| /* |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors |
| * All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| #include <errno.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| |
| #include "Options.h" |
| |
| #include <app/server/OnboardingCodesUtil.h> |
| |
| #include <crypto/CHIPCryptoPAL.h> |
| #include <lib/core/CHIPError.h> |
| #include <lib/support/Base64.h> |
| #include <lib/support/BytesToHex.h> |
| #include <lib/support/SafeInt.h> |
| |
| #include <credentials/examples/DeviceAttestationCredsExample.h> |
| |
| #include <TracingCommandLineArgument.h> // nogncheck |
| #endif |
| |
| using namespace chip; |
| using namespace chip::ArgParser; |
| |
| namespace { |
| LinuxDeviceOptions gDeviceOptions; |
| |
| // Follow the code style of command line arguments in case we need to add more options in the future. |
| enum |
| { |
| kDeviceOption_BleDevice = 0x1000, |
| kDeviceOption_WiFi = 0x1001, |
| kDeviceOption_Thread = 0x1002, |
| kDeviceOption_Version = 0x1003, |
| kDeviceOption_VendorID = 0x1004, |
| kDeviceOption_ProductID = 0x1005, |
| kDeviceOption_CustomFlow = 0x1006, |
| kDeviceOption_Capabilities = 0x1007, |
| kDeviceOption_Discriminator = 0x1008, |
| kDeviceOption_Passcode = 0x1009, |
| kDeviceOption_SecuredDevicePort = 0x100a, |
| kDeviceOption_UnsecuredCommissionerPort = 0x100b, |
| #endif |
| kDeviceOption_SecuredCommissionerPort = 0x100c, |
| #endif |
| kDeviceOption_Command = 0x100d, |
| kDeviceOption_PICS = 0x100e, |
| kDeviceOption_KVS = 0x100f, |
| kDeviceOption_InterfaceId = 0x1010, |
| kDeviceOption_Spake2pVerifierBase64 = 0x1011, |
| kDeviceOption_Spake2pSaltBase64 = 0x1012, |
| kDeviceOption_Spake2pIterations = 0x1013, |
| kDeviceOption_TraceFile = 0x1014, |
| kDeviceOption_TraceLog = 0x1015, |
| kDeviceOption_TraceDecode = 0x1016, |
| kOptionCSRResponseCSRIncorrectType = 0x1017, |
| kOptionCSRResponseCSRNonceIncorrectType = 0x1018, |
| kOptionCSRResponseCSRNonceTooLong = 0x1019, |
| kOptionCSRResponseCSRNonceInvalid = 0x101a, |
| kOptionCSRResponseNOCSRElementsTooLong = 0x101b, |
| kOptionCSRResponseAttestationSignatureIncorrectType = 0x101c, |
| kOptionCSRResponseAttestationSignatureInvalid = 0x101d, |
| kOptionCSRResponseCSRExistingKeyPair = 0x101e, |
| kDeviceOption_TestEventTriggerEnableKey = 0x101f, |
| kCommissionerOption_FabricID = 0x1020, |
| kTraceTo = 0x1021, |
| kOptionSimulateNoInternalTime = 0x1022, |
| #if defined(PW_RPC_ENABLED) |
| kOptionRpcServerPort = 0x1023, |
| #endif |
| kDeviceOption_SubscriptionCapacity = 0x1024, |
| #endif |
| kDeviceOption_WiFiSupports5g = 0x1025, |
| kDeviceOption_SubscriptionResumptionRetryIntervalSec = 0x1026, |
| #endif |
| }; |
| |
| constexpr unsigned kAppUsageLength = 64; |
| |
| OptionDef sDeviceOptionDefs[] = { |
| { "ble-device", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_BleDevice }, |
| { "wifi", kNoArgument, kDeviceOption_WiFi }, |
| { "wifi-supports-5g", kNoArgument, kDeviceOption_WiFiSupports5g }, |
| { "thread", kNoArgument, kDeviceOption_Thread }, |
| { "version", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_Version }, |
| { "vendor-id", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_VendorID }, |
| { "product-id", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_ProductID }, |
| { "custom-flow", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_CustomFlow }, |
| { "capabilities", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_Capabilities }, |
| { "discriminator", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_Discriminator }, |
| { "passcode", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_Passcode }, |
| { "spake2p-verifier-base64", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_Spake2pVerifierBase64 }, |
| { "spake2p-salt-base64", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_Spake2pSaltBase64 }, |
| { "spake2p-iterations", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_Spake2pIterations }, |
| { "secured-device-port", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_SecuredDevicePort }, |
| { "unsecured-commissioner-port", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_UnsecuredCommissionerPort }, |
| #endif |
| { "secured-commissioner-port", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_SecuredCommissionerPort }, |
| #endif |
| { "command", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_Command }, |
| { "PICS", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_PICS }, |
| { "KVS", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_KVS }, |
| { "interface-id", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_InterfaceId }, |
| { "trace_file", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_TraceFile }, |
| { "trace_log", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_TraceLog }, |
| { "trace_decode", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_TraceDecode }, |
| { "cert_error_csr_incorrect_type", kNoArgument, kOptionCSRResponseCSRIncorrectType }, |
| { "cert_error_csr_existing_keypair", kNoArgument, kOptionCSRResponseCSRExistingKeyPair }, |
| { "cert_error_csr_nonce_incorrect_type", kNoArgument, kOptionCSRResponseCSRNonceIncorrectType }, |
| { "cert_error_csr_nonce_too_long", kNoArgument, kOptionCSRResponseCSRNonceTooLong }, |
| { "cert_error_csr_nonce_invalid", kNoArgument, kOptionCSRResponseCSRNonceInvalid }, |
| { "cert_error_nocsrelements_too_long", kNoArgument, kOptionCSRResponseNOCSRElementsTooLong }, |
| { "cert_error_attestation_signature_incorrect_type", kNoArgument, kOptionCSRResponseAttestationSignatureIncorrectType }, |
| { "cert_error_attestation_signature_invalid", kNoArgument, kOptionCSRResponseAttestationSignatureInvalid }, |
| { "enable-key", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_TestEventTriggerEnableKey }, |
| { "commissioner-fabric-id", kArgumentRequired, kCommissionerOption_FabricID }, |
| { "trace-to", kArgumentRequired, kTraceTo }, |
| #endif |
| { "simulate-no-internal-time", kNoArgument, kOptionSimulateNoInternalTime }, |
| #if defined(PW_RPC_ENABLED) |
| { "rpc-server-port", kArgumentRequired, kOptionRpcServerPort }, |
| #endif |
| { "subscription-capacity", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_SubscriptionCapacity }, |
| { "subscription-resumption-retry-interval", kArgumentRequired, kDeviceOption_SubscriptionResumptionRetryIntervalSec }, |
| #endif |
| {} |
| }; |
| |
| const char * sDeviceOptionHelp = |
| " --ble-device <number>\n" |
| " The device number for CHIPoBLE, without 'hci' prefix, can be found by hciconfig.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --wifi\n" |
| " Enable Wi-Fi management via wpa_supplicant.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --wifi-supports-5g\n" |
| " Indicate that local Wi-Fi hardware should report 5GHz support.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --thread\n" |
| " Enable Thread management via ot-agent.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --version <version>\n" |
| " The version indication provides versioning of the setup payload.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --vendor-id <id>\n" |
| " The Vendor ID is assigned by the Connectivity Standards Alliance.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --product-id <id>\n" |
| " The Product ID is specified by vendor.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --custom-flow <Standard = 0 | UserActionRequired = 1 | Custom = 2>\n" |
| " A 2-bit unsigned enumeration specifying manufacturer-specific custom flow options.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --capabilities <None = 0, SoftAP = 1 << 0, BLE = 1 << 1, OnNetwork = 1 << 2>\n" |
| " Discovery Capabilities Bitmask which contains information about Device’s available technologies for device discovery.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --discriminator <discriminator>\n" |
| " A 12-bit unsigned integer match the value which a device advertises during commissioning.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --passcode <passcode>\n" |
| " A 27-bit unsigned integer, which serves as proof of possession during commissioning. \n" |
| " If not provided to compute a verifier, the --spake2p-verifier-base64 must be provided. \n" |
| "\n" |
| " --spake2p-verifier-base64 <PASE verifier as base64>\n" |
| " A raw concatenation of 'W0' and 'L' (67 bytes) as base64 to override the verifier\n" |
| " auto-computed from the passcode, if provided.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --spake2p-salt-base64 <PASE salt as base64>\n" |
| " 16-32 bytes of salt to use for the PASE verifier, as base64. If omitted, will be generated\n" |
| " randomly. If a --spake2p-verifier-base64 is passed, it must match against the salt otherwise\n" |
| " failure will arise.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --spake2p-iterations <PASE PBKDF iterations>\n" |
| " Number of PBKDF iterations to use. If omitted, will be 1000. If a --spake2p-verifier-base64 is\n" |
| " passed, the iteration counts must match that used to generate the verifier otherwise failure will\n" |
| " arise.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --secured-device-port <port>\n" |
| " A 16-bit unsigned integer specifying the listen port to use for secure device messages (default is 5540).\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --unsecured-commissioner-port <port>\n" |
| " A 16-bit unsigned integer specifying the port to use for unsecured commissioner messages (default is 5550).\n" |
| "\n" |
| #endif |
| " --secured-commissioner-port <port>\n" |
| " A 16-bit unsigned integer specifying the listen port to use for secure commissioner messages (default is 5552). Only " |
| "valid when app is both device and commissioner\n" |
| "\n" |
| #endif |
| " --commissioner-fabric-id <fabricid>\n" |
| " The fabric ID to be used when this device is a commissioner (default in code is 1).\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --command <command-name>\n" |
| " A name for a command to execute during startup.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --PICS <filepath>\n" |
| " A file containing PICS items.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --KVS <filepath>\n" |
| " A file to store Key Value Store items.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --interface-id <interface>\n" |
| " A interface id to advertise on.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " --trace_file <file>\n" |
| " Output trace data to the provided file.\n" |
| " --trace_log <1/0>\n" |
| " A value of 1 enables traces to go to the log, 0 disables this (default 0).\n" |
| " --trace_decode <1/0>\n" |
| " A value of 1 enables traces decoding, 0 disables this (default 0).\n" |
| " --cert_error_csr_incorrect_type\n" |
| " Configure the CSRResponse to be built with an invalid CSR type.\n" |
| " --cert_error_csr_existing_keypair\n" |
| " Configure the CSRResponse to be built with a CSR where the keypair already exists.\n" |
| " --cert_error_csr_nonce_incorrect_type\n" |
| " Configure the CSRResponse to be built with an invalid CSRNonce type.\n" |
| " --cert_error_csr_nonce_too_long\n" |
| " Configure the CSRResponse to be built with a CSRNonce that is longer than expected.\n" |
| " --cert_error_csr_nonce_invalid\n" |
| " Configure the CSRResponse to be built with a CSRNonce that does not match the CSRNonce from the CSRRequest.\n" |
| " --cert_error_nocsrelements_too_long\n" |
| " Configure the CSRResponse to contains an NOCSRElements larger than the allowed RESP_MAX.\n" |
| " --cert_error_attestation_signature_incorrect_type\n" |
| " Configure the CSRResponse to be build with an invalid AttestationSignature type.\n" |
| " --cert_error_attestation_signature_invalid\n" |
| " Configure the CSRResponse to be build with an AttestationSignature that does not match what is expected.\n" |
| " --enable-key <key>\n" |
| " A 16-byte, hex-encoded key, used to validate TestEventTrigger command of Generial Diagnostics cluster\n" |
| " --trace-to <destination>\n" |
| " Trace destinations, comma separated (" SUPPORTED_COMMAND_LINE_TRACING_TARGETS ")\n" |
| #endif |
| " --simulate-no-internal-time\n" |
| " Time cluster does not use internal platform time\n" |
| #if defined(PW_RPC_ENABLED) |
| " --rpc-server-port\n" |
| " Start RPC server on specified port\n" |
| #endif |
| " --subscription-capacity\n" |
| " Max number of subscriptions the device will allow\n" |
| " --subscription-resumption-retry-interval\n" |
| " subscription timeout resumption retry interval in seconds\n" |
| #endif |
| "\n"; |
| |
| bool Base64ArgToVector(const char * arg, size_t maxSize, std::vector<uint8_t> & outVector) |
| { |
| size_t maxBase64Size = BASE64_ENCODED_LEN(maxSize); |
| outVector.resize(maxSize); |
| |
| size_t argLen = strlen(arg); |
| VerifyOrReturnValue(argLen <= maxBase64Size, false); |
| VerifyOrReturnValue(chip::CanCastTo<uint32_t>(argLen), false); |
| |
| size_t decodedLen = chip::Base64Decode32(arg, static_cast<uint32_t>(argLen), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(outVector.data())); |
| VerifyOrReturnValue(decodedLen != 0, false); |
| |
| outVector.resize(decodedLen); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool HandleOption(const char * aProgram, OptionSet * aOptions, int aIdentifier, const char * aName, const char * aValue) |
| { |
| bool retval = true; |
| |
| switch (aIdentifier) |
| { |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_BleDevice: |
| if (!ParseInt(aValue, LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mBleDevice)) |
| { |
| PrintArgError("%s: invalid value specified for ble device number: %s\n", aProgram, aValue); |
| retval = false; |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_WiFi: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mWiFi = true; |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_WiFiSupports5g: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().wifiSupports5g = true; |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_Thread: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mThread = true; |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_Version: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.version = static_cast<uint8_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_VendorID: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.vendorID = static_cast<uint16_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_ProductID: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.productID = static_cast<uint16_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_CustomFlow: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.commissioningFlow = static_cast<CommissioningFlow>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_Capabilities: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.rendezvousInformation.Emplace().SetRaw(static_cast<uint8_t>(atoi(aValue))); |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_Discriminator: { |
| uint16_t value = static_cast<uint16_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| if (value >= 4096) |
| { |
| PrintArgError("%s: invalid value specified for discriminator: %s\n", aProgram, aValue); |
| retval = false; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().discriminator.SetValue(value); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_Passcode: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.setUpPINCode = static_cast<uint32_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_Spake2pSaltBase64: { |
| constexpr size_t kMaxSize = chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Max_PBKDF_Salt_Length; |
| std::vector<uint8_t> saltVector; |
| |
| bool success = Base64ArgToVector(aValue, kMaxSize, saltVector); |
| |
| if (!success) |
| { |
| PrintArgError("%s: ERROR: Base64 format for argument %s was invalid\n", aProgram, aName); |
| retval = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| if ((saltVector.size() < chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Min_PBKDF_Salt_Length) || |
| (saltVector.size() > chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Max_PBKDF_Salt_Length)) |
| { |
| PrintArgError("%s: ERROR: argument %s not in range [%u, %u]\n", aProgram, aName, |
| chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Min_PBKDF_Salt_Length, chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Max_PBKDF_Salt_Length); |
| retval = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().spake2pSalt.SetValue(std::move(saltVector)); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_Spake2pVerifierBase64: { |
| constexpr size_t kMaxSize = chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_VerifierSerialized_Length; |
| std::vector<uint8_t> serializedVerifier; |
| |
| bool success = Base64ArgToVector(aValue, kMaxSize, serializedVerifier); |
| |
| if (!success) |
| { |
| PrintArgError("%s: ERROR: Base64 format for argument %s was invalid\n", aProgram, aName); |
| retval = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| if (serializedVerifier.size() != chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_VerifierSerialized_Length) |
| { |
| PrintArgError("%s: ERROR: argument %s should contain base64 for a %u bytes octet string \n", aProgram, aName, |
| chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_VerifierSerialized_Length); |
| retval = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().spake2pVerifier.SetValue(std::move(serializedVerifier)); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_Spake2pIterations: { |
| errno = 0; |
| uint32_t iterCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(strtoul(aValue, nullptr, 0)); |
| if (errno == ERANGE) |
| { |
| PrintArgError("%s: ERROR: argument %s was not parsable as an integer\n", aProgram, aName); |
| retval = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| if ((iterCount < chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Min_PBKDF_Iterations) || (iterCount > chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Max_PBKDF_Iterations)) |
| { |
| PrintArgError("%s: ERROR: argument %s not in range [%u, %u]\n", aProgram, aName, |
| chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Min_PBKDF_Iterations, chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Max_PBKDF_Iterations); |
| retval = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().spake2pIterations = iterCount; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_SecuredDevicePort: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().securedDevicePort = static_cast<uint16_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_UnsecuredCommissionerPort: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().unsecuredCommissionerPort = static_cast<uint16_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| |
| #endif |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_SecuredCommissionerPort: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().securedCommissionerPort = static_cast<uint16_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| #endif |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_Command: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().command = aValue; |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_PICS: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().PICS = aValue; |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_KVS: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().KVS = aValue; |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_InterfaceId: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().interfaceId = |
| Inet::InterfaceId(static_cast<chip::Inet::InterfaceId::PlatformType>(atoi(aValue))); |
| break; |
| |
| case kDeviceOption_TraceFile: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().traceStreamFilename.SetValue(std::string{ aValue }); |
| break; |
| case kDeviceOption_TraceLog: |
| if (atoi(aValue) != 0) |
| { |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().traceStreamToLogEnabled = true; |
| } |
| break; |
| case kDeviceOption_TraceDecode: |
| if (atoi(aValue) != 0) |
| { |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().traceStreamDecodeEnabled = true; |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case kOptionCSRResponseCSRIncorrectType: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mCSRResponseOptions.csrIncorrectType = true; |
| break; |
| case kOptionCSRResponseCSRExistingKeyPair: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mCSRResponseOptions.csrExistingKeyPair = true; |
| break; |
| case kOptionCSRResponseCSRNonceIncorrectType: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mCSRResponseOptions.csrNonceIncorrectType = true; |
| break; |
| case kOptionCSRResponseCSRNonceTooLong: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mCSRResponseOptions.csrNonceTooLong = true; |
| break; |
| case kOptionCSRResponseCSRNonceInvalid: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mCSRResponseOptions.csrNonceInvalid = true; |
| break; |
| case kOptionCSRResponseNOCSRElementsTooLong: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mCSRResponseOptions.nocsrElementsTooLong = true; |
| break; |
| case kOptionCSRResponseAttestationSignatureIncorrectType: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mCSRResponseOptions.attestationSignatureIncorrectType = true; |
| break; |
| case kOptionCSRResponseAttestationSignatureInvalid: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mCSRResponseOptions.attestationSignatureInvalid = true; |
| break; |
| case kDeviceOption_TestEventTriggerEnableKey: { |
| constexpr size_t kEnableKeyLength = sizeof(LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().testEventTriggerEnableKey); |
| |
| if (Encoding::HexToBytes(aValue, strlen(aValue), LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().testEventTriggerEnableKey, |
| kEnableKeyLength) != kEnableKeyLength) |
| { |
| |
| PrintArgError("%s: ERROR: invalid value specified for %s\n", aProgram, aName); |
| retval = false; |
| } |
| |
| break; |
| } |
| case kCommissionerOption_FabricID: { |
| char * eptr; |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().commissionerFabricId = (chip::FabricId) strtoull(aValue, &eptr, 0); |
| break; |
| } |
| case kTraceTo: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().traceTo.push_back(aValue); |
| break; |
| #endif |
| case kOptionSimulateNoInternalTime: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().mSimulateNoInternalTime = true; |
| break; |
| #if defined(PW_RPC_ENABLED) |
| case kOptionRpcServerPort: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().rpcServerPort = static_cast<uint16_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| #endif |
| case kDeviceOption_SubscriptionCapacity: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().subscriptionCapacity = static_cast<int32_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| case kDeviceOption_SubscriptionResumptionRetryIntervalSec: |
| LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().subscriptionResumptionRetryIntervalSec = static_cast<int32_t>(atoi(aValue)); |
| break; |
| #endif |
| default: |
| PrintArgError("%s: INTERNAL ERROR: Unhandled option: %s\n", aProgram, aName); |
| retval = false; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| return (retval); |
| } |
| |
| OptionSet sDeviceOptions = { HandleOption, sDeviceOptionDefs, "GENERAL OPTIONS", sDeviceOptionHelp }; |
| |
| OptionSet * sLinuxDeviceOptionSets[] = { &sDeviceOptions, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; |
| } // namespace |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR ParseArguments(int argc, char * const argv[], OptionSet * customOptions) |
| { |
| // Index 0 is for the general Linux options |
| uint8_t optionSetIndex = 1; |
| if (customOptions != nullptr) |
| { |
| // If there are custom options, include it during arg parsing |
| sLinuxDeviceOptionSets[optionSetIndex++] = customOptions; |
| } |
| |
| char usage[kAppUsageLength]; |
| snprintf(usage, kAppUsageLength, "Usage: %s [options]", argv[0]); |
| |
| HelpOptions helpOptions(argv[0], usage, "1.0"); |
| sLinuxDeviceOptionSets[optionSetIndex] = &helpOptions; |
| |
| if (!ParseArgs(argv[0], argc, argv, sLinuxDeviceOptionSets)) |
| { |
| } |
| return CHIP_NO_ERROR; |
| } |
| |
| LinuxDeviceOptions & LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance() |
| { |
| if (gDeviceOptions.dacProvider == nullptr) |
| { |
| gDeviceOptions.dacProvider = chip::Credentials::Examples::GetExampleDACProvider(); |
| } |
| return gDeviceOptions; |
| } |