Apply formatting updates.
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e6bc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+BasedOnStyle: Chromium
+IndentWidth: 4
+TabWidth: 4
+UseTab: Always
+DerivePointerAlignment: true
+BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
+  AfterFunction: true
+  BeforeCatch: false
+  BeforeElse: true
+AlignAfterOpenBracket: false
+SortIncludes: false
+ColumnLimit: 120
diff --git a/.clang-tidy b/.clang-tidy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3e1aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-tidy
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Checks:          "*,                                    \
+###################,                                    \
+# ENABLED CHECKS   ,                                    \
+###################,                                    \
+modernize-*,                                            \
+cppcoreguidelines-*,                                    \
+hicpp-*,                                                \
+google-*,                                               \
+bugprone-*,                                             \
+llvm-*,                                                 \
+performance-*,                                          \
+readability-*,                                          \
+clang-analyzer-*,                                       \
+zircon-*,                                               \
+portability-*,                                          \
+misc-*,                                                 \
+boost-*,                                                \
+abseil-*,                                               \
+###################,                                    \
+# DISABLED CHECKS  ,                                    \
+###################,                                    \
+-fuchsia-default-arguments,                             \
+-readability-container-size-empty,                      \
+-google-readability-namespace-comments,                 \
+-llvm-namespace-comment,                                \
+-modernize-use-trailing-return-type,                    \
+-fuchsia-default-arguments-calls,                       \
+# TODO remove following lines,                          \
+-readability-braces-around-statements,                  \
+-cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers,                 \
+-hicpp-braces-around-statements,                         \
+-readability-magic-numbers,             \
+-cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers,         \
+-cppcoreguidelines-init-variables,          \
diff --git a/cmake-format.yaml b/cmake-format.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8086dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake-format.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# usage:
+# pip install cmake_format --upgrade
+# ./scripts/
+# How wide to allow formatted cmake files
+line_width: 120
+# How many spaces to tab for indent
+tab_size: 2
+# Format command names consistently as 'lower' or 'upper' case
+command_case: "lower"
+first_comment_is_literal: False
+# enable comment markup parsing and reflow
+enable_markup: False
diff --git a/src/cbor.h b/src/cbor.h
index 6329477..c392286 100644
--- a/src/cbor.h
+++ b/src/cbor.h
@@ -8,53 +8,53 @@
 /* The 8 major types */
 #define MT_UNSIGNED 0
 #define MT_NEGATIVE 1
-#define MT_BYTES    2
-#define MT_TEXT     3
-#define MT_ARRAY    4
-#define MT_MAP      5
-#define MT_TAG      6
-#define MT_PRIM     7
+#define MT_BYTES 2
+#define MT_TEXT 3
+#define MT_ARRAY 4
+#define MT_MAP 5
+#define MT_TAG 6
+#define MT_PRIM 7
 /* The initial bytes resulting from those */
-#define IB_BYTES    (MT_BYTES << 5)
-#define IB_TEXT     (MT_TEXT << 5)
-#define IB_ARRAY    (MT_ARRAY << 5)
-#define IB_MAP      (MT_MAP << 5)
-#define IB_TAG      (MT_TAG << 5)
-#define IB_PRIM     (MT_PRIM << 5)
+#define IB_BYTES (MT_BYTES << 5)
+#define IB_TEXT (MT_TEXT << 5)
+#define IB_ARRAY (MT_ARRAY << 5)
+#define IB_MAP (MT_MAP << 5)
+#define IB_TAG (MT_TAG << 5)
+#define IB_PRIM (MT_PRIM << 5)
 #define IB_NEGFLAG_AS_BIT(ib) ((ib) >> 5)
-#define IB_AI(ib) ((ib) & 0x1F)
+#define IB_AI(ib) ((ib)&0x1F)
 #define IB_MT(ib) ((ib) >> 5)
 /* Tag numbers handled by this implementation */
 #define TAG_TIME_EPOCH 1
-#define TAG_BIGNUM     2
+#define TAG_BIGNUM 2
 #define TAG_BIGNUM_NEG 3
-#define TAG_URI        32
-#define TAG_RE         35
+#define TAG_URI 32
+#define TAG_RE 35
 /* Initial bytes of those tag numbers */
-#define IB_BIGNUM     (IB_TAG | TAG_BIGNUM)
 /* TAG_URI and TAG_RE are non-immediate tags */
 /* Simple values handled by this implementation */
 #define VAL_FALSE 20
-#define VAL_TRUE  21
-#define VAL_NIL   22
+#define VAL_TRUE 21
+#define VAL_NIL 22
 #define VAL_UNDEF 23
 /* Initial bytes of those simple values */
-#define IB_TRUE  (IB_PRIM | VAL_TRUE)
-#define IB_NIL   (IB_PRIM | VAL_NIL)
+#define IB_NIL (IB_PRIM | VAL_NIL)
 /* AI values with more data in head */
@@ -82,18 +82,15 @@
  * @param[in]  ctx  The allocation context, or NULL for calloc.
  * @return          A pointer to a `cn_cbor` or NULL on failure
-#define CN_CALLOC(ctx) ((ctx) && (ctx)->calloc_func) ? \
-    (ctx)->calloc_func(1, sizeof(cn_cbor), (ctx)->context) : \
-    calloc(1, sizeof(cn_cbor));
+#define CN_CALLOC(ctx) \
+	((ctx) && (ctx)->calloc_func) ? (ctx)->calloc_func(1, sizeof(cn_cbor), (ctx)->context) : calloc(1, sizeof(cn_cbor));
  * Free a
  * @param  free_func [description]
  * @return           [description]
-#define CN_FREE(ptr, ctx) ((ctx) && (ctx)->free_func) ? \
-    (ctx)->free_func((ptr), (ctx)->context) : \
-    free((ptr));
+#define CN_FREE(ptr, ctx) ((ctx) && (ctx)->free_func) ? (ctx)->free_func((ptr), (ctx)->context) : free((ptr));
 #define CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM , context
 #define CN_CALLOC_CONTEXT() CN_CALLOC(context)
@@ -113,10 +110,10 @@
 #define CN_FREE free
 #define UNUSED_PARAM(p) ((void)&(p))
-#endif // CBOR_PROTOCOL_H__
+#endif	// CBOR_PROTOCOL_H__
diff --git a/src/cn-cbor.c b/src/cn-cbor.c
index d837606..aca6b97 100644
--- a/src/cn-cbor.c
+++ b/src/cn-cbor.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef CN_CBOR_C
 #define CN_CBOR_C
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
+#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -17,281 +17,324 @@
 #include <WinSock2.h>  // needed for ntohl on Windows
 #ifndef __MBED__
-#include <arpa/inet.h> // needed for ntohl (e.g.) on Linux
+#include <arpa/inet.h>	// needed for ntohl (e.g.) on Linux
 #include "dll-export.h"
-#endif // _MSC_VER
+#endif	// _MSC_VER
 #include "cn-cbor/cn-cbor.h"
 #include "cbor.h"
-#define CN_CBOR_FAIL(code) do { pb->err = code;  goto fail; } while(0)
+#define CN_CBOR_FAIL(code) \
+	do {                   \
+		pb->err = code;    \
+		goto fail;         \
+	} while (0)
-void cn_cbor_free(cn_cbor* cb CBOR_CONTEXT) {
-  cn_cbor* p = (cn_cbor*) cb;
-  assert(!p || !p->parent);
-  while (p) {
-    cn_cbor* p1;
-    while ((p1 = p->first_child)) { /* go down */
-      p = p1;
-    }
-    if (!(p1 = p->next)) {   /* go up next */
-      if ((p1 = p->parent))
-        p1->first_child = 0;
-    }
-    p = p1;
-  }
+void cn_cbor_free(cn_cbor *cb CBOR_CONTEXT)
+	cn_cbor *p = (cn_cbor *)cb;
+	assert(!p || !p->parent);
+	while (p) {
+		cn_cbor *p1;
+		while ((p1 = p->first_child)) { /* go down */
+			p = p1;
+		}
+		if (!(p1 = p->next)) { /* go up next */
+			if ((p1 = p->parent))
+				p1->first_child = 0;
+		}
+		p = p1;
+	}
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-static double decode_half(int half) {
-  int exp = (half >> 10) & 0x1f;
-  int mant = half & 0x3ff;
-  double val;
-  if (exp == 0) val = ldexp(mant, -24);
-  else if (exp != 31) val = ldexp(mant + 1024, exp - 25);
-  else val = mant == 0 ? INFINITY : NAN;
-  return half & 0x8000 ? -val : val;
+static double decode_half(int half)
+	int exp = (half >> 10) & 0x1f;
+	int mant = half & 0x3ff;
+	double val;
+	if (exp == 0)
+		val = ldexp(mant, -24);
+	else if (exp != 31)
+		val = ldexp(mant + 1024, exp - 25);
+	else
+		val = mant == 0 ? INFINITY : NAN;
+	return half & 0x8000 ? -val : val;
 #endif /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-#define ntoh8p(p) (*(unsigned char*)(p))
+#define ntoh8p(p) (*(unsigned char *)(p))
-#define ntoh16p(p) (ntohs(*(unsigned short*)(p)))
-#define ntoh32p(p) (ntohl(*(unsigned long*)(p)))
+#define ntoh16p(p) (ntohs(*(unsigned short *)(p)))
+#define ntoh32p(p) (ntohl(*(unsigned long *)(p)))
-static uint16_t ntoh16p(unsigned char *p) {
-    uint16_t tmp;
-    memcpy(&tmp, p, sizeof(tmp));
-    return ntohs(tmp);
+static uint16_t ntoh16p(unsigned char *p)
+	uint16_t tmp;
+	memcpy(&tmp, p, sizeof(tmp));
+	return ntohs(tmp);
-static uint32_t ntoh32p(unsigned char *p) {
-    uint32_t tmp;
-    memcpy(&tmp, p, sizeof(tmp));
-    return ntohl(tmp);
+static uint32_t ntoh32p(unsigned char *p)
+	uint32_t tmp;
+	memcpy(&tmp, p, sizeof(tmp));
+	return ntohl(tmp);
 #endif /* CBOR_ALIGN_READS */
-static uint64_t ntoh64p(unsigned char *p) {
-  uint64_t ret = ntoh32p(p);
-  ret <<= 32;
-  ret += ntoh32p(p+4);
-  return ret;
+static uint64_t ntoh64p(unsigned char *p)
+	uint64_t ret = ntoh32p(p);
+	ret <<= 32;
+	ret += ntoh32p(p + 4);
+	return ret;
 static cn_cbor_type mt_trans[] = {
 struct parse_buf {
-  unsigned char *buf;
-  unsigned char *ebuf;
-  cn_cbor_error err;
+	unsigned char *buf;
+	unsigned char *ebuf;
+	cn_cbor_error err;
-#define TAKE(pos, ebuf, n, stmt)                \
-  if (n > (size_t)(ebuf - pos))                 \
-  stmt;                                         \
-  pos += n;
+#define TAKE(pos, ebuf, n, stmt)               \
+	if (n > (size_t)(ebuf - pos))              \
+	stmt;                                      \
+	pos += n;
-static cn_cbor *decode_item (struct parse_buf *pb CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor* top_parent) {
-  unsigned char *pos = pb->buf;
-  unsigned char *ebuf = pb->ebuf;
-  cn_cbor* parent = top_parent;
-  int ib;
-  unsigned int mt;
-  int ai;
-  uint64_t val;
-  cn_cbor* cb = NULL;
+static cn_cbor *decode_item(struct parse_buf *pb CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor *top_parent)
+	unsigned char *pos = pb->buf;
+	unsigned char *ebuf = pb->ebuf;
+	cn_cbor *parent = top_parent;
+	int ib;
+	unsigned int mt;
+	int ai;
+	uint64_t val;
+	cn_cbor *cb = NULL;
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-  union {
-    float f;
-    uint32_t u;
-  } u32;
-  union {
-    double d;
-    uint64_t u;
-  } u64;
+	union {
+		float f;
+		uint32_t u;
+	} u32;
+	union {
+		double d;
+		uint64_t u;
+	} u64;
 #endif /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-  TAKE(pos, ebuf, 1, ib = ntoh8p(pos) );
-  if (ib == IB_BREAK) {
-    if (!(parent->flags & CN_CBOR_FL_INDEF))
-    switch (parent->type) {
-    case CN_CBOR_BYTES: case CN_CBOR_TEXT:
-      parent->type += 2;            /* CN_CBOR_* -> CN_CBOR_*_CHUNKED */
-      break;
-    case CN_CBOR_MAP:
-      if (parent->length & 1)
-    default:;
-    }
-    goto complete;
-  }
-  mt = ib >> 5;
-  ai = ib & 0x1f;
-  val = ai;
+	TAKE(pos, ebuf, 1, ib = ntoh8p(pos));
+	if (ib == IB_BREAK) {
+		if (!(parent->flags & CN_CBOR_FL_INDEF))
+		switch (parent->type) {
+			case CN_CBOR_BYTES:
+			case CN_CBOR_TEXT:
+				parent->type += 2; /* CN_CBOR_* -> CN_CBOR_*_CHUNKED */
+				break;
+			case CN_CBOR_MAP:
+				if (parent->length & 1)
+			default:;
+		}
+		goto complete;
+	}
+	mt = ib >> 5;
+	ai = ib & 0x1f;
+	val = ai;
-  if (!cb)
+	if (!cb)
-  cb->type = mt_trans[mt];
+	cb->type = mt_trans[mt];
-  cb->parent = parent;
-  if (parent->last_child) {
-    parent->last_child->next = cb;
-  } else {
-    parent->first_child = cb;
-  }
-  parent->last_child = cb;
-  parent->length++;
+	cb->parent = parent;
+	if (parent->last_child) {
+		parent->last_child->next = cb;
+	}
+	else {
+		parent->first_child = cb;
+	}
+	parent->last_child = cb;
+	parent->length++;
-  switch (ai) {
-  case AI_1: TAKE(pos, ebuf, 1, val = ntoh8p(pos)) ; break;
-  case AI_2: TAKE(pos, ebuf, 2, val = ntoh16p(pos)) ; break;
-  case AI_4: TAKE(pos, ebuf, 4, val = ntoh32p(pos)) ; break;
-  case AI_8: TAKE(pos, ebuf, 8, val = ntoh64p(pos)) ; break;
-  case 28: case 29: case 30: CN_CBOR_FAIL(CN_CBOR_ERR_RESERVED_AI);
-  case AI_INDEF:
-    if ((mt - MT_BYTES) <= MT_MAP) {
-      cb->flags |= CN_CBOR_FL_INDEF;
-      goto push;
-    } else {
-    }
-  }
-  // process content
-  switch (mt) {
-  case MT_UNSIGNED:
-    cb->v.uint = val;           /* to do: Overflow check */
-    break;
-  case MT_NEGATIVE:
-    cb->v.sint = ~val;          /* to do: Overflow check */
-    break;
-  case MT_BYTES: case MT_TEXT:
-    cb->v.str = (char *) pos;
-    cb->length = (size_t) val;
-    TAKE(pos, ebuf, val, ;);
-    break;
-  case MT_MAP:
-    val <<= 1;
-    /* fall through */
-  case MT_ARRAY:
-    if ((cb->v.count = val)) {
-      cb->flags |= CN_CBOR_FL_COUNT;
-      goto push;
-    }
-    break;
-  case MT_TAG:
-    cb->v.uint = val;
-    goto push;
-  case MT_PRIM:
-    switch (ai) {
-    case VAL_FALSE: cb->type = CN_CBOR_FALSE; break;
-    case VAL_TRUE:  cb->type = CN_CBOR_TRUE;  break;
-    case VAL_NIL:   cb->type = CN_CBOR_NULL;  break;
-    case VAL_UNDEF: cb->type = CN_CBOR_UNDEF; break;
-    case AI_2:
+	switch (ai) {
+		case AI_1:
+			TAKE(pos, ebuf, 1, val = ntoh8p(pos));
+			break;
+		case AI_2:
+			TAKE(pos, ebuf, 2, val = ntoh16p(pos));
+			break;
+		case AI_4:
+			TAKE(pos, ebuf, 4, val = ntoh32p(pos));
+			break;
+		case AI_8:
+			TAKE(pos, ebuf, 8, val = ntoh64p(pos));
+			break;
+		case 28:
+		case 29:
+		case 30:
+		case AI_INDEF:
+			if ((mt - MT_BYTES) <= MT_MAP) {
+				cb->flags |= CN_CBOR_FL_INDEF;
+				goto push;
+			}
+			else {
+			}
+	}
+	// process content
+	switch (mt) {
+		case MT_UNSIGNED:
+			cb->v.uint = val; /* to do: Overflow check */
+			break;
+		case MT_NEGATIVE:
+			cb->v.sint = ~val; /* to do: Overflow check */
+			break;
+		case MT_BYTES:
+		case MT_TEXT:
+			cb->v.str = (char *)pos;
+			cb->length = (size_t)val;
+			TAKE(pos, ebuf, val, ;);
+			break;
+		case MT_MAP:
+			val <<= 1;
+			/* fall through */
+		case MT_ARRAY:
+			if ((cb->v.count = val)) {
+				cb->flags |= CN_CBOR_FL_COUNT;
+				goto push;
+			}
+			break;
+		case MT_TAG:
+			cb->v.uint = val;
+			goto push;
+		case MT_PRIM:
+			switch (ai) {
+				case VAL_FALSE:
+					cb->type = CN_CBOR_FALSE;
+					break;
+				case VAL_TRUE:
+					cb->type = CN_CBOR_TRUE;
+					break;
+				case VAL_NIL:
+					cb->type = CN_CBOR_NULL;
+					break;
+				case VAL_UNDEF:
+					cb->type = CN_CBOR_UNDEF;
+					break;
+				case AI_2:
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-      cb->type = CN_CBOR_DOUBLE;
-      cb->v.dbl = decode_half(val);
-#else /*  CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
+					cb->type = CN_CBOR_DOUBLE;
+					cb->v.dbl = decode_half(val);
+#else  /*  CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
 #endif /*  CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-      break;
-    case AI_4:
+					break;
+				case AI_4:
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-      cb->type = CN_CBOR_DOUBLE;
-      u32.u = (uint32_t) val;
-      cb->v.dbl = u32.f;
-#else /*  CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
+					cb->type = CN_CBOR_DOUBLE;
+					u32.u = (uint32_t)val;
+					cb->v.dbl = u32.f;
+#else  /*  CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
 #endif /*  CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-      break;
-    case AI_8:
+					break;
+				case AI_8:
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-      cb->type = CN_CBOR_DOUBLE;
-      u64.u = val;
-      cb->v.dbl = u64.d;
-#else /*  CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
+					cb->type = CN_CBOR_DOUBLE;
+					u64.u = val;
+					cb->v.dbl = u64.d;
+#else  /*  CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
 #endif /*  CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-      break;
-    default: cb->v.uint = val;
-    }
-  }
-fill:                           /* emulate loops */
-  if (parent->flags & CN_CBOR_FL_INDEF) {
-    if (parent->type == CN_CBOR_BYTES || parent->type == CN_CBOR_TEXT)
-      if (cb->type != parent->type)
-    goto again;
-  }
-  if (parent->flags & CN_CBOR_FL_COUNT) {
-    if (--parent->v.count)
-      goto again;
-  }
-  /* so we are done filling parent. */
-complete:                       /* emulate return from call */
-  if (parent == top_parent) {
-    if (pos != ebuf)            /* XXX do this outside */
-    pb->buf = pos;
-    return cb;
-  }
-  cb = parent;
-  parent = parent->parent;
-  goto fill;
-push:                           /* emulate recursive call */
-  parent = cb;
-  goto again;
+					break;
+				default:
+					cb->v.uint = val;
+			}
+	}
+fill: /* emulate loops */
+	if (parent->flags & CN_CBOR_FL_INDEF) {
+		if (parent->type == CN_CBOR_BYTES || parent->type == CN_CBOR_TEXT)
+			if (cb->type != parent->type)
+		goto again;
+	}
+	if (parent->flags & CN_CBOR_FL_COUNT) {
+		if (--parent->v.count)
+			goto again;
+	}
+	/* so we are done filling parent. */
+complete: /* emulate return from call */
+	if (parent == top_parent) {
+		if (pos != ebuf) /* XXX do this outside */
+		pb->buf = pos;
+		return cb;
+	}
+	cb = parent;
+	parent = parent->parent;
+	goto fill;
+push: /* emulate recursive call */
+	parent = cb;
+	goto again;
-  pb->buf = pos;
-  return 0;
+	pb->buf = pos;
+	return 0;
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_decode(const unsigned char* buf, size_t len CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor_errback *errp) {
-  cn_cbor catcher = {CN_CBOR_INVALID, 0, {0}, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
-  struct parse_buf pb;
-  cn_cbor* ret;
+cn_cbor *cn_cbor_decode(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+	cn_cbor catcher = {CN_CBOR_INVALID, 0, {0}, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
+	struct parse_buf pb;
+	cn_cbor *ret;
-  pb.buf  = (unsigned char *)buf;
-  pb.ebuf = (unsigned char *)buf+len;
-  pb.err  = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;
-  ret = decode_item(&pb CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM, &catcher);
-  if (ret != NULL) {
-    /* mark as top node */
-    ret->parent = NULL;
-  } else {
-    if (catcher.first_child) {
-      catcher.first_child->parent = 0;
-      cn_cbor_free(catcher.first_child CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM);
-    }
-    if (errp) {
-      errp->err = pb.err;
-      errp->pos = pb.buf - (unsigned char *)buf;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return ret;
+	pb.buf = (unsigned char *)buf;
+	pb.ebuf = (unsigned char *)buf + len;
+	pb.err = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;
+	ret = decode_item(&pb CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM, &catcher);
+	if (ret != NULL) {
+		/* mark as top node */
+		ret->parent = NULL;
+	}
+	else {
+		if (catcher.first_child) {
+			catcher.first_child->parent = 0;
+			cn_cbor_free(catcher.first_child CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM);
+		}
+		// fail:
+		if (errp) {
+			errp->err = pb.err;
+			errp->pos = pb.buf - (unsigned char *)buf;
+		}
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return ret;
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
+#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif  /* CN_CBOR_C */
+#endif /* CN_CBOR_C */
diff --git a/src/cn-create.c b/src/cn-create.c
index c9ab816..d292ed3 100644
--- a/src/cn-create.c
+++ b/src/cn-create.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef CN_CREATE_C
 #define CN_CREATE_C
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
+#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -12,211 +12,209 @@
 #include "cn-cbor/cn-cbor.h"
 #include "cbor.h"
-#define INIT_CB(v) \
-  if (errp) {errp->err = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;} \
-  (v) = CN_CALLOC_CONTEXT(); \
-  if (!(v)) { if (errp) {errp->err = CN_CBOR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;} return NULL; }
+#define INIT_CB(v)                                 \
+	if (errp) {                                    \
+		errp->err = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;              \
+	}                                              \
+	(v) = CN_CALLOC_CONTEXT();                     \
+	if (!(v)) {                                    \
+		if (errp) {                                \
+			errp->err = CN_CBOR_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; \
+		}                                          \
+		return NULL;                               \
+	}
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_map_create(CBOR_CONTEXT_COMMA cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_map_create(CBOR_CONTEXT_COMMA cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  cn_cbor* ret;
-  INIT_CB(ret);
+	cn_cbor* ret;
+	INIT_CB(ret);
-  ret->type = CN_CBOR_MAP;
-  ret->flags |= CN_CBOR_FL_COUNT;
+	ret->type = CN_CBOR_MAP;
+	ret->flags |= CN_CBOR_FL_COUNT;
-  return ret;
+	return ret;
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_data_create(const uint8_t* data, int len
-                             CBOR_CONTEXT,
-                             cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_data_create(const uint8_t* data, int len CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  cn_cbor* ret;
-  INIT_CB(ret);
+	cn_cbor* ret;
+	INIT_CB(ret);
-  ret->type = CN_CBOR_BYTES;
-  ret->length = len;
-  ret->v.str = (const char*) data; // TODO: add v.ustr to the union?
+	ret->type = CN_CBOR_BYTES;
+	ret->length = len;
+	ret->v.str = (const char*)data;	 // TODO: add v.ustr to the union?
-  return ret;
+	return ret;
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_string_create(const char* data
-                               CBOR_CONTEXT,
-                               cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_string_create(const char* data CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  cn_cbor* ret;
-  INIT_CB(ret);
+	cn_cbor* ret;
+	INIT_CB(ret);
-  ret->type = CN_CBOR_TEXT;
-  ret->length = strlen(data);
-  ret->v.str = data;
+	ret->type = CN_CBOR_TEXT;
+	ret->length = strlen(data);
+	ret->v.str = data;
-  return ret;
+	return ret;
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_int_create(int64_t value
-                            CBOR_CONTEXT,
-                            cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_int_create(int64_t value CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  cn_cbor* ret;
-  INIT_CB(ret);
+	cn_cbor* ret;
+	INIT_CB(ret);
-  if (value<0) {
-    ret->type = CN_CBOR_INT;
-    ret->v.sint = value;
-  } else {
-    ret->type = CN_CBOR_UINT;
-    ret->v.uint = value;
-  }
+	if (value < 0) {
+		ret->type = CN_CBOR_INT;
+		ret->v.sint = value;
+	}
+	else {
+		ret->type = CN_CBOR_UINT;
+		ret->v.uint = value;
+	}
-  return ret;
+	return ret;
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_float_create(float value
-                              CBOR_CONTEXT,
-                              cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_float_create(float value CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  cn_cbor* ret;
-  INIT_CB(ret);
+	cn_cbor* ret;
+	INIT_CB(ret);
-  ret->type = CN_CBOR_FLOAT;
-  ret->v.f = value;
+	ret->type = CN_CBOR_FLOAT;
+	ret->v.f = value;
-  return ret;
+	return ret;
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_double_create(double value
-                               CBOR_CONTEXT,
-                               cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_double_create(double value CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  cn_cbor* ret;
-  INIT_CB(ret);
+	cn_cbor* ret;
+	INIT_CB(ret);
-  ret->type = CN_CBOR_DOUBLE;
-  ret->v.dbl = value;
+	ret->type = CN_CBOR_DOUBLE;
+	ret->v.dbl = value;
-  return ret;
+	return ret;
 #endif /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-static bool _append_kv(cn_cbor *cb_map, cn_cbor *key, cn_cbor *val)
+static bool _append_kv(cn_cbor* cb_map, cn_cbor* key, cn_cbor* val)
-  //Connect key and value and insert them into the map.
-  key->parent = cb_map;
-  key->next = val;
-  val->parent = cb_map;
-  val->next = NULL;
+	// Connect key and value and insert them into the map.
+	key->parent = cb_map;
+	key->next = val;
+	val->parent = cb_map;
+	val->next = NULL;
-  if(cb_map->last_child) {
-    cb_map->last_child->next = key;
-  } else {
-    cb_map->first_child = key;
-  }
-  cb_map->last_child = val;
-  cb_map->length += 2;
-  return true;
+	if (cb_map->last_child) {
+		cb_map->last_child->next = key;
+	}
+	else {
+		cb_map->first_child = key;
+	}
+	cb_map->last_child = val;
+	cb_map->length += 2;
+	return true;
-bool cn_cbor_map_put(cn_cbor* cb_map,
-                     cn_cbor *cb_key, cn_cbor *cb_value,
-                     cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+bool cn_cbor_map_put(cn_cbor* cb_map, cn_cbor* cb_key, cn_cbor* cb_value, cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  //Make sure input is a map. Otherwise
-  if(!cb_map || !cb_key || !cb_value || cb_map->type != CN_CBOR_MAP)
-  {
-    if (errp) {errp->err = CN_CBOR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
-    return false;
-  }
+	// Make sure input is a map. Otherwise
+	if (!cb_map || !cb_key || !cb_value || cb_map->type != CN_CBOR_MAP) {
+		if (errp) {
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
-  return _append_kv(cb_map, cb_key, cb_value);
+	return _append_kv(cb_map, cb_key, cb_value);
-bool cn_cbor_mapput_int(cn_cbor* cb_map,
-                        int64_t key, cn_cbor* cb_value
-                        CBOR_CONTEXT,
-                        cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+bool cn_cbor_mapput_int(cn_cbor* cb_map, int64_t key, cn_cbor* cb_value CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  cn_cbor* cb_key;
+	cn_cbor* cb_key;
-  //Make sure input is a map. Otherwise
-  if(!cb_map || !cb_value || cb_map->type != CN_CBOR_MAP)
-  {
-    if (errp) {errp->err = CN_CBOR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
-    return false;
-  }
+	// Make sure input is a map. Otherwise
+	if (!cb_map || !cb_value || cb_map->type != CN_CBOR_MAP) {
+		if (errp) {
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
-  cb_key = cn_cbor_int_create(key CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM, errp);
-  if (!cb_key) { return false; }
-  return _append_kv(cb_map, cb_key, cb_value);
+	cb_key = cn_cbor_int_create(key CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM, errp);
+	if (!cb_key) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	return _append_kv(cb_map, cb_key, cb_value);
-bool cn_cbor_mapput_string(cn_cbor* cb_map,
-                           const char* key, cn_cbor* cb_value
-                           CBOR_CONTEXT,
-                           cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+bool cn_cbor_mapput_string(cn_cbor* cb_map, const char* key, cn_cbor* cb_value CBOR_CONTEXT, cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  cn_cbor* cb_key;
+	cn_cbor* cb_key;
-  //Make sure input is a map. Otherwise
-  if(!cb_map || !cb_value || cb_map->type != CN_CBOR_MAP)
-  {
-    if (errp) {errp->err = CN_CBOR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
-    return false;
-  }
+	// Make sure input is a map. Otherwise
+	if (!cb_map || !cb_value || cb_map->type != CN_CBOR_MAP) {
+		if (errp) {
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
-  cb_key = cn_cbor_string_create(key CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM,  errp);
-  if (!cb_key) { return false; }
-  return _append_kv(cb_map, cb_key, cb_value);
+	cb_key = cn_cbor_string_create(key CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM, errp);
+	if (!cb_key) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	return _append_kv(cb_map, cb_key, cb_value);
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_array_create(CBOR_CONTEXT_COMMA cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_array_create(CBOR_CONTEXT_COMMA cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  cn_cbor* ret;
-  INIT_CB(ret);
+	cn_cbor* ret;
+	INIT_CB(ret);
-  ret->type = CN_CBOR_ARRAY;
-  ret->flags |= CN_CBOR_FL_COUNT;
+	ret->type = CN_CBOR_ARRAY;
+	ret->flags |= CN_CBOR_FL_COUNT;
-  return ret;
+	return ret;
-bool cn_cbor_array_append(cn_cbor* cb_array,
-                          cn_cbor* cb_value,
-                          cn_cbor_errback *errp)
+bool cn_cbor_array_append(cn_cbor* cb_array, cn_cbor* cb_value, cn_cbor_errback* errp)
-  //Make sure input is an array.
-  if(!cb_array || !cb_value || cb_array->type != CN_CBOR_ARRAY)
-  {
-    if (errp) {errp->err = CN_CBOR_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
-    return false;
-  }
+	// Make sure input is an array.
+	if (!cb_array || !cb_value || cb_array->type != CN_CBOR_ARRAY) {
+		if (errp) {
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
-  cb_value->parent = cb_array;
-  cb_value->next = NULL;
-  if(cb_array->last_child) {
-    cb_array->last_child->next = cb_value;
-  } else {
-    cb_array->first_child = cb_value;
-  }
-  cb_array->last_child = cb_value;
-  cb_array->length++;
-  return true;
+	cb_value->parent = cb_array;
+	cb_value->next = NULL;
+	if (cb_array->last_child) {
+		cb_array->last_child->next = cb_value;
+	}
+	else {
+		cb_array->first_child = cb_value;
+	}
+	cb_array->last_child = cb_value;
+	cb_array->length++;
+	return true;
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
+#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif  /* CN_CBOR_C */
+#endif /* CN_CBOR_C */
diff --git a/src/cn-encoder.c b/src/cn-encoder.c
index d5b5bf0..51c82f0 100644
--- a/src/cn-encoder.c
+++ b/src/cn-encoder.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef CN_ENCODER_C
 #define CN_ENCODER_C
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
+#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -29,323 +29,337 @@
 #include "cn-cbor/cn-cbor.h"
 #include "cbor.h"
-#define hton8p(p) (*(uint8_t*)(p))
-#define hton16p(p) (htons(*(uint16_t*)(p)))
-#define hton32p(p) (htonl(*(uint32_t*)(p)))
-static uint64_t hton64p(const uint8_t *p) {
-  /* TODO: does this work on both BE and LE systems? */
-  uint64_t ret = hton32p(p);
-  ret <<= 32;
-  ret |= hton32p(p+4);
-  return ret;
+#define hton8p(p) (*(uint8_t *)(p))
+#define hton16p(p) (htons(*(uint16_t *)(p)))
+#define hton32p(p) (htonl(*(uint32_t *)(p)))
+static uint64_t hton64p(const uint8_t *p)
+	/* TODO: does this work on both BE and LE systems? */
+	uint64_t ret = hton32p(p);
+	ret <<= 32;
+	ret |= hton32p(p + 4);
+	return ret;
-typedef struct _write_state
-  uint8_t *buf;
-  ssize_t offset;
-  ssize_t size;
+typedef struct _write_state {
+	uint8_t *buf;
+	ssize_t offset;
+	ssize_t size;
 } cn_write_state;
-#define ensure_writable(sz) if ((ws->buf != NULL)  && ((ws->offset<0) || (ws->offset + (sz) > ws->size))) { \
-  ws->offset = -1; \
-  return; \
+#define ensure_writable(sz)                                                          \
+	if ((ws->buf != NULL) && ((ws->offset < 0) || (ws->offset + (sz) > ws->size))) { \
+		ws->offset = -1;                                                             \
+		return;                                                                      \
+	}
-#define write_byte_and_data(b, data, sz) \
-if(ws->buf) { \
-  ws->buf[ws->offset++] = (b); \
-  memcpy(ws->buf+ws->offset, (data), (sz)); \
-} else { \
-  ws->offset++; \
-} \
-ws->offset += sz;
+#define write_byte_and_data(b, data, sz)            \
+	if (ws->buf) {                                  \
+		ws->buf[ws->offset++] = (b);                \
+		memcpy(ws->buf + ws->offset, (data), (sz)); \
+	}                                               \
+	else {                                          \
+		ws->offset++;                               \
+	}                                               \
+	ws->offset += sz;
-#define write_byte(b) \
-if(ws->buf) { \
-  ws->buf[ws->offset++] = (b); \
-} else { \
-  ws->offset++; \
+#define write_byte(b)                \
+	if (ws->buf) {                   \
+		ws->buf[ws->offset++] = (b); \
+	}                                \
+	else {                           \
+		ws->offset++;                \
+	}
 #define write_byte_ensured(b) \
-ensure_writable(1); \
+	ensure_writable(1);       \
+	write_byte(b);
 static uint8_t _xlate[] = {
-  IB_TRUE,     /* CN_CBOR_TRUE */
-  IB_NIL,      /* CN_CBOR_NULL */
-  IB_TEXT,     /* CN_CBOR_TEXT */
-  IB_MAP,      /* CN_CBOR_MAP */
-  IB_TAG,      /* CN_CBOR_TAG */
-  IB_PRIM,     /* CN_CBOR_SIMPLE */
-  0xFF,        /* CN_CBOR_DOUBLE */
-  0xFF         /* CN_CBOR_INVALID */
+	IB_NIL,		 /* CN_CBOR_NULL */
+	IB_MAP,		 /* CN_CBOR_MAP */
+	IB_TAG,		 /* CN_CBOR_TAG */
+	0xFF,		 /* CN_CBOR_DOUBLE */
+	0xFF		 /* CN_CBOR_INVALID */
 static inline bool is_indefinite(const cn_cbor *cb)
-  return (cb->flags & CN_CBOR_FL_INDEF) != 0;
+	return (cb->flags & CN_CBOR_FL_INDEF) != 0;
-static void _write_positive(cn_write_state *ws, cn_cbor_type typ, uint64_t val) {
-  uint8_t ib;
+static void _write_positive(cn_write_state *ws, cn_cbor_type typ, uint64_t val)
+	uint8_t ib;
-  assert((size_t)typ < sizeof(_xlate));
+	assert((size_t)typ < sizeof(_xlate));
-  ib = _xlate[typ];
-  if (ib == 0xFF) {
-    ws->offset = -1;
-    return;
-  }
+	ib = _xlate[typ];
+	if (ib == 0xFF) {
+		ws->offset = -1;
+		return;
+	}
-  if (val < 24) {
-    ensure_writable(1);
-    write_byte(ib | (uint8_t) val);
-  } else if (val < 256) {
-    ensure_writable(2);
-    write_byte(ib | 24);
-    write_byte((uint8_t)val);
-  } else if (val < 65536) {
-    uint16_t be16 = (uint16_t)val;
-    ensure_writable(3);
-    be16 = hton16p(&be16);
-    write_byte_and_data(ib | 25, (const void*)&be16, 2);
-  } else if (val < 0x100000000L) {
-    uint32_t be32 = (uint32_t)val;
-    ensure_writable(5);
-    // be32 = hton32p(&be32);
-    be32 = htonl(be32);
-    write_byte_and_data(ib | 26, (const void*)&be32, 4);
-  } else {
-    uint64_t be64;
-    ensure_writable(9);
-    be64 = hton64p((const uint8_t*)&val);
-    write_byte_and_data(ib | 27, (const void*)&be64, 8);
-  }
+	if (val < 24) {
+		ensure_writable(1);
+		write_byte(ib | (uint8_t)val);
+	}
+	else if (val < 256) {
+		ensure_writable(2);
+		write_byte(ib | 24);
+		write_byte((uint8_t)val);
+	}
+	else if (val < 65536) {
+		uint16_t be16 = (uint16_t)val;
+		ensure_writable(3);
+		be16 = hton16p(&be16);
+		write_byte_and_data(ib | 25, (const void *)&be16, 2);
+	}
+	else if (val < 0x100000000L) {
+		uint32_t be32 = (uint32_t)val;
+		ensure_writable(5);
+		// be32 = hton32p(&be32);
+		be32 = htonl(be32);
+		write_byte_and_data(ib | 26, (const void *)&be32, 4);
+	}
+	else {
+		uint64_t be64;
+		ensure_writable(9);
+		be64 = hton64p((const uint8_t *)&val);
+		write_byte_and_data(ib | 27, (const void *)&be64, 8);
+	}
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
 static void _write_double(cn_write_state *ws, double val)
-  float float_val = val;
-  if (float_val == val) {                /* 32 bits is enough and we aren't NaN */
-    uint32_t be32;
-    uint16_t be16, u16;
-    union {
-      float f;
-      uint32_t u;
-    } u32;
-    u32.f = float_val;
-    if ((u32.u & 0x1FFF) == 0) { /* worth trying half */
-      int s16 = (u32.u >> 16) & 0x8000;
-      int exp = (u32.u >> 23) & 0xff;
-      int mant = u32.u & 0x7fffff;
-      if (exp == 0 && mant == 0)
-        ;              /* 0.0, -0.0 */
-      else if (exp >= 113 && exp <= 142) /* normalized */
-        s16 += ((exp - 112) << 10) + (mant >> 13);
-      else if (exp >= 103 && exp < 113) { /* denorm, exp16 = 0 */
-        if (mant & ((1 << (126 - exp)) - 1))
-          goto float32;         /* loss of precision */
-        s16 += ((mant + 0x800000) >> (126 - exp));
-      } else if (exp == 255 && mant == 0) { /* Inf */
-        s16 += 0x7c00;
-      } else
-        goto float32;           /* loss of range */
+	float float_val = val;
+	if (float_val == val) { /* 32 bits is enough and we aren't NaN */
+		uint32_t be32;
+		uint16_t be16, u16;
+		union {
+			float f;
+			uint32_t u;
+		} u32;
+		u32.f = float_val;
+		if ((u32.u & 0x1FFF) == 0) { /* worth trying half */
+			int s16 = (u32.u >> 16) & 0x8000;
+			int exp = (u32.u >> 23) & 0xff;
+			int mant = u32.u & 0x7fffff;
+			if (exp == 0 && mant == 0)
+				;							   /* 0.0, -0.0 */
+			else if (exp >= 113 && exp <= 142) /* normalized */
+				s16 += ((exp - 112) << 10) + (mant >> 13);
+			else if (exp >= 103 && exp < 113) { /* denorm, exp16 = 0 */
+				if (mant & ((1 << (126 - exp)) - 1))
+					goto float32; /* loss of precision */
+				s16 += ((mant + 0x800000) >> (126 - exp));
+			}
+			else if (exp == 255 && mant == 0) { /* Inf */
+				s16 += 0x7c00;
+			}
+			else
+				goto float32; /* loss of range */
-      ensure_writable(3);
-      u16 = s16;
-      be16 = hton16p((const uint8_t*)&u16);
+			ensure_writable(3);
+			u16 = s16;
+			be16 = hton16p((const uint8_t *)&u16);
-      write_byte_and_data(IB_PRIM | 25, (const void*)&be16, 2);
-      return;
-    }
-  float32:
-    ensure_writable(5);
-    be32 = hton32p((const uint8_t*)&u32.u);
+			write_byte_and_data(IB_PRIM | 25, (const void *)&be16, 2);
+			return;
+		}
+	float32:
+		ensure_writable(5);
+		be32 = hton32p((const uint8_t *)&u32.u);
-    write_byte_and_data(IB_PRIM | 26, (const void*)&be32, 4);
+		write_byte_and_data(IB_PRIM | 26, (const void *)&be32, 4);
+	}
+	else if (val != val) { /* NaN -- we always write a half NaN*/
+		ensure_writable(3);
+		write_byte_and_data(IB_PRIM | 25, (const void *)"\x7e\x00", 2);
+	}
+	else {
+		uint64_t be64;
+		/* Copy the same problematic implementation from the decoder. */
+		union {
+			double d;
+			uint64_t u;
+		} u64;
-  } else if (val != val) {      /* NaN -- we always write a half NaN*/
-    ensure_writable(3);
-    write_byte_and_data(IB_PRIM | 25, (const void*)"\x7e\x00", 2);
-  } else {
-    uint64_t be64;
-    /* Copy the same problematic implementation from the decoder. */
-    union {
-      double d;
-      uint64_t u;
-    } u64;
+		u64.d = val;
-    u64.d = val;
+		ensure_writable(9);
+		be64 = hton64p((const uint8_t *)&u64.u);
-    ensure_writable(9);
-    be64 = hton64p((const uint8_t*)&u64.u);
-    write_byte_and_data(IB_PRIM | 27, (const void*)&be64, 8);
-  }
+		write_byte_and_data(IB_PRIM | 27, (const void *)&be64, 8);
+	}
 #endif /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
 // TODO: make public?
 typedef void (*cn_visit_func)(const cn_cbor *cb, int depth, void *context);
-void _visit(const cn_cbor *cb,
-                   cn_visit_func visitor,
-                   cn_visit_func breaker,
-                   void *context)
+void _visit(const cn_cbor *cb, cn_visit_func visitor, cn_visit_func breaker, void *context)
-    const cn_cbor *p = cb;
-    int depth = 0;
-    while (p)
-    {
-      visitor(p, depth, context);
-      if (p->first_child) {
-        p = p->first_child;
-        depth++;
-      } else{
-        // Empty indefinite
+	const cn_cbor *p = cb;
+	int depth = 0;
+	while (p) {
+	visit:
+		visitor(p, depth, context);
+		if (p->first_child) {
+			p = p->first_child;
+			depth++;
+		}
+		else {
+			// Empty indefinite
-          breaker(p, depth, context);
+			breaker(p, depth, context);
-        if (is_indefinite(p)) {
-          breaker(p, depth, context);
-        }
+			if (is_indefinite(p)) {
+				breaker(p, depth, context);
+			}
-        if (p->next) {
-          p = p->next;
-        } else {
-          while (p->parent) {
-            depth--;
+			if (p->next) {
+				p = p->next;
+			}
+			else {
+				while (p->parent) {
+					depth--;
-            breaker(p->parent, depth, context);
+					breaker(p->parent, depth, context);
-            if (is_indefinite(p->parent)) {
-              breaker(p->parent, depth, context);
-            }
+					if (is_indefinite(p->parent)) {
+						breaker(p->parent, depth, context);
+					}
-            if (p->parent->next) {
-              p = p->parent->next;
-              goto visit;
-            }
-            p = p->parent;
-          }
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-    }
+					if (p->parent->next) {
+						p = p->parent->next;
+						goto visit;
+					}
+					p = p->parent;
+				}
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+	}
-#define CHECK(st) (st); \
-if (ws->offset < 0) { return; }
+#define CHECK(st)         \
+	(st);                 \
+	if (ws->offset < 0) { \
+		return;           \
+	}
 void _encoder_visitor(const cn_cbor *cb, int depth, void *context)
-  cn_write_state *ws = context;
-  UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
+	cn_write_state *ws = context;
+	UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
-  switch (cb->type) {
-  case CN_CBOR_ARRAY:
-    if (is_indefinite(cb)) {
-      write_byte_ensured(IB_ARRAY | AI_INDEF);
-    } else {
-      CHECK(_write_positive(ws, CN_CBOR_ARRAY, cb->length));
-    }
-    break;
-  case CN_CBOR_MAP:
-    if (is_indefinite(cb)) {
-      write_byte_ensured(IB_MAP | AI_INDEF);
-    } else {
-      CHECK(_write_positive(ws, CN_CBOR_MAP, cb->length/2));
-    }
-    break;
-    write_byte_ensured(_xlate[cb->type] | AI_INDEF);
-    break;
+	switch (cb->type) {
+		case CN_CBOR_ARRAY:
+			if (is_indefinite(cb)) {
+				write_byte_ensured(IB_ARRAY | AI_INDEF);
+			}
+			else {
+				CHECK(_write_positive(ws, CN_CBOR_ARRAY, cb->length));
+			}
+			break;
+		case CN_CBOR_MAP:
+			if (is_indefinite(cb)) {
+				write_byte_ensured(IB_MAP | AI_INDEF);
+			}
+			else {
+				CHECK(_write_positive(ws, CN_CBOR_MAP, cb->length / 2));
+			}
+			break;
+			write_byte_ensured(_xlate[cb->type] | AI_INDEF);
+			break;
-  case CN_CBOR_TEXT:
-  case CN_CBOR_BYTES:
-    CHECK(_write_positive(ws, cb->type, cb->length));
-    ensure_writable(cb->length);
-    if (ws->buf) {
-      memcpy(ws->buf+ws->offset, cb->v.str, cb->length);
-    }
-    ws->offset += cb->length;
-    break;
+		case CN_CBOR_TEXT:
+		case CN_CBOR_BYTES:
+			CHECK(_write_positive(ws, cb->type, cb->length));
+			ensure_writable(cb->length);
+			if (ws->buf) {
+				memcpy(ws->buf + ws->offset, cb->v.str, cb->length);
+			}
+			ws->offset += cb->length;
+			break;
-  case CN_CBOR_FALSE:
-  case CN_CBOR_TRUE:
-  case CN_CBOR_NULL:
-  case CN_CBOR_UNDEF:
-    write_byte_ensured(_xlate[cb->type]);
-    break;
+		case CN_CBOR_FALSE:
+		case CN_CBOR_TRUE:
+		case CN_CBOR_NULL:
+		case CN_CBOR_UNDEF:
+			write_byte_ensured(_xlate[cb->type]);
+			break;
-  case CN_CBOR_TAG:
-  case CN_CBOR_UINT:
-    CHECK(_write_positive(ws, cb->type, cb->v.uint));
-    break;
+		case CN_CBOR_TAG:
+		case CN_CBOR_UINT:
+			CHECK(_write_positive(ws, cb->type, cb->v.uint));
+			break;
-  case CN_CBOR_INT:
-    assert(cb->v.sint < 0);
-    CHECK(_write_positive(ws, CN_CBOR_INT, ~(cb->v.sint)));
-    break;
+		case CN_CBOR_INT:
+			assert(cb->v.sint < 0);
+			CHECK(_write_positive(ws, CN_CBOR_INT, ~(cb->v.sint)));
+			break;
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-    CHECK(_write_double(ws, cb->v.dbl));
-    break;
+			CHECK(_write_double(ws, cb->v.dbl));
+			break;
-  case CN_CBOR_FLOAT:
-    CHECK(_write_double(ws, cb->v.f));
+		case CN_CBOR_FLOAT:
+			CHECK(_write_double(ws, cb->v.f));
 #endif /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-    break;
+			break;
-    ws->offset = -1;
-    break;
-  }
+			ws->offset = -1;
+			break;
+	}
 void _encoder_breaker(const cn_cbor *cb, int depth, void *context)
-  cn_write_state *ws = context;
-  UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
+	cn_write_state *ws = context;
+	UNUSED_PARAM(depth);
-  if (is_indefinite(cb)) {
+	if (is_indefinite(cb)) {
-      write_byte_ensured(IB_BREAK);
+		write_byte_ensured(IB_BREAK);
-  }
+	}
-ssize_t cn_cbor_encoder_write(uint8_t *buf,
-			      size_t buf_offset,
-			      size_t buf_size,
-			      const cn_cbor *cb)
+ssize_t cn_cbor_encoder_write(uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_offset, size_t buf_size, const cn_cbor *cb)
-  cn_write_state ws = { buf, buf_offset, buf_size };
-  if (!ws.buf && ws.size <= 0) { ws.size = (ssize_t)(((size_t)-1) / 2); }
-  _visit(cb, _encoder_visitor, _encoder_breaker, &ws);
-  if (ws.offset < 0) { return -1; }
-  return ws.offset - buf_offset;
+	cn_write_state ws = {buf, buf_offset, buf_size};
+	if (!ws.buf && ws.size <= 0) {
+		ws.size = (ssize_t)(((size_t)-1) / 2);
+	}
+	_visit(cb, _encoder_visitor, _encoder_breaker, &ws);
+	if (ws.offset < 0) {
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return ws.offset - buf_offset;
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
+#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif  /* CN_CBOR_C */
+#endif /* CN_CBOR_C */
diff --git a/src/cn-error.c b/src/cn-error.c
index ad48746..6aae83e 100644
--- a/src/cn-error.c
+++ b/src/cn-error.c
@@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
 #include "dll-export.h"
-const char *cn_cbor_error_str[] = {
+const char *cn_cbor_error_str[] = {"CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR", "CN_CBOR_ERR_OUT_OF_DATA", "CN_CBOR_ERR_NOT_ALL_DATA_CONSUMED",
diff --git a/src/cn-get.c b/src/cn-get.c
index 4b2ee13..fa7163f 100644
--- a/src/cn-get.c
+++ b/src/cn-get.c
@@ -7,62 +7,63 @@
 #include "cn-cbor/cn-cbor.h"
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_mapget_int(const cn_cbor* cb, int key) {
-  cn_cbor* cp;
-  assert(cb);
-  for (cp = cb->first_child; cp && cp->next; cp = cp->next->next) {
-    switch(cp->type) {
-    case CN_CBOR_UINT:
-      if (cp->v.uint == (unsigned long)key) {
-        return cp->next;
-      }
-      break;
-    case CN_CBOR_INT:
-      if (cp->v.sint == (long)key) {
-        return cp->next;
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      ; // skip non-integer keys
-    }
-  }
-  return NULL;
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_mapget_int(const cn_cbor* cb, int key)
+	cn_cbor* cp;
+	assert(cb);
+	for (cp = cb->first_child; cp && cp->next; cp = cp->next->next) {
+		switch (cp->type) {
+			case CN_CBOR_UINT:
+				if (cp->v.uint == (unsigned long)key) {
+					return cp->next;
+				}
+				break;
+			case CN_CBOR_INT:
+				if (cp->v.sint == (long)key) {
+					return cp->next;
+				}
+				break;
+			default:;  // skip non-integer keys
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_mapget_string(const cn_cbor* cb, const char* key) {
-  cn_cbor *cp;
-  int keylen;
-  assert(cb);
-  assert(key);
-  keylen = strlen(key);
-  for (cp = cb->first_child; cp && cp->next; cp = cp->next->next) {
-    switch(cp->type) {
-    case CN_CBOR_TEXT: // fall-through
-    case CN_CBOR_BYTES:
-      if (keylen != cp->length) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (memcmp(key, cp->v.str, keylen) == 0) {
-        return cp->next;
-      }
-    default:
-      ; // skip non-string keys
-    }
-  }
-  return NULL;
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_mapget_string(const cn_cbor* cb, const char* key)
+	cn_cbor* cp;
+	int keylen;
+	assert(cb);
+	assert(key);
+	keylen = strlen(key);
+	for (cp = cb->first_child; cp && cp->next; cp = cp->next->next) {
+		switch (cp->type) {
+			case CN_CBOR_TEXT:	// fall-through
+			case CN_CBOR_BYTES:
+				if (keylen != cp->length) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				if (memcmp(key, cp->v.str, keylen) == 0) {
+					return cp->next;
+				}
+			default:;  // skip non-string keys
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
-cn_cbor* cn_cbor_index(const cn_cbor* cb, unsigned int idx) {
-  cn_cbor *cp;
-  unsigned int i = 0;
-  assert(cb);
-  for (cp = cb->first_child; cp; cp = cp->next) {
-    if (i == idx) {
-      return cp;
-    }
-    i++;
-  }
-  return NULL;
+cn_cbor* cn_cbor_index(const cn_cbor* cb, unsigned int idx)
+	cn_cbor* cp;
+	unsigned int i = 0;
+	assert(cb);
+	for (cp = cb->first_child; cp; cp = cp->next) {
+		if (i == idx) {
+			return cp;
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+	return NULL;
diff --git a/src/cn-print.c b/src/cn-print.c
index 077b0a4..621b334 100644
--- a/src/cn-print.c
+++ b/src/cn-print.c
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef  __cplusplus
+#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -27,28 +27,24 @@
 #include "cn-cbor/cn-cbor.h"
 #include "cbor.h"
-typedef struct _write_state
-	char * rgbOutput;
+typedef struct _write_state {
+	char *rgbOutput;
 	ssize_t ib;
 	size_t cbLeft;
-	uint8_t * rgFlags;
-	const char * szIndentWith;
-	const char * szEndOfLine;
+	uint8_t *rgFlags;
+	const char *szIndentWith;
+	const char *szEndOfLine;
 } cn_write_state;
-typedef void(*cn_visit_func)(const cn_cbor *cb, int depth, void *context);
-extern void _visit(const cn_cbor *cb,
-	cn_visit_func visitor,
-	cn_visit_func breaker,
-	void *context);
+typedef void (*cn_visit_func)(const cn_cbor *cb, int depth, void *context);
+extern void _visit(const cn_cbor *cb, cn_visit_func visitor, cn_visit_func breaker, void *context);
-const char RgchHex[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
-'8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
+const char RgchHex[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};
-bool _isWritable(cn_write_state * ws, size_t cb)
+bool _isWritable(cn_write_state *ws, size_t cb)
-	if (ws->rgbOutput == NULL) return true;
+	if (ws->rgbOutput == NULL)
+		return true;
 	if ((ws->ib < 0) || (ws->ib + cb > ws->cbLeft)) {
 		ws->ib = -1;
 		return false;
@@ -56,22 +52,22 @@
 	return true;
-void write_data(cn_write_state * ws, const char * sz, size_t cb)
+void write_data(cn_write_state *ws, const char *sz, size_t cb)
 	if (_isWritable(ws, cb)) {
-		if (ws->rgbOutput != NULL) memcpy(ws->rgbOutput + ws->ib, sz, cb);
+		if (ws->rgbOutput != NULL)
+			memcpy(ws->rgbOutput + ws->ib, sz, cb);
 		ws->ib += cb;
-void _doIndent(cn_write_state * ws, int depth)
+void _doIndent(cn_write_state *ws, int depth)
 	int i;
-	char * sz = ws->rgbOutput + ws->ib;
+	char *sz = ws->rgbOutput + ws->ib;
 	size_t cbIndentWith = strlen(ws->szIndentWith);
 	int cbIndent = depth * cbIndentWith;
 	if (ws->rgbOutput == NULL) {
 		ws->ib += cbIndent;
@@ -89,12 +85,12 @@
-void _print_encoder(const cn_cbor * cb, int depth, void * context)
+void _print_encoder(const cn_cbor *cb, int depth, void *context)
 	int i;
 	char rgchT[256];
 	int cch;
-	cn_write_state * ws = (cn_write_state *)context;
+	cn_write_state *ws = (cn_write_state *)context;
 	uint8_t flags = ws->rgFlags[depth];
 	if (flags & 1) {
@@ -113,136 +109,142 @@
 	switch (cb->type) {
-	  break;
+			break;
-		write_data(ws, "[", 1);
-		ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 4;
+		case CN_CBOR_ARRAY:
+			write_data(ws, "[", 1);
+			ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 4;
-		if (ws->szIndentWith) {
-			write_data(ws, ws->szEndOfLine, strlen(ws->szEndOfLine));
-			_doIndent(ws, depth + 1);
-		}
-		break;
+			if (ws->szIndentWith) {
+				write_data(ws, ws->szEndOfLine, strlen(ws->szEndOfLine));
+				_doIndent(ws, depth + 1);
+			}
+			break;
-	case CN_CBOR_MAP:
-		write_data(ws, "{", 1);
-		ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 8;
+		case CN_CBOR_MAP:
+			write_data(ws, "{", 1);
+			ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 8;
-		if (ws->szIndentWith) {
-			write_data(ws, ws->szEndOfLine, strlen(ws->szEndOfLine));
-			_doIndent(ws, depth + 1);
-		}
-		break;
+			if (ws->szIndentWith) {
+				write_data(ws, ws->szEndOfLine, strlen(ws->szEndOfLine));
+				_doIndent(ws, depth + 1);
+			}
+			break;
-	case CN_CBOR_TAG:
-	case CN_CBOR_UINT:
-	  cch = _snprintf(rgchT, sizeof(rgchT), "%u", (unsigned int) cb->v.uint);
-		write_data(ws, rgchT, cch);
-		break;
+		case CN_CBOR_TAG:
+		case CN_CBOR_UINT:
+			cch = _snprintf(rgchT, sizeof(rgchT), "%u", (unsigned int)cb->v.uint);
+			write_data(ws, rgchT, cch);
+			break;
-		write_data(ws, "false", 5);
-		break;
+		case CN_CBOR_FALSE:
+			write_data(ws, "false", 5);
+			break;
-	case CN_CBOR_TRUE:
-		write_data(ws, "true", 4);
-		break;
+		case CN_CBOR_TRUE:
+			write_data(ws, "true", 4);
+			break;
-	case CN_CBOR_NULL:
-		write_data(ws, "null", 4);
-		break;
+		case CN_CBOR_NULL:
+			write_data(ws, "null", 4);
+			break;
-		write_data(ws, "undef", 5);
-		break;
+		case CN_CBOR_UNDEF:
+			write_data(ws, "undef", 5);
+			break;
-	case CN_CBOR_INT:
-	  cch = _snprintf(rgchT, sizeof(rgchT), "%d", (unsigned int) cb->v.sint);
-		write_data(ws, rgchT, cch);
-		break;
+		case CN_CBOR_INT:
+			cch = _snprintf(rgchT, sizeof(rgchT), "%d", (unsigned int)cb->v.sint);
+			write_data(ws, rgchT, cch);
+			break;
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-		cch = _snprintf(rgchT, sizeof(rgchT), "%f", cb->v.f);
-		write_data(ws, rgchT, cch);
-		break;
+		case CN_CBOR_FLOAT:
+			cch = _snprintf(rgchT, sizeof(rgchT), "%f", cb->v.f);
+			write_data(ws, rgchT, cch);
+			break;
-		cch = _snprintf(rgchT, sizeof(rgchT), "%f", cb->v.dbl);
-		write_data(ws, rgchT, cch);
-		break;
+			cch = _snprintf(rgchT, sizeof(rgchT), "%f", cb->v.dbl);
+			write_data(ws, rgchT, cch);
+			break;
-		write_data(ws, "invalid", 7);
-		break;
+			write_data(ws, "invalid", 7);
+			break;
-	case CN_CBOR_TEXT:
-		write_data(ws, "\"", 1);
-		write_data(ws, cb->v.str, cb->length);
-		write_data(ws, "\"", 1);
-		break;
+		case CN_CBOR_TEXT:
+			write_data(ws, "\"", 1);
+			write_data(ws, cb->v.str, cb->length);
+			write_data(ws, "\"", 1);
+			break;
-		write_data(ws, "h'", 2);
-		for (i = 0; i < cb->length; i++) {
-			write_data(ws, &RgchHex[(cb->v.str[i] / 16) & 0xf], 1);
-			write_data(ws, &RgchHex[cb->v.str[i] & 0xf], 1);
-		}
-		write_data(ws, "\'", 1);
-		break;
+		case CN_CBOR_BYTES:
+			write_data(ws, "h'", 2);
+			for (i = 0; i < cb->length; i++) {
+				write_data(ws, &RgchHex[(cb->v.str[i] / 16) & 0xf], 1);
+				write_data(ws, &RgchHex[cb->v.str[i] & 0xf], 1);
+			}
+			write_data(ws, "\'", 1);
+			break;
 	if (depth > 0) {
-		if (ws->rgFlags[depth - 1] & 4) ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 1;
+		if (ws->rgFlags[depth - 1] & 4)
+			ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 1;
 		else if (ws->rgFlags[depth - 1] & 8) {
-			if (flags & 2) ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 1;
-			else ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 2;
+			if (flags & 2)
+				ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 1;
+			else
+				ws->rgFlags[depth] |= 2;
-void _print_breaker(const cn_cbor * cb, int depth, void * context)
+void _print_breaker(const cn_cbor *cb, int depth, void *context)
-	cn_write_state * ws = (cn_write_state *)context;
+	cn_write_state *ws = (cn_write_state *)context;
 	switch (cb->type) {
-		if (ws->szIndentWith) {
-			write_data(ws, ws->szEndOfLine, strlen(ws->szEndOfLine));
-			_doIndent(ws, depth);
-		}
+		case CN_CBOR_ARRAY:
+			if (ws->szIndentWith) {
+				write_data(ws, ws->szEndOfLine, strlen(ws->szEndOfLine));
+				_doIndent(ws, depth);
+			}
-		write_data(ws, "]", 1);
-		ws->rgFlags[depth + 1] = 0;
-		break;
+			write_data(ws, "]", 1);
+			ws->rgFlags[depth + 1] = 0;
+			break;
-	case CN_CBOR_MAP:
-		if (ws->szIndentWith) {
-			write_data(ws, ws->szEndOfLine, strlen(ws->szEndOfLine));
-			_doIndent(ws, depth);
-		}
+		case CN_CBOR_MAP:
+			if (ws->szIndentWith) {
+				write_data(ws, ws->szEndOfLine, strlen(ws->szEndOfLine));
+				_doIndent(ws, depth);
+			}
-		write_data(ws, "}", 1);
-		ws->rgFlags[depth + 1] = 0;
-		break;
+			write_data(ws, "}", 1);
+			ws->rgFlags[depth + 1] = 0;
+			break;
-	default:
-	  break;
+		default:
+			break;
-ssize_t cn_cbor_printer_write(char * rgbBuffer, size_t cbBuffer, const cn_cbor * cb, const char * szIndentWith, const char * szEndOfLine)
+ssize_t cn_cbor_printer_write(char *rgbBuffer,
+	size_t cbBuffer,
+	const cn_cbor *cb,
+	const char *szIndentWith,
+	const char *szEndOfLine)
-	uint8_t flags[128] = { 0 };
-	char rgchZero[1] = { 0 };
+	uint8_t flags[128] = {0};
+	char rgchZero[1] = {0};
-	cn_write_state ws = { rgbBuffer, 0, cbBuffer, flags, szIndentWith, szEndOfLine };
+	cn_write_state ws = {rgbBuffer, 0, cbBuffer, flags, szIndentWith, szEndOfLine};
 	_visit(cb, _print_encoder, _print_breaker, &ws);
 	write_data(&ws, rgchZero, 1);
@@ -253,9 +255,8 @@
 { /* Duh. */
 #ifdef _cplusplus
-}	/* extern "C" */
+} /* extern "C" */
-#endif // CN_PRINT_C
+#endif	// CN_PRINT_C
diff --git a/src/dll-export.h b/src/dll-export.h
index 3d0c928..0457951 100644
--- a/src/dll-export.h
+++ b/src/dll-export.h
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
 // We are using the Visual Studio Compiler and building Shared libraries
-#if defined (_WIN32) 
+#if defined(_WIN32)
 #if defined(CN_CBOR_IS_DLL)
-    #define  MYLIB_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define MYLIB_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-    #define MYLIB_EXPORT
 #endif /* cn_cbor_EXPORTS */
-#else /* defined (_WIN32) */
- #define MYLIB_EXPORT
+#else  /* defined (_WIN32) */
 #endif /* _cn_cbor_DLLDEFINES_H_ */
diff --git a/test/cbor_test.c b/test/cbor_test.c
index 3888723..3678e61 100644
--- a/test/cbor_test.c
+++ b/test/cbor_test.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
-    return ctest_main(argc, argv);
+	return ctest_main(argc, argv);
@@ -37,444 +37,451 @@
 typedef struct _buffer {
-    size_t sz;
-    unsigned char *ptr;
+	size_t sz;
+	unsigned char *ptr;
 } buffer;
 static bool parse_hex(char *inp, buffer *b)
-    int len = strlen(inp);
-    size_t i;
-    if (len%2 != 0) {
-        b->sz = -1;
-        b->ptr = NULL;
-        return false;
-    }
-    b->sz  = len / 2;
-    b->ptr = malloc(b->sz);
-    for (i=0; i<b->sz; i++) {
+	int len = strlen(inp);
+	size_t i;
+	if (len % 2 != 0) {
+		b->sz = -1;
+		b->ptr = NULL;
+		return false;
+	}
+	b->sz = len / 2;
+	b->ptr = malloc(b->sz);
+	for (i = 0; i < b->sz; i++) {
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
 		unsigned int iX;
-		sscanf(inp+(2*i), "%02hx", &iX);
+		sscanf(inp + (2 * i), "%02hx", &iX);
 		b->ptr[i] = (byte)iX;
-        sscanf(inp+(2*i), "%02hhx", &b->ptr[i]);
+		sscanf(inp + (2 * i), "%02hhx", &b->ptr[i]);
-    }
-    return true;
+	}
+	return true;
 CTEST(cbor, error)
-    ASSERT_STR(cn_cbor_error_str[CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR], "CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR");
+	ASSERT_STR(cn_cbor_error_str[CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR], "CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR");
 CTEST(cbor, parse)
-    cn_cbor_errback err;
-    char *tests[] = {
-        "00",         // 0
-        "01",         // 1
-        "17",         // 23
-        "1818",       // 24
-        "190100",     // 256
-        "1a00010000", // 65536
-        "1b0000000100000000", // 4294967296
-        "20",         // -1
-        "37",         // -24
-        "3818",       // -25
-        "390100",     // -257
-        "3a00010000", // -65537
-        "3b0000000100000000", // -4294967297
-        "4161",     // h"a"
-        "6161",     // "a"
-        "80",       // []
-        "8100",     // [0]
-        "820102",   // [1,2]
-        "818100",   // [[0]]
-        "a1616100",	// {"a":0}
-        "d8184100", // tag
-        "f4",	      // false
-        "f5",	      // true
-        "f6",	      // null
-        "f7",	      // undefined
-        "f8ff",     // simple(255)
+	cn_cbor_errback err;
+	char *tests[] = {
+		"00",				   // 0
+		"01",				   // 1
+		"17",				   // 23
+		"1818",				   // 24
+		"190100",			   // 256
+		"1a00010000",		   // 65536
+		"1b0000000100000000",  // 4294967296
+		"20",				   // -1
+		"37",				   // -24
+		"3818",				   // -25
+		"390100",			   // -257
+		"3a00010000",		   // -65537
+		"3b0000000100000000",  // -4294967297
+		"4161",				   // h"a"
+		"6161",				   // "a"
+		"80",				   // []
+		"8100",				   // [0]
+		"820102",			   // [1,2]
+		"818100",			   // [[0]]
+		"a1616100",			   // {"a":0}
+		"d8184100",			   // tag
+		"f4",				   // false
+		"f5",				   // true
+		"f6",				   // null
+		"f7",				   // undefined
+		"f8ff",				   // simple(255)
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-        "f93c00",     // 1.0
-        "f9bc00",     // -1.0
-        "f903ff",     // 6.097555160522461e-05
-        "f90400",     // 6.103515625e-05
-        "f907ff",     // 0.00012201070785522461
-        "f90800",     // 0.0001220703125
-        "fa47800000", // 65536.0
-        "fb3ff199999999999a",     // 1.1
-        "f97e00",   // NaN
-#endif /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-        "5f42010243030405ff",     // (_ h'0102', h'030405')
-        "7f61616161ff",           // (_ "a", "a")
-        "9fff",                   // [_ ]
-        "9f9f9fffffff",           // [_ [_ [_ ]]]
-        "9f009f00ff00ff",         // [_ 0, [_ 0], 0]
-        "bf61610161629f0203ffff", // {_ "a": 1, "b": [_ 2, 3]}
-    };
-    cn_cbor *cb;
-    buffer b;
-    size_t i;
-    unsigned char encoded[1024];
-    ssize_t enc_sz;
-    ssize_t enc_sz2;
+		"f93c00",				   // 1.0
+		"f9bc00",				   // -1.0
+		"f903ff",				   // 6.097555160522461e-05
+		"f90400",				   // 6.103515625e-05
+		"f907ff",				   // 0.00012201070785522461
+		"f90800",				   // 0.0001220703125
+		"fa47800000",			   // 65536.0
+		"fb3ff199999999999a",	   // 1.1
+		"f97e00",				   // NaN
+#endif							   /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
+		"5f42010243030405ff",	   // (_ h'0102', h'030405')
+		"7f61616161ff",			   // (_ "a", "a")
+		"9fff",					   // [_ ]
+		"9f9f9fffffff",			   // [_ [_ [_ ]]]
+		"9f009f00ff00ff",		   // [_ 0, [_ 0], 0]
+		"bf61610161629f0203ffff",  // {_ "a": 1, "b": [_ 2, 3]}
+	};
+	cn_cbor *cb;
+	buffer b;
+	size_t i;
+	unsigned char encoded[1024];
+	ssize_t enc_sz;
+	ssize_t enc_sz2;
-    for (i=0; i<sizeof(tests)/sizeof(char*); i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(tests[i], &b));
-        err.err = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;
-        cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-        //CTEST_LOG("%s: %s", tests[i], cn_cbor_error_str[err.err]);
-        ASSERT_EQUAL(err.err, CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-        ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb);
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(char *); i++) {
+		ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(tests[i], &b));
+		err.err = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;
+		cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+		// CTEST_LOG("%s: %s", tests[i], cn_cbor_error_str[err.err]);
-        enc_sz2 = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
-        enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
-        ASSERT_EQUAL(enc_sz, enc_sz2);
-        ASSERT_DATA(b.ptr,, encoded, enc_sz);
-        free(b.ptr);
-        cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
-    }
+		enc_sz2 = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
+		enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
+		ASSERT_EQUAL(enc_sz, enc_sz2);
+		ASSERT_DATA(b.ptr,, encoded, enc_sz);
+		free(b.ptr);
+		cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
+	}
 CTEST(cbor, parse_normalize)
-    cn_cbor_errback err;
-    char *basic_tests[] = {
-      "00", "00",                       // 0
-      "1800", "00",
-      "1818", "1818",
-      "190000", "00",
-      "190018", "1818",
-      "1a00000000", "00",
-      "1b0000000000000000", "00",
-      "20", "20",                       // -1
-      "3800", "20",
-      "c600", "c600",                   // 6(0) (undefined tag)
-      "d80600", "c600",
-      "d9000600", "c600",
-    };
-    char *float_tests[] = {
-      "fb3ff0000000000000", "f93c00",   // 1.0
-      "fbbff0000000000000", "f9bc00",   // -1.0
-      "fb40f86a0000000000", "fa47c35000", // 100000.0
-      "fb7ff8000000000000", "f97e00",   // NaN
-      "fb3e70000000000000", "f90001",   // 5.960464477539063e-08
-      "fb3e78000000000000", "fa33c00000", //  8.940696716308594e-08
-      "fb3e80000000000000", "f90002",   // 1.1920928955078125e-07
-    };
-    cn_cbor *cb;
-    buffer b, b2;
-    size_t i;
-    unsigned char encoded[1024];
-    ssize_t enc_sz;
-    ssize_t enc_sz2;
+	cn_cbor_errback err;
+	char *basic_tests[] = {
+		"00",
+		"00",  // 0
+		"1800",
+		"00",
+		"1818",
+		"1818",
+		"190000",
+		"00",
+		"190018",
+		"1818",
+		"1a00000000",
+		"00",
+		"1b0000000000000000",
+		"00",
+		"20",
+		"20",  // -1
+		"3800",
+		"20",
+		"c600",
+		"c600",	 // 6(0) (undefined tag)
+		"d80600",
+		"c600",
+		"d9000600",
+		"c600",
+	};
+	char *float_tests[] = {
+		"fb3ff0000000000000", "f93c00",		 // 1.0
+		"fbbff0000000000000", "f9bc00",		 // -1.0
+		"fb40f86a0000000000", "fa47c35000",	 // 100000.0
+		"fb7ff8000000000000", "f97e00",		 // NaN
+		"fb3e70000000000000", "f90001",		 // 5.960464477539063e-08
+		"fb3e78000000000000", "fa33c00000",	 //  8.940696716308594e-08
+		"fb3e80000000000000", "f90002",		 // 1.1920928955078125e-07
+	};
+	cn_cbor *cb;
+	buffer b, b2;
+	size_t i;
+	unsigned char encoded[1024];
+	ssize_t enc_sz;
+	ssize_t enc_sz2;
-    for (i=0; i<sizeof(basic_tests)/sizeof(char*); i+=2) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(basic_tests[i], &b));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(basic_tests[i+1], &b2));
-        err.err = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;
-        cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-        CTEST_LOG("%s: %s", basic_tests[i], cn_cbor_error_str[err.err]);
-        ASSERT_EQUAL(err.err, CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-        ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb);
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(basic_tests) / sizeof(char *); i += 2) {
+		ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(basic_tests[i], &b));
+		ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(basic_tests[i + 1], &b2));
+		err.err = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;
+		cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+		CTEST_LOG("%s: %s", basic_tests[i], cn_cbor_error_str[err.err]);
-        enc_sz2 = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
-        enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
-        ASSERT_EQUAL(enc_sz, enc_sz2);
-        ASSERT_DATA(b2.ptr,, encoded, enc_sz);
-        free(b.ptr);
-        free(b2.ptr);
-        cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
-    }
+		enc_sz2 = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
+		enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
+		ASSERT_EQUAL(enc_sz, enc_sz2);
+		ASSERT_DATA(b2.ptr,, encoded, enc_sz);
+		free(b.ptr);
+		free(b2.ptr);
+		cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
+	}
-    for (i=0; i<sizeof(float_tests)/sizeof(char*); i+=2) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(float_tests[i], &b));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(float_tests[i+1], &b2));
-        err.err = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;
-        cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-        CTEST_LOG("%s: %s", float_tests[i], cn_cbor_error_str[err.err]);
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(float_tests) / sizeof(char *); i += 2) {
+		ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(float_tests[i], &b));
+		ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(float_tests[i + 1], &b2));
+		err.err = CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR;
+		cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+		CTEST_LOG("%s: %s", float_tests[i], cn_cbor_error_str[err.err]);
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-        ASSERT_EQUAL(err.err, CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-        ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb);
-#else /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-        ASSERT_NULL(cb);
+#else  /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
 #endif /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
-        /* enc_sz2 = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb); */
-        /* enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb); */
-        /* ASSERT_EQUAL(enc_sz, enc_sz2); */
-        /* ASSERT_DATA(b2.ptr,, encoded, enc_sz); */
-        free(b.ptr);
-        free(b2.ptr);
-        cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
-    }
+		/* enc_sz2 = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb); */
+		/* enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb); */
+		/* ASSERT_EQUAL(enc_sz, enc_sz2); */
+		/* ASSERT_DATA(b2.ptr,, encoded, enc_sz); */
+		free(b.ptr);
+		free(b2.ptr);
+		cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
+	}
-typedef struct _cbor_failure
-    char *hex;
-    cn_cbor_error err;
+typedef struct _cbor_failure {
+	char *hex;
+	cn_cbor_error err;
 } cbor_failure;
 CTEST(cbor, fail)
-    cn_cbor_errback err;
-    cbor_failure tests[] = {
-        {"81", CN_CBOR_ERR_OUT_OF_DATA},
-        {"bf00ff", CN_CBOR_ERR_ODD_SIZE_INDEF_MAP},
-        {"1f", CN_CBOR_ERR_MT_UNDEF_FOR_INDEF},
-        {"1c", CN_CBOR_ERR_RESERVED_AI},
-    };
-    cn_cbor *cb;
-    buffer b;
-    size_t i;
-    uint8_t buf[10];
-    cn_cbor inv = {CN_CBOR_INVALID, 0, {0}, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
+	cn_cbor_errback err;
+	cbor_failure tests[] = {
+	};
+	cn_cbor *cb;
+	buffer b;
+	size_t i;
+	uint8_t buf[10];
+	cn_cbor inv = {CN_CBOR_INVALID, 0, {0}, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
-    ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, cn_cbor_encoder_write(buf, 0, sizeof(buf), &inv));
+	ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, cn_cbor_encoder_write(buf, 0, sizeof(buf), &inv));
-    for (i=0; i<sizeof(tests)/sizeof(cbor_failure); i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(tests[i].hex, &b));
-        cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-        ASSERT_NULL(cb);
-        ASSERT_EQUAL(err.err, tests[i].err);
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(cbor_failure); i++) {
+		ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(tests[i].hex, &b));
+		cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+		ASSERT_EQUAL(err.err, tests[i].err);
-        free(b.ptr);
-        cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
-    }
+		free(b.ptr);
+		cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
+	}
 // Decoder loses float size information
 CTEST(cbor, float)
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-    cn_cbor_errback err;
-    char *tests[] = {
-        "f90001", // 5.960464477539063e-08
-        "f9c400", // -4.0
-        "fa47c35000", // 100000.0
-        "f97e00", // Half NaN, half beast
-        "f9fc00", // -Inf
-        "f97c00", // Inf
-    };
-    cn_cbor *cb;
-    buffer b;
-    size_t i;
-    unsigned char encoded[1024];
-    ssize_t enc_sz;
-    ssize_t enc_sz2;
+	cn_cbor_errback err;
+	char *tests[] = {
+		"f90001",	   // 5.960464477539063e-08
+		"f9c400",	   // -4.0
+		"fa47c35000",  // 100000.0
+		"f97e00",	   // Half NaN, half beast
+		"f9fc00",	   // -Inf
+		"f97c00",	   // Inf
+	};
+	cn_cbor *cb;
+	buffer b;
+	size_t i;
+	unsigned char encoded[1024];
+	ssize_t enc_sz;
+	ssize_t enc_sz2;
-    for (i=0; i<sizeof(tests)/sizeof(char*); i++) {
-        ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(tests[i], &b));
-        cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-        ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb);
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(char *); i++) {
+		ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex(tests[i], &b));
+		cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-        enc_sz2 = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
-        enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
-        ASSERT_EQUAL(enc_sz, enc_sz2);
-        ASSERT_DATA(b.ptr,, encoded, enc_sz);
+		enc_sz2 = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
+		enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), cb);
+		ASSERT_EQUAL(enc_sz, enc_sz2);
+		ASSERT_DATA(b.ptr,, encoded, enc_sz);
-        free(b.ptr);
-        cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
-    }
+		free(b.ptr);
+		cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
+	}
 #endif /* CBOR_NO_FLOAT */
 CTEST(cbor, getset)
-    buffer b;
-    cn_cbor *cb;
-    cn_cbor *val;
-    cn_cbor_errback err;
+	buffer b;
+	cn_cbor *cb;
+	cn_cbor *val;
+	cn_cbor_errback err;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex("a40000436363630262626201616100", &b));
-    cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_string(cb, "a");
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val);
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_string(cb, "bb");
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val);
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_string(cb, "ccc");
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val);
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_string(cb, "b");
-    ASSERT_NULL(val);
-    free(b.ptr);
-    cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex("a40000436363630262626201616100", &b));
+	cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_string(cb, "a");
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_string(cb, "bb");
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_string(cb, "ccc");
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_string(cb, "b");
+	free(b.ptr);
+	cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex("a3616100006161206162", &b));
-    cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb, 0);
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val);
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb, -1);
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val);
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb, 1);
-    ASSERT_NULL(val);
-    free(b.ptr);
-    cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex("a3616100006161206162", &b));
+	cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb, 0);
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb, -1);
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb, 1);
+	free(b.ptr);
+	cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex("8100", &b));
-    cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    val = cn_cbor_index(cb, 0);
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val);
-    val = cn_cbor_index(cb, 1);
-    ASSERT_NULL(val);
-    val = cn_cbor_index(cb, -1);
-    ASSERT_NULL(val);
-    free(b.ptr);
-    cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(parse_hex("8100", &b));
+	cb = cn_cbor_decode(b.ptr, CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	val = cn_cbor_index(cb, 0);
+	val = cn_cbor_index(cb, 1);
+	val = cn_cbor_index(cb, -1);
+	free(b.ptr);
+	cn_cbor_free(cb CONTEXT_NULL);
 CTEST(cbor, create)
-    cn_cbor_errback err;
-    const cn_cbor* val;
-    const char* data = "abc";
-    cn_cbor *cb_map = cn_cbor_map_create(CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA &err);
-    cn_cbor *cb_int;
-    cn_cbor *cb_data;
+	cn_cbor_errback err;
+	const cn_cbor *val;
+	const char *data = "abc";
+	cn_cbor *cb_map = cn_cbor_map_create(CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA & err);
+	cn_cbor *cb_int;
+	cn_cbor *cb_data;
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-    cn_cbor *cb_dbl;
+	cn_cbor *cb_dbl;
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb_map);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
+	ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb_map);
-    cb_int = cn_cbor_int_create(256 CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb_int);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
+	cb_int = cn_cbor_int_create(256 CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb_int);
-    cb_data = cn_cbor_data_create((const uint8_t*)data, 4 CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb_data);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
+	cb_data = cn_cbor_data_create((const uint8_t *)data, 4 CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb_data);
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-    cb_dbl = cn_cbor_double_create(3.14159 CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb_dbl);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
+	cb_dbl = cn_cbor_double_create(3.14159 CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cb_dbl);
-    cn_cbor_mapput_int(cb_map, 5, cb_int CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 2);
+	cn_cbor_mapput_int(cb_map, 5, cb_int CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 2);
-    cn_cbor_mapput_int(cb_map, -7, cb_data CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 4);
+	cn_cbor_mapput_int(cb_map, -7, cb_data CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 4);
-    cn_cbor_mapput_string(cb_map, "foo",
-                          cn_cbor_string_create(data CONTEXT_NULL, &err)
-                          CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 6);
+	cn_cbor_mapput_string(cb_map, "foo", cn_cbor_string_create(data CONTEXT_NULL, &err) CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 6);
-    cn_cbor_map_put(cb_map,
-                    cn_cbor_string_create("bar" CONTEXT_NULL, &err),
-                    cn_cbor_string_create("qux" CONTEXT_NULL, &err),
-                    &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 8);
+	cn_cbor_map_put(
+		cb_map, cn_cbor_string_create("bar" CONTEXT_NULL, &err), cn_cbor_string_create("qux" CONTEXT_NULL, &err), &err);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 8);
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-    cn_cbor_mapput_int(cb_map, 42, cb_dbl CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 10);
+	cn_cbor_mapput_int(cb_map, 42, cb_dbl CONTEXT_NULL, &err);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(cb_map->length == 10);
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb_map, 5);
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(val->v.sint == 256);
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb_map, 5);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(val->v.sint == 256);
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb_map, -7);
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val);
-    ASSERT_STR(val->v.str, "abc");
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb_map, -7);
+	ASSERT_STR(val->v.str, "abc");
 #ifndef CBOR_NO_FLOAT
-    val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb_map, 42);
-    ASSERT_NOT_NULL(val);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(val->v.dbl > 3.14 && val->v.dbl < 3.15);
+	val = cn_cbor_mapget_int(cb_map, 42);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(val->v.dbl > 3.14 && val->v.dbl < 3.15);
-    cn_cbor_free(cb_map CONTEXT_NULL);
+	cn_cbor_free(cb_map CONTEXT_NULL);
 CTEST(cbor, map_errors)
-    cn_cbor_errback err;
-    cn_cbor *ci;
-    ci = cn_cbor_int_create(65536, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA &err);
-    cn_cbor_mapput_int(ci, -5, NULL, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA &err);
-    cn_cbor_mapput_string(ci, "foo", NULL, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA &err);
-    cn_cbor_map_put(ci, NULL, NULL, &err);
+	cn_cbor_errback err;
+	cn_cbor *ci;
+	ci = cn_cbor_int_create(65536, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA & err);
+	cn_cbor_mapput_int(ci, -5, NULL, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA & err);
+	cn_cbor_mapput_string(ci, "foo", NULL, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA & err);
+	cn_cbor_map_put(ci, NULL, NULL, &err);
 CTEST(cbor, array)
-    cn_cbor_errback err;
-    cn_cbor *a = cn_cbor_array_create(CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-    ASSERT_EQUAL(a->length, 0);
+	cn_cbor_errback err;
+	cn_cbor *a = cn_cbor_array_create(CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA & err);
+	ASSERT_EQUAL(a->length, 0);
-    cn_cbor_array_append(a, cn_cbor_int_create(256, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA &err), &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-    ASSERT_EQUAL(a->length, 1);
+	cn_cbor_array_append(a, cn_cbor_int_create(256, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA & err), &err);
+	ASSERT_EQUAL(a->length, 1);
-    cn_cbor_array_append(a, cn_cbor_string_create("five", CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA &err), &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(err.err == CN_CBOR_NO_ERROR);
-    ASSERT_EQUAL(a->length, 2);
+	cn_cbor_array_append(a, cn_cbor_string_create("five", CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA & err), &err);
+	ASSERT_EQUAL(a->length, 2);
 CTEST(cbor, array_errors)
-    cn_cbor_errback err;
-    cn_cbor *ci = cn_cbor_int_create(12, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA &err);
-    cn_cbor_array_append(NULL, ci, &err);
-    cn_cbor_array_append(ci, NULL, &err);
+	cn_cbor_errback err;
+	cn_cbor *ci = cn_cbor_int_create(12, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA & err);
+	cn_cbor_array_append(NULL, ci, &err);
+	cn_cbor_array_append(ci, NULL, &err);
 CTEST(cbor, create_encode)
-  cn_cbor *map;
-  cn_cbor *cdata;
-  char data[] = "data";
-  unsigned char encoded[1024];
-  ssize_t enc_sz;
+	cn_cbor *map;
+	cn_cbor *cdata;
+	char data[] = "data";
+	unsigned char encoded[1024];
+	ssize_t enc_sz;
-  map = cn_cbor_map_create(CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA NULL);
+	map = cn_cbor_map_create(CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA NULL);
-  cdata = cn_cbor_data_create((uint8_t*)data, sizeof(data)-1, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA NULL);
-  ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cdata);
+	cdata = cn_cbor_data_create((uint8_t *)data, sizeof(data) - 1, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA NULL);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(cn_cbor_mapput_int(map, 0, cdata, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA NULL));
-  enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), map);
-  ASSERT_EQUAL(7, enc_sz);
-  enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), map);
-  ASSERT_EQUAL(7, enc_sz);
+	ASSERT_TRUE(cn_cbor_mapput_int(map, 0, cdata, CONTEXT_NULL_COMMA NULL));
+	enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(NULL, 0, sizeof(encoded), map);
+	ASSERT_EQUAL(7, enc_sz);
+	enc_sz = cn_cbor_encoder_write(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded), map);
+	ASSERT_EQUAL(7, enc_sz);
diff --git a/test/ctest.h b/test/ctest.h
index c971c55..cc11925 100644
--- a/test/ctest.h
+++ b/test/ctest.h
@@ -25,28 +25,28 @@
-  /**
-   * \def UNUSED_PARAM(p);
-   *
-   * A macro for quelling compiler warnings about unused variables.
-   */
-#  define UNUSED_PARAM(p) ((void)&(p))
+ * \def UNUSED_PARAM(p);
+ *
+ * A macro for quelling compiler warnings about unused variables.
+ */
+#define UNUSED_PARAM(p) ((void)&(p))
 #endif /* UNUSED_PARM */
 typedef void (*SetupFunc)(void*);
 typedef void (*TearDownFunc)(void*);
 struct ctest {
-    const char* ssname;  // suite name
-    const char* ttname;  // test name
-    void (*run)();
-    int skip;
+	const char* ssname;	 // suite name
+	const char* ttname;	 // test name
+	void (*run)();
+	int skip;
-    void* data;
-    SetupFunc setup;
-    TearDownFunc teardown;
+	void* data;
+	SetupFunc setup;
+	TearDownFunc teardown;
-    unsigned int magic;
+	unsigned int magic;
 #define __FNAME(sname, tname) __ctest_##sname##_##tname##_run
@@ -54,42 +54,38 @@
 #define __CTEST_MAGIC (0xdeadbeef)
 #ifdef __APPLE__
-#define __Test_Section __attribute__ ((unused,section ("__DATA, .ctest")))
+#define __Test_Section __attribute__((unused, section("__DATA, .ctest")))
 #define MS__Test_Section
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
 #define __Test_Section
 #define MS__Test_Section __declspec(allocate(".ctest"))
-#define __Test_Section __attribute__ ((unused,section (".ctest")))
+#define __Test_Section __attribute__((unused, section(".ctest")))
 #define MS__Test_Section
-#define __CTEST_STRUCT(sname, tname, _skip, __data, __setup, __teardown) \
-	MS__Test_Section \
-    struct ctest __TNAME(sname, tname) __Test_Section = { \
-        .ssname=#sname, \
-        .ttname=#tname, \
-        .run = __FNAME(sname, tname), \
-        .skip = _skip, \
-        .data = __data, \
-        .setup = (SetupFunc)__setup,					\
-        .teardown = (TearDownFunc)__teardown,				\
-        .magic = __CTEST_MAGIC };
+#define __CTEST_STRUCT(sname, tname, _skip, __data, __setup, __teardown)                    \
+	MS__Test_Section struct ctest __TNAME(sname, tname) __Test_Section = {.ssname = #sname, \
+		.ttname = #tname,                                                                   \
+		.run = __FNAME(sname, tname),                                                       \
+		.skip = _skip,                                                                      \
+		.data = __data,                                                                     \
+		.setup = (SetupFunc)__setup,                                                        \
+		.teardown = (TearDownFunc)__teardown,                                               \
+		.magic = __CTEST_MAGIC};
 #define CTEST_DATA(sname) struct sname##_data
-#define CTEST_SETUP(sname) \
-    void __attribute__ ((weak)) sname##_setup(struct sname##_data* data)
+#define CTEST_SETUP(sname) void __attribute__((weak)) sname##_setup(struct sname##_data* data)
-#define CTEST_TEARDOWN(sname) \
-    void __attribute__ ((weak)) sname##_teardown(struct sname##_data* data)
+#define CTEST_TEARDOWN(sname) void __attribute__((weak)) sname##_teardown(struct sname##_data* data)
-#define __CTEST_INTERNAL(sname, tname, _skip) \
-    void __FNAME(sname, tname)(); \
-    __CTEST_STRUCT(sname, tname, _skip, NULL, NULL, NULL) \
-    void __FNAME(sname, tname)()
+#define __CTEST_INTERNAL(sname, tname, _skip)             \
+	void __FNAME(sname, tname)();                         \
+	__CTEST_STRUCT(sname, tname, _skip, NULL, NULL, NULL) \
+	void __FNAME(sname, tname)()
 #ifdef __APPLE__
 #define SETUP_FNAME(sname) NULL
@@ -99,17 +95,16 @@
 #define TEARDOWN_FNAME(sname) sname##_teardown
-#define __CTEST2_INTERNAL(sname, tname, _skip) \
-    static struct sname##_data  __ctest_##sname##_data; \
-    CTEST_SETUP(sname); \
-    CTEST_TEARDOWN(sname); \
-    void __FNAME(sname, tname)(struct sname##_data* data); \
-    __CTEST_STRUCT(sname, tname, _skip, &__ctest_##sname##_data, SETUP_FNAME(sname), TEARDOWN_FNAME(sname)) \
-    void __FNAME(sname, tname)(struct sname##_data* data)
+#define __CTEST2_INTERNAL(sname, tname, _skip)                                                              \
+	static struct sname##_data __ctest_##sname##_data;                                                      \
+	CTEST_SETUP(sname);                                                                                     \
+	CTEST_TEARDOWN(sname);                                                                                  \
+	void __FNAME(sname, tname)(struct sname##_data * data);                                                 \
+	__CTEST_STRUCT(sname, tname, _skip, &__ctest_##sname##_data, SETUP_FNAME(sname), TEARDOWN_FNAME(sname)) \
+	void __FNAME(sname, tname)(struct sname##_data * data)
-void CTEST_LOG(char *fmt, ...);
-void CTEST_ERR(char *fmt, ...);  // doesn't return
+void CTEST_LOG(char* fmt, ...);
+void CTEST_ERR(char* fmt, ...);	 // doesn't return
 #define CTEST(sname, tname) __CTEST_INTERNAL(sname, tname, 0)
 #define CTEST_SKIP(sname, tname) __CTEST_INTERNAL(sname, tname, 1)
@@ -117,15 +112,16 @@
 #define CTEST2(sname, tname) __CTEST2_INTERNAL(sname, tname, 0)
 #define CTEST2_SKIP(sname, tname) __CTEST2_INTERNAL(sname, tname, 1)
 void assert_str(const char* exp, const char* real, const char* caller, int line);
 #define ASSERT_STR(exp, real) assert_str(exp, real, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-void assert_data(const unsigned char* exp, int expsize,
-                 const unsigned char* real, int realsize,
-                 const char* caller, int line);
-#define ASSERT_DATA(exp, expsize, real, realsize) \
-    assert_data(exp, expsize, real, realsize, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+void assert_data(const unsigned char* exp,
+	int expsize,
+	const unsigned char* real,
+	int realsize,
+	const char* caller,
+	int line);
+#define ASSERT_DATA(exp, expsize, real, realsize) assert_data(exp, expsize, real, realsize, __FILE__, __LINE__)
 void assert_equal(long exp, long real, const char* caller, int line);
 #define ASSERT_EQUAL(exp, real) assert_equal(exp, real, __FILE__, __LINE__)
@@ -180,161 +176,173 @@
 typedef int (*filter_func)(struct ctest*);
-#define ANSI_BLACK    "\033[0;30m"
-#define ANSI_RED      "\033[0;31m"
-#define ANSI_GREEN    "\033[0;32m"
-#define ANSI_YELLOW   "\033[0;33m"
-#define ANSI_BLUE     "\033[0;34m"
-#define ANSI_MAGENTA  "\033[0;35m"
-#define ANSI_CYAN     "\033[0;36m"
-#define ANSI_GREY     "\033[0;37m"
+#define ANSI_BLACK "\033[0;30m"
+#define ANSI_RED "\033[0;31m"
+#define ANSI_GREEN "\033[0;32m"
+#define ANSI_YELLOW "\033[0;33m"
+#define ANSI_BLUE "\033[0;34m"
+#define ANSI_MAGENTA "\033[0;35m"
+#define ANSI_CYAN "\033[0;36m"
+#define ANSI_GREY "\033[0;37m"
 #define ANSI_DARKGREY "\033[01;30m"
-#define ANSI_BRED     "\033[01;31m"
-#define ANSI_BGREEN   "\033[01;32m"
-#define ANSI_BYELLOW  "\033[01;33m"
-#define ANSI_BBLUE    "\033[01;34m"
+#define ANSI_BRED "\033[01;31m"
+#define ANSI_BGREEN "\033[01;32m"
+#define ANSI_BYELLOW "\033[01;33m"
+#define ANSI_BBLUE "\033[01;34m"
 #define ANSI_BMAGENTA "\033[01;35m"
-#define ANSI_BCYAN    "\033[01;36m"
-#define ANSI_WHITE    "\033[01;37m"
-#define ANSI_NORMAL   "\033[0m"
+#define ANSI_BCYAN "\033[01;36m"
+#define ANSI_WHITE "\033[01;37m"
+#define ANSI_NORMAL "\033[0m"
-static CTEST(suite, test) { }
+static CTEST(suite, test) {}
-static void msg_start(const char* color, const char* title) {
-    int size;
-    if (color_output) {
-        size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, "%s", color);
-        ctest_errorsize -= size;
-        ctest_errormsg += size;
-    }
-    size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, "  %s: ", title);
-    ctest_errorsize -= size;
-    ctest_errormsg += size;
-static void msg_end() {
-    int size;
-    if (color_output) {
-        size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, ANSI_NORMAL);
-        ctest_errorsize -= size;
-        ctest_errormsg += size;
-    }
-    size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, "\n");
-    ctest_errorsize -= size;
-    ctest_errormsg += size;
-void CTEST_LOG(char *fmt, ...)
+static void msg_start(const char* color, const char* title)
-    va_list argp;
-    msg_start(ANSI_BLUE, "LOG");
-    va_start(argp, fmt);
-    int size = vsnprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, fmt, argp);
-    ctest_errorsize -= size;
-    ctest_errormsg += size;
-    va_end(argp);
-    msg_end();
+	int size;
+	if (color_output) {
+		size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, "%s", color);
+		ctest_errorsize -= size;
+		ctest_errormsg += size;
+	}
+	size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, "  %s: ", title);
+	ctest_errorsize -= size;
+	ctest_errormsg += size;
-void CTEST_ERR(char *fmt, ...)
+static void msg_end()
-    va_list argp;
-    msg_start(ANSI_YELLOW, "ERR");
-    va_start(argp, fmt);
-    int size = vsnprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, fmt, argp);
-    ctest_errorsize -= size;
-    ctest_errormsg += size;
-    va_end(argp);
-    msg_end();
-    longjmp(ctest_err, 1);
+	int size;
+	if (color_output) {
+		size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, ANSI_NORMAL);
+		ctest_errorsize -= size;
+		ctest_errormsg += size;
+	}
+	size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, "\n");
+	ctest_errorsize -= size;
+	ctest_errormsg += size;
-void assert_str(const char* exp, const char*  real, const char* caller, int line) {
-    if ((exp == NULL && real != NULL) ||
-        (exp != NULL && real == NULL) ||
-        (exp && real && strcmp(exp, real) != 0)) {
-        CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  expected '%s', got '%s'", caller, line, exp, real);
-    }
+void CTEST_LOG(char* fmt, ...)
+	va_list argp;
+	msg_start(ANSI_BLUE, "LOG");
+	va_start(argp, fmt);
+	int size = vsnprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, fmt, argp);
+	ctest_errorsize -= size;
+	ctest_errormsg += size;
+	va_end(argp);
+	msg_end();
-void assert_data(const unsigned char* exp, int expsize,
-                 const unsigned char* real, int realsize,
-                 const char* caller, int line) {
-    int i;
-    if (expsize != realsize) {
-        CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  expected %d bytes, got %d", caller, line, expsize, realsize);
-    }
-    for (i=0; i<expsize; i++) {
-        if (exp[i] != real[i]) {
-            CTEST_ERR("%s:%d expected 0x%02x at offset %d got 0x%02x",
-                caller, line, exp[i], i, real[i]);
-        }
-    }
+void CTEST_ERR(char* fmt, ...)
+	va_list argp;
+	msg_start(ANSI_YELLOW, "ERR");
+	va_start(argp, fmt);
+	int size = vsnprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, fmt, argp);
+	ctest_errorsize -= size;
+	ctest_errormsg += size;
+	va_end(argp);
+	msg_end();
+	longjmp(ctest_err, 1);
-void assert_equal(long exp, long real, const char* caller, int line) {
-    if (exp != real) {
-        CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  expected %ld, got %ld", caller, line, exp, real);
-    }
+void assert_str(const char* exp, const char* real, const char* caller, int line)
+	if ((exp == NULL && real != NULL) || (exp != NULL && real == NULL) || (exp && real && strcmp(exp, real) != 0)) {
+		CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  expected '%s', got '%s'", caller, line, exp, real);
+	}
-void assert_not_equal(long exp, long real, const char* caller, int line) {
-    if ((exp) == (real)) {
-        CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should not be %ld", caller, line, real);
-    }
+void assert_data(const unsigned char* exp,
+	int expsize,
+	const unsigned char* real,
+	int realsize,
+	const char* caller,
+	int line)
+	int i;
+	if (expsize != realsize) {
+		CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  expected %d bytes, got %d", caller, line, expsize, realsize);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < expsize; i++) {
+		if (exp[i] != real[i]) {
+			CTEST_ERR("%s:%d expected 0x%02x at offset %d got 0x%02x", caller, line, exp[i], i, real[i]);
+		}
+	}
-void assert_null(void* real, const char* caller, int line) {
-    if ((real) != NULL) {
-        CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should be NULL", caller, line);
-    }
+void assert_equal(long exp, long real, const char* caller, int line)
+	if (exp != real) {
+		CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  expected %ld, got %ld", caller, line, exp, real);
+	}
-void assert_not_null(const void* real, const char* caller, int line) {
-    if (real == NULL) {
-        CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should not be NULL", caller, line);
-    }
+void assert_not_equal(long exp, long real, const char* caller, int line)
+	if ((exp) == (real)) {
+		CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should not be %ld", caller, line, real);
+	}
-void assert_true(int real, const char* caller, int line) {
-    if ((real) == 0) {
-        CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should be true", caller, line);
-    }
+void assert_null(void* real, const char* caller, int line)
+	if ((real) != NULL) {
+		CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should be NULL", caller, line);
+	}
-void assert_false(int real, const char* caller, int line) {
-    if ((real) != 0) {
-        CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should be false", caller, line);
-    }
+void assert_not_null(const void* real, const char* caller, int line)
+	if (real == NULL) {
+		CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should not be NULL", caller, line);
+	}
-void assert_fail(const char* caller, int line) {
-    CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  shouldn't come here", caller, line);
+void assert_true(int real, const char* caller, int line)
+	if ((real) == 0) {
+		CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should be true", caller, line);
+	}
-static int suite_all(struct ctest* t) {
-    return 1;
+void assert_false(int real, const char* caller, int line)
+	if ((real) != 0) {
+		CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  should be false", caller, line);
+	}
-static int suite_filter(struct ctest* t) {
-    return strncmp(suite_name, t->ssname, strlen(suite_name)) == 0;
+void assert_fail(const char* caller, int line)
+	CTEST_ERR("%s:%d  shouldn't come here", caller, line);
+static int suite_all(struct ctest* t)
+	return 1;
+static int suite_filter(struct ctest* t)
+	return strncmp(suite_name, t->ssname, strlen(suite_name)) == 0;
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
-int gettimeofday(struct timeval * tp, struct timezone * tzp)
+int gettimeofday(struct timeval* tp, struct timezone* tzp)
 	// Note: some broken versions only have 8 trailing zero's, the correct epoch has 9 trailing zero's
 	static const uint64_t EPOCH = ((uint64_t)116444736000000000ULL);
-	SYSTEMTIME  system_time;
-	FILETIME    file_time;
-	uint64_t    time;
+	SYSTEMTIME system_time;
+	FILETIME file_time;
+	uint64_t time;
 	SystemTimeToFileTime(&system_time, &file_time);
@@ -347,39 +355,41 @@
-static uint64_t getCurrentTime() {
-    struct timeval now;
-    gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
-    uint64_t now64 = now.tv_sec;
-    now64 *= 1000000;
-    now64 += (now.tv_usec);
-    return now64;
+static uint64_t getCurrentTime()
+	struct timeval now;
+	gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+	uint64_t now64 = now.tv_sec;
+	now64 *= 1000000;
+	now64 += (now.tv_usec);
+	return now64;
-static void color_print(const char* color, const char* text) {
-    if (color_output)
-        printf("%s%s"ANSI_NORMAL"\n", color, text);
-    else
-        printf("%s\n", text);
+static void color_print(const char* color, const char* text)
+	if (color_output)
+		printf("%s%s" ANSI_NORMAL "\n", color, text);
+	else
+		printf("%s\n", text);
 #ifdef __APPLE__
-static void *find_symbol(struct ctest *test, const char *fname)
+static void* find_symbol(struct ctest* test, const char* fname)
-    size_t len = strlen(test->ssname) + 1 + strlen(fname);
-    char *symbol_name = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
-    memset(symbol_name, 0, len + 1);
-    snprintf(symbol_name, len + 1, "%s_%s", test->ssname, fname);
+	size_t len = strlen(test->ssname) + 1 + strlen(fname);
+	char* symbol_name = (char*)malloc(len + 1);
+	memset(symbol_name, 0, len + 1);
+	snprintf(symbol_name, len + 1, "%s_%s", test->ssname, fname);
-    //fprintf(stderr, ">>>> dlsym: loading %s\n", symbol_name);
-    void *symbol = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, symbol_name);
-    if (!symbol) {
-        //fprintf(stderr, ">>>> ERROR: %s\n", dlerror());
-    }
-    // returns NULL on error
+	// fprintf(stderr, ">>>> dlsym: loading %s\n", symbol_name);
+	void* symbol = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, symbol_name);
+	if (!symbol) {
+		// fprintf(stderr, ">>>> ERROR: %s\n", dlerror());
+	}
+	// returns NULL on error
-    free(symbol_name);
-    return symbol;
+	free(symbol_name);
+	return symbol;
@@ -387,113 +397,124 @@
 #include <signal.h>
 static void sighandler(int signum)
-    char msg[128];
-    sprintf(msg, "[SIGNAL %d: %s]", signum, sys_siglist[signum]);
-    color_print(ANSI_BRED, msg);
-    fflush(stdout);
+	char msg[128];
+	sprintf(msg, "[SIGNAL %d: %s]", signum, sys_siglist[signum]);
+	color_print(ANSI_BRED, msg);
+	fflush(stdout);
-    /* "Unregister" the signal handler and send the signal back to the process
-     * so it can terminate as expected */
-    signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
-    kill(getpid(), signum);
+	/* "Unregister" the signal handler and send the signal back to the process
+	 * so it can terminate as expected */
+	signal(signum, SIG_DFL);
+	kill(getpid(), signum);
-int ctest_main(int argc, const char *argv[])
+int ctest_main(int argc, const char* argv[])
-    static int total = 0;
-    static int num_ok = 0;
-    static int num_fail = 0;
-    static int num_skip = 0;
-    static int index = 1;
-    static filter_func filter = suite_all;
+	static int total = 0;
+	static int num_ok = 0;
+	static int num_fail = 0;
+	static int num_skip = 0;
+	static int index = 1;
+	static filter_func filter = suite_all;
-    signal(SIGSEGV, sighandler);
+	signal(SIGSEGV, sighandler);
-    if (argc == 2) {
-        suite_name = argv[1];
-        filter = suite_filter;
-    }
+	if (argc == 2) {
+		suite_name = argv[1];
+		filter = suite_filter;
+	}
-    color_output = isatty(1);
+	color_output = isatty(1);
-    uint64_t t1 = getCurrentTime();
+	uint64_t t1 = getCurrentTime();
-    struct ctest* ctest_begin = &__TNAME(suite, test);
-    struct ctest* ctest_end = &__TNAME(suite, test);
-    // find begin and end of section by comparing magics
-    while (1) {
-        struct ctest* t = ctest_begin-1;
-        if (t->magic != __CTEST_MAGIC) break;
-        ctest_begin--;
-    }
-    while (1) {
-        struct ctest* t = ctest_end+1;
-        if (t->magic != __CTEST_MAGIC) break;
-        ctest_end++;
-    }
-    ctest_end++;    // end after last one
+	struct ctest* ctest_begin = &__TNAME(suite, test);
+	struct ctest* ctest_end = &__TNAME(suite, test);
+	// find begin and end of section by comparing magics
+	while (1) {
+		struct ctest* t = ctest_begin - 1;
+		if (t->magic != __CTEST_MAGIC)
+			break;
+		ctest_begin--;
+	}
+	while (1) {
+		struct ctest* t = ctest_end + 1;
+		if (t->magic != __CTEST_MAGIC)
+			break;
+		ctest_end++;
+	}
+	ctest_end++;  // end after last one
-    static struct ctest* test;
-    for (test = ctest_begin; test != ctest_end; test++) {
-        if (test == &__ctest_suite_test) continue;
-        if (filter(test)) total++;
-    }
+	static struct ctest* test;
+	for (test = ctest_begin; test != ctest_end; test++) {
+		if (test == &__ctest_suite_test)
+			continue;
+		if (filter(test))
+			total++;
+	}
-    for (test = ctest_begin; test != ctest_end; test++) {
-        if (test == &__ctest_suite_test) continue;
-        if (filter(test)) {
-            ctest_errorbuffer[0] = 0;
-            ctest_errorsize = MSG_SIZE-1;
-            ctest_errormsg = ctest_errorbuffer;
-            printf("TEST %d/%d %s:%s ", index, total, test->ssname, test->ttname);
-            fflush(stdout);
-            if (test->skip) {
-                color_print(ANSI_BYELLOW, "[SKIPPED]");
-                num_skip++;
-            } else {
-                int result = setjmp(ctest_err);
-                if (result == 0) {
+	for (test = ctest_begin; test != ctest_end; test++) {
+		if (test == &__ctest_suite_test)
+			continue;
+		if (filter(test)) {
+			ctest_errorbuffer[0] = 0;
+			ctest_errorsize = MSG_SIZE - 1;
+			ctest_errormsg = ctest_errorbuffer;
+			printf("TEST %d/%d %s:%s ", index, total, test->ssname, test->ttname);
+			fflush(stdout);
+			if (test->skip) {
+				color_print(ANSI_BYELLOW, "[SKIPPED]");
+				num_skip++;
+			}
+			else {
+				int result = setjmp(ctest_err);
+				if (result == 0) {
 #ifdef __APPLE__
-                    if (!test->setup) {
-                        test->setup = (SetupFunc)find_symbol(test, "setup");
-                    }
-                    if (!test->teardown) {
-                        test->teardown = (SetupFunc)find_symbol(test, "teardown");
-                    }
+					if (!test->setup) {
+						test->setup = (SetupFunc)find_symbol(test, "setup");
+					}
+					if (!test->teardown) {
+						test->teardown = (SetupFunc)find_symbol(test, "teardown");
+					}
-                    if (test->setup) test->setup(test->data);
-                    if (test->data)
-                      test->run(test->data);
-                    else
-                      test->run();
-                    if (test->teardown) test->teardown(test->data);
-                    // if we got here it's ok
+					if (test->setup)
+						test->setup(test->data);
+					if (test->data)
+						test->run(test->data);
+					else
+						test->run();
+					if (test->teardown)
+						test->teardown(test->data);
+						// if we got here it's ok
 #ifdef COLOR_OK
-                    color_print(ANSI_BGREEN, "[OK]");
+					color_print(ANSI_BGREEN, "[OK]");
-                    printf("[OK]\n");
+					printf("[OK]\n");
-                    num_ok++;
-                } else {
-                    color_print(ANSI_BRED, "[FAIL]");
-                    num_fail++;
-                }
-                if (ctest_errorsize != MSG_SIZE-1) printf("%s", ctest_errorbuffer);
-            }
-            index++;
-        }
-    }
-    uint64_t t2 = getCurrentTime();
+					num_ok++;
+				}
+				else {
+					color_print(ANSI_BRED, "[FAIL]");
+					num_fail++;
+				}
+				if (ctest_errorsize != MSG_SIZE - 1)
+					printf("%s", ctest_errorbuffer);
+			}
+			index++;
+		}
+	}
+	uint64_t t2 = getCurrentTime();
-    const char* color = (num_fail) ? ANSI_BRED : ANSI_GREEN;
-    char results[80];
-    sprintf(results, "RESULTS: %d tests (%d ok, %d failed, %d skipped) ran in %"PRIu64" ms", total, num_ok, num_fail, num_skip, (t2 - t1)/1000);
-    color_print(color, results);
-    return num_fail;
+	const char* color = (num_fail) ? ANSI_BRED : ANSI_GREEN;
+	char results[80];
+	sprintf(results, "RESULTS: %d tests (%d ok, %d failed, %d skipped) ran in %" PRIu64 " ms", total, num_ok, num_fail,
+		num_skip, (t2 - t1) / 1000);
+	color_print(color, results);
+	return num_fail;
diff --git a/test/test.c b/test/test.c
index b7d85af..8cee485 100644
--- a/test/test.c
+++ b/test/test.c
@@ -15,122 +15,161 @@
 #define ERROR(msg, p) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: " msg " %s\n", (p));
-static unsigned char* load_file(const char* filepath, unsigned char **end) {
-  struct stat st;
-  if (stat(filepath, &st)==-1) {
-    ERROR("can't find file", filepath);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  int fd=open(filepath, O_RDONLY);
-  if (fd==-1) {
-    ERROR("can't open file", filepath);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  unsigned char* text=malloc(st.st_size+1); // this is not going to be freed
-  if (st.st_size!=read(fd, text, st.st_size)) {
-    ERROR("can't read file", filepath);
-    close(fd);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  close(fd);
-  text[st.st_size]='\0';
-  *end = text + st.st_size;
-  return text;
+static unsigned char *load_file(const char *filepath, unsigned char **end)
+	struct stat st;
+	if (stat(filepath, &st) == -1) {
+		ERROR("can't find file", filepath);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	int fd = open(filepath, O_RDONLY);
+	if (fd == -1) {
+		ERROR("can't open file", filepath);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	unsigned char *text = malloc(st.st_size + 1);  // this is not going to be freed
+	if (st.st_size != read(fd, text, st.st_size)) {
+		ERROR("can't read file", filepath);
+		close(fd);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	close(fd);
+	text[st.st_size] = '\0';
+	*end = text + st.st_size;
+	return text;
-static void dump(const cn_cbor* cb, char* out, char** end, int indent) {
-  if (!cb)
-    goto done;
-  int i;
-  cn_cbor* cp;
-  char finchar = ')';           /* most likely */
+static void dump(const cn_cbor *cb, char *out, char **end, int indent)
+	if (!cb)
+		goto done;
+	int i;
+	cn_cbor *cp;
+	char finchar = ')'; /* most likely */
-#define CPY(s, l) memcpy(out, s, l); out += l;
-#define OUT(s) CPY(s, sizeof(s)-1)
+#define CPY(s, l)      \
+	memcpy(out, s, l); \
+	out += l;
+#define OUT(s) CPY(s, sizeof(s) - 1)
 #define PRF(f, a) out += sprintf(out, f, a)
-  for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) *out++ = ' ';
-  switch (cb->type) {
-  case CN_CBOR_TEXT_CHUNKED:   OUT("(_\n");                  goto sequence;
-  case CN_CBOR_BYTES_CHUNKED:  OUT("(_\n\n");                goto sequence;
-  case CN_CBOR_TAG:            PRF("%ld(\n", cb->v.sint);    goto sequence;
-  case CN_CBOR_ARRAY:  finchar = ']'; OUT("[\n");            goto sequence;
-  case CN_CBOR_MAP:    finchar = '}'; OUT("{\n");            goto sequence;
-  sequence:
-    for (cp = cb->first_child; cp; cp = cp->next) {
-      dump(cp, out, &out, indent+2);
-    }
-    for (i=0; i<indent; i++) *out++ = ' ';
-    *out++ = finchar;
-    break;
-  case CN_CBOR_BYTES:   OUT("h'");
-    for (i=0; i<cb->length; i++)
-      PRF("%02x", cb->v.str[i] & 0xff);
-    *out++ = '\'';
-    break;
-  case CN_CBOR_TEXT:    *out++ = '"';
-    CPY(cb->v.str, cb->length); /* should escape stuff */
-    *out++ = '"';
-    break;
-  case CN_CBOR_NULL:   OUT("null");                      break;
-  case CN_CBOR_TRUE:   OUT("true");                      break;
-  case CN_CBOR_FALSE:  OUT("false");                     break;
-  case CN_CBOR_UNDEF:  OUT("simple(23)");                break;
-  case CN_CBOR_INT:    PRF("%ld", cb->v.sint);           break;
-  case CN_CBOR_UINT:   PRF("%lu", cb->v.uint);           break;
-  case CN_CBOR_DOUBLE: PRF("%e", cb->v.dbl);             break;
-  case CN_CBOR_SIMPLE: PRF("simple(%ld)", cb->v.sint);   break;
-  default:             PRF("???%d???", cb->type);        break;
-  }
-  *out++ = '\n';
+	for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
+		*out++ = ' ';
+	switch (cb->type) {
+			OUT("(_\n");
+			goto sequence;
+			OUT("(_\n\n");
+			goto sequence;
+		case CN_CBOR_TAG:
+			PRF("%ld(\n", cb->v.sint);
+			goto sequence;
+		case CN_CBOR_ARRAY:
+			finchar = ']';
+			OUT("[\n");
+			goto sequence;
+		case CN_CBOR_MAP:
+			finchar = '}';
+			OUT("{\n");
+			goto sequence;
+		sequence:
+			for (cp = cb->first_child; cp; cp = cp->next) {
+				dump(cp, out, &out, indent + 2);
+			}
+			for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
+				*out++ = ' ';
+			*out++ = finchar;
+			break;
+		case CN_CBOR_BYTES:
+			OUT("h'");
+			for (i = 0; i < cb->length; i++)
+				PRF("%02x", cb->v.str[i] & 0xff);
+			*out++ = '\'';
+			break;
+		case CN_CBOR_TEXT:
+			*out++ = '"';
+			CPY(cb->v.str, cb->length); /* should escape stuff */
+			*out++ = '"';
+			break;
+		case CN_CBOR_NULL:
+			OUT("null");
+			break;
+		case CN_CBOR_TRUE:
+			OUT("true");
+			break;
+		case CN_CBOR_FALSE:
+			OUT("false");
+			break;
+		case CN_CBOR_UNDEF:
+			OUT("simple(23)");
+			break;
+		case CN_CBOR_INT:
+			PRF("%ld", cb->v.sint);
+			break;
+		case CN_CBOR_UINT:
+			PRF("%lu", cb->v.uint);
+			break;
+			PRF("%e", cb->v.dbl);
+			break;
+			PRF("simple(%ld)", cb->v.sint);
+			break;
+		default:
+			PRF("???%d???", cb->type);
+			break;
+	}
+	*out++ = '\n';
-  *end = out;
+	*end = out;
 const char *err_name[] = {
-static void cn_cbor_decode_test(const unsigned char *buf, int len) {
-  struct cn_cbor_errback back;
-  const cn_cbor *ret = cn_cbor_decode(buf, len CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM, &back);
-  if (ret)
-    printf("oops 1");
-  printf("%s at %d\n", err_name[back.err], back.pos);
+static void cn_cbor_decode_test(const unsigned char *buf, int len)
+	struct cn_cbor_errback back;
+	const cn_cbor *ret = cn_cbor_decode(buf, len CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM, &back);
+	if (ret)
+		printf("oops 1");
+	printf("%s at %d\n", err_name[back.err], back.pos);
-int main(void) {
-  char buf[100000];
-  unsigned char *end;
-  char *bufend;
-  unsigned char *s = load_file("cases.cbor", &end);
-  printf("%zd\n", end-s);
-  cn_cbor *cb = cn_cbor_decode(s, end-s CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM, 0);
-  if (cb) {
-    dump(cb, buf, &bufend, 0);
-    *bufend = 0;
-    printf("%s\n", buf);
-    cn_cbor_free(cb CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM);
-    cb = 0;                     /* for leaks testing */
-  }
-  cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char*)"\xff", 1);    /* break outside indef */
-  cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char*)"\x1f", 1);    /* mt undef for indef */
-  cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char*)"\x00\x00", 2);    /* not all data consumed */
-  cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char*)"\x81", 1);    /* out of data */
-  cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char*)"\x1c", 1);    /* reserved ai */
-  cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char*)"\xbf\x00\xff", 3);    /* odd size indef map */
-  cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char*)"\x7f\x40\xff", 3);    /* wrong nesting in indef string */
-  system("leaks test");
+int main(void)
+	char buf[100000];
+	unsigned char *end;
+	char *bufend;
+	unsigned char *s = load_file("cases.cbor", &end);
+	printf("%zd\n", end - s);
+	cn_cbor *cb = cn_cbor_decode(s, end - s CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM, 0);
+	if (cb) {
+		dump(cb, buf, &bufend, 0);
+		*bufend = 0;
+		printf("%s\n", buf);
+		cn_cbor_free(cb CBOR_CONTEXT_PARAM);
+		cb = 0; /* for leaks testing */
+	}
+	cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char *)"\xff", 1);		   /* break outside indef */
+	cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char *)"\x1f", 1);		   /* mt undef for indef */
+	cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char *)"\x00\x00", 2);	   /* not all data consumed */
+	cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char *)"\x81", 1);		   /* out of data */
+	cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char *)"\x1c", 1);		   /* reserved ai */
+	cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char *)"\xbf\x00\xff", 3); /* odd size indef map */
+	cn_cbor_decode_test((const unsigned char *)"\x7f\x40\xff", 3); /* wrong nesting in indef string */
+	system("leaks test");
 /* cn-cbor.c:112:    CN_CBOR_FAIL("out of memory"); */