blob: 1b3a408ec06e2e10e38820e97be63cbf1988eeb2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2018 Google LLC.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This header file defines the <tt>Inet::IPEndPointBasis</tt>
* class, an intermediate, non-instantiable basis class
* supporting other IP-based end points.
#pragma once
#include <inet/EndPointBasis.h>
#include <inet/InetInterface.h>
#include <inet/InetLayerEvents.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
#include <lwip/init.h>
#include <lwip/netif.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Inet {
class InetLayer;
class IPPacketInfo;
* @class IPEndPointBasis
* @brief Objects of this class represent non-instantiable IP protocol
* endpoints.
class DLL_EXPORT IPEndPointBasis : public EndPointBasis
* @brief Type of message text reception event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] msg The message text received.
* @param[in] pktInfo The packet's IP information.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnMessageReceived delegate
* member to process message text reception events on \c endPoint where
* \c msg is the message text received from the sender at \c senderAddr.
typedef void (*OnMessageReceivedFunct)(IPEndPointBasis * endPoint, chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && msg,
const IPPacketInfo * pktInfo);
* @brief Type of reception error event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] err The reason for the error.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnReceiveError delegate
* member to process reception error events on \c endPoint. The \c err
* argument provides specific detail about the type of the error.
typedef void (*OnReceiveErrorFunct)(IPEndPointBasis * endPoint, CHIP_ERROR err, const IPPacketInfo * pktInfo);
IPEndPointBasis() = default;
* Set whether IP multicast traffic should be looped back.
CHIP_ERROR SetMulticastLoopback(IPVersion aIPVersion, bool aLoopback);
* Join an IP multicast group.
* @param[in] aInterfaceId The indicator of the network interface to add to the multicast group.
* @param[in] aAddress The multicast group to add the interface to.
* @retval CHIP_NO_ERROR Success: multicast group removed.
* @retval INET_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE Unknown network interface, \c aInterfaceId.
* @retval INET_ERROR_WRONG_ADDRESS_TYPE \c aAddress is not \c kIPv4 or \c kIPv6 or is not multicast.
* @retval other Another system or platform error.
CHIP_ERROR JoinMulticastGroup(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress);
* Leave an IP multicast group.
* @param[in] aInterfaceId The indicator of the network interface to remove from the multicast group.
* @param[in] aAddress The multicast group to remove the interface from.
* @retval CHIP_NO_ERROR Success: multicast group removed
* @retval INET_ERROR_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE Unknown network interface, \c aInterfaceId
* @retval INET_ERROR_WRONG_ADDRESS_TYPE \c aAddress is not \c kIPv4 or \c kIPv6 or is not multicast.
* @retval other Another system or platform error
CHIP_ERROR LeaveMulticastGroup(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress);
friend class InetLayer;
* Basic dynamic state of the underlying endpoint.
* Objects are initialized in the "ready" state, proceed to the "bound"
* state after binding to a local interface address, then proceed to the
* "listening" state when they have continuations registered for handling
* events for reception of ICMP messages.
enum class State : uint8_t
kReady = 0, /**< Endpoint initialized, but not open. */
kBound = 1, /**< Endpoint bound, but not listening. */
kListening = 2, /**< Endpoint receiving datagrams. */
kClosed = 3 /**< Endpoint closed, ready for release. */
} mState;
void Init(InetLayer * aInetLayer);
/** The endpoint's message reception event handling function delegate. */
OnMessageReceivedFunct OnMessageReceived;
/** The endpoint's receive error event handling function delegate. */
OnReceiveErrorFunct OnReceiveError;
IPEndPointBasis(const IPEndPointBasis &) = delete;
void InitImpl();
CHIP_ERROR IPv4JoinLeaveMulticastGroupImpl(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress, bool join);
CHIP_ERROR IPv6JoinLeaveMulticastGroupImpl(InterfaceId aInterfaceId, const IPAddress & aAddress, bool join);
static struct netif * FindNetifFromInterfaceId(InterfaceId aInterfaceId);
void HandleDataReceived(chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && aBuffer);
* Get LwIP IP layer source and destination addressing information.
* @param[in] aBuffer The packet buffer containing the IP message.
* @returns a pointer to the address information on success; otherwise,
* nullptr if there is insufficient space in the packet for
* the address information.
* When using LwIP information about the packet is 'hidden' in the reserved space before the start of the
* data in the packet buffer. This is necessary because the system layer events only have two arguments,
* which in this case are used to convey the pointer to the end point and the pointer to the buffer.
* In most cases this trick of storing information before the data works because the first buffer in an
* LwIP IP message contains the space that was used for the Ethernet/IP/UDP headers. However, given the
* current size of the IPPacketInfo structure (40 bytes), it is possible for there to not be enough room
* to store the structure along with the payload in a single packet buffer. In practice, this should only
* happen for extremely large IPv4 packets that arrive without an Ethernet header.
static IPPacketInfo * GetPacketInfo(const chip::System::PacketBufferHandle & aBuffer);
InterfaceId mBoundIntfId;
CHIP_ERROR Bind(IPAddressType aAddressType, const IPAddress & aAddress, uint16_t aPort, InterfaceId aInterfaceId);
CHIP_ERROR BindInterface(IPAddressType aAddressType, InterfaceId aInterfaceId);
CHIP_ERROR SendMsg(const IPPacketInfo * aPktInfo, chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && aBuffer);
CHIP_ERROR GetSocket(IPAddressType aAddressType, int aType, int aProtocol);
void HandlePendingIO(uint16_t aPort);
using MulticastGroupHandler = CHIP_ERROR (*)(InterfaceId, const IPAddress &);
static void SetJoinMulticastGroupHandler(MulticastGroupHandler handler) { sJoinMulticastGroupHandler = handler; }
static void SetLeaveMulticastGroupHandler(MulticastGroupHandler handler) { sLeaveMulticastGroupHandler = handler; }
static MulticastGroupHandler sJoinMulticastGroupHandler;
static MulticastGroupHandler sLeaveMulticastGroupHandler;
nw_listener_t mListener;
dispatch_semaphore_t mListenerSemaphore;
dispatch_queue_t mListenerQueue;
nw_connection_t mConnection;
dispatch_semaphore_t mConnectionSemaphore;
dispatch_queue_t mDispatchQueue;
dispatch_semaphore_t mSendSemaphore;
CHIP_ERROR Bind(IPAddressType aAddressType, const IPAddress & aAddress, uint16_t aPort, const nw_parameters_t & aParameters);
CHIP_ERROR ConfigureProtocol(IPAddressType aAddressType, const nw_parameters_t & aParameters);
CHIP_ERROR SendMsg(const IPPacketInfo * aPktInfo, chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && aBuffer);
CHIP_ERROR StartListener();
CHIP_ERROR GetConnection(const IPPacketInfo * aPktInfo);
CHIP_ERROR GetEndPoint(nw_endpoint_t & aEndpoint, const IPAddressType aAddressType, const IPAddress & aAddress, uint16_t aPort);
CHIP_ERROR StartConnection(nw_connection_t & aConnection);
void GetPacketInfo(const nw_connection_t & aConnection, IPPacketInfo & aPacketInfo);
void HandleDataReceived(const nw_connection_t & aConnection);
CHIP_ERROR ReleaseListener();
CHIP_ERROR ReleaseConnection();
void ReleaseAll();
} // namespace Inet
} // namespace chip