blob: bf294e1b050ff8ccb71139c2edf39cefc293674e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <credentials/GroupDataProvider.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <lib/support/Pool.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Credentials {
class GroupDataProviderImpl : public GroupDataProvider
static constexpr size_t kIteratorsMax = CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_GROUP_CONCURRENT_ITERATORS;
GroupDataProviderImpl(chip::PersistentStorageDelegate & storage_delegate) : mStorage(storage_delegate) {}
GroupDataProviderImpl(chip::PersistentStorageDelegate & storage_delegate, uint16_t maxGroupsPerFabric,
uint16_t maxGroupKeysPerFabric) :
GroupDataProvider(maxGroupsPerFabric, maxGroupKeysPerFabric),
virtual ~GroupDataProviderImpl() {}
CHIP_ERROR Init() override;
void Finish() override;
// Group Info
// By id
CHIP_ERROR SetGroupInfo(FabricIndex fabric_index, const GroupInfo & info) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetGroupInfo(FabricIndex fabric_index, GroupId group_id, GroupInfo & info) override;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveGroupInfo(FabricIndex fabric_index, GroupId group_id) override;
// By index
CHIP_ERROR SetGroupInfoAt(FabricIndex fabric_index, size_t index, const GroupInfo & info) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetGroupInfoAt(FabricIndex fabric_index, size_t index, GroupInfo & info) override;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveGroupInfoAt(FabricIndex fabric_index, size_t index) override;
// Endpoints
bool HasEndpoint(FabricIndex fabric_index, GroupId group_id, EndpointId endpoint_id) override;
CHIP_ERROR AddEndpoint(FabricIndex fabric_index, GroupId group_id, EndpointId endpoint_id) override;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveEndpoint(FabricIndex fabric_index, GroupId group_id, EndpointId endpoint_id) override;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveEndpoint(FabricIndex fabric_index, EndpointId endpoint_id) override;
// Iterators
GroupInfoIterator * IterateGroupInfo(FabricIndex fabric_index) override;
EndpointIterator * IterateEndpoints(FabricIndex fabric_index) override;
// Group-Key map
CHIP_ERROR SetGroupKeyAt(FabricIndex fabric_index, size_t index, const GroupKey & info) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetGroupKeyAt(FabricIndex fabric_index, size_t index, GroupKey & info) override;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveGroupKeyAt(FabricIndex fabric_index, size_t index) override;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveGroupKeys(FabricIndex fabric_index) override;
GroupKeyIterator * IterateGroupKeys(FabricIndex fabric_index) override;
// Key Sets
CHIP_ERROR SetKeySet(FabricIndex fabric_index, const ByteSpan & compressed_fabric_id, const KeySet & keys) override;
CHIP_ERROR GetKeySet(FabricIndex fabric_index, chip::KeysetId keyset_id, KeySet & keys) override;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveKeySet(FabricIndex fabric_index, chip::KeysetId keyset_id) override;
KeySetIterator * IterateKeySets(FabricIndex fabric_index) override;
// Fabrics
CHIP_ERROR RemoveFabric(FabricIndex fabric_index) override;
// Decryption
Crypto::SymmetricKeyContext * GetKeyContext(FabricIndex fabric_index, GroupId group_id) override;
GroupSessionIterator * IterateGroupSessions(uint16_t session_id) override;
class GroupInfoIteratorImpl : public GroupInfoIterator
GroupInfoIteratorImpl(GroupDataProviderImpl & provider, FabricIndex fabric_index);
size_t Count() override;
bool Next(GroupInfo & output) override;
void Release() override;
GroupDataProviderImpl & mProvider;
FabricIndex mFabric = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
uint16_t mNextId = 0;
size_t mCount = 0;
size_t mTotal = 0;
class GroupKeyIteratorImpl : public GroupKeyIterator
GroupKeyIteratorImpl(GroupDataProviderImpl & provider, FabricIndex fabric_index);
size_t Count() override;
bool Next(GroupKey & output) override;
void Release() override;
GroupDataProviderImpl & mProvider;
FabricIndex mFabric = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
uint16_t mNextId = 0;
size_t mCount = 0;
size_t mTotal = 0;
class EndpointIteratorImpl : public EndpointIterator
EndpointIteratorImpl(GroupDataProviderImpl & provider, FabricIndex fabric_index);
size_t Count() override;
bool Next(GroupEndpoint & output) override;
void Release() override;
GroupDataProviderImpl & mProvider;
FabricIndex mFabric = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
GroupId mFirstGroup = kUndefinedGroupId;
uint16_t mGroup = 0;
size_t mGroupIndex = 0;
size_t mGroupCount = 0;
uint16_t mEndpoint = 0;
size_t mEndpointIndex = 0;
size_t mEndpointCount = 0;
bool mFirstEndpoint = true;
class GroupKeyContext : public Crypto::SymmetricKeyContext
GroupKeyContext(GroupDataProviderImpl & provider) : mProvider(provider) {}
GroupKeyContext(GroupDataProviderImpl & provider, const ByteSpan & key, uint16_t hash) : mProvider(provider)
SetKey(key, hash);
void SetKey(const ByteSpan & key, uint16_t hash)
mKeyHash = hash;
memcpy(mKeyValue,, std::min(key.size(), sizeof(mKeyValue)));
uint16_t GetKeyHash() override { return mKeyHash; }
CHIP_ERROR EncryptMessage(const ByteSpan & plaintext, const ByteSpan & aad, const ByteSpan & nonce, MutableByteSpan & mic,
MutableByteSpan & ciphertext) const override;
CHIP_ERROR DecryptMessage(const ByteSpan & ciphertext, const ByteSpan & aad, const ByteSpan & nonce, const ByteSpan & mic,
MutableByteSpan & plaintext) const override;
CHIP_ERROR EncryptPrivacy(MutableByteSpan & header, uint16_t session_id, const ByteSpan & payload,
const ByteSpan & mic) const override;
CHIP_ERROR DecryptPrivacy(MutableByteSpan & header, uint16_t session_id, const ByteSpan & payload,
const ByteSpan & mic) const override;
void Release() override;
GroupDataProviderImpl & mProvider;
uint16_t mKeyHash = 0;
uint8_t mKeyValue[Crypto::CHIP_CRYPTO_SYMMETRIC_KEY_LENGTH_BYTES] = { 0 };
class KeySetIteratorImpl : public KeySetIterator
KeySetIteratorImpl(GroupDataProviderImpl & provider, FabricIndex fabric_index);
size_t Count() override;
bool Next(KeySet & output) override;
void Release() override;
GroupDataProviderImpl & mProvider;
FabricIndex mFabric = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
uint16_t mNextId = 0;
size_t mCount = 0;
size_t mTotal = 0;
class GroupSessionIteratorImpl : public GroupSessionIterator
GroupSessionIteratorImpl(GroupDataProviderImpl & provider, uint16_t session_id);
size_t Count() override;
bool Next(GroupSession & output) override;
void Release() override;
GroupDataProviderImpl & mProvider;
uint16_t mSessionId = 0;
FabricIndex mFirstFabric = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
FabricIndex mFabric = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
uint16_t mFabricCount = 0;
uint16_t mFabricTotal = 0;
uint16_t mMapping = 0;
uint16_t mMapCount = 0;
uint16_t mKeyIndex = 0;
uint16_t mKeyCount = 0;
bool mFirstMap = true;
GroupKeyContext mKeyContext;
CHIP_ERROR RemoveEndpoints(FabricIndex fabric_index, GroupId group_id);
chip::PersistentStorageDelegate & mStorage;
bool mInitialized = false;
ObjectPool<GroupInfoIteratorImpl, kIteratorsMax> mGroupInfoIterators;
ObjectPool<GroupKeyIteratorImpl, kIteratorsMax> mGroupKeyIterators;
ObjectPool<EndpointIteratorImpl, kIteratorsMax> mEndpointIterators;
ObjectPool<KeySetIteratorImpl, kIteratorsMax> mKeySetIterators;
ObjectPool<GroupSessionIteratorImpl, kIteratorsMax> mGroupSessionsIterator;
ObjectPool<GroupKeyContext, kIteratorsMax> mKeyContexPool;
} // namespace Credentials
} // namespace chip