blob: e919a76c6202f9f7b5cefe8792ab95db00212f45 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Fuzz testing for the nanopb core.
* Attempts to verify all the properties defined in the security model document.
* This program can run in three configurations:
* - Standalone fuzzer, generating its own inputs and testing against them.
* - Fuzzing target, reading input on stdin.
* - LLVM libFuzzer target, taking input as a function argument.
#include <pb_decode.h>
#include <pb_encode.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <malloc_wrappers.h>
#include "random_data.h"
#include "validation.h"
#include "flakystream.h"
#include "test_helpers.h"
#include "alltypes_static.pb.h"
#include "alltypes_pointer.pb.h"
#include "alltypes_callback.pb.h"
#include "alltypes_proto3_static.pb.h"
#include "alltypes_proto3_pointer.pb.h"
/* Longer buffer size allows hitting more branches, but lowers performance. */
#if defined(LLVMFUZZER)
static size_t g_bufsize = 256*1024;
#elif defined(__AVR__)
static size_t g_bufsize = 2048;
static size_t g_bufsize = 4096;
static bool do_decode(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t msglen, size_t structsize, const pb_msgdesc_t *msgtype, unsigned flags, bool assert_success)
bool status;
pb_istream_t stream;
size_t initial_alloc_count = get_alloc_count();
void *msg = malloc_with_check(structsize);
alltypes_static_TestExtension extmsg = alltypes_static_TestExtension_init_zero;
pb_extension_t ext = pb_extension_init_zero;
memset(msg, 0, structsize);
ext.type = &alltypes_static_TestExtension_testextension;
ext.dest = &extmsg; = NULL;
if (msgtype == alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields)
((alltypes_static_AllTypes*)msg)->extensions = &ext;
else if (msgtype == alltypes_pointer_AllTypes_fields)
((alltypes_pointer_AllTypes*)msg)->extensions = &ext;
stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, msglen);
status = pb_decode_ex(&stream, msgtype, msg, flags);
if (status)
validate_message(msg, structsize, msgtype);
if (assert_success)
if (!status) fprintf(stderr, "pb_decode: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
pb_release(msgtype, msg);
assert(get_alloc_count() == initial_alloc_count);
return status;
static bool do_stream_decode(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t msglen, size_t fail_after, size_t structsize, const pb_msgdesc_t *msgtype, bool assert_success)
bool status;
flakystream_t stream;
size_t initial_alloc_count = get_alloc_count();
void *msg = malloc_with_check(structsize);
memset(msg, 0, structsize);
flakystream_init(&stream, buffer, msglen, fail_after);
status = pb_decode(&, msgtype, msg);
if (status)
validate_message(msg, structsize, msgtype);
if (assert_success)
if (!status) fprintf(stderr, "pb_decode: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&;
pb_release(msgtype, msg);
assert(get_alloc_count() == initial_alloc_count);
return status;
static int g_sentinel;
static bool field_callback(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg)
assert(*arg == &g_sentinel);
return pb_read(stream, NULL, stream->bytes_left);
static bool submsg_callback(pb_istream_t *stream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg)
assert(*arg == &g_sentinel);
return true;
static bool do_callback_decode(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t msglen, bool assert_success)
bool status;
pb_istream_t stream;
size_t initial_alloc_count = get_alloc_count();
alltypes_callback_AllTypes *msg = malloc_with_check(sizeof(alltypes_callback_AllTypes));
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(alltypes_callback_AllTypes));
stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, msglen);
msg->rep_int32.funcs.decode = &field_callback;
msg->rep_int32.arg = &g_sentinel;
msg->rep_string.funcs.decode = &field_callback;
msg->rep_string.arg = &g_sentinel;
msg->rep_farray.funcs.decode = &field_callback;
msg->rep_farray.arg = &g_sentinel;
msg->req_limits.int64_min.funcs.decode = &field_callback;
msg->req_limits.int64_min.arg = &g_sentinel;
msg->cb_oneof.funcs.decode = &submsg_callback;
msg->cb_oneof.arg = &g_sentinel;
status = pb_decode(&stream, alltypes_callback_AllTypes_fields, msg);
if (assert_success)
if (!status) fprintf(stderr, "pb_decode: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
pb_release(alltypes_callback_AllTypes_fields, msg);
assert(get_alloc_count() == initial_alloc_count);
return status;
/* Do a decode -> encode -> decode -> encode roundtrip */
static void do_roundtrip(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t msglen, size_t structsize, const pb_msgdesc_t *msgtype)
bool status;
uint8_t *buf2 = malloc_with_check(g_bufsize);
uint8_t *buf3 = malloc_with_check(g_bufsize);
size_t msglen2, msglen3;
void *msg = malloc_with_check(structsize);
/* For proto2 types, we also test extension fields */
alltypes_static_TestExtension extmsg = alltypes_static_TestExtension_init_zero;
pb_extension_t ext = pb_extension_init_zero;
pb_extension_t **ext_field = NULL;
ext.type = &alltypes_static_TestExtension_testextension;
ext.dest = &extmsg; = NULL;
if (msgtype == alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields)
ext_field = &((alltypes_static_AllTypes*)msg)->extensions;
else if (msgtype == alltypes_pointer_AllTypes_fields)
ext_field = &((alltypes_pointer_AllTypes*)msg)->extensions;
/* Decode and encode the input data.
* This will bring it into canonical format.
pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, msglen);
memset(msg, 0, structsize);
if (ext_field) *ext_field = &ext;
status = pb_decode(&stream, msgtype, msg);
if (!status) fprintf(stderr, "pb_decode: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
validate_message(msg, structsize, msgtype);
pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buf2, g_bufsize);
status = pb_encode(&stream, msgtype, msg);
if (!status) fprintf(stderr, "pb_encode: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
msglen2 = stream.bytes_written;
pb_release(msgtype, msg);
/* Then decode and encode again. Result should remain the same. */
pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buf2, msglen2);
memset(msg, 0, structsize);
if (ext_field) *ext_field = &ext;
status = pb_decode(&stream, msgtype, msg);
if (!status) fprintf(stderr, "pb_decode: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
validate_message(msg, structsize, msgtype);
pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buf3, g_bufsize);
status = pb_encode(&stream, msgtype, msg);
if (!status) fprintf(stderr, "pb_encode: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
msglen3 = stream.bytes_written;
assert(msglen2 == msglen3);
assert(memcmp(buf2, buf3, msglen2) == 0);
pb_release(msgtype, msg);
void do_roundtrips(const uint8_t *data, size_t size, bool expect_valid)
size_t initial_alloc_count = get_alloc_count();
/* Check decoding as static fields */
if (do_decode(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_static_AllTypes), alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields, 0, expect_valid))
/* Any message that is decodeable as proto2 should be decodeable as proto3 */
do_roundtrip(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_static_AllTypes), alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields);
do_roundtrip(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes_fields);
/* Test successful decoding also when using a stream */
do_stream_decode(data, size, SIZE_MAX, sizeof(alltypes_static_AllTypes), alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields, true);
do_stream_decode(data, size, SIZE_MAX, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes_fields, true);
/* Test callbacks */
do_callback_decode(data, size, true);
else if (do_decode(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes_fields, 0, expect_valid))
do_roundtrip(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes_fields);
/* Check decoding as pointer fields */
if (do_decode(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_pointer_AllTypes), alltypes_pointer_AllTypes_fields, 0, expect_valid))
do_roundtrip(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_pointer_AllTypes), alltypes_pointer_AllTypes_fields);
do_roundtrip(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes_fields);
/* Test successful decoding also when using a stream */
do_stream_decode(data, size, SIZE_MAX, sizeof(alltypes_pointer_AllTypes), alltypes_pointer_AllTypes_fields, true);
do_stream_decode(data, size, SIZE_MAX, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes_fields, true);
else if (do_decode(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes_fields, 0, expect_valid))
do_roundtrip(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes_fields);
/* Test decoding on a failing stream */
do_stream_decode(data, size, size - 16, sizeof(alltypes_static_AllTypes), alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields, false);
do_stream_decode(data, size, size - 16, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_static_AllTypes_fields, false);
do_stream_decode(data, size, size - 16, sizeof(alltypes_pointer_AllTypes), alltypes_pointer_AllTypes_fields, false);
do_stream_decode(data, size, size - 16, sizeof(alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes), alltypes_proto3_pointer_AllTypes_fields, false);
/* Test pb_decode_ex() modes */
do_decode(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_static_AllTypes), alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields, PB_DECODE_NOINIT, false);
do_decode(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_static_AllTypes), alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields, PB_DECODE_DELIMITED, false);
do_decode(data, size, sizeof(alltypes_static_AllTypes), alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields, PB_DECODE_NULLTERMINATED, false);
/* Test callbacks also when message is not valid */
do_callback_decode(data, size, false);
assert(get_alloc_count() == initial_alloc_count);
/* Fuzzer stub for Google OSSFuzz integration */
int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
/* In some cases, when we re-encode input it can expand close to 2x.
* This is because 0xFFFFFFFF in int32 is decoded as -1, but the
* canonical encoding for it is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
* Thus we reserve double the space for intermediate buffers.
if (size > g_bufsize / 2)
return 0;
do_roundtrips(data, size, false);
return 0;
static bool generate_base_message(uint8_t *buffer, size_t *msglen)
pb_ostream_t stream;
bool status;
static const alltypes_static_AllTypes initval = alltypes_static_AllTypes_init_default;
/* Allocate a message and fill it with defaults */
alltypes_static_AllTypes *msg = malloc_with_check(sizeof(alltypes_static_AllTypes));
memcpy(msg, &initval, sizeof(initval));
/* Apply randomness to the data before encoding */
while (rand_int(0, 7))
rand_mess((uint8_t*)msg, sizeof(alltypes_static_AllTypes));
msg->extensions = NULL;
stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, g_bufsize);
status = pb_encode(&stream, alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields, msg);
assert(stream.bytes_written <= g_bufsize);
assert(stream.bytes_written <= alltypes_static_AllTypes_size);
*msglen = stream.bytes_written;
pb_release(alltypes_static_AllTypes_fields, msg);
return status;
/* Stand-alone fuzzer iteration, generates random data itself */
static void run_iteration()
uint8_t *buffer = malloc_with_check(g_bufsize);
size_t msglen;
/* Fill the whole buffer with noise, to prepare for length modifications */
rand_fill(buffer, g_bufsize);
if (generate_base_message(buffer, &msglen))
rand_protobuf_noise(buffer, g_bufsize, &msglen);
/* At this point the message should always be valid */
do_roundtrips(buffer, msglen, true);
/* Apply randomness to the encoded data */
while (rand_bool())
rand_mess(buffer, g_bufsize);
/* Apply randomness to encoded data length */
if (rand_bool())
msglen = rand_int(0, g_bufsize);
/* In this step the message may be valid or invalid */
do_roundtrips(buffer, msglen, false);
assert(get_alloc_count() == 0);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
int iterations;
if (argc >= 2)
/* Run in stand-alone mode */
random_set_seed(strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0));
iterations = (argc >= 3) ? atol(argv[2]) : 10000;
for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
printf("Iteration %d/%d, seed %lu\n", i, iterations, (unsigned long)random_get_seed());
/* Run as a stub for afl-fuzz and similar */
uint8_t *buffer;
size_t msglen;
buffer = malloc_with_check(g_bufsize);
msglen = fread(buffer, 1, g_bufsize, stdin);
LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(buffer, msglen);
return 0;