blob: f453e181d9d5889860ea3b76e04a7abe1e3962be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2018 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Defines the public interface for the Device Layer PlatformManager object.
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceEvent.h>
namespace chip {
namespace System {
namespace Platform {
namespace Layer {
System::Error PostEvent(System::Layer &, void *, System::Object &, System::EventType, uintptr_t);
System::Error DispatchEvents(System::Layer &, void *);
System::Error DispatchEvent(System::Layer &, void *, System::Event);
System::Error StartTimer(System::Layer &, void *, uint32_t);
} // namespace Layer
} // namespace Platform
} // namespace System
namespace DeviceLayer {
class PlatformManagerImpl;
class ConnectivityManagerImpl;
class ConfigurationManagerImpl;
class TraitManager;
class TimeSyncManager;
namespace Internal {
class FabricProvisioningServer;
class ServiceProvisioningServer;
class BLEManagerImpl;
template <class>
class GenericConfigurationManagerImpl;
template <class>
class GenericPlatformManagerImpl;
template <class>
class GenericPlatformManagerImpl_FreeRTOS;
template <class>
class GenericPlatformManagerImpl_POSIX;
template <class>
class GenericConnectivityManagerImpl_Thread;
template <class>
class GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread;
template <class>
class GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread_LwIP;
} // namespace Internal
* Provides features for initializing and interacting with the chip network
* stack on a chip-enabled device.
class PlatformManager
using ImplClass = ::chip::DeviceLayer::PlatformManagerImpl;
// ===== Members that define the public interface of the PlatformManager
typedef void (*EventHandlerFunct)(const ChipDeviceEvent * event, intptr_t arg);
CHIP_ERROR InitChipStack();
CHIP_ERROR AddEventHandler(EventHandlerFunct handler, intptr_t arg = 0);
void RemoveEventHandler(EventHandlerFunct handler, intptr_t arg = 0);
void ScheduleWork(AsyncWorkFunct workFunct, intptr_t arg = 0);
void RunEventLoop(void);
CHIP_ERROR StartEventLoopTask(void);
void LockChipStack(void);
bool TryLockChipStack(void);
void UnlockChipStack(void);
// ===== Members for internal use by the following friends.
friend class PlatformManagerImpl;
friend class ConnectivityManagerImpl;
friend class ConfigurationManagerImpl;
friend class TraitManager;
friend class TimeSyncManager;
friend class Internal::FabricProvisioningServer;
friend class Internal::ServiceProvisioningServer;
friend class Internal::BLEManagerImpl;
template <class>
friend class Internal::GenericPlatformManagerImpl;
template <class>
friend class Internal::GenericPlatformManagerImpl_FreeRTOS;
template <class>
friend class Internal::GenericPlatformManagerImpl_POSIX;
template <class>
friend class Internal::GenericConnectivityManagerImpl_Thread;
template <class>
friend class Internal::GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread;
template <class>
friend class Internal::GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread_LwIP;
template <class>
friend class Internal::GenericConfigurationManagerImpl;
// Parentheses used to fix clang parsing issue with these declarations
friend ::chip::System::Error ::chip::System::Platform::Layer::PostEvent(::chip::System::Layer & aLayer, void * aContext,
::chip::System::Object & aTarget,
::chip::System::EventType aType, uintptr_t aArgument);
friend ::chip::System::Error ::chip::System::Platform::Layer::DispatchEvents(::chip::System::Layer & aLayer, void * aContext);
friend ::chip::System::Error ::chip::System::Platform::Layer::DispatchEvent(::chip::System::Layer & aLayer, void * aContext,
::chip::System::Event aEvent);
friend ::chip::System::Error ::chip::System::Platform::Layer::StartTimer(::chip::System::Layer & aLayer, void * aContext,
uint32_t aMilliseconds);
void PostEvent(const ChipDeviceEvent * event);
void DispatchEvent(const ChipDeviceEvent * event);
CHIP_ERROR StartChipTimer(uint32_t durationMS);
// Construction/destruction limited to subclasses.
PlatformManager() = default;
~PlatformManager() = default;
// No copy, move or assignment.
PlatformManager(const PlatformManager &) = delete;
PlatformManager(const PlatformManager &&) = delete;
PlatformManager & operator=(const PlatformManager &) = delete;
* Returns the public interface of the PlatformManager singleton object.
* chip applications should use this to access features of the PlatformManager object
* that are common to all platforms.
extern PlatformManager & PlatformMgr(void);
* Returns the platform-specific implementation of the PlatformManager singleton object.
* chip applications can use this to gain access to features of the PlatformManager
* that are specific to the selected platform.
extern PlatformManagerImpl & PlatformMgrImpl(void);
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip
/* Include a header file containing the implementation of the ConfigurationManager
* object for the selected platform.
namespace chip {
namespace DeviceLayer {
inline CHIP_ERROR PlatformManager::InitChipStack()
return static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_InitChipStack();
inline CHIP_ERROR PlatformManager::AddEventHandler(EventHandlerFunct handler, intptr_t arg)
return static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_AddEventHandler(handler, arg);
inline void PlatformManager::RemoveEventHandler(EventHandlerFunct handler, intptr_t arg)
static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_RemoveEventHandler(handler, arg);
inline void PlatformManager::ScheduleWork(AsyncWorkFunct workFunct, intptr_t arg)
static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_ScheduleWork(workFunct, arg);
inline void PlatformManager::RunEventLoop(void)
static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_RunEventLoop();
inline CHIP_ERROR PlatformManager::StartEventLoopTask(void)
return static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_StartEventLoopTask();
inline void PlatformManager::LockChipStack(void)
static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_LockChipStack();
inline bool PlatformManager::TryLockChipStack(void)
return static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_TryLockChipStack();
inline void PlatformManager::UnlockChipStack(void)
static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_UnlockChipStack();
inline void PlatformManager::PostEvent(const ChipDeviceEvent * event)
static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_PostEvent(event);
inline void PlatformManager::DispatchEvent(const ChipDeviceEvent * event)
static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_DispatchEvent(event);
inline CHIP_ERROR PlatformManager::StartChipTimer(uint32_t durationMS)
return static_cast<ImplClass *>(this)->_StartChipTimer(durationMS);
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip