blob: 34bd1562aa5e512a8a610864979ccaaf962e3ffe [file] [log] [blame]
* cifra - embedded cryptography library
* Written in 2014 by Joseph Birr-Pixton <>
* To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
* copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
* public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any
* warranty.
* You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
* along with this software. If not, see
* <>.
#include "salsa20.h"
#include "bitops.h"
#include "blockwise.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void cf_salsa20_core(const uint8_t key0[16],
const uint8_t key1[16],
const uint8_t nonce[16],
const uint8_t constant[16],
uint8_t out[64])
/* unpack sequence is:
* c0
* key0
* c1
* nonce
* c2
* key1
* c3
* where c0, c1, c2, c3 = constant
uint32_t z0, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7,
z8, z9, za, zb, zc, zd, ze, zf;
uint32_t x0 = z0 = read32_le(constant + 0),
x1 = z1 = read32_le(key0 + 0),
x2 = z2 = read32_le(key0 + 4),
x3 = z3 = read32_le(key0 + 8),
x4 = z4 = read32_le(key0 + 12),
x5 = z5 = read32_le(constant + 4),
x6 = z6 = read32_le(nonce + 0),
x7 = z7 = read32_le(nonce + 4),
x8 = z8 = read32_le(nonce + 8),
x9 = z9 = read32_le(nonce + 12),
xa = za = read32_le(constant + 8),
xb = zb = read32_le(key1 + 0),
xc = zc = read32_le(key1 + 4),
xd = zd = read32_le(key1 + 8),
xe = ze = read32_le(key1 + 12),
xf = zf = read32_le(constant + 12);
#define QUARTER(v0, v1, v2, v3) \
v1 ^= rotl32(v0 + v3, 7); \
v2 ^= rotl32(v1 + v0, 9); \
v3 ^= rotl32(v2 + v1, 13);\
v0 ^= rotl32(v3 + v2, 18)
#define ROW \
QUARTER(z0, z1, z2, z3); \
QUARTER(z5, z6, z7, z4); \
QUARTER(za, zb, z8, z9); \
QUARTER(zf, zc, zd, ze)
#define COLUMN\
QUARTER(z0, z4, z8, zc); \
QUARTER(z5, z9, zd, z1); \
QUARTER(za, ze, z2, z6); \
QUARTER(zf, z3, z7, zb)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
x0 += z0;
x1 += z1;
x2 += z2;
x3 += z3;
x4 += z4;
x5 += z5;
x6 += z6;
x7 += z7;
x8 += z8;
x9 += z9;
xa += za;
xb += zb;
xc += zc;
xd += zd;
xe += ze;
xf += zf;
write32_le(x0, out + 0);
write32_le(x1, out + 4);
write32_le(x2, out + 8);
write32_le(x3, out + 12);
write32_le(x4, out + 16);
write32_le(x5, out + 20);
write32_le(x6, out + 24);
write32_le(x7, out + 28);
write32_le(x8, out + 32);
write32_le(x9, out + 36);
write32_le(xa, out + 40);
write32_le(xb, out + 44);
write32_le(xc, out + 48);
write32_le(xd, out + 52);
write32_le(xe, out + 56);
write32_le(xf, out + 60);
static const uint8_t *salsa20_tau = (const uint8_t *) "expand 16-byte k";
static const uint8_t *salsa20_sigma = (const uint8_t *) "expand 32-byte k";
void cf_salsa20_init(cf_salsa20_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *key, size_t nkey, const uint8_t nonce[8])
switch (nkey)
case 16:
memcpy(ctx->key0, key, 16);
memcpy(ctx->key1, key, 16);
ctx->constant = salsa20_tau;
case 32:
memcpy(ctx->key0, key, 16);
memcpy(ctx->key1, key + 16, 16);
ctx->constant = salsa20_sigma;
memset(ctx->nonce, 0, sizeof ctx->nonce);
memcpy(ctx->nonce + 8, nonce, 8);
ctx->nblock = 0;
ctx->ncounter = 8;
static void cf_salsa20_next_block(void *vctx, uint8_t *out)
cf_salsa20_ctx *ctx = vctx;
incr_le(ctx->nonce, ctx->ncounter);
void cf_salsa20_cipher(cf_salsa20_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, size_t bytes)
cf_blockwise_xor(ctx->block, &ctx->nblock, 64,
input, output, bytes,