blob: bf074e80da782f68d8c6362018e1566867392edc [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test CPP descriptor generation */
syntax = "proto2";
import "nanopb.proto";
message MyEmptyMessage {
message MyNonEmptyMessage {
optional uint32 field = 1;
message MyMessageWithMsgid {
option (nanopb_msgopt).msgid = 42;
optional uint32 field = 1;
message MyMessageWithoutMsgid {
optional uint32 field = 1;
// This message is not used in the tests but is rather a sentry message that
// will trigger a build failure if the generator decides to create a size
// variable for fields which are not size bound. Note that this only works as
// long as the C++ interface for sizing wraps the C interface.
message MyMessageWithoutSize {
repeated uint32 field = 1;
message MyMessageWithSizeBoundRepeatedFields {
option (nanopb_msgopt).max_count = 100;
repeated uint32 field = 1;