blob: 50ff42b5c9e764748ab20ca781fc16bcee010bd8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <dns-sd.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <inet/IPAddress.h>
#include <inet/InetInterface.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/dnssd/Constants.h>
#include <lib/dnssd/platform/Dnssd.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Dnssd {
class DnssdTizen;
enum class ContextType
struct GenericContext
ContextType mContextType;
DnssdTizen * mInstance;
GenericContext(ContextType contextType, DnssdTizen * instance) : mContextType(contextType), mInstance(instance) {}
virtual ~GenericContext() = default;
struct RegisterContext : public GenericContext
char mName[Common::kInstanceNameMaxLength + 1];
char mType[kDnssdTypeAndProtocolMaxSize + 1];
uint32_t mInterfaceId;
uint16_t mPort;
DnssdPublishCallback mCallback;
void * mCbContext;
dnssd_service_h mServiceHandle = 0;
bool mIsRegistered = false;
RegisterContext(DnssdTizen * instance, const char * type, const DnssdService & service, DnssdPublishCallback callback,
void * context);
~RegisterContext() override;
struct BrowseContext : public GenericContext
char mType[kDnssdTypeAndProtocolMaxSize + 1];
Dnssd::DnssdServiceProtocol mProtocol;
uint32_t mInterfaceId;
DnssdBrowseCallback mCallback;
void * mCbContext;
dnssd_browser_h mBrowserHandle = 0;
// The timeout source used to stop browsing
GSource * mTimeoutSource = nullptr;
std::vector<DnssdService> mServices;
bool mIsBrowsing = false;
BrowseContext(DnssdTizen * instance, const char * type, Dnssd::DnssdServiceProtocol protocol, uint32_t interfaceId,
DnssdBrowseCallback callback, void * context);
~BrowseContext() override;
struct ResolveContext : public GenericContext
char mName[Common::kInstanceNameMaxLength + 1];
char mType[kDnssdTypeAndProtocolMaxSize + 1];
uint32_t mInterfaceId;
DnssdResolveCallback mCallback;
void * mCbContext;
dnssd_service_h mServiceHandle = 0;
bool mIsResolving = false;
// Resolved service
DnssdService mResult = {};
uint8_t * mResultTxtRecord = nullptr;
unsigned short mResultTxtRecordLen = 0;
ResolveContext(DnssdTizen * instance, const char * name, const char * type, uint32_t interfaceId, DnssdResolveCallback callback,
void * context);
~ResolveContext() override;
void Finalize(CHIP_ERROR error);
class DnssdTizen
DnssdTizen(const DnssdTizen &) = delete;
DnssdTizen & operator=(const DnssdTizen &) = delete;
CHIP_ERROR Init(DnssdAsyncReturnCallback initCallback, DnssdAsyncReturnCallback errorCallback, void * context);
void Shutdown();
CHIP_ERROR RegisterService(const DnssdService & service, DnssdPublishCallback callback, void * context);
CHIP_ERROR UnregisterAllServices();
CHIP_ERROR Browse(const char * type, Dnssd::DnssdServiceProtocol protocol, chip::Inet::IPAddressType addressType,
chip::Inet::InterfaceId interface, DnssdBrowseCallback callback, void * context);
CHIP_ERROR Resolve(const DnssdService & browseResult, chip::Inet::InterfaceId interface, DnssdResolveCallback callback,
void * context);
// TODO (a.bokowy): Make this method private
CHIP_ERROR RemoveContext(GenericContext * context);
static DnssdTizen & GetInstance() { return sInstance; }
DnssdTizen() = default;
static DnssdTizen sInstance;
RegisterContext * CreateRegisterContext(const char * type, const DnssdService & service, DnssdPublishCallback callback,
void * context);
BrowseContext * CreateBrowseContext(const char * type, Dnssd::DnssdServiceProtocol protocol, uint32_t interfaceId,
DnssdBrowseCallback callback, void * context);
ResolveContext * CreateResolveContext(const char * name, const char * type, uint32_t interfaceId, DnssdResolveCallback callback,
void * context);
std::mutex mMutex;
std::set<std::unique_ptr<GenericContext>> mContexts;
} // namespace Dnssd
} // namespace chip