Merge pull request #3314 from Vollstrecker:master

PiperOrigin-RevId: 369550590
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ec8b0..0000000
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-name: Question
-about: Can't find an answer to your question? Ask us!
-title: ''
-labels: 'question'
-assignees: ''
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
index 0086358..3ba13e0 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
@@ -1 +1 @@
-blank_issues_enabled: true
+blank_issues_enabled: false
diff --git a/BUILD.bazel b/BUILD.bazel
index 8099642..965c518 100644
--- a/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/BUILD.bazel
@@ -40,7 +40,15 @@
     name = "windows",
-    constraint_values = ["@bazel_tools//platforms:windows"],
+    constraint_values = ["@platforms//os:windows"],
+    name = "msvc_compiler",
+    flag_values = {
+        "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:compiler": "msvc-cl",
+    },
+    visibility = [":__subpackages__"],
diff --git a/ b/
index 6dd931d..7d872a5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 # GoogleTest
-#### OSS Builds Status
-[![Build status](](
 ### Announcements
 #### Live at Head
@@ -137,7 +133,8 @@
 ## Contributing Changes
-Please read [``]( for details on how to
-contribute to this project.
+Please read
+for details on how to contribute to this project.
 Happy testing!
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c419c3..0000000
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-version: '{build}'
-os: Visual Studio 2015
-  matrix:
-    - compiler: msvc-15-seh
-      generator: "Visual Studio 15 2017"
-      build_system: cmake
-      APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017
-      enabled_on_pr: yes
-    - compiler: msvc-15-seh
-      generator: "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
-      build_system: cmake
-      APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017
-      enabled_on_pr: yes
-    - compiler: msvc-15-seh
-      build_system: bazel
-      APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017
-      enabled_on_pr: yes
-    - compiler: msvc-14-seh
-      build_system: cmake
-      generator: "Visual Studio 14 2015"
-      enabled_on_pr: yes
-    - compiler: msvc-14-seh
-      build_system: cmake
-      generator: "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
-      enabled_on_pr: yes
-    - compiler: gcc-6.3.0-posix
-      build_system: cmake
-      generator: "MinGW Makefiles"
-      cxx_path: 'C:\mingw-w64\i686-6.3.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev1\mingw32\bin'
-      enabled_on_pr: yes
-  - Debug
-  verbosity: minimal
-- ps: |
-    Write-Output "Compiler: $env:compiler"
-    Write-Output "Generator: $env:generator"
-    Write-Output "Env:Configuation: $env:configuration"
-    Write-Output "Env: $env"
-    if (-not (Test-Path env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)) {
-      Write-Output "This is *NOT* a pull request build"
-    } else {
-      Write-Output "This is a pull request build"
-      if (-not (Test-Path env:enabled_on_pr) -or $env:enabled_on_pr -ne "yes") {
-        Write-Output "PR builds are *NOT* explicitly enabled"
-      }
-    }
-    # install Bazel
-    if ($env:build_system -eq "bazel") {
-        appveyor DownloadFile -FileName bazel.exe
-    }
-    if ($env:build_system -eq "cmake") {
-        # git bash conflicts with MinGW makefiles
-        if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {
-            $env:path = $env:path.replace("C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;", "")
-            if ($env:cxx_path -ne "") {
-                $env:path += ";$env:cxx_path"
-            }
-        }
-    }
-- ps: |
-     $env:root=$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER
-     Write-Output "env:root: $env:root"
-- ps: |
-    # Only enable some builds for pull requests, the AppVeyor queue is too long.
-    if ((Test-Path env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) -And (-not (Test-Path env:enabled_on_pr) -or $env:enabled_on_pr -ne "yes")) {
-      return
-    } else {
-        # special case - build with Bazel
-        if ($env:build_system -eq "bazel") {
-            & $env:root\bazel.exe build -c opt //:gtest_samples
-            if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # bazel writes to StdErr and PowerShell interprets it as an error
-                $host.SetShouldExit(0)
-            } else { # a real error
-                throw "Exec: $ErrorMessage"
-            }
-            return
-        }
-    }
-    # by default build with CMake
-    md _build -Force | Out-Null
-    cd _build
-    $conf = if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$env:configuration"} else {"-DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=Debug;Release"}
-    # Disable test for MinGW (gtest tests fail, gmock tests can not build)
-    $gtest_build_tests = if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {"-Dgtest_build_tests=OFF"} else {"-Dgtest_build_tests=ON"}
-    $gmock_build_tests = if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {"-Dgmock_build_tests=OFF"} else {"-Dgmock_build_tests=ON"}
-    & cmake -G "$env:generator" $conf -Dgtest_build_samples=ON $gtest_build_tests $gmock_build_tests ..
-    if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
-        throw "Exec: $ErrorMessage"
-    }
-    $cmake_parallel = if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {"-j2"} else  {"/m"}
-    & cmake --build . --config $env:configuration -- $cmake_parallel
-    if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
-        throw "Exec: $ErrorMessage"
-    }
-  files:
-    - '**/*.md'
-- ps: |
-    # Only enable some builds for pull requests, the AppVeyor queue is too long.
-    if ((Test-Path env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) -And (-not (Test-Path env:enabled_on_pr) -or $env:enabled_on_pr -ne "yes")) {
-      return
-    }
-    if ($env:build_system -eq "bazel") {
-        # special case - testing with Bazel
-        & $env:root\bazel.exe test //:gtest_samples
-        if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # bazel writes to StdErr and PowerShell interprets it as an error
-            $host.SetShouldExit(0)
-        } else { # a real error
-            throw "Exec: $ErrorMessage"
-        }
-    }
-    if ($env:build_system -eq "cmake") {
-        # built with CMake - test with CTest
-        if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {
-            return # No test available for MinGW
-        }
-        & ctest -C $env:configuration --timeout 600 --output-on-failure
-        if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
-            throw "Exec: $ErrorMessage"
-        }
-    }
-  - path: '_build/CMakeFiles/*.log'
-    name: logs
-  - path: '_build/Testing/**/*.xml'
-    name: test_results
-  - path: 'bazel-testlogs/**/test.log'
-    name: test_logs
-  - path: 'bazel-testlogs/**/test.xml'
-    name: test_results
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 5cbd7c4..d02130c 100644
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@
-SRC=$(realpath git/googletest)
+if [[ -z ${GTEST_ROOT:-} ]]; then
+  GTEST_ROOT="$(realpath $(dirname ${0})/..)"
 if [[ -z ${STD:-} ]]; then
   STD="c++11 c++14 c++17 c++20"
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@
 for cc in /usr/local/bin/gcc /opt/llvm/clang/bin/clang; do
   for cmake_off_on in OFF ON; do
     time docker run \
-      --volume="${SRC}:/src:ro" \
+      --volume="${GTEST_ROOT}:/src:ro" \
       --tmpfs="/build:exec" \
       --workdir="/build" \
       --rm \
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@
 # Do one test with an older version of GCC
 time docker run \
-  --volume="${SRC}:/src:ro" \
+  --volume="${GTEST_ROOT}:/src:ro" \
   --workdir="/src" \
   --rm \
   --env="CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc" \
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@
 for std in ${STD}; do
   for absl in 0 1; do
     time docker run \
-      --volume="${SRC}:/src:ro" \
+      --volume="${GTEST_ROOT}:/src:ro" \
       --workdir="/src" \
       --rm \
       --env="CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc" \
@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@
 for std in ${STD}; do
   for absl in 0 1; do
     time docker run \
-      --volume="${SRC}:/src:ro" \
+      --volume="${GTEST_ROOT}:/src:ro" \
       --workdir="/src" \
       --rm \
       --env="CC=/opt/llvm/clang/bin/clang" \
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 4a5dc3e..d6423fa 100644
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -31,13 +31,15 @@
 set -euox pipefail
-SRC=$(realpath git/googletest)
+if [[ -z ${GTEST_ROOT:-} ]]; then
+  GTEST_ROOT="$(realpath $(dirname ${0})/..)"
 # Test the CMake build
 for cmake_off_on in OFF ON; do
   BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d build_dir.XXXXXXXX)
   cd ${BUILD_DIR}
-  time cmake ${SRC} \
+  time cmake ${GTEST_ROOT} \
     -Dgtest_build_samples=ON \
     -Dgtest_build_tests=ON \
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@
-cd ${SRC}
 for absl in 0 1; do
   ${BAZEL_BIN} test ... \
     --copt="-Wall" \
diff --git a/docs/_data/navigation.yml b/docs/_data/navigation.yml
index b79f250..355ebc8 100644
--- a/docs/_data/navigation.yml
+++ b/docs/_data/navigation.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
   - title: "Supported Platforms"
     url: "/platforms.html"
+  - title: "Quickstart: Bazel"
+    url: "/quickstart-bazel.html"
+  - title: "Quickstart: CMake"
+    url: "/quickstart-cmake.html"
 - section: "Guides"
   - title: "GoogleTest Primer"
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 4103507..ae4d7ee 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -813,7 +813,8 @@
     consideration to be run - much like the `threadsafe` mode on POSIX.
 Other values for the variable are illegal and will cause the death test to fail.
-Currently, the flag's default value is **"fast"**
+Currently, the flag's default value is
 1.  the child's exit status satisfies the predicate, and
 2.  the child's stderr matches the regular expression.
@@ -1204,10 +1205,10 @@
   // You can define per-test set-up logic as usual.
-  virtual void SetUp() { ... }
+  void SetUp() override { ... }
   // You can define per-test tear-down logic as usual.
-  virtual void TearDown() { ... }
+  void TearDown() override { ... }
   // Some expensive resource shared by all tests.
   static T* shared_resource_;
@@ -1238,7 +1239,7 @@
 environment, which knows how to set-up and tear-down:
-class Environment : public testing::Environment {
+class Environment : public ::testing::Environment {
   ~Environment() override {}
@@ -1374,7 +1375,7 @@
 each with parameter values `"meeny"`, `"miny"`, and `"moe"`.
                          testing::Values("meeny", "miny", "moe"));
@@ -1383,51 +1384,54 @@
 NOTE: The code above must be placed at global or namespace scope, not at
 function scope.
-Per default, every `TEST_P` without a corresponding `INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P`
-causes a failing test in test suite `GoogleTestVerification`. If you have a test
-suite where that omission is not an error, for example it is in a library that
-may be linked in for other reason or where the list of test cases is dynamic and
-may be empty, then this check can be suppressed by tagging the test suite:
+The first argument to `INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P` is a unique name for the
+instantiation of the test suite. The next argument is the name of the test
+pattern, and the last is the parameter generator.
+You can instantiate a test pattern more than once, so to distinguish different
+instances of the pattern, the instantiation name is added as a prefix to the
+actual test suite name. Remember to pick unique prefixes for different
+instantiations. The tests from the instantiation above will have these names:
-To distinguish different instances of the pattern (yes, you can instantiate it
-more than once), the first argument to `INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P` is a prefix
-that will be added to the actual test suite name. Remember to pick unique
-prefixes for different instantiations. The tests from the instantiation above
-will have these names:
-*   `InstantiationName/FooTest.DoesBlah/0` for `"meeny"`
-*   `InstantiationName/FooTest.DoesBlah/1` for `"miny"`
-*   `InstantiationName/FooTest.DoesBlah/2` for `"moe"`
-*   `InstantiationName/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/0` for `"meeny"`
-*   `InstantiationName/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/1` for `"miny"`
-*   `InstantiationName/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/2` for `"moe"`
+*   `MeenyMinyMoe/FooTest.DoesBlah/0` for `"meeny"`
+*   `MeenyMinyMoe/FooTest.DoesBlah/1` for `"miny"`
+*   `MeenyMinyMoe/FooTest.DoesBlah/2` for `"moe"`
+*   `MeenyMinyMoe/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/0` for `"meeny"`
+*   `MeenyMinyMoe/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/1` for `"miny"`
+*   `MeenyMinyMoe/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/2` for `"moe"`
 You can use these names in [`--gtest_filter`](#running-a-subset-of-the-tests).
-This statement will instantiate all tests from `FooTest` again, each with
-parameter values `"cat"` and `"dog"`:
+The following statement will instantiate all tests from `FooTest` again, each
+with parameter values `"cat"` and `"dog"`:
 const char* pets[] = {"cat", "dog"};
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(AnotherInstantiationName, FooTest,
-                         testing::ValuesIn(pets));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Pets, FooTest, testing::ValuesIn(pets));
 The tests from the instantiation above will have these names:
-*   `AnotherInstantiationName/FooTest.DoesBlah/0` for `"cat"`
-*   `AnotherInstantiationName/FooTest.DoesBlah/1` for `"dog"`
-*   `AnotherInstantiationName/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/0` for `"cat"`
-*   `AnotherInstantiationName/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/1` for `"dog"`
+*   `Pets/FooTest.DoesBlah/0` for `"cat"`
+*   `Pets/FooTest.DoesBlah/1` for `"dog"`
+*   `Pets/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/0` for `"cat"`
+*   `Pets/FooTest.HasBlahBlah/1` for `"dog"`
 Please note that `INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P` will instantiate *all* tests in the
 given test suite, whether their definitions come before or *after* the
+Additionally, by default, every `TEST_P` without a corresponding
+`INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P` causes a failing test in test suite
+`GoogleTestVerification`. If you have a test suite where that omission is not an
+error, for example it is in a library that may be linked in for other reasons or
+where the list of test cases is dynamic and may be empty, then this check can be
+suppressed by tagging the test suite:
 You can see [] and [] for more examples.
 []: "Parameterized Test example"
@@ -1737,10 +1741,11 @@
-    Pay special attention when your class is defined in a namespace, as you
-    should define your test fixtures and tests in the same namespace if you want
-    them to be friends of your class. For example, if the code to be tested
-    looks like:
+    Pay special attention when your class is defined in a namespace. If you want
+    your test fixtures and tests to be friends of your class, then they must be
+    defined in the exact same namespace (no anonymous or inline namespaces).
+    For example, if the code to be tested looks like:
     namespace my_namespace {
@@ -1970,13 +1975,13 @@
   class MinimalistPrinter : public testing::EmptyTestEventListener {
     // Called before a test starts.
-    virtual void OnTestStart(const testing::TestInfo& test_info) {
+    void OnTestStart(const testing::TestInfo& test_info) override {
       printf("*** Test %s.%s starting.\n",
     // Called after a failed assertion or a SUCCESS().
-    virtual void OnTestPartResult(const testing::TestPartResult& test_part_result) {
+    void OnTestPartResult(const testing::TestPartResult& test_part_result) override {
       printf("%s in %s:%d\n%s\n",
              test_part_result.failed() ? "*** Failure" : "Success",
@@ -1985,7 +1990,7 @@
     // Called after a test ends.
-    virtual void OnTestEnd(const testing::TestInfo& test_info) {
+    void OnTestEnd(const testing::TestInfo& test_info) override {
       printf("*** Test %s.%s ending.\n",
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index da443e3..4071232 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -60,9 +60,10 @@
 ## Why does googletest support `EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ptr)` and `ASSERT_EQ(NULL, ptr)` but not `EXPECT_NE(NULL, ptr)` and `ASSERT_NE(NULL, ptr)`?
-First of all you can use `EXPECT_NE(nullptr, ptr)` and `ASSERT_NE(nullptr,
-ptr)`. This is the preferred syntax in the style guide because nullptr does not
-have the type problems that NULL does. Which is why NULL does not work.
+First of all, you can use `nullptr` with each of these macros, e.g.
+`EXPECT_EQ(ptr, nullptr)`, `EXPECT_NE(ptr, nullptr)`, `ASSERT_EQ(ptr, nullptr)`,
+`ASSERT_NE(ptr, nullptr)`. This is the preferred syntax in the style guide
+because `nullptr` does not have the type problems that `NULL` does.
 Due to some peculiarity of C++, it requires some non-trivial template meta
 programming tricks to support using `NULL` as an argument of the `EXPECT_XX()`
@@ -70,22 +71,21 @@
 (otherwise we make the implementation of googletest harder to maintain and more
 error-prone than necessary).
-The `EXPECT_EQ()` macro takes the *expected* value as its first argument and the
-*actual* value as the second. It's reasonable that someone wants to write
-`EXPECT_EQ(NULL, some_expression)`, and this indeed was requested several times.
-Therefore we implemented it.
+Historically, the `EXPECT_EQ()` macro took the *expected* value as its first
+argument and the *actual* value as the second, though this argument order is now
+discouraged. It was reasonable that someone wanted
+to write `EXPECT_EQ(NULL, some_expression)`, and this indeed was requested
+several times. Therefore we implemented it.
-The need for `EXPECT_NE(NULL, ptr)` isn't nearly as strong. When the assertion
+The need for `EXPECT_NE(NULL, ptr)` wasn't nearly as strong. When the assertion
 fails, you already know that `ptr` must be `NULL`, so it doesn't add any
 information to print `ptr` in this case. That means `EXPECT_TRUE(ptr != NULL)`
 works just as well.
-If we were to support `EXPECT_NE(NULL, ptr)`, for consistency we'll have to
-support `EXPECT_NE(ptr, NULL)` as well, as unlike `EXPECT_EQ`, we don't have a
-convention on the order of the two arguments for `EXPECT_NE`. This means using
-the template meta programming tricks twice in the implementation, making it even
-harder to understand and maintain. We believe the benefit doesn't justify the
+If we were to support `EXPECT_NE(NULL, ptr)`, for consistency we'd have to
+support `EXPECT_NE(ptr, NULL)` as well. This means using the template meta
+programming tricks twice in the implementation, making it even harder to
+understand and maintain. We believe the benefit doesn't justify the cost.
 Finally, with the growth of the gMock matcher library, we are encouraging people
 to use the unified `EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher)` syntax more often in tests. One
@@ -706,12 +706,12 @@
 ## How do I temporarily disable a test?
 If you have a broken test that you cannot fix right away, you can add the
-DISABLED_ prefix to its name. This will exclude it from execution. This is
-better than commenting out the code or using #if 0, as disabled tests are still
-compiled (and thus won't rot).
+`DISABLED_` prefix to its name. This will exclude it from execution. This is
+better than commenting out the code or using `#if 0`, as disabled tests are
+still compiled (and thus won't rot).
 To include disabled tests in test execution, just invoke the test program with
-the --gtest_also_run_disabled_tests flag.
+the `--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests` flag.
 ## Is it OK if I have two separate `TEST(Foo, Bar)` test methods defined in different namespaces?
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 723cb7e..90be4a3 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
       .WillRepeatedly(Return("Category 5"));
   // ... other expectations ...
-  EXPECT_EQ("good", MyProductionFunction(&foo));  // #5
+  EXPECT_EQ(MyProductionFunction(&foo), "good");  // #5
 }                                                 // #6
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
   auto buzz1 = mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("hello");
   auto buzz2 = mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("hello");
-  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, buzz1);
-  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, buzz2);
+  EXPECT_NE(buzz1, nullptr);
+  EXPECT_NE(buzz2, nullptr);
   EXPECT_NE(buzz1, buzz2);
   // Resets the default action for return type std::unique_ptr<Buzz>,
@@ -362,10 +362,11 @@
         int len)` -- see [Multi-argument Matchers](#MultiArgMatchers)).
 *   The array being matched may be multi-dimensional (i.e. its elements can be
-*   `m` in `Pointwise(m, ...)` should be a matcher for `::std::tuple<T, U>`
-    where `T` and `U` are the element type of the actual container and the
-    expected container, respectively. For example, to compare two `Foo`
-    containers where `Foo` doesn't support `operator==`, one might write:
+*   `m` in `Pointwise(m, ...)` and `UnorderedPointwise(m, ...)` should be a
+    matcher for `::std::tuple<T, U>` where `T` and `U` are the element type of
+    the actual container and the expected container, respectively. For example,
+    to compare two `Foo` containers where `Foo` doesn't support `operator==`,
+    one might write:
     using ::std::get;
@@ -384,12 +385,28 @@
 | `Field(field_name, &class::field, m)` | The same as the two-parameter version, but provides a better error message. |
 | `Key(e)`                        | `argument.first` matches `e`, which can be either a value or a matcher. E.g. `Contains(Key(Le(5)))` can verify that a `map` contains a key `<= 5`. |
 | `Pair(m1, m2)`                  | `argument` is an `std::pair` whose `first` field matches `m1` and `second` field matches `m2`. |
-| `FieldsAre(m...)`                   | `argument` is a compatible object where each field matches piecewise with `m...`. A compatible object is any that supports the `std::tuple_size<Obj>`+`get<I>(obj)` protocol. In C++17 and up this also supports types compatible with structured bindings, like aggregates. |
+| `FieldsAre(m...)`                   | `argument` is a compatible object where each field matches piecewise with the matchers `m...`. A compatible object is any that supports the `std::tuple_size<Obj>`+`get<I>(obj)` protocol. In C++17 and up this also supports types compatible with structured bindings, like aggregates. |
 | `Property(&class::property, m)` | `` (or `argument->property()` when `argument` is a plain pointer) matches matcher `m`, where `argument` is an object of type _class_. The method `property()` must take no argument and be declared as `const`. |
 | `Property(property_name, &class::property, m)` | The same as the two-parameter version, but provides a better error message.
+*   You can use `FieldsAre()` to match any type that supports structured
+    bindings, such as `std::tuple`, `std::pair`, `std::array`, and aggregate
+    types. For example:
+    ```cpp
+    std::tuple<int, std::string> my_tuple{7, "hello world"};
+    EXPECT_THAT(my_tuple, FieldsAre(Ge(0), HasSubstr("hello")));
+    struct MyStruct {
+      int value = 42;
+      std::string greeting = "aloha";
+    };
+    MyStruct s;
+    EXPECT_THAT(s, FieldsAre(42, "aloha"));
+    ```
 *   Don't use `Property()` against member functions that you do not own, because
     taking addresses of functions is fragile and generally not part of the
     contract of the function.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 8ba5c98..c6a9991 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -251,9 +251,9 @@
 ### Mocking Free Functions
-It's possible to use gMock to mock a free function (i.e. a C-style function or a
-static method). You just need to rewrite your code to use an interface (abstract
+It is not possible to directly mock a free function (i.e. a C-style function or
+a static method). If you need to, you can rewrite your code to use an interface
+(abstract class).
 Instead of calling a free function (say, `OpenFile`) directly, introduce an
 interface for it and have a concrete subclass that calls the free function:
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
 class File : public FileInterface {
-  virtual bool Open(const char* path, const char* mode) {
+  bool Open(const char* path, const char* mode) override {
      return OpenFile(path, mode);
@@ -512,9 +512,9 @@
 class ScopedMockLog : public LogSink {
-  virtual void send(LogSeverity severity, const char* full_filename,
+  void send(LogSeverity severity, const char* full_filename,
                     const char* base_filename, int line, const tm* tm_time,
-                    const char* message, size_t message_len) {
+                    const char* message, size_t message_len) override {
     // We are only interested in the log severity, full file name, and
     // log message.
     Log(severity, full_filename, std::string(message, message_len));
@@ -2705,18 +2705,10 @@
 `Notification` objects to force your asynchronous test to behave synchronously.
-using ::testing::DoAll;
-using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
-using ::testing::Return;
 class MockEventDispatcher : public EventDispatcher {
   MOCK_METHOD(bool, DispatchEvent, (int32), (override));
-ACTION_P(Notify, notification) {
-  notification->Notify();
 TEST(EventQueueTest, EnqueueEventTest) {
   MockEventDispatcher mock_event_dispatcher;
   EventQueue event_queue(&mock_event_dispatcher);
@@ -2724,7 +2716,7 @@
   const int32 kEventId = 321;
   absl::Notification done;
   EXPECT_CALL(mock_event_dispatcher, DispatchEvent(kEventId))
-      .WillOnce(Notify(&done));
+      .WillOnce([&done] { done.Notify(); });
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..362ee6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Quickstart: Building with Bazel
+This tutorial aims to get you up and running with GoogleTest using the Bazel
+build system. If you're using GoogleTest for the first time or need a refresher,
+we recommend this tutorial as a starting point.
+## Prerequisites
+To complete this tutorial, you'll need:
+*   A compatible operating system (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows).
+*   A compatible C++ compiler that supports at least C++11.
+*   [Bazel](, the preferred build system used by the
+    GoogleTest team.
+See [Supported Platforms]( for more information about platforms
+compatible with GoogleTest.
+If you don't already have Bazel installed, see the
+[Bazel installation guide](
+{: .callout .note}
+Note: The terminal commands in this tutorial show a Unix shell prompt, but the
+commands work on the Windows command line as well.
+## Set up a Bazel workspace
+[Bazel workspace](
+is a directory on your filesystem that you use to manage source files for the
+software you want to build. Each workspace directory has a text file named
+`WORKSPACE` which may be empty, or may contain references to external
+dependencies required to build the outputs.
+First, create a directory for your workspace:
+$ mkdir my_workspace && cd my_workspace
+Next, you’ll create the `WORKSPACE` file to specify dependencies. A common and
+recommended way to depend on GoogleTest is to use a
+[Bazel external dependency](
+via the
+[`http_archive` rule](
+To do this, in the root directory of your workspace (`my_workspace/`), create a
+file named `WORKSPACE` with the following contents:
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
+  name = "com_google_googletest",
+  urls = [""],
+  strip_prefix = "googletest-609281088cfefc76f9d0ce82e1ff6c30cc3591e5",
+The above configuration declares a dependency on GoogleTest which is downloaded
+as a ZIP archive from GitHub. In the above example,
+`609281088cfefc76f9d0ce82e1ff6c30cc3591e5` is the Git commit hash of the
+GoogleTest version to use; we recommend updating the hash often to point to the
+latest version.
+Bazel also needs a dependency on the
+[`rules_cc` repository]( to build C++
+code, so add the following to the `WORKSPACE` file:
+  name = "rules_cc",
+  urls = [""],
+  strip_prefix = "rules_cc-40548a2974f1aea06215272d9c2b47a14a24e556",
+Now you're ready to build C++ code that uses GoogleTest.
+## Create and run a binary
+With your Bazel workspace set up, you can now use GoogleTest code within your
+own project.
+As an example, create a file named `` in your `my_workspace`
+directory with the following contents:
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+// Demonstrate some basic assertions.
+TEST(HelloTest, BasicAssertions) {
+  // Expect two strings not to be equal.
+  EXPECT_STRNE("hello", "world");
+  // Expect equality.
+  EXPECT_EQ(7 * 6, 42);
+GoogleTest provides [assertions]( that you use to test the
+behavior of your code. The above sample includes the main GoogleTest header file
+and demonstrates some basic assertions.
+To build the code, create a file named `BUILD` in the same directory with the
+following contents:
+load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_test")
+  name = "hello_test",
+  size = "small",
+  srcs = [""],
+  deps = ["@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main"],
+This `cc_test` rule declares the C++ test binary you want to build, and links to
+GoogleTest (`//:gtest_main`) using the prefix you specified in the `WORKSPACE`
+file (`@com_google_googletest`). For more information about Bazel `BUILD` files,
+see the
+[Bazel C++ Tutorial](
+Now you can build and run your test:
+<strong>my_workspace$ bazel test --test_output=all //:hello_test</strong>
+INFO: Analyzed target //:hello_test (26 packages loaded, 362 targets configured).
+INFO: Found 1 test target...
+INFO: From Testing //:hello_test:
+==================== Test output for //:hello_test:
+Running main() from
+[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
+[----------] Global test environment set-up.
+[----------] 1 test from HelloTest
+[ RUN      ] HelloTest.BasicAssertions
+[       OK ] HelloTest.BasicAssertions (0 ms)
+[----------] 1 test from HelloTest (0 ms total)
+[----------] Global test environment tear-down
+[==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
+[  PASSED  ] 1 test.
+Target //:hello_test up-to-date:
+  bazel-bin/hello_test
+INFO: Elapsed time: 4.190s, Critical Path: 3.05s
+INFO: 27 processes: 8 internal, 19 linux-sandbox.
+INFO: Build completed successfully, 27 total actions
+//:hello_test                                                     PASSED in 0.1s
+INFO: Build completed successfully, 27 total actions
+Congratulations! You've successfully built and run a test binary using
+## Next steps
+*   [Check out the Primer]( to start learning how to write simple
+    tests.
+*   [See the code samples]( for more examples showing how to use a
+    variety of GoogleTest features.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..420f1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# Quickstart: Building with CMake
+This tutorial aims to get you up and running with GoogleTest using CMake. If
+you're using GoogleTest for the first time or need a refresher, we recommend
+this tutorial as a starting point. If your project uses Bazel, see the
+[Quickstart for Bazel]( instead.
+## Prerequisites
+To complete this tutorial, you'll need:
+*   A compatible operating system (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows).
+*   A compatible C++ compiler that supports at least C++11.
+*   [CMake]( and a compatible build tool for building the
+    project.
+    *   Compatible build tools include
+        [Make](,
+        [Ninja](, and others - see
+        [CMake Generators](
+        for more information.
+See [Supported Platforms]( for more information about platforms
+compatible with GoogleTest.
+If you don't already have CMake installed, see the
+[CMake installation guide](
+{: .callout .note}
+Note: The terminal commands in this tutorial show a Unix shell prompt, but the
+commands work on the Windows command line as well.
+## Set up a project
+CMake uses a file named `CMakeLists.txt` to configure the build system for a
+project. You'll use this file to set up your project and declare a dependency on
+First, create a directory for your project:
+$ mkdir my_project && cd my_project
+Next, you'll create the `CMakeLists.txt` file and declare a dependency on
+GoogleTest. There are many ways to express dependencies in the CMake ecosystem;
+in this quickstart, you'll use the
+[`FetchContent` CMake module](
+To do this, in your project directory (`my_project`), create a file named
+`CMakeLists.txt` with the following contents:
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
+# GoogleTest requires at least C++11
+  googletest
+  URL
+# For Windows: Prevent overriding the parent project's compiler/linker settings
+set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
+The above configuration declares a dependency on GoogleTest which is downloaded
+from GitHub. In the above example, `609281088cfefc76f9d0ce82e1ff6c30cc3591e5` is
+the Git commit hash of the GoogleTest version to use; we recommend updating the
+hash often to point to the latest version.
+For more information about how to create `CMakeLists.txt` files, see the
+[CMake Tutorial](
+## Create and run a binary
+With GoogleTest declared as a dependency, you can use GoogleTest code within
+your own project.
+As an example, create a file named `` in your `my_project`
+directory with the following contents:
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+// Demonstrate some basic assertions.
+TEST(HelloTest, BasicAssertions) {
+  // Expect two strings not to be equal.
+  EXPECT_STRNE("hello", "world");
+  // Expect equality.
+  EXPECT_EQ(7 * 6, 42);
+GoogleTest provides [assertions]( that you use to test the
+behavior of your code. The above sample includes the main GoogleTest header file
+and demonstrates some basic assertions.
+To build the code, add the following to the end of your `CMakeLists.txt` file:
+  hello_test
+  hello_test
+  gtest_main
+The above configuration enables testing in CMake, declares the C++ test binary
+you want to build (`hello_test`), and links it to GoogleTest (`gtest_main`). The
+last two lines enable CMake's test runner to discover the tests included in the
+binary, using the
+[`GoogleTest` CMake module](
+Now you can build and run your test:
+<strong>my_project$ cmake -S . -B build</strong>
+-- The C compiler identification is GNU 10.2.1
+-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 10.2.1
+-- Build files have been written to: .../my_project/build
+<strong>my_project$ cmake --build build</strong>
+Scanning dependencies of target gtest
+[100%] Built target gmock_main
+<strong>my_project$ cd build && ctest</strong>
+Test project .../my_project/build
+    Start 1: HelloTest.BasicAssertions
+1/1 Test #1: HelloTest.BasicAssertions ........   Passed    0.00 sec
+100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1
+Total Test time (real) =   0.01 sec
+Congratulations! You've successfully built and run a test binary using
+## Next steps
+*   [Check out the Primer]( to start learning how to write simple
+    tests.
+*   [See the code samples]( for more examples showing how to use a
+    variety of GoogleTest features.
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
index 07cc8c2..f2393bd 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@
 #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
 # include <errno.h>
@@ -1684,4 +1684,4 @@
 # pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h
index df81810..fc7f803 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-cardinalities.h
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <memory>
@@ -154,4 +154,4 @@
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h
index 29543f3..0fc6f6f 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-function-mocker.h
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 #include <type_traits>  // IWYU pragma: keep
 #include <utility>      // IWYU pragma: keep
@@ -476,4 +476,4 @@
 #define GMOCK_MOCKER_(arity, constness, Method) \
   GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gmock##constness##arity##_##Method##_, __LINE__)
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h
index 5258878..86be9c1 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-matchers.h
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <cmath>
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
     // constructor from M (this usually happens when T has an implicit
     // constructor from any type).
-    // It won't work to unconditionally implict_cast
+    // It won't work to unconditionally implicit_cast
     // polymorphic_matcher_or_value to Matcher<T> because it won't trigger
     // a user-defined conversion from M to T if one exists (assuming M is
     // a value).
@@ -5389,4 +5389,4 @@
 // declarations from this file.
 #include "gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h"
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-actions.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-actions.h
index 43275f4..fd29335 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-actions.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-actions.h
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <utility>
@@ -570,4 +570,4 @@
 }  // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h
index 0265d5d..dfc77e3 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-more-matchers.h
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 #include "gmock/gmock-matchers.h"
@@ -89,4 +89,4 @@
 }  // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h
index bf02092..b03b770 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-nice-strict.h
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
 #include <type_traits>
@@ -137,12 +137,11 @@
     : private internal::NiceMockImpl<MockClass>,
       public MockClass {
-  static_assert(
-      !internal::HasStrictnessModifier<MockClass>(),
-      "Can't apply NiceMock to a class hierarchy that already has a "
-      "strictness modifier. See "
-      ""
-      "");
+  static_assert(!internal::HasStrictnessModifier<MockClass>(),
+                "Can't apply NiceMock to a class hierarchy that already has a "
+                "strictness modifier. See "
+                ""
+                "gmock_cook_book.html#NiceStrictNaggy");
   NiceMock() : MockClass() {
     static_assert(sizeof(*this) == sizeof(MockClass),
                   "The impl subclass shouldn't introduce any padding");
@@ -177,12 +176,11 @@
     : private internal::NaggyMockImpl<MockClass>,
       public MockClass {
-  static_assert(
-      !internal::HasStrictnessModifier<MockClass>(),
-      "Can't apply NaggyMock to a class hierarchy that already has a "
-      "strictness modifier. See "
-      ""
-      "");
+  static_assert(!internal::HasStrictnessModifier<MockClass>(),
+                "Can't apply NaggyMock to a class hierarchy that already has a "
+                "strictness modifier. See "
+                ""
+                "gmock_cook_book.html#NiceStrictNaggy");
   NaggyMock() : MockClass() {
@@ -224,8 +222,8 @@
       "Can't apply StrictMock to a class hierarchy that already has a "
       "strictness modifier. See "
-      ""
-      "");
+      ""
+      "gmock_cook_book.html#NiceStrictNaggy");
   StrictMock() : MockClass() {
     static_assert(sizeof(*this) == sizeof(MockClass),
                   "The impl subclass shouldn't introduce any padding");
@@ -260,4 +258,4 @@
 }  // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h
index 684c3c2..f1bd79c 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
 #include <functional>
 #include <map>
@@ -2033,4 +2033,4 @@
 #define EXPECT_CALL(obj, call) \
   GMOCK_ON_CALL_IMPL_(obj, InternalExpectedAt, call)
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock.h
index 20dba2a..12469bc 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock.h
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 // This file implements the following syntax:
@@ -95,4 +95,4 @@
 }  // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-generated-actions.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-generated-actions.h
index 003aed3..63f8999 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-generated-actions.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-generated-actions.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h
index 66ac876..6384294 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-port.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-port.h
index bb91e24..1437869 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-port.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/custom/gmock-port.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h
index 8454317..317544a 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <ostream>  // NOLINT
@@ -456,4 +456,4 @@
 }  // namespace internal
 }  // namespace testing
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-port.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-port.h
index 3f283c8..367a44d 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-port.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-port.h
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -84,4 +84,4 @@
 #endif  // !defined(GMOCK_DECLARE_bool_)
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-pp.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-pp.h
index 924dde8..94d61c0 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-pp.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/internal/gmock-pp.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Expands and concatenates the arguments. Constructed macros reevaluate.
 #define GMOCK_PP_CAT(_1, _2) GMOCK_PP_INTERNAL_CAT(_1, _2)
@@ -276,4 +276,4 @@
                                      (GMOCK_PP_TAIL _Tuple))
diff --git a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/ b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/
index db20de4..0e77016 100755
--- a/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/
+++ b/googlemock/scripts/generator/cpp/
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
     # TODO(nnorwitz): handle namespaces, etc.
     if self.bases:
       for token_list in self.bases:
-        # TODO(nnorwitz): bases are tokens, do name comparision.
+        # TODO(nnorwitz): bases are tokens, do name comparison.
         for token in token_list:
           if ==
             return True
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
   def Requires(self, node):
     if self.parameters:
-      # TODO(nnorwitz): parameters are tokens, do name comparision.
+      # TODO(nnorwitz): parameters are tokens, do name comparison.
       for p in self.parameters:
         if ==
           return True
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@
         nesting -= 1
     return tokens, last_token
-  # TODO(nnorwitz): remove _IgnoreUpTo() it shouldn't be necesary.
+  # TODO(nnorwitz): remove _IgnoreUpTo() it shouldn't be necessary.
   def _IgnoreUpTo(self, token_type, token):
     unused_tokens = self._GetTokensUpTo(token_type, token)
diff --git a/googlemock/test/ b/googlemock/test/
index 1838728..e1ca7fe 100644
--- a/googlemock/test/
+++ b/googlemock/test/
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@
 // Tests that DoDefault() returns the default value set by
-// DefaultValue<T>::Set() when it's not overriden by an ON_CALL().
+// DefaultValue<T>::Set() when it's not overridden by an ON_CALL().
 TEST(DoDefaultTest, ReturnsUserSpecifiedPerTypeDefaultValueWhenThereIsOne) {
   MockClass mock;
diff --git a/googletest/CMakeLists.txt b/googletest/CMakeLists.txt
index 1379afb..abdd98b 100644
--- a/googletest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/googletest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -92,10 +92,13 @@
 config_compiler_and_linker()  # Defined in internal_utils.cmake.
+# Needed to set the namespace for both the export targets and the
+# alias libraries
+set(cmake_package_name GTest CACHE INTERNAL "")
 # Create the CMake package file descriptors.
-  set(cmake_package_name GTest)
   set(targets_export_name ${cmake_package_name}Targets CACHE INTERNAL "")
   set(generated_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/generated" CACHE INTERNAL "")
   set(cmake_files_install_dir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${cmake_package_name}")
diff --git a/googletest/ b/googletest/
index 2454cd6..1f8b349 100644
--- a/googletest/
+++ b/googletest/
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
 way is to get installed libraries and headers.
 *   Import GoogleTest by using `find_package` (or `pkg_check_modules`). For
-    example, if `find_package(GTest CONFIG REQUIRED)` is succeed, you can use
-    the libraries as `GTest::gtest`, `GTest::gmock`.
+    example, if `find_package(GTest CONFIG REQUIRED)` succeeds, you can use the
+    libraries as `GTest::gtest`, `GTest::gmock`.
 And a more robust and flexible approach is to build GoogleTest as part of that
 project directly. This is done by making the GoogleTest source code available to
@@ -82,16 +82,15 @@
     possible or appropriate. Git submodules, for example, have their own set of
     advantages and drawbacks.
 *   Use CMake to download GoogleTest as part of the build's configure step. This
-    is just a little more complex, but doesn't have the limitations of the other
-    methods.
+    approach doesn't have the limitations of the other methods.
-The last of the above methods is implemented with a small piece of CMake so the
-code is pulled into the main build.
+The last of the above methods is implemented with a small piece of CMake code
+that downloads and pulls the GoogleTest code into the main build.
 Just add to your `CMakeLists.txt`:
-include (FetchContent)
   # Specify the commit you depend on and update it regularly.
diff --git a/googletest/cmake/internal_utils.cmake b/googletest/cmake/internal_utils.cmake
index 37cf1ef..8d8d60a 100644
--- a/googletest/cmake/internal_utils.cmake
+++ b/googletest/cmake/internal_utils.cmake
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
   if (MSVC)
     # Newlines inside flags variables break CMake's NMake generator.
     # TODO( Add -RTCs and -RTCu to debug builds.
-    set(cxx_base_flags "-GS -W4 -WX -wd4251 -wd4275 -nologo -J -Zi")
+    set(cxx_base_flags "-GS -W4 -WX -wd4251 -wd4275 -nologo -J")
     set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -D_UNICODE -DUNICODE -DWIN32 -D_WIN32")
     set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -DSTRICT -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN")
     set(cxx_exception_flags "-EHsc -D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1")
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
     # Suppress "unreachable code" warning
     # explains the issue.
     set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -wd4702")
+    # Ensure MSVC treats source files as UTF-8 encoded.
+    set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -utf-8")
     set(cxx_base_flags "-Wall -Wshadow -Werror -Wconversion")
     set(cxx_exception_flags "-fexceptions")
@@ -148,6 +150,7 @@
   # type can be either STATIC or SHARED to denote a static or shared library.
   # ARGN refers to additional arguments after 'cxx_flags'.
   add_library(${name} ${type} ${ARGN})
+  add_library(${cmake_package_name}::${name} ALIAS ${name})
     COMPILE_FLAGS "${cxx_flags}")
diff --git a/googletest/include/gtest/gtest-printers.h b/googletest/include/gtest/gtest-printers.h
index a7e0a3c..46fe895 100644
--- a/googletest/include/gtest/gtest-printers.h
+++ b/googletest/include/gtest/gtest-printers.h
@@ -505,24 +505,21 @@
   PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const void*>(s), os);
 #ifdef __cpp_char8_t
-inline void PrintTo(const char8_t* s, ::std::ostream* os) {
-  PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const void*>(s), os);
+// Overloads for u8 strings.
+void PrintTo(const char8_t* s, ::std::ostream* os);
 inline void PrintTo(char8_t* s, ::std::ostream* os) {
-  PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const void*>(s), os);
+  PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const char8_t*>(s), os);
-inline void PrintTo(const char16_t* s, ::std::ostream* os) {
-  PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const void*>(s), os);
+// Overloads for u16 strings.
+void PrintTo(const char16_t* s, ::std::ostream* os);
 inline void PrintTo(char16_t* s, ::std::ostream* os) {
-  PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const void*>(s), os);
+  PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const char16_t*>(s), os);
-inline void PrintTo(const char32_t* s, ::std::ostream* os) {
-  PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const void*>(s), os);
+// Overloads for u32 strings.
+void PrintTo(const char32_t* s, ::std::ostream* os);
 inline void PrintTo(char32_t* s, ::std::ostream* os) {
-  PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const void*>(s), os);
+  PrintTo(ImplicitCast_<const char32_t*>(s), os);
 // MSVC can be configured to define wchar_t as a typedef of unsigned
@@ -558,6 +555,26 @@
   PrintStringTo(s, os);
+// Overloads for ::std::u8string
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+GTEST_API_ void PrintU8StringTo(const ::std::u8string& s, ::std::ostream* os);
+inline void PrintTo(const ::std::u8string& s, ::std::ostream* os) {
+  PrintU8StringTo(s, os);
+// Overloads for ::std::u16string
+GTEST_API_ void PrintU16StringTo(const ::std::u16string& s, ::std::ostream* os);
+inline void PrintTo(const ::std::u16string& s, ::std::ostream* os) {
+  PrintU16StringTo(s, os);
+// Overloads for ::std::u32string
+GTEST_API_ void PrintU32StringTo(const ::std::u32string& s, ::std::ostream* os);
+inline void PrintTo(const ::std::u32string& s, ::std::ostream* os) {
+  PrintU32StringTo(s, os);
 // Overloads for ::std::wstring.
 GTEST_API_ void PrintWideStringTo(const ::std::wstring&s, ::std::ostream* os);
@@ -805,6 +822,20 @@
 GTEST_API_ void UniversalPrintArray(
     const char* begin, size_t len, ::std::ostream* os);
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+// This overload prints a (const) char8_t array compactly.
+GTEST_API_ void UniversalPrintArray(const char8_t* begin, size_t len,
+                                    ::std::ostream* os);
+// This overload prints a (const) char16_t array compactly.
+GTEST_API_ void UniversalPrintArray(const char16_t* begin, size_t len,
+                                    ::std::ostream* os);
+// This overload prints a (const) char32_t array compactly.
+GTEST_API_ void UniversalPrintArray(const char32_t* begin, size_t len,
+                                    ::std::ostream* os);
 // This overload prints a (const) wchar_t array compactly.
 GTEST_API_ void UniversalPrintArray(
     const wchar_t* begin, size_t len, ::std::ostream* os);
@@ -877,12 +908,55 @@
 template <>
-class UniversalTersePrinter<char*> {
+class UniversalTersePrinter<char*> : public UniversalTersePrinter<const char*> {
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+template <>
+class UniversalTersePrinter<const char8_t*> {
-  static void Print(char* str, ::std::ostream* os) {
-    UniversalTersePrinter<const char*>::Print(str, os);
+  static void Print(const char8_t* str, ::std::ostream* os) {
+    if (str == nullptr) {
+      *os << "NULL";
+    } else {
+      UniversalPrint(::std::u8string(str), os);
+    }
+template <>
+class UniversalTersePrinter<char8_t*>
+    : public UniversalTersePrinter<const char8_t*> {};
+template <>
+class UniversalTersePrinter<const char16_t*> {
+ public:
+  static void Print(const char16_t* str, ::std::ostream* os) {
+    if (str == nullptr) {
+      *os << "NULL";
+    } else {
+      UniversalPrint(::std::u16string(str), os);
+    }
+  }
+template <>
+class UniversalTersePrinter<char16_t*>
+    : public UniversalTersePrinter<const char16_t*> {};
+template <>
+class UniversalTersePrinter<const char32_t*> {
+ public:
+  static void Print(const char32_t* str, ::std::ostream* os) {
+    if (str == nullptr) {
+      *os << "NULL";
+    } else {
+      UniversalPrint(::std::u32string(str), os);
+    }
+  }
+template <>
+class UniversalTersePrinter<char32_t*>
+    : public UniversalTersePrinter<const char32_t*> {};
 template <>
diff --git a/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h b/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h
index 1088e11..7a5d057 100644
--- a/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h
+++ b/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
   // Protects mutable state of the property vector and of owned
   // properties, whose values may be updated.
-  internal::Mutex test_properites_mutex_;
+  internal::Mutex test_properties_mutex_;
   // The vector of TestPartResults
   std::vector<TestPartResult> test_part_results_;
@@ -1962,19 +1962,38 @@
 // Boolean assertions. Condition can be either a Boolean expression or an
 // AssertionResult. For more information on how to use AssertionResult with
 // these macros see comments on that class.
-#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition) \
+#define GTEST_EXPECT_TRUE(condition) \
   GTEST_TEST_BOOLEAN_(condition, #condition, false, true, \
-#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition) \
+#define GTEST_EXPECT_FALSE(condition) \
   GTEST_TEST_BOOLEAN_(!(condition), #condition, true, false, \
-#define ASSERT_TRUE(condition) \
+#define GTEST_ASSERT_TRUE(condition) \
   GTEST_TEST_BOOLEAN_(condition, #condition, false, true, \
-#define ASSERT_FALSE(condition) \
+#define GTEST_ASSERT_FALSE(condition) \
   GTEST_TEST_BOOLEAN_(!(condition), #condition, true, false, \
+// Define these macros to 1 to omit the definition of the corresponding
+// EXPECT or ASSERT, which clashes with some users' own code.
+#define EXPECT_TRUE(condition) GTEST_EXPECT_TRUE(condition)
+#define EXPECT_FALSE(condition) GTEST_EXPECT_FALSE(condition)
+#define ASSERT_TRUE(condition) GTEST_ASSERT_TRUE(condition)
+#define ASSERT_FALSE(condition) GTEST_ASSERT_FALSE(condition)
 // Macros for testing equalities and inequalities.
 //    * {ASSERT|EXPECT}_EQ(v1, v2): Tests that v1 == v2
diff --git a/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-filepath.h b/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-filepath.h
index 4b5aa3b..0c033ab 100644
--- a/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-filepath.h
+++ b/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-filepath.h
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
   void Normalize();
-  // Returns a pointer to the last occurence of a valid path separator in
+  // Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of a valid path separator in
   // the FilePath. On Windows, for example, both '/' and '\' are valid path
   // separators. Returns NULL if no path separator was found.
   const char* FindLastPathSeparator() const;
diff --git a/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h b/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h
index 632ef2b..f8cbdbd 100644
--- a/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h
+++ b/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h
@@ -895,16 +895,16 @@
 class HasDebugStringAndShortDebugString {
   template <typename C>
-  static constexpr auto CheckDebugString(C*) -> typename std::is_same<
+  static auto CheckDebugString(C*) -> typename std::is_same<
       std::string, decltype(std::declval<const C>().DebugString())>::type;
   template <typename>
-  static constexpr std::false_type CheckDebugString(...);
+  static std::false_type CheckDebugString(...);
   template <typename C>
-  static constexpr auto CheckShortDebugString(C*) -> typename std::is_same<
+  static auto CheckShortDebugString(C*) -> typename std::is_same<
       std::string, decltype(std::declval<const C>().ShortDebugString())>::type;
   template <typename>
-  static constexpr std::false_type CheckShortDebugString(...);
+  static std::false_type CheckShortDebugString(...);
   using HasDebugStringType = decltype(CheckDebugString<T>(nullptr));
   using HasShortDebugStringType = decltype(CheckShortDebugString<T>(nullptr));
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@
 // Implements Boolean test assertions such as EXPECT_TRUE. expression can be
 // either a boolean expression or an AssertionResult. text is a textual
-// represenation of expression as it was passed into the EXPECT_TRUE.
+// representation of expression as it was passed into the EXPECT_TRUE.
 #define GTEST_TEST_BOOLEAN_(expression, text, actual, expected, fail) \
   if (const ::testing::AssertionResult gtest_ar_ = \
diff --git a/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port-arch.h b/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port-arch.h
index ffe6300..dd84591 100644
--- a/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port-arch.h
+++ b/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port-arch.h
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
 #define GTEST_OS_ESP8266 1
 #elif defined ESP32
 #define GTEST_OS_ESP32 1
+#elif defined(__XTENSA__)
+#define GTEST_OS_XTENSA 1
 #endif  // __CYGWIN__
diff --git a/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h b/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h
index f3b1c8c..0953a78 100644
--- a/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h
+++ b/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h
@@ -359,6 +359,10 @@
+#include <unistd.h>
+// Xtensa toolchains define strcasecmp in the string.h header instead of
+// strings.h. string.h is already included.
 // This assumes that non-Windows OSes provide unistd.h. For OSes where this
 // is not the case, we need to include headers that provide the functions
@@ -379,7 +383,7 @@
 // On Android, <regex.h> is only available starting with Gingerbread.
 #  define GTEST_HAS_POSIX_RE (__ANDROID_API__ >= 9)
 # else
 # endif
@@ -464,7 +468,7 @@
 // no support for it at least as recent as Froyo (2.2).
 #define GTEST_HAS_STD_WSTRING                                         \
@@ -589,7 +593,7 @@
 // By default, we assume that stream redirection is supported on all
 // platforms except known mobile ones.
 # else
@@ -1936,6 +1940,19 @@
 inline bool IsXDigit(char ch) {
   return isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) != 0;
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+inline bool IsXDigit(char8_t ch) {
+  return isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) != 0;
+inline bool IsXDigit(char16_t ch) {
+  const unsigned char low_byte = static_cast<unsigned char>(ch);
+  return ch == low_byte && isxdigit(low_byte) != 0;
+inline bool IsXDigit(char32_t ch) {
+  const unsigned char low_byte = static_cast<unsigned char>(ch);
+  return ch == low_byte && isxdigit(low_byte) != 0;
 inline bool IsXDigit(wchar_t ch) {
   const unsigned char low_byte = static_cast<unsigned char>(ch);
   return ch == low_byte && isxdigit(low_byte) != 0;
@@ -2051,7 +2068,8 @@
 // StrError() aren't needed on Windows CE at this time and thus not
 // defined there.
 inline int ChDir(const char* dir) { return chdir(dir); }
 inline FILE* FOpen(const char* path, const char* mode) {
@@ -2084,7 +2102,7 @@
 inline const char* GetEnv(const char* name) {
   // We are on an embedded platform, which has no environment variables.
   static_cast<void>(name);  // To prevent 'unused argument' warning.
   return nullptr;
diff --git a/googletest/scripts/ b/googletest/scripts/
index 1291347..8d24f28 100755
--- a/googletest/scripts/
+++ b/googletest/scripts/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
        interlinked wiki files.  When we release a new version of
        Google Test or Google Mock, we need to branch the wiki files
        such that users of a specific version of Google Test/Mock can
-       look up documenation relevant for that version.  This script
+       look up documentation relevant for that version.  This script
        automates that process by:
          - branching the current wiki pages (which document the
diff --git a/googletest/src/ b/googletest/src/
index c3d6dfc..d3d5feb 100644
--- a/googletest/src/
+++ b/googletest/src/
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@
   int size() {
-    return args_.size() - 1;
+    return static_cast<int>(args_.size()) - 1;
@@ -953,13 +953,13 @@
-  zx_info_process_t buffer;
+  zx_info_process_v2_t buffer;
   status_zx = child_process_.get_info(
-      ZX_INFO_PROCESS, &buffer, sizeof(buffer), nullptr, nullptr);
+      ZX_INFO_PROCESS_V2, &buffer, sizeof(buffer), nullptr, nullptr);
   GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_(status_zx == ZX_OK);
-  GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_(buffer.exited);
-  set_status(buffer.return_code);
+  set_status(static_cast<int>(buffer.return_code));
   return status();
diff --git a/googletest/src/ b/googletest/src/
index af29768..9504f0f 100644
--- a/googletest/src/
+++ b/googletest/src/
@@ -92,8 +92,9 @@
 // Returns the current working directory, or "" if unsuccessful.
 FilePath FilePath::GetCurrentDir() {
   // These platforms do not have a current directory, so we just return
   // something reasonable.
   return FilePath(kCurrentDirectoryString);
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@
   delete [] unicode;
   int result = _mkdir(pathname_.c_str());
-#elif GTEST_OS_ESP8266
   // do nothing
   int result = 0;
diff --git a/googletest/src/gtest-internal-inl.h b/googletest/src/gtest-internal-inl.h
index cff534e..6d8cecb 100644
--- a/googletest/src/gtest-internal-inl.h
+++ b/googletest/src/gtest-internal-inl.h
@@ -1164,13 +1164,13 @@
   // Note that "event=TestCaseStart" is a wire format and has to remain
-  // "case" for compatibilty
+  // "case" for compatibility
   void OnTestCaseStart(const TestCase& test_case) override {
     SendLn(std::string("event=TestCaseStart&name=") +;
   // Note that "event=TestCaseEnd" is a wire format and has to remain
-  // "case" for compatibilty
+  // "case" for compatibility
   void OnTestCaseEnd(const TestCase& test_case) override {
     SendLn("event=TestCaseEnd&passed=" + FormatBool(test_case.Passed()) +
            "&elapsed_time=" + StreamableToString(test_case.elapsed_time()) +
diff --git a/googletest/src/ b/googletest/src/
index 20ce1b8..1b68fcb 100644
--- a/googletest/src/
+++ b/googletest/src/
@@ -42,12 +42,16 @@
 // defines Foo.
 #include "gtest/gtest-printers.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <cctype>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <cwchar>
 #include <ostream>  // NOLINT
 #include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
 #include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h"
 #include "src/gtest-internal-inl.h"
@@ -103,6 +107,16 @@
   *os << ">";
+// Helpers for widening a character to char32_t. Since the standard does not
+// specify if char / wchar_t is signed or unsigned, it is important to first
+// convert it to the unsigned type of the same width before widening it to
+// char32_t.
+template <typename CharType>
+char32_t ToChar32(CharType in) {
+  return static_cast<char32_t>(
+      static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<CharType>::type>(in));
 }  // namespace
 namespace internal {
@@ -131,18 +145,15 @@
 // Returns true if c is a printable ASCII character.  We test the
 // value of c directly instead of calling isprint(), which is buggy on
 // Windows Mobile.
-inline bool IsPrintableAscii(wchar_t c) {
-  return 0x20 <= c && c <= 0x7E;
+inline bool IsPrintableAscii(char32_t c) { return 0x20 <= c && c <= 0x7E; }
-// Prints a wide or narrow char c as a character literal without the
-// quotes, escaping it when necessary; returns how c was formatted.
-// The template argument UnsignedChar is the unsigned version of Char,
-// which is the type of c.
-template <typename UnsignedChar, typename Char>
+// Prints c (of type char, char8_t, char16_t, char32_t, or wchar_t) as a
+// character literal without the quotes, escaping it when necessary; returns how
+// c was formatted.
+template <typename Char>
 static CharFormat PrintAsCharLiteralTo(Char c, ostream* os) {
-  wchar_t w_c = static_cast<wchar_t>(c);
-  switch (w_c) {
+  const char32_t u_c = ToChar32(c);
+  switch (u_c) {
     case L'\0':
       *os << "\\0";
@@ -174,13 +185,12 @@
       *os << "\\v";
-      if (IsPrintableAscii(w_c)) {
+      if (IsPrintableAscii(u_c)) {
         *os << static_cast<char>(c);
         return kAsIs;
       } else {
         ostream::fmtflags flags = os->flags();
-        *os << "\\x" << std::hex << std::uppercase
-            << static_cast<int>(static_cast<UnsignedChar>(c));
+        *os << "\\x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << static_cast<int>(u_c);
         return kHexEscape;
@@ -188,9 +198,9 @@
   return kSpecialEscape;
-// Prints a wchar_t c as if it's part of a string literal, escaping it when
+// Prints a char32_t c as if it's part of a string literal, escaping it when
 // necessary; returns how c was formatted.
-static CharFormat PrintAsStringLiteralTo(wchar_t c, ostream* os) {
+static CharFormat PrintAsStringLiteralTo(char32_t c, ostream* os) {
   switch (c) {
     case L'\'':
       *os << "'";
@@ -199,26 +209,68 @@
       *os << "\\\"";
       return kSpecialEscape;
-      return PrintAsCharLiteralTo<wchar_t>(c, os);
+      return PrintAsCharLiteralTo(c, os);
+static const char* GetCharWidthPrefix(char) {
+  return "";
+static const char* GetCharWidthPrefix(signed char) {
+  return "";
+static const char* GetCharWidthPrefix(unsigned char) {
+  return "";
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+static const char* GetCharWidthPrefix(char8_t) {
+  return "u8";
+static const char* GetCharWidthPrefix(char16_t) {
+  return "u";
+static const char* GetCharWidthPrefix(char32_t) {
+  return "U";
+static const char* GetCharWidthPrefix(wchar_t) {
+  return "L";
 // Prints a char c as if it's part of a string literal, escaping it when
 // necessary; returns how c was formatted.
 static CharFormat PrintAsStringLiteralTo(char c, ostream* os) {
-  return PrintAsStringLiteralTo(
-      static_cast<wchar_t>(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)), os);
+  return PrintAsStringLiteralTo(ToChar32(c), os);
-// Prints a wide or narrow character c and its code.  '\0' is printed
-// as "'\\0'", other unprintable characters are also properly escaped
-// using the standard C++ escape sequence.  The template argument
-// UnsignedChar is the unsigned version of Char, which is the type of c.
-template <typename UnsignedChar, typename Char>
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+static CharFormat PrintAsStringLiteralTo(char8_t c, ostream* os) {
+  return PrintAsStringLiteralTo(ToChar32(c), os);
+static CharFormat PrintAsStringLiteralTo(char16_t c, ostream* os) {
+  return PrintAsStringLiteralTo(ToChar32(c), os);
+static CharFormat PrintAsStringLiteralTo(wchar_t c, ostream* os) {
+  return PrintAsStringLiteralTo(ToChar32(c), os);
+// Prints a character c (of type char, char8_t, char16_t, char32_t, or wchar_t)
+// and its code. '\0' is printed as "'\\0'", other unprintable characters are
+// also properly escaped using the standard C++ escape sequence.
+template <typename Char>
 void PrintCharAndCodeTo(Char c, ostream* os) {
   // First, print c as a literal in the most readable form we can find.
-  *os << ((sizeof(c) > 1) ? "L'" : "'");
-  const CharFormat format = PrintAsCharLiteralTo<UnsignedChar>(c, os);
+  *os << GetCharWidthPrefix(c) << "'";
+  const CharFormat format = PrintAsCharLiteralTo(c, os);
   *os << "'";
   // To aid user debugging, we also print c's code in decimal, unless
@@ -239,26 +291,21 @@
   *os << ")";
-void PrintTo(unsigned char c, ::std::ostream* os) {
-  PrintCharAndCodeTo<unsigned char>(c, os);
-void PrintTo(signed char c, ::std::ostream* os) {
-  PrintCharAndCodeTo<unsigned char>(c, os);
+void PrintTo(unsigned char c, ::std::ostream* os) { PrintCharAndCodeTo(c, os); }
+void PrintTo(signed char c, ::std::ostream* os) { PrintCharAndCodeTo(c, os); }
 // Prints a wchar_t as a symbol if it is printable or as its internal
 // code otherwise and also as its code.  L'\0' is printed as "L'\\0'".
-void PrintTo(wchar_t wc, ostream* os) {
-  PrintCharAndCodeTo<wchar_t>(wc, os);
+void PrintTo(wchar_t wc, ostream* os) { PrintCharAndCodeTo(wc, os); }
+// TODO(dcheng): Consider making this delegate to PrintCharAndCodeTo() as well.
 void PrintTo(char32_t c, ::std::ostream* os) {
   *os << std::hex << "U+" << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4)
       << static_cast<uint32_t>(c);
 // Prints the given array of characters to the ostream.  CharType must be either
-// char or wchar_t.
+// char, char8_t, char16_t, char32_t, or wchar_t.
 // The array starts at begin, the length is len, it may include '\0' characters
 // and may not be NUL-terminated.
 template <typename CharType>
@@ -268,8 +315,8 @@
 static CharFormat PrintCharsAsStringTo(
     const CharType* begin, size_t len, ostream* os) {
-  const char* const kQuoteBegin = sizeof(CharType) == 1 ? "\"" : "L\"";
-  *os << kQuoteBegin;
+  const char* const quote_prefix = GetCharWidthPrefix(*begin);
+  *os << quote_prefix << "\"";
   bool is_previous_hex = false;
   CharFormat print_format = kAsIs;
   for (size_t index = 0; index < len; ++index) {
@@ -278,7 +325,7 @@
       // Previous character is of '\x..' form and this character can be
       // interpreted as another hexadecimal digit in its number. Break string to
       // disambiguate.
-      *os << "\" " << kQuoteBegin;
+      *os << "\" " << quote_prefix << "\"";
     is_previous_hex = PrintAsStringLiteralTo(cur, os) == kHexEscape;
     // Remember if any characters required hex escaping.
@@ -324,22 +371,57 @@
   UniversalPrintCharArray(begin, len, os);
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+// Prints a (const) char8_t array of 'len' elements, starting at address
+// 'begin'.
+void UniversalPrintArray(const char8_t* begin, size_t len, ostream* os) {
+  UniversalPrintCharArray(begin, len, os);
+// Prints a (const) char16_t array of 'len' elements, starting at address
+// 'begin'.
+void UniversalPrintArray(const char16_t* begin, size_t len, ostream* os) {
+  UniversalPrintCharArray(begin, len, os);
+// Prints a (const) char32_t array of 'len' elements, starting at address
+// 'begin'.
+void UniversalPrintArray(const char32_t* begin, size_t len, ostream* os) {
+  UniversalPrintCharArray(begin, len, os);
 // Prints a (const) wchar_t array of 'len' elements, starting at address
 // 'begin'.
 void UniversalPrintArray(const wchar_t* begin, size_t len, ostream* os) {
   UniversalPrintCharArray(begin, len, os);
-// Prints the given C string to the ostream.
-void PrintTo(const char* s, ostream* os) {
+namespace {
+// Prints a null-terminated C-style string to the ostream.
+template <typename Char>
+void PrintCStringTo(const Char* s, ostream* os) {
   if (s == nullptr) {
     *os << "NULL";
   } else {
     *os << ImplicitCast_<const void*>(s) << " pointing to ";
-    PrintCharsAsStringTo(s, strlen(s), os);
+    PrintCharsAsStringTo(s, std::char_traits<Char>::length(s), os);
+}  // anonymous namespace
+void PrintTo(const char* s, ostream* os) { PrintCStringTo(s, os); }
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+void PrintTo(const char8_t* s, ostream* os) { PrintCStringTo(s, os); }
+void PrintTo(const char16_t* s, ostream* os) { PrintCStringTo(s, os); }
+void PrintTo(const char32_t* s, ostream* os) { PrintCStringTo(s, os); }
 // MSVC compiler can be configured to define whar_t as a typedef
 // of unsigned short. Defining an overload for const wchar_t* in that case
 // would cause pointers to unsigned shorts be printed as wide strings,
@@ -348,14 +430,7 @@
 // wchar_t is implemented as a native type.
 #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED)
 // Prints the given wide C string to the ostream.
-void PrintTo(const wchar_t* s, ostream* os) {
-  if (s == nullptr) {
-    *os << "NULL";
-  } else {
-    *os << ImplicitCast_<const void*>(s) << " pointing to ";
-    PrintCharsAsStringTo(s, wcslen(s), os);
-  }
+void PrintTo(const wchar_t* s, ostream* os) { PrintCStringTo(s, os); }
 #endif  // wchar_t is native
 namespace {
@@ -433,6 +508,20 @@
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+void PrintU8StringTo(const ::std::u8string& s, ostream* os) {
+  PrintCharsAsStringTo(, s.size(), os);
+void PrintU16StringTo(const ::std::u16string& s, ostream* os) {
+  PrintCharsAsStringTo(, s.size(), os);
+void PrintU32StringTo(const ::std::u32string& s, ostream* os) {
+  PrintCharsAsStringTo(, s.size(), os);
 void PrintWideStringTo(const ::std::wstring& s, ostream* os) {
   PrintCharsAsStringTo(, s.size(), os);
diff --git a/googletest/src/ b/googletest/src/
index 707e1a5..21c611a 100644
--- a/googletest/src/
+++ b/googletest/src/
@@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@
-  std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> start_;
+  std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start_;
 // Returns a timestamp as milliseconds since the epoch. Note this time may jump
@@ -2241,7 +2241,7 @@
   if (!ValidateTestProperty(xml_element, test_property)) {
-  internal::MutexLock lock(&test_properites_mutex_);
+  internal::MutexLock lock(&test_properties_mutex_);
   const std::vector<TestProperty>::iterator property_with_matching_key =
       std::find_if(test_properties_.begin(), test_properties_.end(),
@@ -3928,6 +3928,12 @@
   // Streams an XML CDATA section, escaping invalid CDATA sequences as needed.
   static void OutputXmlCDataSection(::std::ostream* stream, const char* data);
+  // Streams a test suite XML stanza containing the given test result.
+  //
+  // Requires: result.Failed()
+  static void OutputXmlTestSuiteForTestResult(::std::ostream* stream,
+                                              const TestResult& result);
   // Streams an XML representation of a TestResult object.
   static void OutputXmlTestResult(::std::ostream* stream,
                                   const TestResult& result);
@@ -4090,6 +4096,10 @@
   if (tm_ptr == nullptr) return false;
   *out = *tm_ptr;
   return true;
+#elif defined(__STDC_LIB_EXT1__)
+  // Uses localtime_s when available as localtime_r is only available from
+  // C23 standard.
+  return localtime_s(&seconds, out) != nullptr;
   return localtime_r(&seconds, out) != nullptr;
@@ -4147,6 +4157,43 @@
   *stream << " " << name << "=\"" << EscapeXmlAttribute(value) << "\"";
+// Streams a test suite XML stanza containing the given test result.
+void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::OutputXmlTestSuiteForTestResult(
+    ::std::ostream* stream, const TestResult& result) {
+  // Output the boilerplate for a minimal test suite with one test.
+  *stream << "  <testsuite";
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testsuite", "name", "NonTestSuiteFailure");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testsuite", "tests", "1");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testsuite", "failures", "1");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testsuite", "disabled", "0");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testsuite", "skipped", "0");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testsuite", "errors", "0");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testsuite", "time",
+                     FormatTimeInMillisAsSeconds(result.elapsed_time()));
+  OutputXmlAttribute(
+      stream, "testsuite", "timestamp",
+      FormatEpochTimeInMillisAsIso8601(result.start_timestamp()));
+  *stream << ">";
+  // Output the boilerplate for a minimal test case with a single test.
+  *stream << "    <testcase";
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testcase", "name", "");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testcase", "status", "run");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testcase", "result", "completed");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testcase", "classname", "");
+  OutputXmlAttribute(stream, "testcase", "time",
+                     FormatTimeInMillisAsSeconds(result.elapsed_time()));
+  OutputXmlAttribute(
+      stream, "testcase", "timestamp",
+      FormatEpochTimeInMillisAsIso8601(result.start_timestamp()));
+  // Output the actual test result.
+  OutputXmlTestResult(stream, result);
+  // Complete the test suite.
+  *stream << "  </testsuite>\n";
 // Prints an XML representation of a TestInfo object.
 void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::OutputXmlTestInfo(::std::ostream* stream,
                                                  const char* test_suite_name,
@@ -4309,6 +4356,13 @@
     if (unit_test.GetTestSuite(i)->reportable_test_count() > 0)
       PrintXmlTestSuite(stream, *unit_test.GetTestSuite(i));
+  // If there was a test failure outside of one of the test suites (like in a
+  // test environment) include that in the output.
+  if (unit_test.ad_hoc_test_result().Failed()) {
+    OutputXmlTestSuiteForTestResult(stream, unit_test.ad_hoc_test_result());
+  }
   *stream << "</" << kTestsuites << ">\n";
@@ -4399,6 +4453,12 @@
                             const std::string& indent,
                             bool comma = true);
+  // Streams a test suite JSON stanza containing the given test result.
+  //
+  // Requires: result.Failed()
+  static void OutputJsonTestSuiteForTestResult(::std::ostream* stream,
+                                               const TestResult& result);
   // Streams a JSON representation of a TestResult object.
   static void OutputJsonTestResult(::std::ostream* stream,
                                    const TestResult& result);
@@ -4553,6 +4613,48 @@
     *stream << ",\n";
+// Streams a test suite JSON stanza containing the given test result.
+void JsonUnitTestResultPrinter::OutputJsonTestSuiteForTestResult(
+    ::std::ostream* stream, const TestResult& result) {
+  // Output the boilerplate for a new test suite.
+  *stream << Indent(4) << "{\n";
+  OutputJsonKey(stream, "testsuite", "name", "NonTestSuiteFailure", Indent(6));
+  OutputJsonKey(stream, "testsuite", "tests", 1, Indent(6));
+  if (!GTEST_FLAG(list_tests)) {
+    OutputJsonKey(stream, "testsuite", "failures", 1, Indent(6));
+    OutputJsonKey(stream, "testsuite", "disabled", 0, Indent(6));
+    OutputJsonKey(stream, "testsuite", "skipped", 0, Indent(6));
+    OutputJsonKey(stream, "testsuite", "errors", 0, Indent(6));
+    OutputJsonKey(stream, "testsuite", "time",
+                  FormatTimeInMillisAsDuration(result.elapsed_time()),
+                  Indent(6));
+    OutputJsonKey(stream, "testsuite", "timestamp",
+                  FormatEpochTimeInMillisAsRFC3339(result.start_timestamp()),
+                  Indent(6));
+  }
+  *stream << Indent(6) << "\"testsuite\": [\n";
+  // Output the boilerplate for a new test case.
+  *stream << Indent(8) << "{\n";
+  OutputJsonKey(stream, "testcase", "name", "", Indent(10));
+  OutputJsonKey(stream, "testcase", "status", "RUN", Indent(10));
+  OutputJsonKey(stream, "testcase", "result", "COMPLETED", Indent(10));
+  OutputJsonKey(stream, "testcase", "timestamp",
+                FormatEpochTimeInMillisAsRFC3339(result.start_timestamp()),
+                Indent(10));
+  OutputJsonKey(stream, "testcase", "time",
+                FormatTimeInMillisAsDuration(result.elapsed_time()),
+                Indent(10));
+  OutputJsonKey(stream, "testcase", "classname", "", Indent(10), false);
+  *stream << TestPropertiesAsJson(result, Indent(10));
+  // Output the actual test result.
+  OutputJsonTestResult(stream, result);
+  // Finish the test suite.
+  *stream << "\n" << Indent(6) << "]\n" << Indent(4) << "}";
 // Prints a JSON representation of a TestInfo object.
 void JsonUnitTestResultPrinter::OutputJsonTestInfo(::std::ostream* stream,
                                                    const char* test_suite_name,
@@ -4712,6 +4814,12 @@
+  // If there was a test failure outside of one of the test suites (like in a
+  // test environment) include that in the output.
+  if (unit_test.ad_hoc_test_result().Failed()) {
+    OutputJsonTestSuiteForTestResult(stream, unit_test.ad_hoc_test_result());
+  }
   *stream << "\n" << kIndent << "]\n" << "}\n";
diff --git a/googletest/test/BUILD.bazel b/googletest/test/BUILD.bazel
index 8f24988..b06a00a 100644
--- a/googletest/test/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/googletest/test/BUILD.bazel
@@ -83,6 +83,10 @@
     copts = select({
         "//:windows": ["-DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE=0"],
         "//conditions:default": ["-DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE=1"],
+    }) + select({
+        # Ensure MSVC treats source files as UTF-8 encoded.
+        "//:msvc_compiler": ["-utf-8"],
+        "//conditions:default": [],
     includes = [
@@ -146,7 +150,6 @@
     name = "gtest_unittest",
     size = "small",
     srcs = [""],
-    args = ["--heap_check=strict"],
     shard_count = 2,
     deps = ["//:gtest_main"],
diff --git a/googletest/test/ b/googletest/test/
index e799d47..41c8565 100644
--- a/googletest/test/
+++ b/googletest/test/
@@ -612,15 +612,59 @@
-    u'tests': 0,
-    u'failures': 0,
-    u'disabled': 0,
-    u'errors': 0,
-    u'time': u'*',
-    u'timestamp': u'*',
-    u'name': u'AllTests',
-    u'testsuites': [],
+    u'tests':
+        0,
+    u'failures':
+        0,
+    u'disabled':
+        0,
+    u'errors':
+        0,
+    u'time':
+        u'*',
+    u'timestamp':
+        u'*',
+    u'name':
+        u'AllTests',
+    u'testsuites': [{
+        u'name':
+            u'NonTestSuiteFailure',
+        u'tests':
+            1,
+        u'failures':
+            1,
+        u'disabled':
+            0,
+        u'skipped':
+            0,
+        u'errors':
+            0,
+        u'time':
+            u'*',
+        u'timestamp':
+            u'*',
+        u'testsuite': [{
+            u'name':
+                u'',
+            u'status':
+                u'RUN',
+            u'result':
+                u'COMPLETED',
+            u'time':
+                u'*',
+            u'timestamp':
+                u'*',
+            u'classname':
+                u'',
+            u'failures': [{
+                u'failure': u'*\n'
+                            u'Expected equality of these values:\n'
+                            u'  1\n  2' + STACK_TRACE_TEMPLATE,
+                u'type': u'',
+            }]
+        }]
+    }],
 GTEST_PROGRAM_PATH = gtest_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath(GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME)
@@ -645,14 +689,14 @@
       self._TestJsonOutput(GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME, EXPECTED_NON_EMPTY, 1)
-  def testEmptyJsonOutput(self):
+  def testNoTestJsonOutput(self):
     """Verifies JSON output for a Google Test binary without actual tests.
-    Runs a test program that generates an empty JSON output, and
-    tests that the JSON output is expected.
+    Runs a test program that generates an JSON output for a binary with no
+    tests, and tests that the JSON output is expected.
-    self._TestJsonOutput('gtest_no_test_unittest', EXPECTED_EMPTY, 0)
+    self._TestJsonOutput('gtest_no_test_unittest', EXPECTED_NO_TEST, 0)
   def testTimestampValue(self):
     """Checks whether the timestamp attribute in the JSON output is valid.
diff --git a/googletest/test/ b/googletest/test/
index f07b316..11fb1f2 100644
--- a/googletest/test/
+++ b/googletest/test/
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
 # include <windows.h>
 # include <direct.h>
+#elif GTEST_OS_OS2
+// For strcasecmp on OS/2
+#include <strings.h>
 #include "src/gtest-internal-inl.h"
diff --git a/googletest/test/ b/googletest/test/
index 97009b5..074f64e 100644
--- a/googletest/test/
+++ b/googletest/test/
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
         "BadDynamicFixture1", "TestBase", nullptr, nullptr, __FILE__, __LINE__,
         []() -> testing::Test* { return new DynamicTest<true>; }),
-    // Register two tests with the same fixture incorrectly by ommiting the
+    // Register two tests with the same fixture incorrectly by omitting the
     // return type.
         "BadDynamicFixture2", "FixtureBase", nullptr, nullptr, __FILE__,
diff --git a/googletest/test/ b/googletest/test/
index c852220..023aa46 100644
--- a/googletest/test/
+++ b/googletest/test/
@@ -835,14 +835,14 @@
-  // Check that the expected form of the test suit name actualy exists.
+  // Check that the expected form of the test suit name actually exists.
   EXPECT_NE(  //
-  // Check that the expected form of the test name actualy exists.
+  // Check that the expected form of the test name actually exists.
   EXPECT_NE(  //
diff --git a/googletest/test/ b/googletest/test/
index f037480..4e8d66e 100644
--- a/googletest/test/
+++ b/googletest/test/
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
   return os;
-// A user-defined streamable but recursivly-defined container type in
+// A user-defined streamable but recursively-defined container type in
 // a user namespace, it mimics therefore std::filesystem::path or
 // boost::filesystem::path.
 class PathLike {
@@ -493,6 +493,92 @@
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+// const char8_t*.
+TEST(PrintU8StringTest, Const) {
+  const char8_t* p = u8"界";
+  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to u8\"\\xE7\\x95\\x8C\"", Print(p));
+// char8_t*.
+TEST(PrintU8StringTest, NonConst) {
+  char8_t p[] = u8"世";
+  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to u8\"\\xE4\\xB8\\x96\"",
+            Print(static_cast<char8_t*>(p)));
+// NULL u8 string.
+TEST(PrintU8StringTest, Null) {
+  const char8_t* p = nullptr;
+  EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
+// Tests that u8 strings are escaped properly.
+TEST(PrintU8StringTest, EscapesProperly) {
+  const char8_t* p = u8"'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\x7F\xFF hello 世界";
+  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) +
+                " pointing to u8\"'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\x7F\\xFF "
+                "hello \\xE4\\xB8\\x96\\xE7\\x95\\x8C\"",
+            Print(p));
+// const char16_t*.
+TEST(PrintU16StringTest, Const) {
+  const char16_t* p = u"界";
+  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to u\"\\x754C\"", Print(p));
+// char16_t*.
+TEST(PrintU16StringTest, NonConst) {
+  char16_t p[] = u"世";
+  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to u\"\\x4E16\"",
+            Print(static_cast<char16_t*>(p)));
+// NULL u16 string.
+TEST(PrintU16StringTest, Null) {
+  const char16_t* p = nullptr;
+  EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
+// Tests that u16 strings are escaped properly.
+TEST(PrintU16StringTest, EscapesProperly) {
+  const char16_t* p = u"'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\x7F\xFF hello 世界";
+  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) +
+                " pointing to u\"'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\x7F\\xFF "
+                "hello \\x4E16\\x754C\"",
+            Print(p));
+// const char32_t*.
+TEST(PrintU32StringTest, Const) {
+  const char32_t* p = U"🗺️";
+  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to U\"\\x1F5FA\\xFE0F\"", Print(p));
+// char32_t*.
+TEST(PrintU32StringTest, NonConst) {
+  char32_t p[] = U"🌌";
+  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to U\"\\x1F30C\"",
+            Print(static_cast<char32_t*>(p)));
+// NULL u32 string.
+TEST(PrintU32StringTest, Null) {
+  const char32_t* p = nullptr;
+  EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
+// Tests that u32 strings are escaped properly.
+TEST(PrintU32StringTest, EscapesProperly) {
+  const char32_t* p = U"'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\x7F\xFF hello 🗺️";
+  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) +
+                " pointing to U\"'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\x7F\\xFF "
+                "hello \\x1F5FA\\xFE0F\"",
+            Print(p));
 // MSVC compiler can be configured to define whar_t as a typedef
 // of unsigned short. Defining an overload for const wchar_t* in that case
 // would cause pointers to unsigned shorts be printed as wide strings,
@@ -564,56 +650,6 @@
   EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
-// char8_t*
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, Char8) {
-  char8_t* p = reinterpret_cast<char8_t*>(0x1234);
-  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
-  p = nullptr;
-  EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// const char8_t*
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, ConstChar8) {
-  const char8_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const char8_t*>(0x1234);
-  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
-  p = nullptr;
-  EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// char16_t*
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, Char16) {
-  char16_t* p = reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(0x1234);
-  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
-  p = nullptr;
-  EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// const char16_t*
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, ConstChar16) {
-  const char16_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(0x1234);
-  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
-  p = nullptr;
-  EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// char32_t*
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, Char32) {
-  char32_t* p = reinterpret_cast<char32_t*>(0x1234);
-  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
-  p = nullptr;
-  EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// const char32_t*
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, ConstChar32) {
-  const char32_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const char32_t*>(0x1234);
-  EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
-  p = nullptr;
-  EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
 // Tests printing pointers to simple, built-in types.
 // bool*.
@@ -753,64 +789,70 @@
   EXPECT_EQ("\"H\\0i\" (no terminating NUL)", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// const char array with terminating NUL.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, ConstCharArrayWithTerminatingNul) {
+// char array with terminating NUL.
+TEST(PrintArrayTest, CharArrayWithTerminatingNul) {
   const char a[] = "\0Hi";
   EXPECT_EQ("\"\\0Hi\"", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// const wchar_t array without terminating NUL.
+#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
+// char_t array without terminating NUL.
+TEST(PrintArrayTest, Char8ArrayWithNoTerminatingNul) {
+  // Array a contains '\0' in the middle and doesn't end with '\0'.
+  const char8_t a[] = {u8'H', u8'\0', u8'i'};
+  EXPECT_EQ("u8\"H\\0i\" (no terminating NUL)", PrintArrayHelper(a));
+// char8_t array with terminating NUL.
+TEST(PrintArrayTest, Char8ArrayWithTerminatingNul) {
+  const char8_t a[] = u8"\0世界";
+      "u8\"\\0\\xE4\\xB8\\x96\\xE7\\x95\\x8C\"",
+      PrintArrayHelper(a));
+// const char16_t array without terminating NUL.
+TEST(PrintArrayTest, Char16ArrayWithNoTerminatingNul) {
+  // Array a contains '\0' in the middle and doesn't end with '\0'.
+  const char16_t a[] = {u'こ', u'\0', u'ん', u'に', u'ち', u'は'};
+  EXPECT_EQ("u\"\\x3053\\0\\x3093\\x306B\\x3061\\x306F\" (no terminating NUL)",
+            PrintArrayHelper(a));
+// char16_t array with terminating NUL.
+TEST(PrintArrayTest, Char16ArrayWithTerminatingNul) {
+  const char16_t a[] = u"\0こんにちは";
+  EXPECT_EQ("u\"\\0\\x3053\\x3093\\x306B\\x3061\\x306F\"", PrintArrayHelper(a));
+// char32_t array without terminating NUL.
+TEST(PrintArrayTest, Char32ArrayWithNoTerminatingNul) {
+  // Array a contains '\0' in the middle and doesn't end with '\0'.
+  const char32_t a[] = {U'👋', U'\0', U'🌌'};
+  EXPECT_EQ("U\"\\x1F44B\\0\\x1F30C\" (no terminating NUL)",
+            PrintArrayHelper(a));
+// char32_t array with terminating NUL.
+TEST(PrintArrayTest, Char32ArrayWithTerminatingNul) {
+  const char32_t a[] = U"\0👋🌌";
+  EXPECT_EQ("U\"\\0\\x1F44B\\x1F30C\"", PrintArrayHelper(a));
+// wchar_t array without terminating NUL.
 TEST(PrintArrayTest, WCharArrayWithNoTerminatingNul) {
   // Array a contains '\0' in the middle and doesn't end with '\0'.
-  const wchar_t a[] = { L'H', L'\0', L'i' };
+  const wchar_t a[] = {L'H', L'\0', L'i'};
   EXPECT_EQ("L\"H\\0i\" (no terminating NUL)", PrintArrayHelper(a));
 // wchar_t array with terminating NUL.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, WConstCharArrayWithTerminatingNul) {
+TEST(PrintArrayTest, WCharArrayWithTerminatingNul) {
   const wchar_t a[] = L"\0Hi";
   EXPECT_EQ("L\"\\0Hi\"", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
-// char8_t array.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, Char8Array) {
-  const char8_t a[] = u8"Hello, world!";
-      "{ U+0048, U+0065, U+006C, U+006C, U+006F, U+002C, U+0020, U+0077, "
-      "U+006F, U+0072, U+006C, U+0064, U+0021, U+0000 }",
-      PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// char16_t array.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-// TODO(b/173029407): Figure out why this doesn't work under MSVC.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, DISABLED_Char16Array) {
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, Char16Array) {
-  const char16_t a[] = u"Hello, 世界";
-      "{ U+0048, U+0065, U+006C, U+006C, U+006F, U+002C, U+0020, U+4E16, "
-      "U+754C, U+0000 }",
-      PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// char32_t array.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-// TODO(b/173029407): Figure out why this doesn't work under MSVC.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, DISABLED_Char32Array) {
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, Char32Array) {
-  const char32_t a[] = U"Hello, 世界";
-      "{ U+0048, U+0065, U+006C, U+006C, U+006F, U+002C, U+0020, U+4E16, "
-      "U+754C, U+0000 }",
-      PrintArrayHelper(a));
 // Array of objects.
 TEST(PrintArrayTest, ObjectArray) {
   std::string a[3] = {"Hi", "Hello", "Ni hao"};
@@ -872,41 +914,22 @@
 #ifdef __cpp_char8_t
 TEST(PrintStringTest, U8String) {
-  std::u8string str = u8"Hello, world!";
+  std::u8string str = u8"Hello, 世界";
   EXPECT_EQ(str, str);  // Verify EXPECT_EQ compiles with this type.
-      "{ U+0048, U+0065, U+006C, U+006C, U+006F, U+002C, U+0020, U+0077, "
-      "U+006F, U+0072, U+006C, U+0064, U+0021 }",
-      Print(str));
+  EXPECT_EQ("u8\"Hello, \\xE4\\xB8\\x96\\xE7\\x95\\x8C\"", Print(str));
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-// TODO(b/173029407): Figure out why this doesn't work under MSVC.
-TEST(PrintStringTest, DISABLED_U16String) {
 TEST(PrintStringTest, U16String) {
   std::u16string str = u"Hello, 世界";
   EXPECT_EQ(str, str);  // Verify EXPECT_EQ compiles with this type.
-      "{ U+0048, U+0065, U+006C, U+006C, U+006F, U+002C, U+0020, U+4E16, "
-      "U+754C }",
-      Print(str));
+  EXPECT_EQ("u\"Hello, \\x4E16\\x754C\"", Print(str));
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-// TODO(b/173029407): Figure out why this doesn't work under MSVC.
-TEST(PrintStringTest, DISABLED_U32String) {
 TEST(PrintStringTest, U32String) {
-  std::u32string str = U"Hello, 世界";
-  EXPECT_EQ(str, str);  // Verify EXPECT_EQ compiles with this type.
-      "{ U+0048, U+0065, U+006C, U+006C, U+006F, U+002C, U+0020, U+4E16, "
-      "U+754C }",
-      Print(str));
+  std::u32string str = U"Hello, 🗺️";
+  EXPECT_EQ(str, str);  // Verify EXPECT_EQ compiles with this type
+  EXPECT_EQ("U\"Hello, \\x1F5FA\\xFE0F\"", Print(str));
 // Tests printing types that support generic streaming (i.e. streaming
diff --git a/googletest/test/ b/googletest/test/
index de8b8c7..eade7aa 100755
--- a/googletest/test/
+++ b/googletest/test/
@@ -216,10 +216,20 @@
-EXPECTED_EMPTY_XML = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+EXPECTED_NO_TEST_XML = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <testsuites tests="0" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*"
             timestamp="*" name="AllTests">
+  <testsuite name="NonTestSuiteFailure" tests="1" failures="1" disabled="0" skipped="0" errors="0" time="*" timestamp="*">
+    <testcase name="" status="run" result="completed" time="*" timestamp="*" classname="">
+      <failure message="*&#x0A;Expected equality of these values:&#x0A;  1&#x0A;  2" type=""><![CDATA[*
+Expected equality of these values:
+  1
+  2%(stack)s]]></failure>
+    </testcase>
+  </testsuite>
+</testsuites>""" % {
 GTEST_PROGRAM_PATH = gtest_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath(GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME)
@@ -242,14 +252,14 @@
-  def testEmptyXmlOutput(self):
+  def testNoTestXmlOutput(self):
     """Verifies XML output for a Google Test binary without actual tests.
-    Runs a test program that generates an empty XML output, and
-    tests that the XML output is expected.
+    Runs a test program that generates an XML output for a binary without tests,
+    and tests that the XML output is expected.
-    self._TestXmlOutput('gtest_no_test_unittest', EXPECTED_EMPTY_XML, 0)
+    self._TestXmlOutput('gtest_no_test_unittest', EXPECTED_NO_TEST_XML, 0)
   def testTimestampValue(self):
     """Checks whether the timestamp attribute in the XML output is valid.
diff --git a/googletest/test/ b/googletest/test/
index 5dd0eb9..ec42c62 100755
--- a/googletest/test/
+++ b/googletest/test/
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     self.assertEquals(expected_node.tagName, actual_node.tagName)
     expected_attributes = expected_node.attributes
-    actual_attributes   = actual_node  .attributes
+    actual_attributes = actual_node.attributes
         expected_attributes.length, actual_attributes.length,
         'attribute numbers differ in element %s:\nExpected: %r\nActual: %r' % (
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
     for i in range(expected_attributes.length):
       expected_attr = expected_attributes.item(i)
-      actual_attr   = actual_attributes.get(
+      actual_attr = actual_attributes.get(
           actual_attr is not None,
           'expected attribute %s not found in element %s' %