blob: 59476e033d4a5248d9cbcc6566f86b1517477a8d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import typing
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import chip.clusters as Clusters
from chip.clusters.Types import Nullable, NullValue
from chip.tlv import uint
from matter_testing_support import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, parse_pics, type_matches,
from mobly import asserts
def get_raw_type_list():
test = Clusters.UnitTesting
struct = test.Structs.SimpleStruct()
struct_type = test.Structs.SimpleStruct
null_opt_struct = test.Structs.NullablesAndOptionalsStruct()
null_opt_struct_type = test.Structs.NullablesAndOptionalsStruct
double_nested_struct_list = test.Structs.DoubleNestedStructList()
double_nested_struct_list_type = test.Structs.DoubleNestedStructList
list_of_uints = [0, 1]
list_of_uints_type = typing.List[uint]
list_of_structs = [struct, struct]
list_of_structs_type = typing.List[struct_type]
list_of_double_nested_struct_list = [double_nested_struct_list, double_nested_struct_list]
list_of_double_nested_struct_list_type = typing.List[double_nested_struct_list_type]
# Create a list with all the types and a list of the values that should match for that type
vals = {uint: [1],
str: ["str"],
struct_type: [struct],
null_opt_struct_type: [null_opt_struct],
double_nested_struct_list_type: [double_nested_struct_list],
list_of_uints_type: [list_of_uints],
list_of_structs_type: [list_of_structs],
list_of_double_nested_struct_list_type: [list_of_double_nested_struct_list]}
return vals
def test_type_matching_for_type(test_type, test_nullable: bool = False, test_optional: bool = False):
vals = get_raw_type_list()
if test_nullable and test_optional:
match_type = typing.Union[Nullable, None, test_type]
elif test_nullable:
match_type = typing.Union[Nullable, test_type]
elif test_optional:
match_type = typing.Optional[test_type]
match_type = test_type
true_list = vals[test_type]
if test_nullable:
if test_optional:
del vals[test_type]
# true_list is all the values that should match with the test type
for i in true_list:
asserts.assert_true(type_matches(i, match_type), "{} type checking failure".format(test_type))
# try every value in every type in the remaining dict - they should all fail
for v in vals.values():
for i in v:
asserts.assert_false(type_matches(i, match_type), "{} falsely matched to type {}".format(i, match_type))
# Test the nullables or optionals that aren't supposed to work
if not test_nullable:
asserts.assert_false(type_matches(NullValue, match_type), "NullValue falsely matched to {}".format(match_type))
if not test_optional:
asserts.assert_false(type_matches(None, match_type), "None falsely matched to {}".format(match_type))
def run_all_match_tests_for_type(test_type):
test_type_matching_for_type(test_type=test_type, test_nullable=True)
test_type_matching_for_type(test_type=test_type, test_optional=True)
test_type_matching_for_type(test_type=test_type, test_nullable=True, test_optional=True)
class TestMatterTestingSupport(MatterBaseTest):
async def test_matter_epoch_time(self):
# Matter epoch should return zero
ret = utc_time_in_matter_epoch(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc))
asserts.assert_equal(ret, 0, "UTC epoch returned non-zero value")
# Jan 2 is exactly 1 day after Jan 1
ret = utc_time_in_matter_epoch(datetime(2000, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc))
expected_delay = timedelta(days=1)
actual_delay = timedelta(microseconds=ret)
asserts.assert_equal(expected_delay, actual_delay, "Calculation for Jan 2 date is incorrect")
# There's a catch 22 for knowing the current time, but we can check that it's
# going up, and that it's larger than when I wrote the test
# Check that the returned value is larger than the test writing date
writing_date = utc_time_in_matter_epoch(datetime(2023, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc))
current_date = utc_time_in_matter_epoch()
asserts.assert_greater(current_date, writing_date, "Calculation for current date is smaller than writing date")
# Check that the time is going up
last_date = current_date
current_date = utc_time_in_matter_epoch()
asserts.assert_greater(current_date, last_date, "Time does not appear to be incrementing")
async def test_type_checking(self):
vals = get_raw_type_list()
for k in vals.keys():
async def test_pics_support(self):
pics_list = ['TEST.S.A0000=1',
' ',
'# comment',
' # comment',
' SPACE.S.A0000 = 1']
pics = parse_pics(pics_list)
# force the parsed pics here to be in the config so we can check the check_pics function = pics
asserts.assert_true(self.check_pics("TEST.S.A0000"), "PICS parsed incorrectly for TEST.S.A0000")
asserts.assert_false(self.check_pics("TEST.S.A0001"), "PICS parsed incorrectly for TEST.S.A0001")
asserts.assert_true(self.check_pics("LOWER.S.A0000"), "PICS pased incorrectly for LOWER.S.A0000")
asserts.assert_true(self.check_pics("SPACE.S.A0000"), "PICS parsed incorrectly for SPACE.S.A0000")
asserts.assert_false(self.check_pics("NOT.S.A0000"), "PICS parsed incorrectly for NOT.S.A0000")
asserts.assert_true(self.check_pics(" test.s.a0000"), "PICS checker lowercase handled incorrectly")
# invalid pics file should throw a value error
pics = parse_pics(pics_list)
asserts.assert_false(True, "PICS parser did not throw an error as expected")
except ValueError:
if __name__ == "__main__":