Touch the memory to cause it to actually materialize.
for (int i = 0; i < big_mem_.size(); i += 1000) {
big_mem_[i] = '$';
std::string big_mem_;
// Spawns N separate threads that idle for a while, then simultaneously hog the
// CPU for a while. The caller is notified just before the hogging starts, and
// just before it ends: this way, the caller can take a measurement right in the
// middle of hogging, not after it ends. The latter would make the test
// sensitive to fluctuations in the OS process scheduling and result flakiness
// when a measurement is taken a little too late, after the CPU activity
// subsides too much.
class CpuHog {
CpuHog( //
absl::Duration idle_time, //
absl::Duration hog_time, //
int num_hogs, //
absl::Notification* hogging_started, //
absl::Notification* hogging_stopped)
: hog_barrier_{num_hogs}, hog_pool_{static_cast<size_t>(num_hogs)} {
const auto hog_func = [=]() {
const absl::Time start = absl::Now();
double cpu_waster = 1.23;
constexpr absl::Duration kPadHogTime = absl::Milliseconds(100);
// Preload the CPU for a short while to get the utilization up somewhere
// close to the target level.
while (absl::Now() - start < kPadHogTime) {
cpu_waster = std::cos(cpu_waster);
// Wait for all the other hogs to arrive.
if (hog_barrier_.Block()) {
// Ready to unleash the hogs: inform the caller that it's about time to
// start sampling. NOTE: Only one Block() call returns true, so
// calling Notify() is thread-safe.
// Unleash all the hogs at once.
while (absl::Now() - start < hog_time) {
cpu_waster = std::cos(cpu_waster);
// Let one of the hogs notify the caller that the hogging is over.
absl::MutexLock lock{&mu_};
if (!hogging_stopped->HasBeenNotified()) {
// Maintain the CPU load for a little longer while the caller wraps up
// its sampling.
while (absl::Now() - start < hog_time + kPadHogTime) {
cpu_waster = std::cos(cpu_waster);
// Idle.
// Consume ~num_hogs cores at ~100% utilization for ~hog_time. The caller
// gets notified when the hogging begins and ends, so they know when they
// can sample the CPU utilization.
for (auto& hog : hog_pool_) {
hog = std::thread{hog_func};
~CpuHog() {
for (auto& hog : hog_pool_) {
// NOTE: The declaration order is important: mu_ is used inside the threads of
// hog_pool_ and thus must outlive hog_pool_.
absl::Mutex mu_;
absl::Barrier hog_barrier_;
std::vector<std::thread> hog_pool_;
// A simple histogram.
template <typename T>
class Histogram {
void Add(T v) { vs_.push_back(v); }
T Average() const {
if (vs_.empty()) {
return T{};
} else {
return std::accumulate(vs_.cbegin(), vs_.cend(), T{}) / vs_.size();
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Histogram& histo) {
for (const auto& v : histo.vs_) {
os << v << " ";
return os;
std::vector<T> vs_;
} // namespace
TEST(RUsageTimingTest, Accuracy) {
constexpr int kNumRuns = 3;
constexpr double kIdleSecs = 1.;
constexpr double kHogSecs = 4.;
constexpr int kNumHogs = 5;
constexpr double kWallSecs = kIdleSecs + kHogSecs;
// The wall time is sensitive to the system load, but it is measured only
// under --enable_system_load_sensitive_tests.
const double kWallSecsLeeway = kWallSecs * 0.1;
// The user time is reliably accurate.
const double kUserSecsLeeway = kHogSecs * kNumHogs * 0.1;
// The instantaneous CPU usage should be very reliable with the used thread
// synchronization scheme.
const double kCpuUtilLeeway = 0.1;
// The average CPU usage numbers are volatile: use a generous leeway and
// test only under --enable_system_load_sensitive_tests.
const double kCpuCoresLeeway = kHogSecs / kWallSecs * 0.25;
Histogram<double> user_time_histo;
Histogram<double> wall_time_histo;
Histogram<CpuUtilization> cpu_util_histo;
Histogram<CpuHyperCores> cpu_cores_histo;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRuns; ++i) {
const ProcessTimer timer;
absl::Notification hogging_started, hogging_stopped;
const auto before =
RUsageTiming::Snapshot(RUsageScope::ThisProcess(), timer);
// clang-format off
[[maybe_unused]] CpuHog cpu_hog{
// clang-format on
do {
const auto sample =
RUsageTiming::Snapshot(RUsageScope::ThisProcess(), timer);
// NOTE: Do NOT sleep here: that throws off the measurements.
} while (!hogging_stopped.HasBeenNotified());
const auto after =
RUsageTiming::Snapshot(RUsageScope::ThisProcess(), timer);
const auto delta = after - before;
if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_enable_system_load_sensitive_tests)) {
if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_verbose)) {
LOG(INFO) << "before: " << before;
LOG(INFO) << "after: " << after;
LOG(INFO) << "delta: " << delta;
EXPECT_EQ(delta.user_time, after.user_time - before.user_time);
EXPECT_EQ(delta.sys_time, after.sys_time - before.sys_time);
EXPECT_EQ(delta.wall_time, after.wall_time - before.wall_time);
if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_enable_system_load_sensitive_tests)) {
if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_verbose)) {
LOG(INFO) << "user_time_histo:\n" << user_time_histo;
LOG(INFO) << "cpu_util_histo:\n" << cpu_util_histo;
LOG(INFO) << "wall_time_histo:\n" << wall_time_histo;
LOG(INFO) << "cpu_cores_histo:\n" << cpu_cores_histo;
user_time_histo.Average(), kHogSecs * kNumHogs, kUserSecsLeeway);
EXPECT_NEAR(cpu_util_histo.Average(), 1.0, kCpuUtilLeeway);
EXPECT_NEAR(wall_time_histo.Average(), kWallSecs, kWallSecsLeeway);
// The average CPU use is the ratio between the hog CPU time and, since
// CpuHog idles the rest of the time, the total time.
cpu_cores_histo.Average(), kHogSecs * kNumHogs / kWallSecs,
TEST(RUsageMemoryTest, Accuracy) {
constexpr int kNumRuns = 20;
constexpr MemSize kBytes = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
// The RSS should grow almost exactly by kBytes, since we're staying well
// below a pageable increase in allocations (100M) on a non-cramped machine.
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr MemSize kRssLeeway = kBytes * 0.1;
// Data also includes the stack, so it may grow more than the RSS.
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr MemSize kDataLeeway = kBytes * 0.2;
Histogram<MemSize> mem_rss_histo;
Histogram<MemSize> mem_data_histo;
// Have to accumulate BigThings rather than allocate+free on every iteration.
// That latter would bump the RSS/data the first couple of iterations, but
// then fit new allocations in the just freed up space.
[[maybe_unused]] std::vector<BigThing> big_things;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumRuns; ++i) {
const auto before = RUsageMemory::Snapshot(RUsageScope::ThisProcess());
const auto after = RUsageMemory::Snapshot(RUsageScope::ThisProcess());
const auto delta = after - before;
if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_verbose)) {
LOG(INFO) << "before: " << before;
LOG(INFO) << "after: " << after;
LOG(INFO) << "delta: " << delta;
// NOTE: The sanitizers heavily instrument the code and skew any time
// measurements.
#if !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER) && \
EXPECT_EQ(delta.mem_rss, after.mem_rss - before.mem_rss);
EXPECT_EQ(delta.mem_data, after.mem_data - before.mem_data);
// VPeak can only grow. VSize may grow to fit BigThing or fit it as-is.
EXPECT_GE(after.mem_vpeak, before.mem_vpeak);
// VPeak >= VSize.
EXPECT_GE(before.mem_vpeak, before.mem_vsize);
EXPECT_GE(after.mem_vpeak, after.mem_vsize);
// RSS <= VSize.
EXPECT_LE(before.mem_rss, before.mem_vsize);
EXPECT_LE(after.mem_rss, after.mem_vsize);
LOG(WARNING) << "Validation of test results omitted under *SAN: see code";
if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_verbose)) {
LOG(INFO) << "mem_rss_histo:\n" << mem_rss_histo;
LOG(INFO) << "mem_data_histo:\n" << mem_data_histo;
// NOTE: The sanitizers heavily instrument the code and skew any time
// measurements.
#if !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER) && \
EXPECT_NEAR(mem_rss_histo.Average(), kBytes, kRssLeeway) << mem_rss_histo;
EXPECT_NEAR(mem_data_histo.Average(), kBytes, kDataLeeway) << mem_data_histo;
LOG(WARNING) << "Validation of test results omitted under *SAN: see code";
TEST(RUsageMemoryTest, BadScope) {
constexpr pid_t kBadPid = 999999999;
const auto timing =
VLOG(1) << "Timing: " << timing;
const auto memory =
VLOG(1) << "Memory: " << memory;
TEST(RUsageTimingTest, ConstantsAndMath) {
const RUsageTiming timing = {
.wall_time = absl::Seconds(4),
.user_time = absl::Seconds(2),
.sys_time = absl::Seconds(1),
.cpu_utilization = .8,
.cpu_hyper_cores = .6,
.is_delta = false,
const RUsageTiming half_timing = {
.wall_time = timing.wall_time / 2,
.user_time = timing.user_time / 2,
.sys_time = timing.sys_time / 2,
.cpu_utilization = timing.cpu_utilization / 2,
.cpu_hyper_cores = timing.cpu_hyper_cores / 2,
.is_delta = false,
const RUsageTiming quarter_timing = {
.wall_time = timing.wall_time / 4,
.user_time = timing.user_time / 4,
.sys_time = timing.sys_time / 4,
.cpu_utilization = timing.cpu_utilization / 4,
.cpu_hyper_cores = timing.cpu_hyper_cores / 4,
.is_delta = false,
EXPECT_LT(RUsageTiming::Min(), RUsageTiming::Max());
EXPECT_GT(timing, RUsageTiming::Min());
EXPECT_LT(timing, RUsageTiming::Max());
EXPECT_EQ(timing + RUsageTiming::Zero(), timing);
EXPECT_EQ(timing - timing, RUsageTiming::Zero());
EXPECT_EQ(timing - quarter_timing, half_timing + quarter_timing);
EXPECT_EQ(timing / 2, half_timing);
EXPECT_EQ(timing / 4, quarter_timing);
EXPECT_LT(half_timing, timing);
EXPECT_LE(half_timing, timing);
EXPECT_GT(timing, half_timing);
EXPECT_GE(timing, half_timing);
EXPECT_TRUE((timing - half_timing).is_delta);
EXPECT_FALSE((timing + half_timing).is_delta);
EXPECT_TRUE((timing - half_timing + quarter_timing).is_delta);
EXPECT_FALSE((timing / 2).is_delta);
EXPECT_TRUE(((timing - half_timing) / 2).is_delta);
TEST(SysRecourcesTest, ConstantsAndMath) {
const RUsageMemory memory = {
.mem_vsize = 1000,
.mem_vpeak = 2000,
.mem_rss = 500,
.mem_data = 400,
.mem_shared = 20,
const RUsageMemory half_memory = {
.mem_vsize = memory.mem_vsize / 2,
.mem_vpeak = memory.mem_vpeak / 2,
.mem_rss = memory.mem_rss / 2,
.mem_data = memory.mem_data / 2,
.mem_shared = memory.mem_shared / 2,
.is_delta = false,
const RUsageMemory quarter_memory = {
.mem_vsize = memory.mem_vsize / 4,
.mem_vpeak = memory.mem_vpeak / 4,
.mem_rss = memory.mem_rss / 4,
.mem_data = memory.mem_data / 4,
.mem_shared = memory.mem_shared / 4,
.is_delta = false,
EXPECT_LT(RUsageMemory::Min(), RUsageMemory::Max());
EXPECT_GT(memory, RUsageMemory::Min());
EXPECT_LT(memory, RUsageMemory::Max());
EXPECT_EQ(memory + RUsageMemory::Zero(), memory);
EXPECT_EQ(memory - memory, RUsageMemory::Zero());
EXPECT_EQ(memory - quarter_memory, half_memory + quarter_memory);
EXPECT_EQ(memory / 2, half_memory);
EXPECT_EQ(memory / 4, quarter_memory);
EXPECT_LT(half_memory, memory);
EXPECT_LE(half_memory, memory);
EXPECT_GT(memory, half_memory);
EXPECT_GE(memory, half_memory);
EXPECT_TRUE((memory - half_memory).is_delta);
EXPECT_FALSE((memory + half_memory).is_delta);
EXPECT_TRUE((memory - half_memory + quarter_memory).is_delta);
EXPECT_FALSE((memory / 2).is_delta);
EXPECT_TRUE(((memory - half_memory) / 2).is_delta);
TEST(RUsageTimingTest, HighLowWater) {
constexpr absl::Duration kLowTime = absl::Seconds(1);
constexpr absl::Duration kHighTime = absl::Seconds(3);
constexpr CpuUtilization kLowCpu = 0.1;
constexpr CpuUtilization kHighCpu = 0.9;
const RUsageTiming timing1 = {
.wall_time = kHighTime,
.user_time = kLowTime,
.sys_time = kLowTime,
.cpu_utilization = kHighCpu,
.cpu_hyper_cores = kLowCpu,
const RUsageTiming timing2 = {
.wall_time = kLowTime,
.user_time = kHighTime,
.sys_time = kHighTime,
.cpu_utilization = kLowCpu,
.cpu_hyper_cores = kHighCpu,
const RUsageTiming low_water = RUsageTiming::LowWater(timing1, timing2);
const RUsageTiming kExpectedLowWater = {
.wall_time = kLowTime,
.user_time = kLowTime,
.sys_time = kLowTime,
.cpu_utilization = kLowCpu,
.cpu_hyper_cores = kLowCpu,
EXPECT_EQ(low_water, kExpectedLowWater);
const RUsageTiming high_water = RUsageTiming::HighWater(timing1, timing2);
const RUsageTiming kExpectedHighWater = {
.wall_time = kHighTime,
.user_time = kHighTime,
.sys_time = kHighTime,
.cpu_utilization = kHighCpu,
.cpu_hyper_cores = kHighCpu,
EXPECT_EQ(high_water, kExpectedHighWater);
TEST(RUsageMemoryTest, HighLowWater) {
constexpr MemSize kLowMem = 1000;
constexpr MemSize kHighMem = 1000000;
const RUsageMemory memory1 = {
.mem_vsize = kLowMem,
.mem_vpeak = kHighMem,
.mem_rss = kLowMem,
.mem_data = kHighMem,
.mem_shared = kLowMem,
const RUsageMemory memory2 = {
.mem_vsize = kHighMem,
.mem_vpeak = kLowMem,
.mem_rss = kHighMem,
.mem_data = kLowMem,
.mem_shared = kHighMem,
const RUsageMemory low_water = RUsageMemory::LowWater(memory1, memory2);
const RUsageMemory kExpectedLowWater = {
.mem_vsize = kLowMem,
.mem_vpeak = kLowMem,
.mem_rss = kLowMem,
.mem_data = kLowMem,
.mem_shared = kLowMem,
EXPECT_EQ(low_water, kExpectedLowWater);
const RUsageMemory high_water = RUsageMemory::HighWater(memory1, memory2);
const RUsageMemory kExpectedHighWater = {
.mem_vsize = kHighMem,
.mem_vpeak = kHighMem,
.mem_rss = kHighMem,
.mem_data = kHighMem,
.mem_shared = kHighMem,
EXPECT_EQ(high_water, kExpectedHighWater);
TEST(RUsageTimingTest, Logging) {
RUsageTiming timing = {
.wall_time = absl::Seconds(303.3),
.user_time = absl::Microseconds(101.1),
.sys_time = absl::Milliseconds(202.2),
.cpu_utilization = 0.4,
.cpu_hyper_cores = 0.6,
.is_delta = false,
std::stringstream ss;
ss << timing;
EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), timing.ShortStr());
"Wall: 303.30s | User: 101us | Sys: 202ms | "
"CpuUtil: 40.00% | CpuCores: 0.60");
"Wall: 303.30s | User: 101us | Sys: 202ms | "
"CpuUtil: 40.00% | CpuCores: 0.60");
timing.is_delta = true;
"Wall: +303.30s | User: +101us | Sys: +202ms | "
"CpuUtil: +40.00% | CpuCores: +0.60");
"Wall: +303.30s | User: +101us | Sys: +202ms | "
"CpuUtil: +40.00% | CpuCores: +0.60");
RUsageTiming timing2 = timing / -2;
"Wall: -151.65s | User: -51us | Sys: -101ms | "
"CpuUtil: -20.00% | CpuCores: -0.30");
"Wall: -151.65s | User: -51us | Sys: -101ms | "
"CpuUtil: -20.00% | CpuCores: -0.30");
TEST(RUsageMemoryTest, Logging) {
RUsageMemory memory = {
.mem_vsize = 1L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
.mem_vpeak = 2L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
.mem_rss = 500L * 1024 * 1024,
.mem_data = 750L * 1024 * 1024,
.mem_shared = 250L * 1024,
.is_delta = false,
std::stringstream ss;
ss << memory;
EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), memory.ShortStr());
"RSS: 500.00M | VSize: 1.00G | VPeak: 2.00G | "
"Data: 750.00M | ShMem: 250.0K");
"RSS: 500.00M | VSize: 1.00G | VPeak: 2.00G | "
"Data: 750.00M | ShMem: 250.0K");
memory.is_delta = true;
"RSS: +500.00M | VSize: +1.00G | VPeak: +2.00G | "
"Data: +750.00M | ShMem: +250.0K");
"RSS: +500.00M | VSize: +1.00G | VPeak: +2.00G | "
"Data: +750.00M | ShMem: +250.0K");
RUsageMemory memory2 = memory / -2;
"RSS: -250.00M | VSize: -512.00M | VPeak: -1.00G | "
"Data: -375.00M | ShMem: -125.0K");
"RSS: -250.00M | VSize: -512.00M | VPeak: -1.00G | "
"Data: -375.00M | ShMem: -125.0K");
} // namespace centipede::perf