blob: ee4ac09ac84ebe16e6b87cd4b4c180ad0f93be45 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Declaration of CHIP Device Controller, a common class
* that implements connecting and messaging and will later
* be expanded to support discovery, pairing and
* provisioning of CHIP devices.
#pragma once
#include <app/AppConfig.h>
#include <app/CASEClientPool.h>
#include <app/CASESessionManager.h>
#include <app/ClusterStateCache.h>
#include <app/OperationalSessionSetup.h>
#include <app/OperationalSessionSetupPool.h>
#include <controller/AbstractDnssdDiscoveryController.h>
#include <controller/AutoCommissioner.h>
#include <controller/CHIPCluster.h>
#include <controller/CHIPDeviceControllerSystemState.h>
#include <controller/CommissioneeDeviceProxy.h>
#include <controller/CommissioningDelegate.h>
#include <controller/DevicePairingDelegate.h>
#include <controller/OperationalCredentialsDelegate.h>
#include <controller/SetUpCodePairer.h>
#include <credentials/FabricTable.h>
#include <credentials/attestation_verifier/DeviceAttestationDelegate.h>
#include <credentials/attestation_verifier/DeviceAttestationVerifier.h>
#include <inet/InetInterface.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPConfig.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
#include <lib/core/TLV.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/Pool.h>
#include <lib/support/SafeInt.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
#include <lib/support/ThreadOperationalDataset.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/MessageCounterManager.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/RendezvousParameters.h>
#include <protocols/user_directed_commissioning/UserDirectedCommissioning.h>
#include <system/SystemClock.h>
#include <transport/SessionManager.h>
#include <transport/TransportMgr.h>
#include <transport/raw/UDP.h>
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
#include <ble/BleLayer.h>
#include <controller/DeviceDiscoveryDelegate.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Controller {
using namespace chip::Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning;
inline constexpr uint16_t kNumMaxActiveDevices = CHIP_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_MAX_ACTIVE_DEVICES;
struct ControllerInitParams
DeviceControllerSystemState * systemState = nullptr;
DeviceDiscoveryDelegate * deviceDiscoveryDelegate = nullptr;
OperationalCredentialsDelegate * operationalCredentialsDelegate = nullptr;
/* The following keypair must correspond to the public key used for generating
controllerNOC. It's used by controller to establish CASE sessions with devices */
Crypto::P256Keypair * operationalKeypair = nullptr;
* Controls whether or not the operationalKeypair should be owned by the caller.
* By default, this is false, but if the keypair cannot be serialized, then
* setting this to true will allow the caller to manage this keypair's lifecycle.
bool hasExternallyOwnedOperationalKeypair = false;
/* The following certificates must be in x509 DER format */
ByteSpan controllerNOC;
ByteSpan controllerICAC;
ByteSpan controllerRCAC;
* Controls whether we permit multiple DeviceController instances to exist
* on the same logical fabric (identified by the tuple of the fabric's
* root public key + fabric id).
* Each controller instance will be associated with its own FabricIndex.
* This pivots the FabricTable to tracking identities instead of fabrics,
* represented by FabricInfo instances that can have colliding logical fabrics.
bool permitMultiControllerFabrics = false;
// Controls enabling server cluster interactions on a controller. This in turn
// causes the following to get enabled:
// - Advertisement of active controller operational identities.
bool enableServerInteractions = false;
* Controls whether shutdown of the controller removes the corresponding
* entry from the fabric table. For now the removal is just from the
* in-memory table, not from storage, which means that after controller
* shutdown the storage and the in-memory fabric table will be out of sync.
* This is acceptable for implementations that don't actually store any of
* the fabric table information, but if someone wants a true removal at some
* point another option will need to be added here.
bool removeFromFabricTableOnShutdown = true;
chip::VendorId controllerVendorId;
struct CommissionerInitParams : public ControllerInitParams
DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate = nullptr;
CommissioningDelegate * defaultCommissioner = nullptr;
// Device attestation verifier instance for the commissioning.
// If null, the globally set attestation verifier (e.g. from GetDeviceAttestationVerifier()
// singleton) will be used.
Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier * deviceAttestationVerifier = nullptr;
* @brief
* Controller applications can use this class to communicate with already paired CHIP devices. The
* application is required to provide access to the persistent storage, where the paired device information
* is stored. This object of this class can be initialized with the data from the storage (List of devices,
* and device pairing information for individual devices). Alternatively, this class can retrieve the
* relevant information when the application tries to communicate with the device
class DLL_EXPORT DeviceController : public AbstractDnssdDiscoveryController
~DeviceController() override {}
CHIP_ERROR Init(ControllerInitParams params);
* @brief
* Tears down the entirety of the stack, including destructing key objects in the system.
* This expects to be called with external thread synchronization, and will not internally
* grab the CHIP stack lock.
* This will also not stop the CHIP event queue / thread (if one exists). Consumers are expected to
* ensure this happened before calling this method.
virtual void Shutdown();
SessionManager * SessionMgr()
if (mSystemState)
return mSystemState->SessionMgr();
return nullptr;
Messaging::ExchangeManager * ExchangeMgr()
if (mSystemState != nullptr)
return mSystemState->ExchangeMgr();
return nullptr;
CHIP_ERROR GetPeerAddressAndPort(NodeId peerId, Inet::IPAddress & addr, uint16_t & port);
* @brief
* Looks up the PeerAddress for an established CASE session.
* @param[in] nodeId the NodeId of the target.
* @param[out] addr the PeerAddress to be filled on success
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED if no CASE session exists for the device
CHIP_ERROR GetPeerAddress(NodeId nodeId, Transport::PeerAddress & addr);
ScopedNodeId GetPeerScopedId(NodeId nodeId) { return ScopedNodeId(nodeId, GetFabricIndex()); }
* This function finds the device corresponding to deviceId, and establishes
* a CASE session with it.
* Once the CASE session is successfully established the `onConnection`
* callback is called. This can happen before GetConnectedDevice returns if
* there is an existing CASE session.
* If a CASE sessions fails to be established, the `onFailure` callback will
* be called. This can also happen before GetConnectedDevice returns.
* An error return from this function means that neither callback has been
* called yet, and neither callback will be called in the future.
CHIP_ERROR GetConnectedDevice(NodeId peerNodeId, Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> * onConnection,
chip::Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> * onFailure)
VerifyOrReturnError(mState == State::Initialized, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
mSystemState->CASESessionMgr()->FindOrEstablishSession(ScopedNodeId(peerNodeId, GetFabricIndex()), onConnection, onFailure);
* This function finds the device corresponding to deviceId, and establishes
* a CASE session with it.
* Once the CASE session is successfully established the `onConnection`
* callback is called. This can happen before GetConnectedDevice returns if
* there is an existing CASE session.
* If a CASE sessions fails to be established, the `onSetupFailure` callback will
* be called. This can also happen before GetConnectedDevice returns.
* An error return from this function means that neither callback has been
* called yet, and neither callback will be called in the future.
GetConnectedDevice(NodeId peerNodeId, Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> * onConnection,
chip::Callback::Callback<OperationalSessionSetup::OnSetupFailure> * onSetupFailure)
VerifyOrReturnError(mState == State::Initialized, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
mSystemState->CASESessionMgr()->FindOrEstablishSession(ScopedNodeId(peerNodeId, GetFabricIndex()), onConnection,
* @brief
* Compute a PASE verifier and passcode ID for the desired setup pincode.
* This can be used to open a commissioning window on the device for
* additional administrator commissioning.
* @param[in] iterations The number of iterations to use when generating the verifier
* @param[in] setupPincode The desired PIN code to use
* @param[in] salt The 16-byte salt for verifier computation
* @param[out] outVerifier The Spake2pVerifier to be populated on success
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR ComputePASEVerifier(uint32_t iterations, uint32_t setupPincode, const ByteSpan & salt,
Spake2pVerifier & outVerifier);
void RegisterDeviceDiscoveryDelegate(DeviceDiscoveryDelegate * delegate) { mDeviceDiscoveryDelegate = delegate; }
* @brief Get the Compressed Fabric ID assigned to the device.
uint64_t GetCompressedFabricId() const
const auto * fabricInfo = GetFabricInfo();
return (fabricInfo != nullptr) ? static_cast<uint64_t>(fabricInfo->GetCompressedFabricId()) : kUndefinedCompressedFabricId;
* @brief Get the Compressed Fabric Id as a big-endian 64 bit octet string.
* Output span is resized to 8 bytes on success if it was larger.
* @param outBytes span to contain the compressed fabric ID, must be at least 8 bytes long
* if the controller is somehow not associated with a fabric (internal error!) or
* CHIP_NO_ERROR on success.
CHIP_ERROR GetCompressedFabricIdBytes(MutableByteSpan & outBytes) const;
* @brief Get the raw Fabric ID assigned to the device.
uint64_t GetFabricId() const
const auto * fabricInfo = GetFabricInfo();
return (fabricInfo != nullptr) ? static_cast<uint64_t>(fabricInfo->GetFabricId()) : kUndefinedFabricId;
* @brief Get the Node ID of this instance.
NodeId GetNodeId() const
const auto * fabricInfo = GetFabricInfo();
return (fabricInfo != nullptr) ? static_cast<uint64_t>(fabricInfo->GetNodeId()) : kUndefinedNodeId;
* @brief Get the root public key for the fabric
* @param outRootPublicKey reference to public key object that gets updated on success.
* @return CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if fabric table is unset, or another internal error
* on storage access failure.
CHIP_ERROR GetRootPublicKey(Crypto::P256PublicKey & outRootPublicKey) const;
FabricIndex GetFabricIndex() const { return mFabricIndex; }
const FabricTable * GetFabricTable() const
if (mSystemState == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return mSystemState->Fabrics();
OperationalCredentialsDelegate * GetOperationalCredentialsDelegate() { return mOperationalCredentialsDelegate; }
* @brief
* Reconfigures a new set of operational credentials to be used with this
* controller given ControllerInitParams state.
* WARNING: This is a low-level method that should only be called directly
* if you know exactly how this will interact with controller state,
* since there are several integrations that do this call for you.
* It can be used for fine-grained dependency injection of a controller's
* NOC and operational keypair.
CHIP_ERROR InitControllerNOCChain(const ControllerInitParams & params);
enum class State
// This is not public to avoid users of DeviceController relying on "innards" access to
// the raw fabric table. Everything needed should be available with getters on DeviceController.
const FabricInfo * GetFabricInfo() const
VerifyOrReturnError((mState == State::Initialized) && (mFabricIndex != kUndefinedFabricIndex), nullptr);
VerifyOrReturnError(GetFabricTable() != nullptr, nullptr);
return GetFabricTable()->FindFabricWithIndex(mFabricIndex);
State mState;
FabricIndex mFabricIndex = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
bool mRemoveFromFabricTableOnShutdown = true;
// TODO(cecille): Make this configuarable.
static constexpr int kMaxCommissionableNodes = 10;
Dnssd::DiscoveredNodeData mCommissionableNodes[kMaxCommissionableNodes];
DeviceControllerSystemState * mSystemState = nullptr;
ControllerDeviceInitParams GetControllerDeviceInitParams();
OperationalCredentialsDelegate * mOperationalCredentialsDelegate;
chip::VendorId mVendorId;
DiscoveredNodeList GetDiscoveredNodes() override { return DiscoveredNodeList(mCommissionableNodes); }
using UdcTransportMgr = TransportMgr<Transport::UDP /* IPv6 */
Transport::UDP /* IPv4 */
* @brief Callback prototype for ExtendArmFailSafe command.
typedef void (*OnExtendFailsafeSuccess)(
void * context, const app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::ArmFailSafeResponse::DecodableType & data);
typedef void (*OnExtendFailsafeFailure)(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
* @brief
* The commissioner applications can use this class to pair new/unpaired CHIP devices. The application is
* required to provide write access to the persistent storage, where the paired device information
* will be stored.
class DLL_EXPORT DeviceCommissioner : public DeviceController,
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
public Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::InstanceNameResolver,
public app::ClusterStateCache::Callback,
public SessionEstablishmentDelegate
~DeviceCommissioner() override {}
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
* Set port for User Directed Commissioning
CHIP_ERROR SetUdcListenPort(uint16_t listenPort);
* Commissioner-specific initialization, includes parameters such as the pairing delegate.
CHIP_ERROR Init(CommissionerInitParams params);
* @brief
* Tears down the entirety of the stack, including destructing key objects in the system.
* This is not a thread-safe API, and should be called with external synchronization.
* Please see implementation for more details.
void Shutdown() override;
// ----- Connection Management -----
* @brief
* Pair a CHIP device with the provided code. The code can be either a QRCode
* or a Manual Setup Code.
* Use registered DevicePairingDelegate object to receive notifications on
* pairing status updates.
* Note: Pairing process requires that the caller has registered PersistentStorageDelegate
* in the Init() call.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] setUpCode The setup code for connecting to the device
* @param[in] discoveryType The network discovery type, defaults to DiscoveryType::kAll.
* @param[in] resolutionData Optional resolution data previously discovered on the network for the target device.
CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, const char * setUpCode, DiscoveryType discoveryType = DiscoveryType::kAll,
Optional<Dnssd::CommonResolutionData> resolutionData = NullOptional);
CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, const char * setUpCode, const CommissioningParameters & CommissioningParameters,
DiscoveryType discoveryType = DiscoveryType::kAll,
Optional<Dnssd::CommonResolutionData> resolutionData = NullOptional);
* @brief
* Pair a CHIP device with the provided Rendezvous connection parameters.
* Use registered DevicePairingDelegate object to receive notifications on
* pairing status updates.
* Note: Pairing process requires that the caller has registered PersistentStorageDelegate
* in the Init() call.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] rendezvousParams The Rendezvous connection parameters
CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & rendezvousParams);
* @overload
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] rendezvousParams The Rendezvous connection parameters
* @param[in] commissioningParams The commissioning parameters (uses default if not supplied)
CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & rendezvousParams,
CommissioningParameters & commissioningParams);
* @brief
* Start establishing a PASE connection with a node for the purposes of commissioning.
* Commissioners that wish to use the auto-commissioning functions should use the
* supplied "PairDevice" functions above to automatically establish a connection then
* perform commissioning. This function is intended to be use by commissioners that
* are not using the supplied auto-commissioner.
* This function is non-blocking. PASE is established once the DevicePairingDelegate
* receives the OnPairingComplete call.
* PASE connections can only be established with nodes that have their commissioning
* window open. The PASE connection will fail if this window is not open and the
* OnPairingComplete will be called with an error.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] params The Rendezvous connection parameters
CHIP_ERROR EstablishPASEConnection(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & params);
* @brief
* Start establishing a PASE connection with a node for the purposes of commissioning.
* Commissioners that wish to use the auto-commissioning functions should use the
* supplied "PairDevice" functions above to automatically establish a connection then
* perform commissioning. This function is intended to be used by commissioners that
* are not using the supplied auto-commissioner.
* This function is non-blocking. PASE is established once the DevicePairingDelegate
* receives the OnPairingComplete call.
* PASE connections can only be established with nodes that have their commissioning
* window open. The PASE connection will fail if this window is not open and in that case
* OnPairingComplete will be called with an error.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] setUpCode The setup code for connecting to the device
* @param[in] discoveryType The network discovery type, defaults to DiscoveryType::kAll.
* @param[in] resolutionData Optional resolution data previously discovered on the network for the target device.
CHIP_ERROR EstablishPASEConnection(NodeId remoteDeviceId, const char * setUpCode,
DiscoveryType discoveryType = DiscoveryType::kAll,
Optional<Dnssd::CommonResolutionData> resolutionData = NullOptional);
* @brief
* Start the auto-commissioning process on a node after establishing a PASE connection.
* This function is intended to be used in conjunction with the EstablishPASEConnection
* function. It can be called either before or after the DevicePairingDelegate receives
* the OnPairingComplete call. Commissioners that want to perform simple auto-commissioning
* should use the supplied "PairDevice" functions above, which will establish the PASE
* connection and commission automatically.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] params The commissioning parameters
CHIP_ERROR Commission(NodeId remoteDeviceId, CommissioningParameters & params);
CHIP_ERROR Commission(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
* @brief
* This function instructs the commissioner to proceed to the next stage of commissioning after
* attestation is reported to an installed attestation delegate.
* @param[in] device The device being commissioned.
* @param[in] attestationResult The attestation result to use instead of whatever the device
* attestation verifier came up with. May be a success or an error result.
ContinueCommissioningAfterDeviceAttestation(DeviceProxy * device, Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult attestationResult);
CHIP_ERROR GetDeviceBeingCommissioned(NodeId deviceId, CommissioneeDeviceProxy ** device);
* @brief
* This function stops a pairing or commissioning process that is in progress.
* It does not delete the pairing of a previously paired device.
* Note that cancelling an ongoing commissioning process is an asynchronous operation.
* The pairing delegate (if any) will receive OnCommissioningComplete and OnCommissioningFailure
* failure callbacks with a status code of CHIP_ERROR_CANCELLED once cancellation is complete.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR StopPairing(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
* @brief
* Remove pairing for a paired device. If the device is currently being paired, it'll stop the pairing process.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR UnpairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
//////////// SessionEstablishmentDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnSessionEstablishmentError(CHIP_ERROR error) override;
void OnSessionEstablished(const SessionHandle & session) override;
void RendezvousCleanup(CHIP_ERROR status);
void PerformCommissioningStep(DeviceProxy * device, CommissioningStage step, CommissioningParameters & params,
CommissioningDelegate * delegate, EndpointId endpoint, Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> timeout);
* @brief
* This function validates the Attestation Information sent by the device.
* @param[in] info Structure contatining all the required information for validating the device attestation.
CHIP_ERROR ValidateAttestationInfo(const Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier::AttestationInfo & info);
* @brief
* Sends CommissioningStepComplete report to the commissioning delegate. Function will fill in current step.
* @params[in] err error from the current step
* @params[in] report report to send. Current step will be filled in automatically
CommissioningStageComplete(CHIP_ERROR err,
CommissioningDelegate::CommissioningReport report = CommissioningDelegate::CommissioningReport());
* @brief
* This function is called by the DevicePairingDelegate to indicate that network credentials have been set
* on the CommissioningParameters of the CommissioningDelegate using CommissioningDelegate.SetCommissioningParameters().
* As a result, commissioning can advance to the next stage.
* The DevicePairingDelegate may call this method from the OnScanNetworksSuccess and OnScanNetworksFailure callbacks,
* or it may call this method after obtaining network credentials using asyncronous methods (prompting user, cloud API call,
* etc).
* If an error happens in the subsequent network commissioning step (either NetworkConfig or ConnectNetwork commands)
* then the DevicePairingDelegate will receive the error in completionStatus.networkCommissioningStatus and the
* commissioning stage will return to kNeedsNetworkCreds so that the DevicePairingDelegate can re-attempt with new
* network information. The DevicePairingDelegate can exit the commissioning process by calling StopPairing.
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status. Returns CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if not in the correct state (kNeedsNetworkCreds).
CHIP_ERROR NetworkCredentialsReady();
* @brief
* This function is called by the DevicePairingDelegate to indicate that ICD registration info (ICDSymmetricKey,
* ICDCheckInNodeId and ICDMonitoredSubject) have been set on the CommissioningParameters of the CommissioningDelegate
* using CommissioningDelegate.SetCommissioningParameters(). As a result, commissioning can advance to the next stage.
* The DevicePairingDelegate may call this method from the OnICDRegistrationInfoRequired callback, or it may call this
* method after obtaining required parameters for ICD registration using asyncronous methods (like RPC call etc).
* When the ICD Registration completes, OnICDRegistrationComplete will be called.
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status. Returns CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if not in the correct state
* (kICDGetRegistrationInfo).
CHIP_ERROR ICDRegistrationInfoReady();
* @brief
* This function returns the current CommissioningStage for this commissioner.
CommissioningStage GetCommissioningStage() { return mCommissioningStage; }
* @brief
* Prior to commissioning, the Controller should make sure the BleLayer transport
* is set to the Commissioner transport and not the Server transport.
void ConnectBleTransportToSelf();
* @brief
* Once we have finished all commissioning work, the Controller should close the BLE
* connection to the device and establish CASE session / another PASE session to the device
* if needed.
void CloseBleConnection();
* @brief
* Discover all devices advertising as commissionable.
* Should be called on main loop thread.
* * @param[in] filter Browse filter - controller will look for only the specified subtype.
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR DiscoverCommissionableNodes(Dnssd::DiscoveryFilter filter);
* Stop commissionable discovery triggered by a previous
* DiscoverCommissionableNodes call.
CHIP_ERROR StopCommissionableDiscovery();
* @brief
* Returns information about discovered devices.
* Should be called on main loop thread.
* @return const DiscoveredNodeData* info about the selected device. May be nullptr if no information has been returned yet.
const Dnssd::DiscoveredNodeData * GetDiscoveredDevice(int idx);
* @brief
* Returns the max number of commissionable nodes this commissioner can track mdns information for.
* @return int The max number of commissionable nodes supported
int GetMaxCommissionableNodesSupported() { return kMaxCommissionableNodes; }
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
* @brief
* Called when a UDC message is received specifying the given instanceName
* This method indicates that UDC Server needs the Commissionable Node corresponding to
* the given instance name to be found. UDC Server will wait for OnCommissionableNodeFound.
* @param instanceName DNS-SD instance name for the client requesting commissioning
void FindCommissionableNode(char * instanceName) override;
* @brief
* Return the UDC Server instance
UserDirectedCommissioningServer * GetUserDirectedCommissioningServer() { return mUdcServer; }
* @brief
* Overrides method from AbstractDnssdDiscoveryController
* @param nodeData DNS-SD node information
void OnNodeDiscovered(const chip::Dnssd::DiscoveredNodeData & nodeData) override;
void RegisterPairingDelegate(DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate) { mPairingDelegate = pairingDelegate; }
DevicePairingDelegate * GetPairingDelegate() const { return mPairingDelegate; }
// ClusterStateCache::Callback impl
void OnDone(app::ReadClient *) override;
// Issue an NOC chain using the associated OperationalCredentialsDelegate. The NOC chain will
// be provided in X509 DER format.
// NOTE: This is only valid assuming that `mOperationalCredentialsDelegate` is what is desired
// to issue the NOC chain.
CHIP_ERROR IssueNOCChain(const ByteSpan & NOCSRElements, NodeId nodeId,
chip::Callback::Callback<OnNOCChainGeneration> * callback);
void SetDeviceAttestationVerifier(Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier * deviceAttestationVerifier)
mDeviceAttestationVerifier = deviceAttestationVerifier;
Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier * GetDeviceAttestationVerifier() const { return mDeviceAttestationVerifier; }
Optional<CommissioningParameters> GetCommissioningParameters()
return mDefaultCommissioner == nullptr ? NullOptional : MakeOptional(mDefaultCommissioner->GetCommissioningParameters());
// Reset the arm failsafe timer during commissioning. If this returns
// false, that means that the timer was already set for a longer time period
// than the new time we are trying to set. In this case, neither
// onSuccess nor onFailure will be called.
bool ExtendArmFailSafe(DeviceProxy * proxy, CommissioningStage step, uint16_t armFailSafeTimeout,
Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> commandTimeout, OnExtendFailsafeSuccess onSuccess,
OnExtendFailsafeFailure onFailure);
DevicePairingDelegate * mPairingDelegate = nullptr;
DeviceProxy * mDeviceBeingCommissioned = nullptr;
CommissioneeDeviceProxy * mDeviceInPASEEstablishment = nullptr;
CommissioningStage mCommissioningStage = CommissioningStage::kSecurePairing;
bool mRunCommissioningAfterConnection = false;
Internal::InvokeCancelFn mInvokeCancelFn;
ObjectPool<CommissioneeDeviceProxy, kNumMaxActiveDevices> mCommissioneeDevicePool;
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
UserDirectedCommissioningServer * mUdcServer = nullptr;
// mUdcTransportMgr is for insecure communication (ex. user directed commissioning)
UdcTransportMgr * mUdcTransportMgr = nullptr;
uint16_t mUdcListenPort = CHIP_UDC_PORT;
static void OnDiscoveredDeviceOverBleSuccess(void * appState, BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT connObj);
static void OnDiscoveredDeviceOverBleError(void * appState, CHIP_ERROR err);
RendezvousParameters mRendezvousParametersForDeviceDiscoveredOverBle;
CHIP_ERROR LoadKeyId(PersistentStorageDelegate * delegate, uint16_t & out);
static void OnBasicFailure(void * context, CHIP_ERROR err);
static void OnBasicSuccess(void * context, const chip::app::DataModel::NullObjectType &);
/* This function sends a Device Attestation Certificate chain request to the device.
The function does not hold a reference to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendCertificateChainRequestCommand(DeviceProxy * device, Credentials::CertificateType certificateType,
Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> timeout);
/* This function sends an Attestation request to the device.
The function does not hold a reference to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendAttestationRequestCommand(DeviceProxy * device, const ByteSpan & attestationNonce,
Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> timeout);
/* This function sends an CSR request to the device.
The function does not hold a reference to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendOperationalCertificateSigningRequestCommand(DeviceProxy * device, const ByteSpan & csrNonce,
Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> timeout);
/* This function sends the operational credentials to the device.
The function does not hold a reference to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendOperationalCertificate(DeviceProxy * device, const ByteSpan & nocCertBuf, const Optional<ByteSpan> & icaCertBuf,
IdentityProtectionKeySpan ipk, NodeId adminSubject,
Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> timeout);
/* This function sends the trusted root certificate to the device.
The function does not hold a reference to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendTrustedRootCertificate(DeviceProxy * device, const ByteSpan & rcac, Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> timeout);
/* This function is called by the commissioner code when the device completes
the operational credential provisioning process.
The function does not hold a reference to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR OnOperationalCredentialsProvisioningCompletion(DeviceProxy * device);
/* Callback when the previously sent CSR request results in failure */
static void OnCSRFailureResponse(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
void ExtendArmFailSafeForDeviceAttestation(const Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier::AttestationInfo & info,
Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult result);
static void OnCertificateChainFailureResponse(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
static void OnCertificateChainResponse(
void * context, const app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::CertificateChainResponse::DecodableType & response);
static void OnAttestationFailureResponse(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
static void
OnAttestationResponse(void * context,
const app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::AttestationResponse::DecodableType & data);
* @brief
* This function is called by the IM layer when the commissioner receives the CSR from the device.
* (Reference: Specifications section NOCSR Elements)
* @param[in] context The context provided while registering the callback.
* @param[in] data The response struct containing the following fields:
* NOCSRElements: CSR elements as per specifications section NOCSR Elements.
* AttestationSignature: Cryptographic signature generated for the fields in the response
* message.
static void OnOperationalCertificateSigningRequest(
void * context, const app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::CSRResponse::DecodableType & data);
/* Callback when adding operational certs to device results in failure */
static void OnAddNOCFailureResponse(void * context, CHIP_ERROR errro);
/* Callback when the device confirms that it has added the operational certificates */
static void
OnOperationalCertificateAddResponse(void * context,
const app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::NOCResponse::DecodableType & data);
/* Callback when the device confirms that it has added the root certificate */
static void OnRootCertSuccessResponse(void * context, const chip::app::DataModel::NullObjectType &);
/* Callback called when adding root cert to device results in failure */
static void OnRootCertFailureResponse(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
static void OnDeviceConnectedFn(void * context, Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr, const SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
static void OnDeviceConnectionFailureFn(void * context, const ScopedNodeId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error);
static void OnDeviceConnectionRetryFn(void * context, const ScopedNodeId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error,
System::Clock::Seconds16 retryTimeout);
static void OnDeviceAttestationInformationVerification(void * context,
const Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier::AttestationInfo & info,
Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult result);
static void OnDeviceNOCChainGeneration(void * context, CHIP_ERROR status, const ByteSpan & noc, const ByteSpan & icac,
const ByteSpan & rcac, Optional<IdentityProtectionKeySpan> ipk,
Optional<NodeId> adminSubject);
static void OnArmFailSafe(void * context,
const chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::ArmFailSafeResponse::DecodableType & data);
static void OnSetRegulatoryConfigResponse(
void * context,
const chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::SetRegulatoryConfigResponse::DecodableType & data);
static void OnSetUTCError(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
static void
OnSetTimeZoneResponse(void * context,
const chip::app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Commands::SetTimeZoneResponse::DecodableType & data);
static void
OnScanNetworksResponse(void * context,
const app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::ScanNetworksResponse::DecodableType & data);
static void OnScanNetworksFailure(void * context, CHIP_ERROR err);
static void
OnNetworkConfigResponse(void * context,
const app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::NetworkConfigResponse::DecodableType & data);
static void OnConnectNetworkResponse(
void * context, const chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::ConnectNetworkResponse::DecodableType & data);
static void OnCommissioningCompleteResponse(
void * context,
const chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::CommissioningCompleteResponse::DecodableType & data);
static void OnDisarmFailsafe(void * context,
const app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::ArmFailSafeResponse::DecodableType & data);
static void OnDisarmFailsafeFailure(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
void DisarmDone();
static void OnArmFailSafeExtendedForDeviceAttestation(
void * context, const chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::ArmFailSafeResponse::DecodableType & data);
static void OnFailedToExtendedArmFailSafeDeviceAttestation(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
static void OnICDManagementRegisterClientResponse(
void * context, const app::Clusters::IcdManagement::Commands::RegisterClientResponse::DecodableType & data);
* @brief
* This function processes the CSR sent by the device.
* (Reference: Specifications section NOCSR Elements)
* @param[in] proxy device proxy
* @param[in] NOCSRElements CSR elements as per specifications section NOCSR Elements.
* @param[in] AttestationSignature Cryptographic signature generated for all the above fields.
* @param[in] dac device attestation certificate
* @param[in] pai Product Attestation Intermediate certificate
* @param[in] csrNonce certificate signing request nonce
CHIP_ERROR ProcessCSR(DeviceProxy * proxy, const ByteSpan & NOCSRElements, const ByteSpan & AttestationSignature,
const ByteSpan & dac, const ByteSpan & pai, const ByteSpan & csrNonce);
* @brief
* This function validates the CSR information from the device.
* (Reference: Specifications section NOCSR Elements)
* @param[in] proxy device proxy
* @param[in] NOCSRElements CSR elements as per specifications section NOCSR Elements.
* @param[in] AttestationSignature Cryptographic signature generated for all the above fields.
* @param[in] dac device attestation certificate
* @param[in] csrNonce certificate signing request nonce
CHIP_ERROR ValidateCSR(DeviceProxy * proxy, const ByteSpan & NOCSRElements, const ByteSpan & AttestationSignature,
const ByteSpan & dac, const ByteSpan & csrNonce);
* @brief
* This function processes the DAC or PAI certificate sent by the device.
CHIP_ERROR ProcessCertificateChain(const ByteSpan & certificate);
void HandleAttestationResult(CHIP_ERROR err);
CommissioneeDeviceProxy * FindCommissioneeDevice(NodeId id);
CommissioneeDeviceProxy * FindCommissioneeDevice(const Transport::PeerAddress & peerAddress);
void ReleaseCommissioneeDevice(CommissioneeDeviceProxy * device);
template <typename RequestObjectT>
CHIP_ERROR SendCommissioningCommand(DeviceProxy * device, const RequestObjectT & request,
CommandResponseSuccessCallback<typename RequestObjectT::ResponseType> successCb,
CommandResponseFailureCallback failureCb, EndpointId endpoint,
Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> timeout);
void SendCommissioningReadRequest(DeviceProxy * proxy, Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> timeout,
app::AttributePathParams * readPaths, size_t readPathsSize);
void CancelCommissioningInteractions();
void ParseCommissioningInfo();
// Parsing attributes read in kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
CHIP_ERROR ParseCommissioningInfo1(ReadCommissioningInfo & info);
// Parsing attributes read in kReadCommissioningInfo2 stage.
CHIP_ERROR ParseCommissioningInfo2(ReadCommissioningInfo & info);
// Called by ParseCommissioningInfo2
CHIP_ERROR ParseFabrics(ReadCommissioningInfo & info);
CHIP_ERROR ParseICDInfo(ReadCommissioningInfo & info);
// Called by ParseCommissioningInfo
void ParseTimeSyncInfo(ReadCommissioningInfo & info);
ConvertFromOperationalCertStatus(chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum err);
// Sends commissioning complete callbacks to the delegate depending on the status. Sends
// OnCommissioningComplete and either OnCommissioningSuccess or OnCommissioningFailure depending on the given completion status.
void SendCommissioningCompleteCallbacks(NodeId nodeId, const CompletionStatus & completionStatus);
// Cleans up and resets failsafe as appropriate depending on the error and the failed stage.
// For success, sends completion report with the CommissioningDelegate and sends callbacks to the PairingDelegate
// For failures after AddNOC succeeds, sends completion report with the CommissioningDelegate and sends callbacks to the
// PairingDelegate. In this case, it does not disarm the failsafe or close the pase connection. For failures up through AddNOC,
// sends a command to immediately expire the failsafe, then sends completion report with the CommissioningDelegate and callbacks
// to the PairingDelegate upon arm failsafe command completion.
void CleanupCommissioning(DeviceProxy * proxy, NodeId nodeId, const CompletionStatus & completionStatus);
// Extend the fail-safe before trying to do network-enable (since after that
// point, for non-concurrent-commissioning devices, we may not have a way to
// extend it).
void ExtendFailsafeBeforeNetworkEnable(DeviceProxy * device, CommissioningParameters & params, CommissioningStage step);
chip::Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> mOnDeviceConnectedCallback;
chip::Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> mOnDeviceConnectionFailureCallback;
chip::Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionRetry> mOnDeviceConnectionRetryCallback;
chip::Callback::Callback<OnNOCChainGeneration> mDeviceNOCChainCallback;
SetUpCodePairer mSetUpCodePairer;
AutoCommissioner mAutoCommissioner;
CommissioningDelegate * mDefaultCommissioner =
nullptr; // Commissioning delegate to call when PairDevice / Commission functions are used
CommissioningDelegate * mCommissioningDelegate =
nullptr; // Commissioning delegate that issued the PerformCommissioningStep command
CompletionStatus mCommissioningCompletionStatus;
Platform::UniquePtr<app::ClusterStateCache> mAttributeCache;
Platform::UniquePtr<app::ReadClient> mReadClient;
Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult mAttestationResult;
Platform::UniquePtr<Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier::AttestationDeviceInfo> mAttestationDeviceInfo;
Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier * mDeviceAttestationVerifier = nullptr;
} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip