blob: ace3f37f8b967d2d77684aaf868288882988b6a0 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/service.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/logging.h"
#include "./rpc_fuzzing/proto_field_path.h"
namespace fuzztest::internal {
// A `RpcPotentialDfgNode` describes the potential dependencies for the
// fields in a request of a rpc method.
class RpcPotentialDfgNode {
RpcPotentialDfgNode(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& method)
: method_(method) {}
// Establish a dependency from the `source_field` to the `sink_field` of
// current method.
void AddDependency(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& source_method,
const FieldPath& source_field,
const FieldPath& sink_field);
// Get the method representing by the node.
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& GetMethod() const { return method_; }
// Source of dependency, which should be in the response of a method.
struct PotentialDependencySource {
// `method` will never be null. Use a pointer to keep it copy assignable.
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method;
FieldPath field_path;
const absl::flat_hash_map<FieldPath, std::vector<PotentialDependencySource>>&
GetAllDependencies() const {
return dependencies_;
const std::vector<PotentialDependencySource>& GetDependencies(
const FieldPath& sink) const;
bool HasDependency() const { return !dependencies_.empty(); }
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& method_;
absl::flat_hash_map<FieldPath /*sink*/,
std::vector<PotentialDependencySource> /*source*/>
// A `RpcPotentialDataFlowGraph` describes all the potential dependencies among
// methods in a service. Each method is represented as a node in the graph.
class RpcPotentialDataFlowGraph {
// Get the node representing `method`.
const RpcPotentialDfgNode& GetNode(
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& method) const;
// Create an `RpcPotentialDfg` with each method in the service being
// a node, and add dependencies between the methods.
static RpcPotentialDataFlowGraph Create(
const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor& service);
RpcPotentialDataFlowGraph(const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor& service);
// Add a dependency on the field from the response of `source_method` to the
// request of `sink_method`.
void AddDependency(const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& source_method,
const FieldPath& source_field,
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& sink_method,
const FieldPath& sink_field);
absl::flat_hash_map<const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor*, RpcPotentialDfgNode>
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_stubby_service : std::false_type {};
template <typename ServiceT>
struct is_stubby_service<ServiceT, std::void_t<decltype(ServiceT::descriptor)>>
: std::true_type {};
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_grpc_service : std::false_type {};
template <typename ServiceT>
struct is_grpc_service<ServiceT,
: std::true_type {};
// Get the service descriptor based on the service type. Currently support
// protobuf services and stubby services.
template <typename ServiceT>
const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor& GetServiceDescriptor() {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ServiceT, google::protobuf::Service>) {
return *ServiceT::descriptor();
} else if constexpr (is_stubby_service<ServiceT>::value) {
return *google::protobuf::DescriptorPool::generated_pool()->FindServiceByName(
} else if constexpr (is_grpc_service<ServiceT>::value) {
return *google::protobuf::DescriptorPool::generated_pool()->FindServiceByName(
} else {
FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(false, "Unsupported service type!");
// Get the service descriptor based on the fully qualified service name such as
// "package.ServiceName".
const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor& GetServiceDescriptorByServiceName(
absl::string_view service_name);
// Create an potential data flow graph for a service type.
template <typename ServiceT>
RpcPotentialDataFlowGraph CreatePotentialDfg() {
return RpcPotentialDataFlowGraph::Create(GetServiceDescriptor<ServiceT>());
RpcPotentialDataFlowGraph CreatePotentialDfgByServiceName(
absl::string_view service_name);
} // namespace fuzztest::internal