blob: dc960232e83afab72f2a1d9323a974b854f78f92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <lib/core/PeerId.h>
#include <lib/support/IntrusiveList.h>
#include <messaging/ReliableMessageProtocolConfig.h>
#include <system/SystemClock.h>
#include <system/SystemLayer.h>
#include <transport/raw/PeerAddress.h>
namespace chip {
namespace AddressResolve {
/// Contains resolve information received from nodes. Contains all information
/// bits that are considered useful but does not contain a full DNSSD data
/// structure since not all DNSSD data is useful during operational processing.
struct ResolveResult
Transport::PeerAddress address;
ReliableMessageProtocolConfig mrpRemoteConfig;
bool supportsTcp = false;
bool isICDOperatingAsLIT = false;
ResolveResult() : address(Transport::Type::kUdp), mrpRemoteConfig(GetDefaultMRPConfig()) {}
/// Represents an object interested in callbacks for a resolve operation.
class NodeListener
NodeListener() = default;
virtual ~NodeListener() = default;
/// Callback executed once only for a lookup, when the final address of a
/// node is considered to be the best choice for reachability.
/// The callback is expected to be executed within the CHIP event loop
/// thread.
virtual void OnNodeAddressResolved(const PeerId & peerId, const ResolveResult & result) = 0;
/// Node resolution failure - occurs only once for a lookup, when an address
/// could not be resolved - generally due to a timeout or due to DNSSD
/// infrastructure returning an error.
/// The callback is expected to be executed within the CHIP event loop
/// thread.
virtual void OnNodeAddressResolutionFailed(const PeerId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR reason) = 0;
/// Represents an active Address resolution lookup.
/// Implementations extend this class with implementation-specific data like
/// storing the 'last known good address' and 'scores' or any additional data
/// required to figure out when a resolve is ok.
class NodeLookupHandleBase : public IntrusiveListNodeBase<>
NodeLookupHandleBase() {}
virtual ~NodeLookupHandleBase() {}
// While active, resolve handles are maintained in an internal list
// to be processed, so copying their values (i.e. pointers) is not
// allowed.
NodeLookupHandleBase(const NodeLookupHandleBase &) = delete;
NodeLookupHandleBase & operator=(const NodeLookupHandleBase &) = delete;
void SetListener(NodeListener * listener) { mListener = listener; }
NodeListener * GetListener() { return mListener; }
/// Convenience method that is more readable than 'IsInList'
inline bool IsActive() const { return IntrusiveListNodeBase::IsInList(); }
NodeListener * mListener = nullptr;
/// Represents a request to perform a single node lookup
/// Contains all the information that should be looked for as well as
/// extra timeout configurations.
class NodeLookupRequest
NodeLookupRequest() {}
NodeLookupRequest(const PeerId & peerId) : mPeerId(peerId) {}
NodeLookupRequest(const NodeLookupRequest &) = default;
NodeLookupRequest & operator=(const NodeLookupRequest &) = default;
const PeerId & GetPeerId() const { return mPeerId; }
System::Clock::Milliseconds32 GetMinLookupTime() const { return mMinLookupTimeMs; }
System::Clock::Milliseconds32 GetMaxLookupTime() const { return mMaxLookupTimeMs; }
/// The minimum lookup time is how much to wait for additional DNSSD
/// queries even if a reply has already been received or to allow for
/// additional heuristics regarding node choice to succeed.
/// Example heuristics and considerations:
/// - ping/ping6 could be used as an indicator of reachability. NOTE that
/// not all devices may respond to ping, so this would only be an
/// additional signal to accept/increase suitability score of an address
/// and should NOT be used as a reject if no ping response
/// - At lookup time, if the source ip of a dns reply is contained in the
/// list of server ips, that is a great indication of routability and
/// this minlookuptime could be bypassed altogether.
/// Implementations for DNSSD may choose to return responses one by one
/// for addresses (e.g. Platform mdns does this at the time this was written)
/// or different interfaces will return separate 'done resolving' calls.
/// If the min lookup time is set to 0, implementations are expected to call
/// 'OnNodeAddressResolved' as soon as the first DNSSD response is received.
NodeLookupRequest & SetMinLookupTime(System::Clock::Milliseconds32 value)
mMinLookupTimeMs = value;
return *this;
/// The maximum lookup time is how much to wait until a TIMEOUT error is
/// declared.
/// If a DNSSD response is received before this max timeout, then
/// OnNodeAddressResolved will be called on listener objects (immediately)
/// if the first DNSSD reply arrives after MinLookupTimeMs has expired.
NodeLookupRequest & SetMaxLookupTime(System::Clock::Milliseconds32 value)
mMaxLookupTimeMs = value;
return *this;
static constexpr uint32_t kMinLookupTimeMsDefault = 200;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxLookupTimeMsDefault = 45000;
PeerId mPeerId;
System::Clock::Milliseconds32 mMinLookupTimeMs{ kMinLookupTimeMsDefault };
System::Clock::Milliseconds32 mMaxLookupTimeMs{ kMaxLookupTimeMsDefault };
/// These things are expected to be defined by the implementation header.
namespace Impl {
// The NodeLookup handle is a CONCRETE implementation that
// MUST derive from NodeLookupHandleBase
// The underlying reason is that this handle is used to hold memory for
// lookup metadata, so that resolvers do not need to maintain a likely unused
// pool of 'active lookup' metadata.
// The side-effect of this is that the Impl::NodeLookupHandle is exposed to
// clients for sizeof() memory purposes.
// Clients MUST only use the interface in NodeLookupHandleBase and assume all
// other methods/content is implementation defined.
class NodeLookupHandle;
} // namespace Impl
class Resolver
/// Enumeration defining how to handle cancel callbacks during operation
/// cancellation.
enum class FailureCallback
Call, // Call the failure callback
Skip // do not call the failure callback (generally silent operation)
virtual ~Resolver();
/// Expected to be called at least once before the resolver is ever
/// used.
/// Expected to override global setting of DNSSD callback for addres resolution
/// and may use the underlying system layer for timers and other functionality.
/// If called multiple times, it is expected that the input systemLayer does
/// not change.
virtual CHIP_ERROR Init(System::Layer * systemLayer) = 0;
/// Initiate a node lookup for a particular node and use the specified
/// Lookup handle to keep track of node resolution
/// If this returns CHIP_NO_ERROR, the following is expected:
/// - exactly one of the listener OnNodeAddressResolved
/// or OnNodeAddressResolutionFailed will be called at a later time
/// - handle must NOT be destroyed while the lookup is in progress (it
/// is part of an internal 'lookup list')
/// - handle must NOT be reused (the lookup is done on a per-node basis
/// and maintains lookup data internally while the operation is still
/// in progress)
virtual CHIP_ERROR LookupNode(const NodeLookupRequest & request, Impl::NodeLookupHandle & handle) = 0;
/// Inform the Lookup handle that the previous node lookup was not
/// sufficient for the purpose of the caller (e.g establishing a session
/// fails with the result of the previous lookup), and that more data is
/// needed.
/// This method must be called on a handle that is no longer active to
/// succeed.
/// If the handle is no longer active and has results that have not been
/// delivered to the listener yet, the listener's OnNodeAddressResolved will
/// be called synchronously before the method returns. Note that depending
/// on the listener implementation this can end up destroying the handle
/// and/or the listener.
/// This method will return CHIP_NO_ERROR if and only if it has called
/// OnNodeAddressResolved.
/// This method will return CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if the handle is
/// still active.
/// This method will return CHIP_ERROR_WELL_EMPTY if there are no more
/// results.
/// This method may return other errors in some cases.
virtual CHIP_ERROR TryNextResult(Impl::NodeLookupHandle & handle) = 0;
/// Stops an active lookup request.
/// Caller controlls weather the `fail` callback of the handle is invoked or not by using
/// the `cancel_method` argument.
/// Note that there is no default cancel_method on purpose, so that the caller has to make
/// a clear decision if the callback should or should not be invoked.
virtual CHIP_ERROR CancelLookup(Impl::NodeLookupHandle & handle, FailureCallback cancel_method) = 0;
/// Shut down any active resolves
/// Will immediately fail any scheduled resolve calls and will refuse to register
/// any new lookups until re-initialized.
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
/// Expected to be provided by the implementation.
static Resolver & Instance();
} // namespace AddressResolve
} // namespace chip
// outside the open space, include the required platform headers for the
// actual implementation.
// Expectations of this include:
// - define the `Impl::NodeLookupHandle` deriving from NodeLookupHandleBase
// - corresponding CPP file should provide a valid Resolver::Instance()
// implementation
namespace chip {
namespace AddressResolve {
// Make the code easy to read: do not reach into Impl.
using NodeLookupHandle = Impl::NodeLookupHandle;
} // namespace AddressResolve
} // namespace chip