This directory contains an Android Studio project for CHIPTool.
CHIPTool features: Scan a CHIP QR code and display payload information to the user Send echo requests to the CHIP echo server Send on/off cluster requests to a CHIP device
Pre-conditions: Have Android SDK & NDK downloaded to your machine. Set the $ANDROID_HOME environment variable to where the SDK is downloaded and the $ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable to point to the NDK package is downloaded.
Make sure that JAVA_HOME is set to the correct path.
ABIs and corresponding values for target_cpu
ABI | target_cpu |
armeabi-v7a | arm |
arm64-v8a | arm64 |
x86 | x86 |
x86-64 | x64 |
Checkout the CHIP repo
In commandline / Terminal, ‘cd’ into the top CHIP directory and run
source scripts/ gn gen out/android_arm64 --args="target_os=\"android\" target_cpu=\"arm64\" android_ndk_root=\"${ANDROID_NDK_HOME}\" android_sdk_root=\"${ANDROID_HOME}\"" ninja -C out/android_arm64 src/setup_payload/java src/controller/java
See table above for other values of target_cpu
You should see the generated SetupPayloadParser.jar under out/android_arm64/lib
and under out/android_arm64/lib/jni/arm64-v8a
in the output directory.
Copy the .jar and .so files into the Android project:
rsync -a out/android_arm64/lib/*.jar src/android/CHIPTool/app/libs rsync -a out/android_arm64/lib/jni/* src/android/CHIPTool/app/src/main/jniLibs
‘Gradle sync’ the Android project and run.
You will also need the “” file in the jniLibs folder. This file comes packaged with Android NDK and can be found under $ANDROID_NDK_HOME/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/$TARGET
, e.g.
rsync -a "${ANDROID_NDK_HOME}/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/arm64-v8a/" src/android/CHIPTool/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/
(Eventually hoping to not have to include this .so, but that needs some more tweaking of the Android automake build rules. Include it in the interim to be able to build the Android app).
Build OT Commissioner
git submodule update --init --recursive third_party/ot-commissioner/repo ABI=arm64-v8a API=21 ./third_party/ot-commissioner/ ## JAR and .so libraries will be copy to target directories.