| /** |
| * Import the modules used in this configuration. |
| */ |
| const Display = scripting.addModule("/ti/display/Display"); |
| const Display1 = Display.addInstance(); |
| const SPI = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/SPI"); |
| const Button = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/apps/Button"); |
| const Button1 = Button.addInstance(); |
| const Button2 = Button.addInstance(); |
| const LED = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/apps/LED"); |
| const LED1 = LED.addInstance(); |
| const LED2 = LED.addInstance(); |
| const LED3 = LED.addInstance(); |
| const SimpleLinkWifi = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/net/wifi/SimpleLinkWifi"); |
| const net_utils = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/net/wifi/net_utils", {}, false); |
| const net_utils1 = net_utils.addInstance(); |
| const HTTPClient = scripting.addModule("/ti/net/HTTPClient", {}, false); |
| const HTTPClient1 = HTTPClient.addInstance(); |
| const MQTT = scripting.addModule("/ti/net/MQTT", {}, false); |
| const MQTT1 = MQTT.addInstance(); |
| const SNTP = scripting.addModule("/ti/net/SNTP"); |
| const SlNet = scripting.addModule("/ti/net/SlNet", {}, false); |
| const SlNet1 = SlNet.addInstance(); |
| |
| /** |
| * Write custom configuration values to the imported modules. |
| */ |
| Display1.$name = "CONFIG_Display_0"; |
| Display1.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.XDS110UART; |
| Display1.uart.$name = "CONFIG_UART2_0"; |
| |
| const Power = scripting.addModule("/ti/drivers/Power", {}, false); |
| Power.parkPins.$name = "ti_drivers_power_PowerCC32XXPins0"; |
| |
| Button1.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.SW2; |
| Button1.$name = "CONFIG_BTN_LEFT"; |
| |
| Button2.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.SW3; |
| Button2.$name = "CONFIG_BTN_RIGHT"; |
| |
| LED1.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.LED_BLUE; |
| LED1.$name = "CONFIG_LED_BLUE"; |
| |
| LED2.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.LED_GREEN; |
| LED2.$name = "CONFIG_LED_GREEN"; |
| |
| LED3.$hardware = system.deviceData.board.components.LED_RED; |
| LED3.dimmable = true; |
| LED3.$name = "CONFIG_LED_RED"; |
| |
| net_utils1.$name = "CONFIG_NET_UTILS_0"; |
| |
| HTTPClient1.$name = "CONFIG_HTTPCLIENT_0"; |
| |
| MQTT1.$name = "CONFIG_MQTT_0"; |
| |
| SlNet1.$name = "CONFIG_SLNET_0"; |
| |
| /** |
| * Pinmux solution for unlocked pins/peripherals. This ensures that minor changes to the automatic solver in a future |
| * version of the tool will not impact the pinmux you originally saw. These lines can be completely deleted in order to |
| * re-solve from scratch. |
| */ |
| Display1.uart.uart.$suggestSolution = "UART1"; |
| Display1.uart.uart.txPin.$suggestSolution = "ball.55"; |
| Display1.uart.uart.txDmaChannel.$suggestSolution = "UDMA_CH11"; |
| Display1.uart.uart.rxPin.$suggestSolution = "ball.57"; |
| Display1.uart.uart.rxDmaChannel.$suggestSolution = "UDMA_CH10"; |
| Button1.button.$suggestSolution = "boosterpack.3"; |
| Button2.button.$suggestSolution = "boosterpack.11"; |
| LED1.ledPin.$suggestSolution = "boosterpack.29"; |
| LED2.ledPin.$suggestSolution = "boosterpack.10"; |
| LED3.pwmPin.timer.$suggestSolution = "Timer3"; |
| LED3.pwmPin.timer.pwmPin.$suggestSolution = "boosterpack.9"; |