blob: 62fb91de0ad89a2b04bf46b7a70145ca16eb1197 [file] [log] [blame]
# Run a fuzz test to verify robustness against corrupted/malicious data.
import sys
import time
import zipfile
import random
import subprocess
Import("env", "malloc_env")
def set_pkgname(src, dst, pkgname):
data = open(str(src)).read()
placeholder = '// package name placeholder'
assert placeholder in data
data = data.replace(placeholder, 'package %s;' % pkgname)
open(str(dst), 'w').write(data)
# We want both pointer and static versions of the AllTypes message
# Prefix them with package name.
env.Command("alltypes_static.proto", "#alltypes/alltypes.proto",
lambda target, source, env: set_pkgname(source[0], target[0], 'alltypes_static'))
env.Command("alltypes_pointer.proto", "#alltypes/alltypes.proto",
lambda target, source, env: set_pkgname(source[0], target[0], 'alltypes_pointer'))
env.NanopbProto(["alltypes_pointer", "alltypes_pointer.options"])
env.NanopbProto(["alltypes_static", "alltypes_static.options"])
# Do the same for proto3 versions
env.Command("alltypes_proto3_static.proto", "#alltypes_proto3/alltypes.proto",
lambda target, source, env: set_pkgname(source[0], target[0], 'alltypes_proto3_static'))
env.Command("alltypes_proto3_pointer.proto", "#alltypes_proto3/alltypes.proto",
lambda target, source, env: set_pkgname(source[0], target[0], 'alltypes_proto3_pointer'))
env.NanopbProto(["alltypes_proto3_pointer", "alltypes_proto3_pointer.options"])
env.NanopbProto(["alltypes_proto3_static", "alltypes_proto3_static.options"])
# And also a callback version
env.Command("alltypes_callback.proto", "#alltypes/alltypes.proto",
lambda target, source, env: set_pkgname(source[0], target[0], 'alltypes_callback'))
env.NanopbProto(["alltypes_callback", "alltypes_callback.options"])
fuzz = malloc_env.Program(["fuzztest.c",
# Run the stand-alone fuzz tester
seed = int(time.time())
if env.get('EMBEDDED'):
iterations = 100
iterations = 1000
env.RunTest(fuzz, ARGS = [str(seed), str(iterations)])
generate_message = malloc_env.Program(["generate_message.c",
# Test the message generator
env.RunTest(generate_message, ARGS = [str(seed)])
env.RunTest("generate_message.output.fuzzed", [fuzz, "generate_message.output"])
# Run against the latest corpus from ossfuzz
# This allows quick testing against regressions and also lets us more
# completely test slow embedded targets. To reduce runtime, only a subset
# of the corpus is fuzzed each time.
def run_against_corpus(target, source, env):
corpus = zipfile.ZipFile(str(source[1]), 'r')
count = 0
args = [str(source[0])]
if env.has_key("TEST_RUNNER"):
args = [env["TEST_RUNNER"]] + args
samplesize = int(env["FUZZTEST_CORPUS_SAMPLESIZE"])
samplesize = 100
files = [n for n in corpus.namelist() if not n.endswith('/')]
files = random.sample(files, 100)
for filename in files:
sys.stdout.write("Fuzzing: %5d/%5d: %-40.40s\r" % (count, len(files), filename))
count += 1
maxsize = env.get('CPPDEFINES', {}).get('FUZZTEST_BUFSIZE', 256*1024)
data_in =[:maxsize]
process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate(input = data_in)
result = process.wait()
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == 22:
print("Warning: OSError 22 when running with input " + filename)
result = process.wait()
if result != 0:
stdout += stderr
print('\033[31m[FAIL]\033[0m Program ' + str(args) + ' returned ' + str(result) + ' with input ' + filename + ' from ' + str(source[1]))
return result
open(str(target[0]), 'w').write(str(count))
print('\033[32m[ OK ]\033[0m Ran ' + str(args) + " against " + str(source[1]) + " (" + str(count) + " entries)")
env.Command("", [fuzz, ""], run_against_corpus)