Googletest export

Deleting deprecated file.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 381938709
diff --git a/library.json b/library.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f61bf00..0000000
--- a/library.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "googletest",
-  "keywords": "unittest, unit, test, gtest, gmock",
-  "description": "googletest is a testing framework developed by the Testing Technology team with Google's specific requirements and constraints in mind. No matter whether you work on Linux, Windows, or a Mac, if you write C++ code, googletest can help you. And it supports any kind of tests, not just unit tests.",
-   "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
-  "homepage": "",
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "version": "1.10.0",
-  "frameworks": "arduino",
-  "platforms": [
-        "espressif32",
-        "espressif8266"
-  ],
-  "export": {
-        "include": [
-            "googlemock/include/*",
-            "googlemock/src/*",
-            "googletest/include/*",
-            "googletest/src/*"
-        ],
-        "exclude": [
-            "ci",
-            "googlemock/cmake",
-            "googlemock/scripts",
-            "googlemock/test",
-            "googlemock/CMakeLists.txt",
-            "googletest/cmake",
-            "googletest/scripts",
-            "googletest/test",
-            "googletest/CMakeLists.txt"
-          ]
-  },
-  "build": {
-        "flags": [
-            "-Igooglemock/include",
-            "-Igooglemock",
-            "-Igoogletest/include",
-            "-Igoogletest"
-        ],
-        "srcFilter": [
-          "+<*>",
-          "-<.git/>",
-          "-<googlemock>",
-          "-<googlemock/test/>",
-          "-<googlemock/src>",
-          "+<googlemock/src/>",
-          "+<googletest/src/>",
-          "+<googlemock/src/>",
-          "-<googletest>",
-          "-<googletest/codegear/>",
-          "-<googletest/samples>",
-          "-<googletest/test/>",
-          "-<googletest/xcode>",
-          "-<googletest/src>",
-          "+<googletest/src/>",
-          "+<googletest/src/>"
-        ]
-  }