blob: 588ace8afc1282a7c877b154162ee33c93bd8993 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/random/bit_gen_ref.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/domains/domain_base.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/domains/protobuf_domain_impl.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/domains/value_mutation_helpers.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/logging.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/serialization.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/table_of_recent_compares.h"
#include "./fuzztest/internal/type_support.h"
#include "./rpc_fuzzing/proto_field_path.h"
#include "./rpc_fuzzing/rpc_executor.h"
#include "./rpc_fuzzing/rpc_potential_dfg.h"
#include "./rpc_fuzzing/rpc_sequence.h"
namespace fuzztest {
namespace internal {
// A helper domain that allows its inner domain to be lazily initialized.
template <typename DomainT, typename... Args>
class Lazy : public DomainBase<Lazy<DomainT, Args...>, value_type_t<DomainT>,
corpus_type_t<DomainT>> {
using typename Lazy::DomainBase::corpus_type;
using typename Lazy::DomainBase::value_type;
Lazy(Args&&... args) : args_(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
Lazy(const Lazy& other) {
if (other.inner_ != nullptr) {
inner_ = std::make_unique<DomainT>(*other.inner_);
args_ = other.args_;
Lazy(Lazy&& other) noexcept = default;
Lazy& operator=(Lazy&& other) = default;
corpus_type Init(absl::BitGenRef prng) { return GetInnerDomain().Init(prng); }
void Mutate(corpus_type& corpus_value, absl::BitGenRef prng,
bool shrink_only) {
GetInnerDomain().Mutate(corpus_value, prng, shrink_only);
value_type GetValue(const corpus_type& corpus_value) const {
return GetInnerDomain().GetValue(corpus_value);
std::optional<corpus_type> FromValue(const value_type& v) const {
return GetInnerDomain().FromValue(v);
std::optional<corpus_type> ParseCorpus(const IRObject& obj) const {
return GetInnerDomain().ParseCorpus(obj);
IRObject SerializeCorpus(const corpus_type& corpus_value) const {
return GetInnerDomain().SerializeCorpus(corpus_value);
absl::Status ValidateCorpusValue(const corpus_type& corpus_value) const {
return GetInnerDomain().ValidateCorpusValue(corpus_value);
auto GetPrinter() const { return GetInnerDomain().GetPrinter(); }
template <std::size_t... Is>
std::unique_ptr<DomainT> CreateInner(std::tuple<Args...> tup,
std::index_sequence<Is...>) const {
return std::make_unique<DomainT>(std::move(std::get<Is>(tup))...);
const DomainT& GetInnerDomain() const {
if (inner_ == nullptr) {
inner_ = CreateInner(args_, std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{});
return *inner_;
DomainT& GetInnerDomain() {
if (inner_ == nullptr) {
inner_ = CreateInner(args_, std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{});
return *inner_;
mutable std::unique_ptr<DomainT> inner_ = nullptr;
mutable std::tuple<Args...> args_;
template <class T>
const T& PickRandomElement(const std::vector<T>& vec, absl::BitGenRef prng) {
"Cannot pick elements from an empy vector.");
return vec[absl::Uniform(prng, size_t{0}, vec.size())];
// Rpc session domain. It generates RPC sequences with data-flows between
// requests and responses of calls. The provided RpcSequence can be consumed by
// the RpcExecutor.
template <typename ServiceT = void>
class RpcSessionImpl : public DomainBase<RpcSessionImpl<ServiceT>, RpcSequence,
RpcDataFlowGraph> {
using typename RpcSessionImpl::DomainBase::corpus_type;
using typename RpcSessionImpl::DomainBase::value_type;
// `service_factory` should return the fully qualified service name such as
// `package.Service`.
RpcSessionImpl(std::function<absl::string_view()> service_factory)
: abstract_dfg_(CreatePotentialDfgByServiceName(service_factory())) {
const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor& desc =
template <typename T = ServiceT,
typename = std::enable_if_t<is_stubby_service<T>::value ||
is_grpc_service<T>::value ||
std::is_same_v<T, google::protobuf::Service>>>
RpcSessionImpl() : abstract_dfg_(CreatePotentialDfg<ServiceT>()) {
const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor& desc = GetServiceDescriptor<ServiceT>();
// Generate a sequence containing only a single rpc call. Such calls should be
// the "roots" in the data flow graph and depend on no other nodes.
corpus_type Init(absl::BitGenRef prng) {
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& method =
*PickRandomElement(all_methods_, prng);
RpcDataFlowGraph result;
auto& request_domain = GetRequestDomain(method);
RpcNode call_node(method,
result.AddNode(0 /* the first node */, std::move(call_node));
return result;
void Mutate(corpus_type& graph, absl::BitGenRef prng, bool only_shrink) {
if (only_shrink) {
prng, [&] { DeleteTailCall(graph, prng); },
[&] { MutateStaticField(graph, prng, only_shrink); });
} else {
prng, [&] { InsertTailCall(graph, prng); },
[&] { DeleteTailCall(graph, prng); },
[&] { MutateStaticField(graph, prng, only_shrink); });
value_type GetValue(const corpus_type& graph) const {
return graph.GetSequence();
std::optional<corpus_type> FromValue(const value_type& v) const {
corpus_type result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
result.AddNode(i, v[i]);
return result;
std::optional<corpus_type> ParseCorpus(const IRObject& obj) const {
auto subs = obj.Subs();
if (!subs || subs->empty()) {
return std::nullopt;
RpcSequence sequence;
for (const auto& node_obj : *subs) {
if (!ValidateRpcNodeObjFormat(node_obj)) return std::nullopt;
auto node = ParseRpcNodeMethodAndRequest(node_obj);
if (!node) return std::nullopt;
auto edges_sub = (*node_obj.Subs())[2].Subs();
for (const auto& edge_obj : *edges_sub) {
std::optional<RpcDataFlowEdge> edge =
ParseRpcDataFlowEdge(edge_obj, sequence, node->method());
if (!edge) return std::nullopt;
return RpcDataFlowGraph::FromSequence(sequence);
// Serializes the graph in the topological-sorting order.
IRObject SerializeCorpus(const corpus_type& graph) const {
IRObject result;
std::vector<IRObject>& result_subs = result.MutableSubs();
// We serialize the sequence instead to avoid storing the RpcNodeID.
for (const RpcNode& node : graph.GetSequence()) {
return result;
// TODO(changochen): Implemented in later CL.
auto GetPrinter() const { return MonostatePrinter{}; }
// Check whether every RpcNode:
// 1. Only depend on previous nodes. (No cyclic dependencies)
// 2. Every dependency matches one of the potential dependencies.
absl::Status ValidateCorpusValue(const corpus_type& corpus_value) const {
absl::flat_hash_set<RpcNodeID> previous_node_ids;
for (RpcNodeID node_id : corpus_value.GetOrderedNodeIds()) {
const RpcNode& node = corpus_value.GetNode(node_id);
const RpcPotentialDfgNode& dfg_node =
absl::flat_hash_set<FieldPath> all_sink_paths;
for (const RpcDataFlowEdge& edge : node.dependencies()) {
// The current node should only depend on previous nodes.
if (!previous_node_ids.contains(edge.from_node_id))
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"The dependencies should only come from previously executed "
if (!dfg_node.GetAllDependencies().contains(edge.to_field)) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"The sink field should be defined in the potential data flow "
if (all_sink_paths.contains(edge.to_field)) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"One sink field should have at most one concrete dependency!");
// Check whether the dependency source from `edge` actually matches one
// of the potential dependency source.
if (!HasPotentialSourceForEdge(edge, corpus_value, dfg_node)) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"The dependency is not defined in the potential data flow "
return absl::OkStatus();
void Initialize(const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor& desc) {
for (int i = 0; i < desc.method_count(); ++i) {
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method = desc.method(i);
std::function<const google::protobuf::Message*()> get_request_prototype =
[method]() {
return google::protobuf::MessageFactory::generated_factory()->GetPrototype(
method, ProtobufDomainUntypedImpl<google::protobuf::Message>(
bool AllPotentialDepsInDfgNodeCanBeSatisfied(
const absl::flat_hash_set<FieldPath>& satisfied_field_paths,
const RpcPotentialDfgNode& dfg_node) const {
for (const auto& [field_path, unused] : dfg_node.GetAllDependencies()) {
if (!satisfied_field_paths.contains(field_path)) {
bool can_be_satisfied = false;
for (const FieldPath& satisfied_field_path : satisfied_field_paths) {
if (AreOneOfAltearnatives(satisfied_field_path, field_path)) {
can_be_satisfied = true;
if (!can_be_satisfied) return false;
return true;
// Check whether the source of the edge is defined in the potential data flow
// graph.
bool HasPotentialSourceForEdge(const RpcDataFlowEdge& edge,
const RpcDataFlowGraph& graph,
const RpcPotentialDfgNode& dfg_node) const {
for (const RpcPotentialDfgNode::PotentialDependencySource&
potential_source : dfg_node.GetDependencies(edge.to_field)) {
const RpcNode& from_node = graph.GetNode(edge.from_node_id);
if (potential_source.method == &from_node.method() &&
potential_source.field_path == edge.from_field) {
return true;
return false;
bool ValidateRpcNodeObjFormat(const IRObject& obj) const {
auto node_subs = obj.Subs();
// Each node has a sub of size 3: method, request, dependencies.
if (!node_subs || node_subs->size() != 3) {
return false;
auto edge_subs = (*node_subs)[2].Subs();
if (!edge_subs) {
return false;
// Each edge has a sub of size 3: from_id, from_field, to_field.
for (const auto& edge_sub : *edge_subs) {
if (!edge_sub.Subs() || edge_sub.Subs()->size() != 3) {
return false;
return true;
IRObject SerializeRpcDataFlowEdge(const RpcDataFlowEdge& edge) const {
IRObject edge_obj;
std::vector<IRObject>& edge_subs = edge_obj.MutableSubs();
return edge_obj;
IRObject SerializeRpcNode(const RpcNode& node) const {
// The serialized object will be like
// [ method_name, request_proto_buf_string, [edges]]
IRObject node_obj;
std::vector<IRObject>& node_subs = node_obj.MutableSubs();
IRObject edges_obj;
if (!node.dependencies().empty()) {
std::vector<IRObject>& edges_subs = edges_obj.MutableSubs();
for (const RpcDataFlowEdge& edge : node.dependencies()) {
return node_obj;
std::optional<RpcDataFlowEdge> ParseRpcDataFlowEdge(
const IRObject& edge_obj, const RpcSequence& sequence,
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& to_method) const {
auto edge_subs = edge_obj.Subs();
FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(edge_subs && edge_subs->size() == 3,
"Invalid edge format!");
auto from_node_id = (*edge_subs)[0].ToCorpus<RpcNodeID>();
auto from_field_str = (*edge_subs)[1].ToCorpus<std::string>();
auto to_field_str = (*edge_subs)[2].ToCorpus<std::string>();
if (!from_node_id || !from_field_str || !to_field_str) {
return std::nullopt;
if (*from_node_id >= sequence.size()) return std::nullopt;
FieldPath from_field_path = GetFieldPathWithDescriptor(
*sequence[*from_node_id].method().output_type(), *from_field_str);
FieldPath to_field_path =
GetFieldPathWithDescriptor(*to_method.input_type(), *to_field_str);
return RpcDataFlowEdge{*from_node_id, from_field_path, to_field_path};
std::optional<RpcNode> ParseRpcNodeMethodAndRequest(
const IRObject& obj) const {
const google::protobuf::DescriptorPool& pool =
auto node_subs = obj.Subs();
std::optional<std::string> method_name =
if (!method_name) return std::nullopt;
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor* method =
if (!method) return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> request_str =
std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> request =
if (!request->ParseFromString(*request_str)) return std::nullopt;
return RpcNode(*method, std::move(request));
absl::flat_hash_set<FieldPath> CollectSatisfiableFields(
const RpcPotentialDfgNode& dfg_node,
const absl::flat_hash_map<const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor*,
std::vector<RpcNodeID>>& existing_nodes) {
absl::flat_hash_set<FieldPath> satisfied_fields;
for (const auto& [field_path, source_vec] : dfg_node.GetAllDependencies()) {
for (const RpcPotentialDfgNode::PotentialDependencySource& source :
source_vec) {
if (existing_nodes.contains(source.method)) {
return satisfied_fields;
std::vector<FieldPath> RemoveAlternativeFieldPath(
const absl::flat_hash_set<FieldPath>& field_paths, absl::BitGenRef prng) {
std::vector<FieldPath> result;
std::vector<FieldPath> field_paths_vec(field_paths.begin(),
std::shuffle(field_paths_vec.begin(), field_paths_vec.end(), prng);
for (const FieldPath& field_path : field_paths_vec) {
bool found_same_one_of_field = false;
for (const FieldPath& other_field_path : result) {
if (AreOneOfAltearnatives(field_path, other_field_path)) {
found_same_one_of_field = true;
if (!found_same_one_of_field) {
return result;
// Checks whether all the dependencies of `dfg_node` can be satisfied by the
// nodes in `existing_nodes`. "Satisfy" means there is at least one
// potential dependency of any field in the node that has its source in the
// rpc data flow graph.
bool DependsOnAndCanBeSatisfiedBy(
const RpcPotentialDfgNode& dfg_node,
const absl::flat_hash_map<const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor*,
std::vector<RpcNodeID>>& existing_nodes) {
if (!dfg_node.HasDependency()) return false;
absl::flat_hash_set<FieldPath> satisfied_fields =
CollectSatisfiableFields(dfg_node, existing_nodes);
// As long as we can satisfy any of the sink field, we consider it as
// satisfiable.
return !satisfied_fields.empty();
// Randomly selects a potential dependency for each dynamic field in `node`
// and establishes the dependency between the node and the dependency source.
// As we might have multiple calls to the same method in the existing graph
// that can serve as the source, we randomly select one of them.
void ConnectToExistingNodes(
const absl::flat_hash_map<const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor*,
RpcNode& node, absl::BitGenRef prng) {
const RpcPotentialDfgNode& dfg_node = abstract_dfg_.GetNode(node.method());
// If we have multiple satisfiable field paths that are alternative to each
// other (e.g., in the same `oneof`), we only need to pick one of them and
// establish the concrete dependency.
std::vector<FieldPath> satisfied_fields = RemoveAlternativeFieldPath(
CollectSatisfiableFields(dfg_node, existing_nodes), prng);
FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(!satisfied_fields.empty(), "Impossible");
for (const FieldPath& sink_field : satisfied_fields) {
const auto& source_vec = dfg_node.GetDependencies(sink_field);
std::vector<const RpcPotentialDfgNode::PotentialDependencySource*>
for (const RpcPotentialDfgNode::PotentialDependencySource& source :
source_vec) {
if (existing_nodes.contains(source.method))
if (satisfiable_sources.empty()) continue;
"Some dependencies are not satisified!");
const RpcPotentialDfgNode::PotentialDependencySource& chosen_source =
*PickRandomElement(satisfiable_sources, prng);
const std::vector<RpcNodeID>& candidate_nodes =
RpcDataFlowEdge{PickRandomElement(candidate_nodes, prng),
chosen_source.field_path, sink_field});
// Inserts a tail call to the graph. Returns true if a call is inserted.
bool InsertTailCall(corpus_type& graph, absl::BitGenRef prng) {
absl::flat_hash_map<const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor*, std::vector<RpcNodeID>>
RpcNodeID max_node_id = 0;
for (const auto& [node_id, node] : graph.GetAllNodes()) {
max_node_id = std::max(max_node_id, node_id);
RpcNodeID new_node_id = max_node_id + 1;
// Collect all the methods that can be inserted: They depend on existing
// nodes and all their their dependencies can be satisfied by existing
// nodes.
std::vector<const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor*> candidate_methods;
for (auto& [method, unused_domain] : request_domains_) {
const RpcPotentialDfgNode& dfg_node = abstract_dfg_.GetNode(*method);
if (DependsOnAndCanBeSatisfiedBy(dfg_node, existing_nodes)) {
if (candidate_methods.empty()) return false;
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& method_to_insert =
*PickRandomElement(candidate_methods, prng);
auto& request_domain = GetRequestDomain(method_to_insert);
RpcNode node_to_insert(method_to_insert,
ConnectToExistingNodes(existing_nodes, node_to_insert, prng);
graph.AddNode(new_node_id, std::move(node_to_insert));
return true;
bool DeleteTailCall(corpus_type& graph, absl::BitGenRef prng) {
if (graph.NodeNum() == 1) return false;
// Non-tail nodes (nodes with dependents).
absl::flat_hash_set<RpcNodeID> non_tail_nodes;
for (const auto& [node_id, node] : graph.GetAllNodes()) {
for (const auto& edge : node.dependencies()) {
FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(non_tail_nodes.size() != graph.NodeNum(),
"Loop dependence!");
std::vector<RpcNodeID> tail_nodes;
for (const auto& [node_id, node] : graph.GetAllNodes()) {
if (!non_tail_nodes.contains(node_id)) tail_nodes.push_back(node_id);
graph.RemoveNode(PickRandomElement(tail_nodes, prng));
return true;
bool MutateStaticField(corpus_type& graph, absl::BitGenRef prng,
bool only_shrink) {
RpcNode& selected_node = std::next(graph.GetAllNodes().begin(),
ChooseOffset(graph.NodeNum(), prng))
auto& request_domain = GetRequestDomain(selected_node.method());
auto request_domain_corpus_value =
"Invalid proto!");
request_domain.Mutate(*request_domain_corpus_value, prng, only_shrink);
return true;
ProtobufDomainUntypedImpl<google::protobuf::Message>& GetRequestDomain(
const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor& method) {
auto iter = request_domains_.find(&method);
FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(iter != request_domains_.end(), "Invalid method!");
return iter->second;
// We keep a domain for the request type for each method in the service to
// generate the request message in the RpcNode.
// TODO(changochen): We are now directly storing the concrete requests in
// RpcNode, and serialize them as string. We should use the corpus_type of the
// proto domain in the future to allow proto customization.
absl::flat_hash_map<const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor*,
std::vector<const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor*> all_methods_;
RpcPotentialDataFlowGraph abstract_dfg_;
} // namespace internal
using internal::RpcSequence;
inline absl::Status ExecuteRpcSequence(RpcStub& stub, RpcSequence& sequence) {
return internal::RpcExecutor(&stub).Execute(sequence);
template <typename ServiceT>
inline auto RpcSession() {
return internal::Lazy<internal::RpcSessionImpl<ServiceT>>();
// Creates an RpcSession with a service name factory. This is for when the
// service name is unknown at compile time (i.e., getting the name from the
// generated pool.). This factory function will be called after main().
// If the service name/type is known at compile time, please use the template
// version above: RpcSession<ServiceT>().
inline auto RpcSessionOf(
std::function<absl::string_view()> service_name_factory) {
FUZZTEST_INTERNAL_CHECK(service_name_factory, "Invalid service factory!");
return internal::Lazy<internal::RpcSessionImpl<>,
} // namespace fuzztest