blob: ff8a75c8b79ef90b675a1e7426cb7d13a29955ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines common preprocessor defintions, constants,
* functions, and globals for unit and functional tests for the
* Inet layer.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inet/InetError.h>
#include <inet/InetInterface.h>
#include <inet/RawEndPoint.h>
#include <inet/UDPEndPoint.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
using namespace ::chip;
// Preprocessor Macros
#define SetStatusFailed(aTestStatus) \
do \
{ \
(aTestStatus).mFailed = true; \
fprintf(stderr, "Test failed at %s:%u!\n", __func__, __LINE__); \
} while (0)
#define kToolOptBase 1000
#define kToolOptInterface 'I'
#define kToolOptIPv4Only '4'
#define kToolOptIPv6Only '6'
#define kToolOptInterval 'i'
#define kToolOptListen 'l'
#define kToolOptRawIP 'r'
#define kToolOptSendSize 's'
#define kToolOptUDPIP 'u'
// Type Definitions
enum OptFlagsCommon
kOptFlagUseIPv4 = 0x00000001,
kOptFlagUseIPv6 = 0x00000002,
kOptFlagUseRawIP = 0x00000004,
kOptFlagUseUDPIP = 0x00000008,
kOptFlagListen = 0x00000010,
enum kICMPTypeIndex
kICMP_EchoRequestIndex = 0,
kICMP_EchoReplyIndex = 1
struct Stats
uint32_t mExpected;
uint32_t mActual;
struct TransferStats
struct Stats mReceive;
struct Stats mTransmit;
struct TestStatus
bool mFailed;
bool mSucceeded;
// Global Variables
static const uint16_t kUDPPort = 4242;
static const size_t kICMPv4_FilterTypes = 2;
static const size_t kICMPv6_FilterTypes = 2;
extern const uint8_t gICMPv4Types[kICMPv4_FilterTypes];
extern const uint8_t gICMPv6Types[kICMPv6_FilterTypes];
extern bool gSendIntervalExpired;
extern uint32_t gSendIntervalMs;
extern const char * gInterfaceName;
extern Inet::InterfaceId gInterfaceId;
extern uint16_t gSendSize;
extern uint32_t gOptFlags;
// Function Prototypes
namespace Common {
extern bool IsReceiver();
extern bool IsSender();
extern bool IsTesting(const TestStatus & aTestStatus);
extern bool WasSuccessful(const TestStatus & aTestStatus);
extern System::PacketBuffer * MakeDataBuffer(uint16_t aDesiredLength, uint8_t aFirstValue);
extern System::PacketBuffer * MakeDataBuffer(uint16_t aDesiredLength);
extern System::PacketBuffer * MakeICMPv4DataBuffer(uint16_t aDesiredUserLength);
extern System::PacketBuffer * MakeICMPv6DataBuffer(uint16_t aDesiredUserLength);
extern bool HandleDataReceived(const System::PacketBuffer * aBuffer, TransferStats & aStats, bool aStatsByPacket, bool aCheckBuffer,
uint8_t aFirstValue);
extern bool HandleDataReceived(const System::PacketBuffer * aBuffer, TransferStats & aStats, bool aStatsByPacket,
bool aCheckBuffer);
extern bool HandleICMPv4DataReceived(System::PacketBuffer * aBuffer, TransferStats & aStats, bool aStatsByPacket,
bool aCheckBuffer);
extern bool HandleICMPv6DataReceived(System::PacketBuffer * aBuffer, TransferStats & aStats, bool aStatsByPacket,
bool aCheckBuffer);
// Timer Callback Handler
extern void HandleSendTimerComplete(System::Layer * aSystemLayer, void * aAppState, System::Error aError);
// Raw Endpoint Callback Handlers
extern void HandleRawMessageReceived(const Inet::IPEndPointBasis * aEndPoint, const System::PacketBuffer * aBuffer,
const Inet::IPPacketInfo * aPacketInfo);
extern void HandleRawReceiveError(const Inet::IPEndPointBasis * aEndPoint, const INET_ERROR & aError,
const Inet::IPPacketInfo * aPacketInfo);
// UDP Endpoint Callback Handlers
extern void HandleUDPMessageReceived(const Inet::IPEndPointBasis * aEndPoint, const System::PacketBuffer * aBuffer,
const Inet::IPPacketInfo * aPacketInfo);
extern void HandleUDPReceiveError(const Inet::IPEndPointBasis * aEndPoint, const INET_ERROR & aError,
const Inet::IPPacketInfo * aPacketInfo);
} // namespace Common
// Period send function to be implemented by individual tests but
// referenced by common code.
extern void DriveSend();