blob: f45c4978fc4c897441bd3032ebe87e3b9963444a [file] [log] [blame]
// bcrypt-test.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <wincompat.h>
#include <bcrypt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "picotls/ptlsbcrypt.h"
#include "picotls/minicrypto.h"
int KeyInit(BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE *hKey, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *chain_mode, size_t chain_mode_sz, const BYTE *proposedKey,
DWORD proposedKeyLength, BYTE **ko, ULONG *ko_length)
DWORD cbData = 0;
// Open an algorithm handle.
NTSTATUS ret = BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(&hAlgo, name, NULL, 0);
if (BCRYPT_SUCCESS(ret)) {
// Set the properties to define the chaining mode
ret = BCryptSetProperty(hAlgo, BCRYPT_CHAINING_MODE, (PBYTE)chain_mode, (ULONG)chain_mode_sz, 0);
*ko = NULL;
*ko_length = 0;
if (BCRYPT_SUCCESS(ret)) {
DWORD ko_size = 0;
ULONG cbResult = 0;
ret = BCryptGetProperty(hAlgo, BCRYPT_OBJECT_LENGTH, (PUCHAR)&ko_size, (ULONG)sizeof(ko_size), &cbResult, 0);
if (BCRYPT_SUCCESS(ret)) {
*ko = (uint8_t *)malloc(ko_size);
if (*ko == NULL) {
} else {
*ko_length = ko_size;
memset(*ko, 0, *ko_length);
if (BCRYPT_SUCCESS(ret)) {
// Generate the key from supplied input key bytes.
ret = BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey(hAlgo, hKey, *ko, *ko_length, (PBYTE)proposedKey, proposedKeyLength, 0);
} else {
if (*ko != NULL) {
*ko = NULL;
*ko_length = 0;
if (hAlgo != NULL) {
BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider(hAlgo, 0);
return BCRYPT_SUCCESS(ret) ? 0 : -1;
void KeyRelease(BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE *hKey, BYTE **ko, ULONG *ko_length)
*hKey = NULL;
if (*ko) {
*ko = NULL;
*ko_length = 0;
int EncodeOneShot(ptls_aead_algorithm_t *aead, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *chain_mode, size_t chain_mode_sz, BYTE *key,
ULONG key_length,
BYTE* iv, ULONG iv_length,
BYTE *data, ULONG dataLength, uint64_t seq, BYTE *authData, ULONG authDataLength, ULONG authTagLength,
BYTE *encrypted, ULONG encryptedLengthMax, ULONG *encryptedLength)
BYTE *authTag = encrypted + dataLength;
BYTE *ko = NULL;
ULONG ko_length = 0;
int ret = 0;
*encryptedLength = 0;
if (KeyInit(&hKey, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz, key, key_length, &ko, &ko_length) != 0) {
return -1;
memset(authTag, 0, authTagLength);
// Set the auth mode info for AEAD
ptls_aead__build_iv(aead, iv_nonce, iv, seq);
bacmi.pbNonce = iv_nonce;
bacmi.cbNonce = iv_length;
bacmi.pbAuthData = authData;
bacmi.cbAuthData = authDataLength;
bacmi.pbTag = authTag;
bacmi.cbTag = authTagLength;
/* All other fields are set to NULL by the INIT macro. */
/* If called with a NULL pointer for the data block, we will merely compute the block size. */
DWORD cbCipherText = 0;
NTSTATUS status = BCryptEncrypt(hKey, data, dataLength, &bacmi, NULL, 0, encrypted, encryptedLengthMax, &cbCipherText, 0);
KeyRelease(&hKey, &ko, &ko_length);
if (BCRYPT_SUCCESS(status)) {
*encryptedLength = cbCipherText + authTagLength;
} else {
ret = -1;
return ret;
int DecodeOneShot(ptls_aead_algorithm_t *aead, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *chain_mode, size_t chain_mode_sz,
BYTE *key, ULONG key_length, BYTE * iv, ULONG iv_length, BYTE *encrypted,
ULONG encryptedLength, uint64_t seq, BYTE *authData, ULONG authDataLength,
ULONG authTagLength, BYTE *decrypted, ULONG decryptedLengthMax, ULONG *decryptedLength)
BYTE *authTag = encrypted + (encryptedLength - authTagLength);
BYTE *ko = NULL;
ULONG ko_length = 0;
int ret = 0;
*decryptedLength = 0;
if (KeyInit(&hKey, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz, key, key_length, &ko, &ko_length) != 0) {
return -1;
// Set the auth mode info for AEAD
ptls_aead__build_iv(aead, iv_nonce, iv, seq);
bacmi.pbNonce = iv_nonce;
bacmi.cbNonce = iv_length;
bacmi.pbAuthData = authData;
bacmi.cbAuthData = authDataLength;
bacmi.pbTag = authTag;
bacmi.cbTag = authTagLength;
/* All other fields are set to NULL by the INIT macro. */
/* If called with a NULL pointer for the data block, we will merely compute the block size. */
DWORD cbCipherText = 0;
NTSTATUS status = BCryptDecrypt(hKey, encrypted, encryptedLength - authTagLength, &bacmi, NULL, 0, decrypted,
decryptedLengthMax, &cbCipherText, 0);
KeyRelease(&hKey, &ko, &ko_length);
if (BCRYPT_SUCCESS(status)) {
*decryptedLength = cbCipherText;
} else {
ret = -1;
return ret;
int test_oneshot(ptls_aead_algorithm_t *aead, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *chain_mode, size_t chain_mode_sz)
BYTE key[32];
BYTE data[123];
uint64_t nonce;
BYTE authData[9];
BYTE encrypted[256];
ULONG encryptedLength;
BYTE decrypted[256];
ULONG decryptedLength;
ULONG authTagLength = (ULONG)aead->tag_size;
int ret = 0;
assert(sizeof(key) >= aead->key_size);
assert(sizeof(iv) >= aead->iv_size);
assert(sizeof(data) + authTagLength <= sizeof(encrypted));
assert(sizeof(decrypted) >= sizeof(encrypted));
memset(key, 'k', sizeof(key));
memset(data, 'd', sizeof(data));
memset(iv, 'n', sizeof(iv));
nonce = 0;
memset(authData, 'a', sizeof(authData));
ret = EncodeOneShot(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz, key, (ULONG)aead->key_size, iv, (ULONG)aead->iv_size, data,
123, nonce, authData, 9, authTagLength, encrypted, 256, &encryptedLength);
printf("Encrypt one shot returns %d, l=%d\n", ret, encryptedLength);
if (ret == 0) {
ret = DecodeOneShot(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz, key, (ULONG)aead->key_size,
iv, (ULONG)aead->iv_size, encrypted, encryptedLength, nonce, authData, 9,
authTagLength, decrypted, 256, &decryptedLength);
printf("Decrypt one shot returns %d, l=%d\n", ret, decryptedLength);
if (ret == 0) {
if (decryptedLength != 123) {
printf("Wrong length, not %d\n", 123);
ret = -1;
} else if (memcmp(data, decrypted, 123) != 0) {
printf("Data and decrypted don't match\n");
ret = -1;
} else {
printf("One shot matches.\n");
return ret;
void delete_test_aead_context(ptls_aead_context_t *ctx)
if (ctx != NULL) {
ptls_aead_context_t *new_test_aead_context(ptls_aead_algorithm_t *aead, int is_enc, BYTE *key, BYTE *iv)
int ret = 0;
ptls_aead_context_t *ctx = (ptls_aead_context_t *)malloc(aead->context_size);
if (ctx != NULL) {
memset(ctx, 0, aead->context_size);
*ctx = (ptls_aead_context_t){aead};
if (aead->setup_crypto(ctx, is_enc, key, iv) != 0) {
printf("For %s, setup returns %d\n", aead->name, ret);
ctx = NULL;
} else {
printf("For %s, memory error during setup\n", aead->name);
return (ctx);
int test_decrypt(ptls_aead_algorithm_t *aead, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *chain_mode, size_t chain_mode_sz)
BYTE key[32];
BYTE data[123];
uint64_t nonce;
BYTE authData[9];
BYTE encrypted[256];
ULONG encryptedLength;
BYTE decrypted[256];
size_t decryptedLength;
ULONG authTagLength = (ULONG)aead->tag_size;
ptls_aead_context_t *ctx = NULL;
int ret = 0;
assert(sizeof(key) >= aead->key_size);
assert(sizeof(iv) >= aead->iv_size);
assert(sizeof(data) + authTagLength <= sizeof(encrypted));
assert(sizeof(decrypted) >= sizeof(encrypted));
memset(key, 'k', sizeof(key));
memset(iv, 'n', sizeof(iv));
memset(data, 'd', sizeof(data));
nonce = 0;
memset(authData, 'a', sizeof(authData));
/* Create a decryption context */
ctx = new_test_aead_context(aead, 0, key, iv);
if (ctx == NULL) {
ret = -1;
/* Do a simple encrypt using one shot bcrypt */
if (ret == 0) {
ret = EncodeOneShot(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz, key, (ULONG)aead->key_size,
iv, (ULONG)aead->iv_size, data, 123, nonce,
authData, 9, authTagLength, encrypted, 256, &encryptedLength);
/* Try decrypt with library procedure */
if (ret == 0) {
decryptedLength = ctx->do_decrypt(ctx, decrypted, encrypted, encryptedLength, nonce, authData, 9);
if (decryptedLength >= encryptedLength) {
printf("For %s, decrypt returns %d\n", aead->name, (int)decryptedLength);
ret = -1;
} else if (decryptedLength != 123) {
printf("For %s, decrypt returns %d instead of %d\n", aead->name, (int)decryptedLength, 123);
ret = -1;
} else if (memcmp(data, decrypted, decryptedLength) != 0) {
printf("For %s, decrypted does not match clear text\n", aead->name);
ret = -1;
} else {
printf("For %s, decrypting test passes.\n", aead->name);
return ret;
int test_encrypt(ptls_aead_algorithm_t *aead, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *chain_mode, size_t chain_mode_sz)
BYTE key[32];
BYTE data[123];
uint64_t nonce;
BYTE authData[9];
BYTE encryptedRef[256];
ULONG encryptedRefLength;
BYTE encrypted[256];
size_t encryptedLength;
ULONG authTagLength = (ULONG)aead->tag_size;
ptls_aead_context_t *ctx = NULL;
int ret = 0;
assert(sizeof(key) >= aead->key_size);
assert(sizeof(iv) >= aead->iv_size);
assert(sizeof(data) + authTagLength <= sizeof(encrypted));
assert(sizeof(data) + authTagLength <= sizeof(encryptedRef));
memset(key, 'k', sizeof(key));
memset(iv, 'n', sizeof(iv));
memset(data, 'd', sizeof(data));
nonce = 0;
memset(authData, 'a', sizeof(authData));
/* Create an encryption context */
ctx = new_test_aead_context(aead, 1, key, iv);
if (ctx == NULL) {
ret = -1;
/* Do a simple encrypt using one shot bcrypt */
if (ret == 0) {
ret = EncodeOneShot(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz, key, (ULONG)aead->key_size,
iv, (ULONG)aead->iv_size, data, 123, nonce,
authData, 9, authTagLength, encryptedRef, 256, &encryptedRefLength);
/* Try encrypt with library procedure */
if (ret == 0) {
ctx->do_encrypt_init(ctx, nonce, authData, 9);
encryptedLength = ctx->do_encrypt_update(ctx, encrypted, data, 123);
encryptedLength += ctx->do_encrypt_final(ctx, &encrypted[encryptedLength]);
if (encryptedLength != encryptedRefLength) {
printf("For %s, encrypt returns %d instead of %d\n", aead->name, (int)encryptedLength, encryptedRefLength);
ret = -1;
} else if (memcmp(encryptedRef, encrypted, encryptedRefLength) != 0) {
printf("For %s, encrypted does not match ref\n", aead->name);
for (ULONG i = 0; i < encryptedRefLength; i++) {
if (encryptedRef[i] != encrypted[i]) {
printf("For %s, encrypted[%d] = 0x%02x vs encryptedRef[%d] = 0x%02x\n", aead->name, i, encrypted[i], i,
ret = -1;
} else {
printf("For %s, encrypting test passes.\n", aead->name);
return ret;
int test_encrypt_vector(ptls_aead_algorithm_t *aead, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *chain_mode, size_t chain_mode_sz)
BYTE key[32];
BYTE data[123];
uint64_t nonce;
BYTE authData[9];
BYTE encryptedRef[256];
ULONG encryptedRefLength;
BYTE encrypted[256];
size_t encryptedLength;
ULONG authTagLength = (ULONG)aead->tag_size;
ptls_aead_context_t *ctx = NULL;
int ret = 0;
assert(sizeof(key) >= aead->key_size);
assert(sizeof(iv) >= aead->iv_size);
assert(sizeof(data) + authTagLength <= sizeof(encrypted));
assert(sizeof(data) + authTagLength <= sizeof(encryptedRef));
memset(key, 'k', sizeof(key));
memset(iv, 'n', sizeof(iv));
memset(data, 'd', sizeof(data));
nonce = 0;
memset(authData, 'a', sizeof(authData));
/* Create an encryption context */
ctx = new_test_aead_context(aead, 1, key, iv);
if (ctx == NULL) {
ret = -1;
if (ret == 0) {
ret = EncodeOneShot(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz, key, (ULONG)aead->key_size, iv, (ULONG)aead->iv_size, data, 123,
nonce, authData, 9, authTagLength, encryptedRef, 256, &encryptedRefLength);
/* Try encrypt with vector procedure */
if (ret == 0) {
ptls_iovec_t input_vec[2];
input_vec[0].base = data;
input_vec[0].len = 23;
input_vec[1].base = data + 23;
input_vec[1].len = 100;
ptls_aead_encrypt_v(ctx, encrypted, input_vec, 2, nonce, authData, 9);
encryptedLength = 123 + authTagLength;
if (encryptedLength != encryptedRefLength) {
printf("For %s, encrypt_v returns %d instead of %d\n", aead->name, (int)encryptedLength, encryptedRefLength);
ret = -1;
} else if (memcmp(encryptedRef, encrypted, encryptedRefLength) != 0) {
printf("For %s, vector encrypted does not match ref\n", aead->name);
for (ULONG i = 0; i < encryptedRefLength; i++) {
if (encryptedRef[i] != encrypted[i]) {
printf("For %s, vector encrypted[%d] = 0x%02x vs encryptedRef[%d] = 0x%02x\n", aead->name, i, encrypted[i], i,
ret = -1;
} else {
printf("For %s, vector encrypting test passes.\n", aead->name);
return ret;
int test_for_size(ptls_aead_algorithm_t *aead, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *chain_mode, size_t chain_mode_sz)
BYTE key[32];
uint64_t nonce;
BYTE authData[9];
BYTE *data = NULL;
BYTE *encrypted = NULL;
BYTE *decrypted = NULL;
size_t encryptedLength;
size_t decryptedLength;
ULONG authTagLength = (ULONG)aead->tag_size;
ptls_aead_context_t *ctx_e = NULL;
ptls_aead_context_t *ctx_d = NULL;
ULONG packet_size[] = {1500, 128, 3, 0};
ULONG nb_packet_size = (ULONG)(sizeof(packet_size) / sizeof(ULONG));
int ret = 0;
assert(sizeof(key) >= aead->key_size);
assert(sizeof(iv) >= aead->iv_size);
memset(key, 'k', sizeof(key));
memset(key, 'n', sizeof(iv));
nonce = 0;
memset(authData, 'a', sizeof(authData));
/* Create the encryption contexts */
ctx_e = new_test_aead_context(aead, 1, key, iv);
ctx_d = new_test_aead_context(aead, 0, key, iv);
if (ctx_e == NULL || ctx_d == NULL) {
ret = -1;
/* Test a variety of packet sizes */
for (ULONG i = 0; ret == 0 && i < nb_packet_size; i++) {
ULONG data_size = (packet_size[i] > 0) ? packet_size[i] : 128;
ULONG encrypted_size = packet_size[i] + authTagLength;
data = (BYTE *)malloc(data_size);
encrypted = (BYTE *)malloc(encrypted_size);
decrypted = (BYTE *)malloc(data_size);
if (data == NULL || encrypted == NULL || decrypted == NULL) {
printf("For %s: cannot allocate memory for packet size[%d] = %d\n", aead->name, i, packet_size[i]);
} else {
memset(data, 'd', data_size);
ctx_e->do_encrypt_init(ctx_e, nonce, authData, 9);
encryptedLength = ctx_e->do_encrypt_update(ctx_e, encrypted, data, packet_size[i]);
encryptedLength += ctx_e->do_encrypt_final(ctx_e, &encrypted[encryptedLength]);
decryptedLength = ctx_d->do_decrypt(ctx_d, decrypted, encrypted, encryptedLength, nonce, authData, 9);
if (decryptedLength >= encryptedLength) {
printf("For %s, decrypt returns %d\n", aead->name, (int)decryptedLength);
ret = -1;
} else if (decryptedLength != packet_size[i]) {
printf("For %s, decrypt returns %d instead of %d\n", aead->name, (int)decryptedLength, packet_size[i]);
ret = -1;
} else if (memcmp(data, decrypted, decryptedLength) != 0) {
printf("For %s, decrypted does not match clear text\n", aead->name);
ret = -1;
} else {
printf("For %s, test packet size[%d] = %d passes.\n", aead->name, i, packet_size[i]);
if (data != NULL) {
data = NULL;
if (encrypted != NULL) {
encrypted = NULL;
if (decrypted != NULL) {
decrypted = NULL;
return ret;
int test_one_aead(ptls_aead_algorithm_t *aead, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *chain_mode, size_t chain_mode_sz)
int ret = test_oneshot(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz);
printf("For %s, test one shot returns %d\n", aead->name, ret);
if (ret == 0) {
ret = test_decrypt(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz);
printf("For %s, test decrypt returns %d\n", aead->name, ret);
if (ret == 0) {
ret = test_encrypt(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz);
printf("For %s, test encrypt returns %d\n", aead->name, ret);
if (ret == 0) {
ret = test_encrypt_vector(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz);
printf("For %s, test encrypt returns %d\n", aead->name, ret);
if (ret == 0) {
ret = test_for_size(aead, name, chain_mode, chain_mode_sz);
printf("For %s, test packet sizes returns %d\n", aead->name, ret);
return ret;
/* Test of cipher functions.
* The test verifies that a message encode with a bcrypt function can be
* decoded with a minicrypto function, and vice versa.
int test_cipher_one_way(char const *name1, char const *name2, ptls_cipher_algorithm_t *b1, ptls_cipher_algorithm_t *b2,
unsigned int nb_blocks)
BYTE key[32];
BYTE nonce[16];
BYTE data[128];
BYTE encrypted[128];
BYTE decrypted[128];
size_t data_size = b1->block_size * nb_blocks;
ptls_cipher_context_t *ctx1 = NULL;
ptls_cipher_context_t *ctx2 = NULL;
int ret = 0;
assert(sizeof(key) >= b1->key_size);
assert(sizeof(data) >= data_size);
assert(sizeof(nonce) >= b1->iv_size);
memset(key, 'k', sizeof(key));
memset(data, 'd', data_size);
ctx1 = ptls_cipher_new(b1, 1, key);
ctx2 = ptls_cipher_new(b2, 0, key);
if (ctx1 == NULL || ctx2 == NULL) {
ret = -1;
} else {
memset(nonce, 0, sizeof(nonce));
if (ctx1->do_init != NULL) {
ctx1->do_init(ctx1, nonce);
if (ctx2->do_init != NULL) {
ctx2->do_init(ctx2, nonce);
ctx1->do_transform(ctx1, encrypted, data, data_size);
ctx2->do_transform(ctx2, decrypted, encrypted, data_size);
if (memcmp(data, decrypted, data_size) != 0) {
printf("For %s -> %s, decrypted does not match clear text\n", name1, name2);
ret = -1;
} else {
printf("For %s -> %s, test passes.\n", name1, name2);
if (ctx1 != NULL) {
if (ctx2 != NULL) {
return ret;
int test_cipher_pair(char const *name1, char const *name2, ptls_cipher_algorithm_t *b1, ptls_cipher_algorithm_t *b2,
unsigned int nb_blocks)
int ret = test_cipher_one_way(name1, name2, b1, b2, nb_blocks);
if (ret == 0) {
ret = test_cipher_one_way(name2, name1, b2, b1, nb_blocks);
return ret;
/* Test of the hash functions
int test_hash_calc(char const *name1, char const *name2, ptls_hash_algorithm_t *h1, ptls_hash_algorithm_t *h2)
BYTE data[123];
BYTE tag1[128];
BYTE tag2[128];
ptls_hash_context_t *ctx1 = NULL;
ptls_hash_context_t *ctx2 = NULL;
int ret = 0;
assert(sizeof(tag1) >= h1->digest_size);
assert(sizeof(tag2) >= h2->digest_size);
assert(h1->digest_size == h2->digest_size);
memset(data, 'd', sizeof(data));
memset(tag1, '1', sizeof(tag1));
memset(tag2, '2', sizeof(tag2));
if (h1->digest_size != h2->digest_size) {
ret = -1;
if (ret == 0) {
ret = ptls_calc_hash(h1, tag1, data, sizeof(data));
if (ret == 0) {
ret = ptls_calc_hash(h2, tag2, data, sizeof(data));
if (ret == 0){
if (memcmp(tag1, tag2, h1->digest_size) != 0) {
printf("For %s -> %s, hash1 does not match hash2\n", name1, name2);
ret = -1;
} else {
printf("For %s -> %s, hash test passes.\n", name1, name2);
return ret;
/* Minimal test program for the bcrypt functions.
* Need to add tests for the SHA256 and SHA384 implementations.
int main()
int ret = 0;
ret |= test_cipher_pair("bcrypt aes128ecb", "minicrypto aes128ecb", &ptls_bcrypt_aes128ecb, &ptls_minicrypto_aes128ecb, 1);
ret |= test_cipher_pair("bcrypt aes256ecb", "minicrypto aes256ecb", &ptls_bcrypt_aes256ecb, &ptls_minicrypto_aes256ecb, 1);
ret |= test_cipher_pair("bcrypt aes128ctr", "minicrypto aes128ctr", &ptls_bcrypt_aes128ctr, &ptls_minicrypto_aes128ctr, 4);
ret |= test_cipher_pair("bcrypt aes256ctr", "minicrypto aes256ctr", &ptls_bcrypt_aes256ctr, &ptls_minicrypto_aes256ctr, 4);
ret |= test_one_aead(&ptls_bcrypt_aes128gcm, BCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM, BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_GCM, sizeof(BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_GCM));
ret |= test_one_aead(&ptls_bcrypt_aes256gcm, BCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM, BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_GCM, sizeof(BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_GCM));
ret |= test_hash_calc("bcrypt sha256", "minicrypto sha256", &ptls_bcrypt_sha256, &ptls_minicrypto_sha256);
ret |= test_hash_calc("bcrypt sha384", "minicrypto sha384", &ptls_bcrypt_sha384, &ptls_minicrypto_sha384);